/*** * * Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Marco 'eukara' Hladik. All rights reserved. * * See the file LICENSE attached with the sources for usage details. * ****/ void main(void) { } void StartFrame(void) { Game_StartFrame(); } void ClientConnect(void) { Game_ClientConnect(); } void ClientDisconnect(void) { Game_ClientDisconnect(); } void ClientKill(void) { Game_ClientKill(); } void SpectatorThink(void) { Game_SpectatorThink(); } void SpectatorConnect(void) { Game_SpectatorConnect(); } void SpectatorDisconnect(void) { Game_SpectatorDisconnect(); } void PutClientInServer(void) { Game_PutClientInServer(); } void PlayerPreThink(void) { Game_PlayerPreThink(); } void PlayerPostThink(void) { Game_PlayerPostThink(); } void SetNewParms(void) { Game_SetNewParms(); } void SetChangeParms(void) { Game_SetChangeParms(); } void SV_RunClientCommand( void ) { Game_RunClientCommand(); } void SV_ParseClientCommand(string cmd) { Game_ParseClientCommand(cmd); } void worldspawn(void) { string sTemp; if (g_initialized) { return; } g_initialized = TRUE; // Let's load materials.txt because someone thought this was the best idea filestream fileMaterial = fopen( "sound/materials.txt", FILE_READ ); hashMaterials = hash_createtab( 512, HASH_ADD ); if ( fileMaterial >= 0 ) { while ( ( sTemp = fgets( fileMaterial ) ) ) { // Tokenize and just parse this stuff in if ( tokenize_console( sTemp ) == 2 ) { hash_add( hashMaterials, strtolower( argv( 1 ) ), str2chr( argv( 0 ), 0 ) ); } } fclose( fileMaterial ); } else { error( "Failed to load sound/materials.txt!\n" ); } PMove_Init(); precache_sound( "weapons/explode3.wav" ); precache_sound( "weapons/explode4.wav" ); precache_sound( "weapons/explode5.wav" ); precache_sound( "debris/glass1.wav" ); precache_sound( "debris/glass2.wav" ); precache_sound( "debris/glass3.wav" ); precache_sound( "debris/wood1.wav" ); precache_sound( "debris/wood2.wav" ); precache_sound( "debris/wood3.wav" ); precache_sound( "debris/metal1.wav" ); precache_sound( "debris/metal2.wav" ); precache_sound( "debris/metal3.wav" ); precache_sound( "debris/flesh1.wav" ); precache_sound( "debris/flesh2.wav" ); precache_sound( "debris/flesh3.wav" ); precache_sound( "debris/flesh5.wav" ); precache_sound( "debris/flesh6.wav" ); precache_sound( "debris/flesh7.wav" ); precache_sound( "debris/concrete1.wav" ); precache_sound( "debris/concrete2.wav" ); precache_sound( "debris/concrete3.wav" ); precache_sound( "player/pl_metal1.wav" ); precache_sound( "player/pl_metal2.wav" ); precache_sound( "player/pl_metal3.wav" ); precache_sound( "player/pl_metal4.wav" ); precache_sound( "player/pl_duct1.wav" ); precache_sound( "player/pl_duct2.wav" ); precache_sound( "player/pl_duct3.wav" ); precache_sound( "player/pl_duct4.wav" ); precache_sound( "player/pl_dirt1.wav" ); precache_sound( "player/pl_dirt2.wav" ); precache_sound( "player/pl_dirt3.wav" ); precache_sound( "player/pl_dirt4.wav" ); precache_sound( "player/pl_slosh1.wav" ); precache_sound( "player/pl_slosh2.wav" ); precache_sound( "player/pl_slosh3.wav" ); precache_sound( "player/pl_slosh4.wav" ); precache_sound( "player/pl_tile1.wav" ); precache_sound( "player/pl_tile2.wav" ); precache_sound( "player/pl_tile3.wav" ); precache_sound( "player/pl_tile4.wav" ); precache_sound( "player/pl_grate1.wav" ); precache_sound( "player/pl_grate2.wav" ); precache_sound( "player/pl_grate3.wav" ); precache_sound( "player/pl_grate4.wav" ); precache_sound( "player/pl_snow1.wav" ); precache_sound( "player/pl_snow2.wav" ); precache_sound( "player/pl_snow3.wav" ); precache_sound( "player/pl_snow4.wav" ); precache_sound( "player/pl_step1.wav" ); precache_sound( "player/pl_step2.wav" ); precache_sound( "player/pl_step3.wav" ); precache_sound( "player/pl_step4.wav" ); precache_sound( "items/9mmclip1.wav" ); precache_sound( "items/gunpickup2.wav" ); precache_sound( "common/wpn_select.wav" ); precache_sound( "common/wpn_denyselect.wav" ); precache_sound( "player/sprayer.wav" ); lightstyle( 0, "m" ); lightstyle( 1, "mmnmmommommnonmmonqnmmo" ); lightstyle( 2, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba" ); lightstyle( 3, "mmmmmaaaaammmmmaaaaaabcdefgabcdefg" ); lightstyle( 4, "mamamamamama" ); lightstyle( 5,"jklmnopqrstuvwxyzyxwvutsrqponmlkj" ); lightstyle( 6, "nmonqnmomnmomomno" ); lightstyle( 7, "mmmaaaabcdefgmmmmaaaammmaamm" ); lightstyle( 8, "mmmaaammmaaammmabcdefaaaammmmabcdefmmmaaaa" ); lightstyle( 9, "aaaaaaaazzzzzzzz" ); lightstyle( 10, "mmamammmmammamamaaamammma" ); lightstyle( 11, "abcdefghijklmnopqrrqponmlkjihgfedcba" ); Game_Worldspawn(); Decals_Init(); } float ConsoleCmd(string cmd) { return Game_ConsoleCmd(cmd); }