- Switched to custom pmove code (early, WIP) instead of the engine one, again
- Made nightvision compatible with splitscreen modes
- Player animation fixes
- Prediction fixes
- Fixed radius damage, so grenades and bombs should apply proper damage now
- Added func_wall_toggle
- Small entity fixes
- Fixed the spectator camera from caring about VIEWHEIGHT
- Added menu labels and checkbox graphics (still WIP menu improvements)
- Fix for not-loop ambient_generic entities
Added a simple reward for losers
Fixed that round-draw would give the teams a reward
Changed cl_movespeedkey to 0.5
Changed prediction quite a lot (jumping glitch fixed)
More changes to the HUD to compensate for multiple screeninstances (splitscreen)
Added a dynamic crosshair
Updated weapon selection system
Updated the view to do our own bobbing
Fixed a few logic issues with the round/timer loop
Added some new sound events and some overall polish
Added fixes to the VIP selection algorithm
Particle fixes and tweaks
Change how ModelGib calls are broadcast due to PVS issues on maps like cs_militia
Fixed scoreboard coloring
Fixed the random-number generation in some occasions
Added gibmodels being able to have a random selection of submodels
Added monetary rewards
Added penalties for injuring/killing hostages
Misc fixes to func_door and func_button in terms of triggering events