Q: Why does this project exist?
A: >I< wanted a free variant of the best version of Counter-Strike in 2016 as
   as I was preparing to move away from x86 hardware and moving to other
   operating systems that could never run Wine/Windows software.
   In the end, I aim to support more mods. Including Half-Life.

Q: Can I help at this moment?
A: Not really. Unless you've got crashes etc. to report that are really bad
   and not documented, feel free to report them. I know what needs doing and
   it'll get done in time.
   If a crash to console happens, it's most likely my bug. If the whole engine
   comes crashing down, it's FTEQW's fault. Not mine.

Q: It doesn't work with my Half-Life/Counter-Strike version.
A: This is designed for the disc version of Half-Life, released before Steam.
   Supporting both is a bit annoying right now. I might add support for the
   Steam UI one day.

Q: I don't like how you're doing [insert thing here]!
A: Too bad!

Q: Why Counter-Strike 1.5? Not any earlier/later version?
A: The best and last free to distribute version, no shield, no gambling.

Q: Can I connect to 1.5 servers using FreeCS?
A: The protocol is different. While it would not be impossible to do, there
   is no intention in doing so. 1.5 is a dead game server wise, the protocol
   is complete garbage and we'd lose a bunch security benefits and fixes by
   attempting to be compatible. It's pointless. I can crash a 1.5 server/client
   within seconds - you want me to re-implement that too?...

Q: How about CS:S?
A: One thing at a time.

Q: What's it with support for 'valve', 'scihunt', 'tfc', 'rewolf', 'gearbox'?
A: Other mods. They do kinda keep the codebase in check too, since
   there's a lot of shared code between them and they do help keep specifics
   into their own source tree.

Q: Make a wiki/discord/youtube/twitter/facebook etc. and spend time on
   maintaining that, instead of working on the project, to build 'hype'.
A: I'm sure you are the first one to suggest such an idea... No thanks.

Q: X#sh3D? Why not use that instead of FTE QuakeWorld?
A: There are enough GPL violators around, I do not need to contribute to that
   cesspool. 'From scratch' my a$$.

Q: [insert thing here] isn't 100% exact as in the original 1.5.
A: Sometimes bugs get fixed, sometimes very minor details get streamlined in
   order to get more work done in other areas. FreeCS will most likely never
   be done in that accuracy aspect, but it'll get better with time.

Q: Why do this when you can just run a VM?
A: FreeCS isn't just making CS more portable. It also fixes bugs. It optimises
   the netcode greatly. It's got much better lag compensation and client-side
   player and weapon prediction than CS ever did.

Q: I still don't get it - why not play CS on Steam?
A: This is clearly not intended for you, then!