/*** * * Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Marco 'eukara' Hladik. All rights reserved. * * See the file LICENSE attached with the sources for usage details. * ****/ var int autocvar_v_cambob = FALSE; void View_Init(void) { #ifdef CSTRIKE string wm; for (int i = 0; i < (CS_WEAPON_COUNT - 1); i++) { wm = sprintf("models/%s", sViewModels[i]); precache_model(wm); } #endif for (int s = seats.length; s-- > numclientseats;) { pSeat = &seats[s]; if(!pSeat->eViewModel) { pSeat->eViewModel = spawn(); pSeat->eViewModel.classname = "vm"; pSeat->eViewModel.renderflags = RF_DEPTHHACK; pSeat->eMuzzleflash = spawn(); pSeat->eMuzzleflash.classname = "mflash"; pSeat->eMuzzleflash.renderflags = RF_ADDITIVE; } } } void View_CalcViewport(int s, float fWinWidth, float fWinHeight) { //FIXME: this is awkward. renderscene internally rounds to pixels. //on the other hand, drawpic uses linear filtering and multisample and stuff. //this means that there can be a pixel or so difference between scene and 2d. //as a general rule, you won't notice unless there's some big drawfills. switch (numclientseats) { case 3: if (!s) { case 2: video_res = [fWinWidth, fWinHeight * 0.5]; video_mins = [0, (s & 1) * video_res[1]]; break; } s++; case 4: video_res = [fWinWidth, fWinHeight] * 0.5; video_mins = [(s&1) * video_res[0], (s / 2i) * video_res[1]]; break; default: video_res = [fWinWidth, fWinHeight]; video_mins = [0, 0]; break; } } /* ==================== View_CalcBob ==================== */ void View_CalcBob(void) { float cycle; vector vel; if (self.flags & FL_ONGROUND == -1) { return; } pSeat->fBobTime += clframetime; cycle = pSeat->fBobTime - (int)(pSeat->fBobTime / autocvar_v_bobcycle) * autocvar_v_bobcycle; cycle /= autocvar_v_bobcycle; if (cycle < autocvar_v_bobup) { cycle = MATH_PI * cycle / autocvar_v_bobup; } else { cycle = MATH_PI + MATH_PI * (cycle - autocvar_v_bobup)/(1.0 - autocvar_v_bobup); } vel = pSeat->vPlayerVelocity; vel[2] = 0; float fBob = sqrt(vel[0] * vel[0] + vel[1] * vel[1]) * autocvar_v_bob; fBob = fBob * 0.3 + fBob * 0.7 * sin(cycle); pSeat->fBob = bound(-7, fBob, 4); } /* ================= View_CalcCameraBob ================= */ void View_CalcCamBob(void) { float flPlayerSpeed; if (!autocvar_v_cambob) { return; } flPlayerSpeed = vlen(pSeat->vPlayerVelocity); if (flPlayerSpeed < 5) { pSeat->flCamMove = 0; pSeat->flCamTime = 0; } else if (pSeat->fPlayerFlags & FL_ONGROUND) { if ( flPlayerSpeed > 210 ) { pSeat->flCamMove = clframetime * 3; } else if (flPlayerSpeed > 100) { pSeat->flCamMove = clframetime * 1.5; } else { pSeat->flCamMove = clframetime; } } pSeat->flCamTime = (pSeat->flCamTime += pSeat->flCamMove); pSeat->iCamCycle = (int)pSeat->flCamTime; pSeat->flCamFracSin = fabs(sin(pSeat->flCamTime * M_PI)); pSeat->flCamDelta = pSeat->flCamFracSin * 0.002 * flPlayerSpeed; if ((pSeat->fPlayerFlags & FL_CROUCHING) && (pSeat->fPlayerFlags & FL_ONGROUND)) { pSeat->flCamDelta *= 6; } view_angles[0] += pSeat->flCamDelta; if (pSeat->iCamCycle & 1) { pSeat->flCamDelta = -pSeat->flCamDelta; } view_angles[2] += pSeat->flCamDelta; } /* ==================== View_DropPunchAngle Quickly lerp to the original viewposition ==================== */ void View_DropPunchAngle(void) { float lerp; lerp = 1.0f - (clframetime * 4); pSeat->vPunchAngle *= lerp; } /* ==================== View_AddPunchAngle Gives the angle a bit of an offset/punch/kick ==================== */ void View_AddPunchAngle(vector add) { pSeat->vPunchAngle /*+*/= add; } /* ==================== View_DrawViewModel Really convoluted function that makes the gun, muzzleflash, dynamic lights and so on appear ==================== */ void View_DrawViewModel(void) { entity eViewModel = pSeat->eViewModel; entity eMuzzleflash = pSeat->eMuzzleflash; player pl = (player) self; if (pl.health <= 0) { return; } if (cvar("r_drawviewmodel") == 0 || autocvar_cl_thirdperson == TRUE) { return; } // Don't update when paused if (serverkeyfloat("pausestate") == 0) { View_CalcBob(); View_UpdateWeapon(eViewModel, eMuzzleflash); float fBaseTime = eViewModel.frame1time; eViewModel.frame2time = pl.weapontime; eViewModel.frame1time = pl.weapontime; processmodelevents(eViewModel.modelindex, eViewModel.frame, fBaseTime, eViewModel.frame1time, Event_ProcessModel); } makevectors(view_angles); eViewModel.angles = view_angles; eViewModel.origin = pSeat->vPlayerOrigin + pl.view_ofs; eViewModel.origin += [0,0,-1] + (v_forward * (pSeat->fBob * 0.4)) + (v_forward * autocvar_v_gunofs[0]) + (v_right * autocvar_v_gunofs[1]) + (v_up * autocvar_v_gunofs[2]); // Left-handed weapons if (autocvar_v_lefthanded) { v_right *= -1; eViewModel.renderflags |= RF_USEAXIS; //eViewModel.forceshader = SHADER_CULLED; } else { if (eViewModel.forceshader) { eViewModel.forceshader = 0; eViewModel.renderflags -= RF_USEAXIS; } } // Give the gun a tilt effect like in old HL/CS versions if (autocvar_v_bobclassic == 1) { eViewModel.angles[2] = -pSeat->fBob; } // Only bother when zoomed out if (pl.viewzoom == 1.0f) { // Update muzzleflash position and draw it if (eMuzzleflash.alpha > 0.0f) { makevectors(getproperty(VF_ANGLES)); eMuzzleflash.origin = gettaginfo(eViewModel, eMuzzleflash.skin); dynamiclight_add(pSeat->vPlayerOrigin + (v_forward * 32), 400 * eMuzzleflash.alpha, [1,0.45,0]); addentity(eMuzzleflash); } addentity(eViewModel); } View_CalcCamBob(); } void View_PostDraw(void) { entity eMuzzleflash = pSeat->eMuzzleflash; // Take away alpha once it has drawn fully at least once if (eMuzzleflash.alpha > 0.0f) { eMuzzleflash.alpha -= (clframetime * 16); } } void View_Stairsmooth(void) { vector currentpos = pSeat->vPlayerOrigin; vector endpos = currentpos; static vector oldpos; /* Have we gone up since last frame? */ if ((pSeat->fPlayerFlags & FL_ONGROUND) && (endpos[2] - oldpos[2] > 0)) { endpos[2] = oldpos[2] += (frametime * 150); if (endpos[2] > currentpos[2]) { endpos[2] = currentpos[2]; } if (currentpos[2] - endpos[2] > 18) { endpos[2] = currentpos[2] - 18; } } // Teleport hack if (fabs(currentpos[2] - oldpos[2]) > 64) { endpos[2] = currentpos[2]; } //setproperty(VF_ORIGIN, endpos); pSeat->vPlayerOrigin = endpos; oldpos = endpos; } /* ==================== View_PlayAnimation Resets the timeline and plays a new sequence onto the view model ==================== */ void View_PlayAnimation(int iSequence) { pSeat->eViewModel.frame = (float)iSequence; player pl = (player)pSeat->ePlayer; pl.weapontime = 0.0f; } int View_GetAnimation(void) { return pSeat->eViewModel.frame; }