/*** * * Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Marco 'eukara' Hladik. All rights reserved. * * See the file LICENSE attached with the sources for usage details. * ****/ var int g_initialized = FALSE; void m_init(void) { vector g_btnsize; registercommand("menu_customgame"); font_console = loadfont( "font", "", "12", -1 ); font_label = loadfont( "label", "gfx/shell/mssansserif.ttf", "10 12 14", -1 ); font_arial = loadfont( "label", "gfx/shell/arial.ttf", "14 11", -1 ); font_label_b = loadfont( "label_b", "gfx/shell/arialbd.ttf", "14 12", -1 ); font_label_p = loadfont( "label_p", "gfx/shell/arialbd.ttf", "16", -1 ); localcmd("plug_load ffmpeg\n"); /* TODO: Shove these into defaults.cfg instead of forcing them */ localcmd("con_textsize -12\n"); localcmd("scr_conalpha 1\n"); localcmd("cl_idlefps 0\n"); localcmd("r_shadow_realtime_dlight 0\n"); localcmd("gl_mindist 4\n"); // Thanks Valve for v_shotgun.mdl localcmd("_pext_infoblobs 1\n"); /* Hack! */ localcmd("gl_font 0\n"); localcmd("gl_font CONCHARS?fmt=h\n"); shaderforname("logo_avi", "{\n{\nvideomap av:media/logo.avi\n}\n}"); for (int i = 0; i < g_bmp.length; i++) { precache_pic(g_bmp[i]); } g_btnsize = drawgetimagesize(g_bmp[BTNS_MAIN]); g_btnofs = 26 / g_btnsize[1]; games_init(); main_init(); Colors_Init(); Strings_Init(); g_initialized = TRUE; } void m_shutdown(void) { g_initialized = FALSE; /*int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < g_bmp.length; i++) { freepic(g_bmp[i]); }*/ entity e; while((e=nextent(__NULL__))) remove(e); memfree(g_sprays); memfree(g_models); memfree(g_maps); memfree(games); } void m_draw(vector screensize) { static float oldtime; frametime = time - oldtime; if (!g_active) { return; } if (g_initialized == FALSE) { return; } if ((screensize[0] != g_vidsize[0]) || (screensize[1] != g_vidsize[1])) { g_vidsize[0] = screensize[0]; g_vidsize[1] = screensize[1]; g_menuofs[0] = (g_vidsize[0] / 2) - 320; g_menuofs[1] = (g_vidsize[1] / 2) - 240; } if (clientstate() == 2) { drawfill([0,0], screensize, [0,0,0], 0.75f); } else { drawfill([0,0], screensize, [0,0,0], 1.0f); drawpic([g_menuofs[0],g_menuofs[1]], g_bmp[SPLASH], [640,480], [1,1,1], 1.0f); } main_draw(); oldtime = time; } /*void m_drawloading(vector screensize, float opaque) { }*/ float Menu_InputEvent(float evtype, float scanx, float chary, float devid) { switch (evtype) { case IE_KEYDOWN: if (chary == K_ESCAPE) { if (clientstate() == 2) { m_toggle(0); } } break; case IE_MOUSEABS: g_mousepos[0] = scanx; g_mousepos[1] = chary; break; case IE_MOUSEDELTA: g_mousepos[0] += scanx; g_mousepos[1] += chary; break; } main_input(evtype, scanx, chary, devid); return TRUE; } void m_display(void) { g_active = TRUE; setkeydest(KEY_MENU); setmousetarget(TARGET_MENU); setcursormode(TRUE, "gfx/cursor"); } /* ================= m_hide ================= */ void m_hide(void) { g_active = FALSE; setkeydest(KEY_GAME); setmousetarget(TARGET_CLIENT); setcursormode(FALSE); } /* ================= m_toggle ================= */ void m_toggle(float fMode) { if (fMode == FALSE) { m_hide(); } else { m_display(); } } float m_consolecommand(string cmd) { tokenize(cmd); switch (argv(0)) { case "menu_customgame": g_menupage = PAGE_CUSTOMGAME; break; case "togglemenu": m_display(); break; default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; }