#!/bin/sh . ./build.cfg if ! [ -x "$(command -v git)" ] then printf "'git' is not installed.\n" exit fi set -e FTE_MAKEFILE=./src/engine/engine/Makefile FTE_SVNDIR=./src/engine/.svn COMPILE_SYS=$(uname) COMPILE_OS=$(uname -o) # Check how many cores/processors we should use for building if ! [ -x "$(command -v nproc)" ] then # check if we're on OpenBSD then if ! [ -x "$(command -v sysctl)" ] then BUILD_PROC=1 else BUILD_PROC=$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu) fi else BUILD_PROC=$(nproc) fi # Compiler choice if [ "$COMPILE_SYS" = "OpenBSD" ] then ENGINE_CC=cc ENGINE_CXX=c++ else if [ "$BUILD_CLANG" = "1" ]; then ENGINE_CC=clang ENGINE_CXX=clang++ else ENGINE_CC=gcc ENGINE_CXX=g++ fi fi if [ "$BUILD_DEBUG" -eq 1 ] then MAKETARGET=gl-dbg OUTPUT=./debug else MAKETARGET=gl-rel OUTPUT=./release fi if [ "$BUILD_SDL2" -eq 1 ] then PLATFORM=SDL2 OUTPUT=$OUTPUT/fteqw-glsdl2 else if [ "$COMPILE_SYS" = "OpenBSD" ] then PLATFORM=bsd OUTPUT=$OUTPUT/fteqw-gl elif [ "$COMPILE_SYS" = "FreeBSD" ] then PLATFORM=bsd OUTPUT=$OUTPUT/fteqw-gl elif [ "$COMPILE_SYS" = "NetBSD" ] then PLATFORM=bsd OUTPUT=$OUTPUT/fteqw-gl elif [ "$COMPILE_SYS" = "Linux" ] then PLATFORM=linux64 OUTPUT=$OUTPUT/fteqw-gl64 elif [ "$COMPILE_SYS" = "GNU/Linux" ] then PLATFORM=linux64 OUTPUT=$OUTPUT/fteqw-gl64 else printf "Unsupported platform.\n" exit fi fi # GNU Make is _not_ make!... if [ "$COMPILE_OS" = "Msys" ]; then MAKE=make PLATFORM=win64 else if ! [ -x "$(command -v gmake)" ] then # only assume that Linux may not ship with a gmake... HACK! if [ "$COMPILE_SYS" = "Linux" ] then MAKE=make else printf "You need to install GNU make.\n" fi else MAKE=gmake fi fi mkdir -p ./bin # SVN is no more if [ -d "$FTE_SVNDIR" ] then printf "Detected Subversion repo... Please remove ./src/engine before proceeding.\n" exit fi if [ -f "$FTE_MAKEFILE" ] then if [ "$BUILD_UPDATE" -eq 1 ] then printf "Engine is present, updating...\n" cd ./src/engine/ if [ -z "$(git status --untracked-files=no --porcelain)" ] then # TODO: let devs decide to fetch changes instead first git pull --rebase else # Uncommitted changes printf "You have uncommitted changes. Will not pull --rebase.\n" fi cd ./engine else cd ./src/engine/engine fi else printf "Engine is NOT present, cloning...\n" cd ./src/ git clone "https://github.com/VeraVisions/fteqw" engine cd ./engine/engine fi if [ "$BUILD_CLEAN" -eq 1 ] then $MAKE clean printf "Cleaned the build directory.\n\n" fi if [ "$BUILD_ENGINE_DEPENDENCIES" -eq 1 ] then $MAKE -j $BUILD_PROC makelibs printf "Built the static dependencies successfully.\n\n" fi $MAKE -j $BUILD_PROC CC=$ENGINE_CC CXX=$ENGINE_CXX $MAKETARGET CFLAGS=-DMULTITHREAD FTE_TARGET=$PLATFORM cp -v "$OUTPUT" ../../../bin/fteqw printf "Built the client engine successfully.\n\n" $MAKE -j $BUILD_PROC CC=$ENGINE_CC CXX=$ENGINE_CXX sv-dbg cp -v ./debug/fteqw-sv ../../../bin/fteqw-sv printf "Built the dedicated server successfully.\n\n" $MAKE -j $BUILD_PROC CC=$ENGINE_CC CXX=$ENGINE_CXX qcc-rel cp -v ./release/fteqcc ../../../bin/fteqcc printf "Built the QuakeC compiler successfully.\n\n" if [ "$BUILD_IMGTOOL" -eq 1 ] then # Note: DOESN'T LIKE CLANG! $MAKE -j $BUILD_PROC imgtool-rel cp -v ./release/imgtool ../../../bin/imgtool printf "Built the imgtool successfully.\n\n" fi if [ "$BUILD_SOURCE" -eq 1 ] then # Note: DOESN'T LIKE CLANG! $MAKE -j $BUILD_PROC plugins-rel CFLAGS=-DGLQUAKE NATIVE_PLUGINS="hl2" find ./release/ -name 'fteplug_hl2_*.so' -exec cp -prv '{}' '../../../bin/' ';' printf "Built the Source Engine plugin successfully.\n\n" fi if [ "$BUILD_QUAKE3" -eq 1 ] then CC=$ENGINE_CC CXX=$ENGINE_CXX $MAKE -j $BUILD_PROC plugins-rel NATIVE_PLUGINS="quake3" find ./release/ -name 'fteplug_quake3_*.so' -exec cp -prv '{}' '../../../bin/' ';' printf "Built the Quake III plugin successfully.\n\n" fi if [ "$BUILD_BULLET" -eq 1 ] then CC=$ENGINE_CC CXX=$ENGINE_CXX $MAKE -j $BUILD_PROC plugins-rel NATIVE_PLUGINS="bullet" find ./release/ -name 'fteplug_bullet_*.so' -exec cp -prv '{}' '../../../bin/' ';' printf "Built the bullet plugin successfully.\n\n" fi if [ "$BUILD_ODE" -eq 1 ] then CC=$ENGINE_CC CXX=$ENGINE_CXX $MAKE -j $BUILD_PROC plugins-rel NATIVE_PLUGINS="ode" find ./release/ -name 'fteplug_ode_*.so' -exec cp -prv '{}' '../../../bin/' ';' printf "Built the ode plugin successfully.\n\n" fi if [ "$BUILD_FFMPEG" -eq 1 ] then CC=$ENGINE_CC CXX=$ENGINE_CXX $MAKE -j $BUILD_PROC plugins-rel NATIVE_PLUGINS="ffmpeg" find ./release/ -name 'fteplug_ffmpeg_*.so' -exec cp -prv '{}' '../../../bin/' ';' printf "Built the ffmpeg plugin successfully.\n\n" fi printf "DONE. Built ALL components successfully.\n"