# Contributing If you'd like to contribute code: Awesome. There's just 1 very small requirement. ## Rule #1 The code must be yours. It's simple: - Do not take code that is by anyone else that is not you. Code that was generated by a large language model or similar technology is not welcome, due to unclear status copyright. # Saying Thanks If you want to solely say thanks, the main developer of Nuclide **loves** receiving E-Mail. You can contact him at and let him know your thoughts. If you'd like to donate to him via [PayPal](https://paypal.me/eukara) or [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/eukara) you can do that too. That money pays for a lot of free services/infrastructure that comes provided with both [FTEQW](https://www.fteqw.org/) and **Nuclide**.