/* Copyright 2016-2018 Marco "eukara" Hladik MIT LICENSE Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ string sPainSounds[5] = { "player/pl_pain2.wav", "player/pl_pain4.wav", "player/pl_pain5.wav", "player/pl_pain6.wav", "player/pl_pain7.wav" }; /* ================= Player_SendEntity ================= */ float Player_SendEntity( entity ePEnt, float fChanged ) { if ( self.health <= 0 && ePEnt != self ) { return FALSE; } WriteByte( MSG_ENTITY, ENT_PLAYER ); WriteShort( MSG_ENTITY, self.modelindex ); WriteCoord( MSG_ENTITY, self.origin_x ); WriteCoord( MSG_ENTITY, self.origin_y ); WriteCoord( MSG_ENTITY, self.origin_z ); WriteCoord( MSG_ENTITY, self.v_angle_x ); WriteCoord( MSG_ENTITY, self.angles_y ); WriteCoord( MSG_ENTITY, self.angles_z ); WriteCoord( MSG_ENTITY, self.velocity_x ); WriteCoord( MSG_ENTITY, self.velocity_y ); WriteCoord( MSG_ENTITY, self.velocity_z ); WriteFloat( MSG_ENTITY, self.flags ); WriteFloat( MSG_ENTITY, self.pmove_flags ); WriteByte( MSG_ENTITY, self.weapon ); WriteByte( MSG_ENTITY, self.health ); WriteFloat( MSG_ENTITY, self.movetype ); return TRUE; } /* ================= Player_Pain ================= */ void Player_Pain( int iHitBody ) { /* if ( iHitBody == BODY_HEAD ) { Animation_PlayerTopTemp( ANIM_HEAD_FLINCH, 0.25f ); } else { Animation_PlayerTopTemp( ANIM_GUT_FLINCH, 0.25f ); }*/ sound( self, CHAN_VOICE, sPainSounds[ floor( random() * 5 ) ], 1, ATTN_IDLE ); self.velocity = '0 0 0'; } /* ================= Player_Death ================= */ void Player_Death( int iHitBody ) { if ( iHitBody == BODY_HEAD ) { sound( self, CHAN_VOICE, sprintf( "player/headshot%d.wav", floor( ( random() * 3 ) + 1 ) ), 1, ATTN_NORM ); } else { sound( self, CHAN_VOICE, sprintf( "player/die%d.wav", floor( ( random() * 3 ) + 1 ) ), 1, ATTN_NORM ); } // Drop a corpse entity eCorpse = spawn(); eCorpse.classname = "remove_me"; setorigin( eCorpse, self.origin ); setmodel( eCorpse, self.model ); setsize( eCorpse, self.mins, self.maxs ); eCorpse.angles = [ 0, self.angles_y, 0 ]; eCorpse.movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE; // Drop primary weapon as well as the bomb if present if ( self.fSlotPrimary ) { Weapon_DropWeapon( SLOT_PRIMARY ); } else { if ( self.fSlotSecondary ) { Weapon_DropWeapon( SLOT_SECONDARY ); } } if ( self.fSlotGrenade ) { Weapon_DropWeapon( SLOT_GRENADE ); } // Make ourselves disappear self.modelindex = 0; if ( self.flags & FL_CROUCHING ) { eCorpse.frame = ANIM_CROUCH_DIE; } else { switch ( iHitBody ) { case BODY_HEAD: eCorpse.frame = ANIM_DIE_HEAD; break; case BODY_STOMACH: eCorpse.frame = ANIM_DIE_GUT; break; case BODY_LEGLEFT: case BODY_ARMLEFT: eCorpse.frame = ANIM_DIE_LEFT; break; case BODY_LEGRIGHT: case BODY_ARMRIGHT: eCorpse.frame = ANIM_DIE_RIGHT; break; default: eCorpse.frame = ANIM_DEATH1 + floor( random() * 3 ); break; } } Spawn_MakeSpectator(); self.classname = "player"; self.health = 0; forceinfokey( self, "*dead", "1" ); forceinfokey( self, "*team", ftos( self.team ) ); Rules_CountPlayers(); if ( self.team == TEAM_VIP ) { Rules_RoundOver( TEAM_T, 2500, FALSE ); return; } Rules_DeathCheck(); } /* ==================== Player_UseDown ==================== */ void UseWorkaround( entity eTarget ) { eActivator = self; entity eOldSelf = self; self = eTarget; self.PlayerUse(); self = eOldSelf; } void Player_UseDown( void ) { if ( self.health <= 0 ) { return; } else if ( !( self.flags & FL_USERELEASED ) ) { return; } vector vSource; makevectors(self.v_angle); vSource = self.origin + self.view_ofs; traceline ( vSource, vSource + ( v_forward * 64 ), FALSE, self); if (trace_ent.PlayerUse) { if ( ( trace_ent.classname != "c4bomb" ) && ( trace_ent.classname != "func_pushable" ) ) { self.flags = ( self.flags - FL_USERELEASED ); sound( self, CHAN_ITEM, "common/wpn_select.wav", 0.25, ATTN_IDLE ); } UseWorkaround(trace_ent); } else { sound( self, CHAN_ITEM, "common/wpn_denyselect.wav", 0.25, ATTN_IDLE ); self.flags = ( self.flags - FL_USERELEASED ); } } /* ==================== Player_UseUp ==================== */ void Player_UseUp( void ) { if ( !( self.frags & FL_USERELEASED ) ) { self.flags = self.flags | FL_USERELEASED; self.fProgressBar = 0; } } /* ================= PlayerPreThink Run before physics ================= */ void PlayerPreThink( void ) { BaseGun_ShotMultiplierUpdate(); } /* ================= PlayerPreThink Run after physics ================= */ void PlayerPostThink( void ) { Animation_PlayerUpdate(); Footsteps_Update(); self.SendFlags = 1; }