// client game console variables seta cg_chatEnabled 1 // Enable/disable the chat message window during gameplay. seta cg_hudAspect 0 // Control for overriding the aspect ratio/canvas of HUD elements. seta cg_viewmodelFov 90 // Field of view of the first-person view model. seta cg_viewmodelPass 0 // Enable/disable the viewmodel to be rendered in a second pass. seta cg_viewmodelOffset "0 0 0" // Vector offset for the first-person view model. seta cg_viewmodelFlip 0 // Enable/disable flipping/mirroring of the first-person view model. seta cg_viewmodelLag 0 // Enable/disable delayed updated of the first-person view model. seta cg_viewmodelScale 1.0 // Scale multiplier for the first-person view model. seta cg_muzzleDLight 1 // Enable/disable dynamic light updates when muzzleflashes are drawn. // player movement console variables seta pm_stepsize 18 // Maximum step height for climbing up stairs. seta pm_airstepsize 18 // Maximum step height for climbing up surfaces in-air. seta pm_friction 4 // Friction multiplier for walking on ground. seta pm_edgefriction 1 // Friction multiplier for walking on edges. seta pm_stopspeed 75 // Speed at which the player stops moving. seta pm_accelerate 8 // Acceleration multiplier for walking on ground. seta pm_airaccelerate 10 // Acceleration multiplier for walking in air. seta pm_wateraccelerate 8 // Acceleration multiplier for swimming in liquid. seta pm_maxspeed 270 // Maximum desired player speed. seta pm_stairSmoothing 1 // Smooth the client's camera on the Z axis when climbing stairs. seta pm_thirdPerson 0 // Enable/disable third-person view mode. seta pm_crouchToggle 0 // Enable/disable sticky crouch, ducking behaviour. // network variables seta net_showUpdates 0 // Enable/disable console prints about entity updates. // game console variables seta g_gravity 800 // Global gravity setting, in unit per second. seta g_mapCycle "mapcycle.txt" // Map cycle file for multiplayer games. // input console variables seta in_zoomSensitivity 1.0 // Mouse sensitivity multiplier for when we're using the +zoomin command. // aliases for the older commands (may be removed some day) alias cl_chat_enabled cg_chatEnabled alias cl_crouch_toggle pm_crouchToggle alias cl_hudaspect cg_hudAspect alias cl_smoothstairs pm_stairSmoothing alias cl_thirdperson pm_thirdPerson alias r_viewmodelfov cg_viewmodelFov alias r_viewmodelpass cg_viewmodelPass alias v_gunofs cg_viewmodelOffset alias v_lefthanded cg_viewmodelFlip alias v_modellag cg_viewmodelLag alias v_muzzledlight cg_muzzleDLight alias viewmodelscale cg_viewmodelScale alias zoom_sensitivity in_zoomSensitivity alias sv_stepheight pm_stepsize alias sv_airstepheight pm_airstepsize alias sv_friction pm_friction alias sv_edgefriction pm_edgefriction alias sv_stopspeed pm_stopspeed alias sv_airaccelerate pm_airaccelerate alias sv_wateraccelerate pm_wateraccelerate alias sv_accelerate pm_accelerate alias sv_maxspeed pm_maxspeed alias sv_gravity g_gravity