/* Copyright 2016-2018 Marco "eukara" Hladik MIT LICENSE Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ .entity eTargetPoint; .entity eLastCreated; .int iHasBeenUsed; enum { HOSTAGE_IDLE, HOSTAGE_WALK, HOSTAGE_RUN }; enum { A_WALK, A_WALKSCARED, A_RUN, A_RUNSCARED, A_RUNLOOK, A_180LEFT, A_180RIGHT, A_FLINCH, A_PAIN, A_PAINLEFT, A_PAINRIGHT, A_PAINLEGLEFT, A_PAINLEGRIGHT, A_IDLE1, A_IDLE2, A_IDLE3, A_IDLE4, A_IDLE5, A_IDLE6, A_SCARED_END, A_SCARED1, A_SCARED2, A_SCARED3, A_PANIC, A_FEAR1, A_FEAR2, A_CRY, A_SCI1, A_SCI2, A_SCI3, A_DIE_SIMPLE, A_DIE_FORWARD1, A_DIE_FORWARD2, A_DIE_BACKWARD, A_DIE_HEADSHOT, A_DIE_GUTSHOT, A_LYING1, A_LYING2, A_DEADSIT, A_DEADTABLE1, A_DEADTABLE2, A_DEADTABLE3 }; /* ================= hostage_waypoint Spawns a new waypoint for the hostage ================= */ entity hostage_waypoint( void ) { entity ePoint = spawn(); setorigin( ePoint, self.eUser.origin ); setsize( ePoint, self.mins, self.maxs ); ePoint.classname = "remove_me"; ePoint.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; //setmodel( ePoint, "models/chick.mdl" ); // Visual feedback... return ePoint; } /* ================= hostage_waypoint_needed Determines when we need to spawn a new waypoint ================= */ float hostage_waypoint_needed( void ) { float fState; if ( self.eUser.movement == self.movement ) { fState = FALSE; } else { fState = TRUE; } self.movement = self.eUser.movement; return fState; } /* ================= hostage_pain Called whenever a hostage is shot ================= */ void hostage_pain( int iHitBody ) { self.frame = A_PAIN + floor( random( 0, 5 ) ); } /* ================= hostage_die hosdown.wav ================= */ void hostage_die( int iHitBody ) { Radio_BroadcastMessage( RADIO_HOSDOWN ); self.frame = A_DIE_SIMPLE + floor( random( 0, 6 ) ); self.solid = SOLID_NOT; self.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; if ( other.eTargetPoint != other.eUser ) { remove( other.eTargetPoint ); } } /* ================= hostage_use Whenever a hostage is 'used' ================= */ void hostage_use( void ) { if ( eActivator.team == TEAM_CT ) { if ( ( self.eUser == world ) ) { // Only give cash to the CT for using it for the first time if ( self.iHasBeenUsed == FALSE ) { Money_AddMoney( eActivator, 150 ); sound( self, CHAN_VOICE, sprintf( "hostage/hos%d.wav", random( 1, 6 ) ), 1.0, ATTN_IDLE ); self.iHasBeenUsed = TRUE; } self.eUser = eActivator; self.eTargetPoint = self.eUser; } else { self.eUser = world; } } } /* ================= hostage_physics Run every frame ================= */ void hostage_physics( void ) { input_movevalues = '0 0 0'; input_impulse = 0; input_buttons = 0; // Are we meant to follow someone and AREN'T dead? if ( ( self.eUser != world ) && ( self.health > 0 ) ) { // Which direction we have to face vector vEndAngle = vectoangles( self.eTargetPoint.origin - self.origin ); // Slowly turn towards target float fTurn = Math_LerpAngle( self.v_angle_y, vEndAngle_y, frametime * 4 ); self.v_angle_y += fTurn; self.v_angle_y = Math_FixDelta( self.v_angle_y ); // Is the waypoint close? if so, remove and go set the next one! float fDist1 = vlen( self.eTargetPoint.origin - self.origin ); if ( fDist1 < 100 && self.eTargetPoint != self.eUser ) { entity eTemp = self.eTargetPoint; if ( self.eTargetPoint.eTargetPoint ) { self.eTargetPoint = self.eTargetPoint.eTargetPoint; } else { self.eTargetPoint = self.eUser; } remove( eTemp ); // Delete the old waypoint } // Don't switch states so often if( self.fAttackFinished < time ) { // Here we check the distance of us and the player, then choosing if we should walk/run etc. float fDist = vlen( self.eUser.origin - self.origin ); if ( fDist < 130 ) { self.style = HOSTAGE_IDLE; self.fAttackFinished = time + 0.1; } else if ( fDist < 200 ) { self.style = HOSTAGE_WALK; self.fAttackFinished = time + 0.4; } else { self.style = HOSTAGE_RUN; self.fAttackFinished = time + 0.1; // We only ever need to create waypoints when we run if ( hostage_waypoint_needed() == TRUE ) { if ( self.eTargetPoint == self.eUser ) { // Create the first waypoint self.eTargetPoint = hostage_waypoint(); self.eLastCreated = self.eTargetPoint; } else { // Create the next one and link self.eLastCreated.eTargetPoint = hostage_waypoint(); self.eLastCreated = self.eLastCreated.eTargetPoint; } } } } if ( fTurn > 0.01 ) { self.frame = A_180LEFT; } else if ( fTurn < -0.01 ){ self.frame = A_180RIGHT; } else { self.frame = A_IDLE1; } // Decide speed and stuff if ( self.style == HOSTAGE_WALK ) { self.frame = A_WALK; input_movevalues_x = 110; } else if ( self.style == HOSTAGE_RUN ) { input_movevalues_x = 220; self.frame = A_RUN; } else { input_movevalues_x = 0; } } input_timelength = frametime; input_angles = self.v_angle; self.movetype = MOVETYPE_WALK; runstandardplayerphysics( self ); Footsteps_Update(); self.angles = self.v_angle; self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; } /* ================= SPAWN: hostage_entity Entry function for the hostages. ================= */ void hostage_entity( void ) { static void hostage_entity_respawn( void ) { self.v_angle_x = Math_FixDelta ( self.angles_x ); self.v_angle_y = Math_FixDelta ( self.angles_y ); self.v_angle_z = Math_FixDelta ( self.angles_z ); setorigin( self, self.origin ); self.solid = SOLID_SLIDEBOX; self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; setmodel( self, self.model ); setsize( self, VEC_HULL_MIN + '0 0 36', VEC_HULL_MAX + '0 0 36' ); self.customphysics = hostage_physics; self.eUser = world; self.eTargetPoint = world; self.iUsable = TRUE; self.iBleeds = TRUE; self.takedamage = DAMAGE_YES; self.vUse = hostage_use; self.vPain = hostage_pain; self.vDeath = hostage_die; self.style = HOSTAGE_IDLE; self.frame = A_IDLE1; self.health = 100; self.velocity = '0 0 0'; self.iHasBeenUsed = FALSE; } // Path hack if ( self.model == "/models/hostage.mdl" ) { self.model = ""; } if ( !self.model ) { self.model = "models/hostage.mdl"; } precache_model( self.model ); hostage_entity_respawn(); iHostagesMax = iHostagesMax + 1; // Increase the global count of hostages Entities_InitRespawnable( hostage_entity_respawn ); }