# Material Command List {#mat_commands} ## bemode {#bemode} ### Syntax **bemode \** ### Overview Filters which back end rendering features are drawn on top of the material. While you're not encouraged to be overriding this value, it is sometimes necessary. ### Modes {#bemode_sides} These are the different modes that we can specify. #### rtlight {#bemode_rtlight} All light types will be drawn onto this surface. #### rtlight_only {#bemode_rtlight_only} Dynamic lights only. #### rtlight_smap {#bemode_rtlight_smap} Shadowmaps only. #### rtlight_spot {#bemode_rtlight_spot} Spotlights only. #### rtlight_cube {#bemode_rtlight_cube} Cubemap lights only. #### rtlight_cube_smap {#bemode_rtlight_cube_smap} Cubemap lights and shadowmaps only. #### rtlight_cube_spot {#bemode_rtlight_cube_spot} Cubemap lights and spotlights only. #### rtlight_spot_smap {#bemode_rtlight_spot_smap} Spot lights and shadowmaps only. #### rtlight_cube_spot_smap {#bemode_rtlight_cube_spot_smap} Cubemap lights, spot lights and shadowmaps only. #### crepuscular {#bemode_crepuscular} For skies that might cast rays. Those are rendered to a frame buffer object (with everything else being [depthdark](@ref bemode_depthdark)) and is then applied to the screen as a post-processing effect. #### depthonly {#bemode_depthonly} Used mainly by shadow maps. #### depthdark {#bemode_depthdark} Black depth passes only. Used to draw a black world, when `r_shadow_realtime_world_lightmaps` is `0` for example. #### gbuffer {#bemode_gbuffer} #### prelight {#bemode_prelight} Deferred lighting only. #### fog {#bemode_fog} Fog layer only.