- Switched to custom pmove code (early, WIP) instead of the engine one, again
- Made nightvision compatible with splitscreen modes
- Player animation fixes
- Prediction fixes
- Fixed radius damage, so grenades and bombs should apply proper damage now
- Added func_wall_toggle
- Small entity fixes
- Fixed the spectator camera from caring about VIEWHEIGHT
- Added menu labels and checkbox graphics (still WIP menu improvements)
- Fix for not-loop ambient_generic entities
Added a simple reward for losers
Fixed that round-draw would give the teams a reward
Changed cl_movespeedkey to 0.5
Changed prediction quite a lot (jumping glitch fixed)
More changes to the HUD to compensate for multiple screeninstances (splitscreen)
Added a dynamic crosshair
Updated weapon selection system
Updated the view to do our own bobbing
Fixed a few logic issues with the round/timer loop
Added some new sound events and some overall polish