NSEntity: add Disappear() method. Mods that used Hide() to remove an entity from the active game will have to switch to this instead.
2022-08-27 11:20:38 -07:00
NSEntity: new methods to simplify a lot of common tasks added. ScheduleThink(void(), float) and WithinBounds(entity) will surely be helpful.
Went over gs-entbase/server and made sure to use the new Think handlers to safely deal with MOVETYPE_PUSH
and handle any fun edge cases where time may be 0.0f.
func_breakable has also been fixed, since the changed Show/Hide behaviour prevented
them from getting destroyed fully.
2022-08-26 15:39:00 -07:00
Proper nonvirtual declarations for class methods.
2022-08-24 15:11:04 -07:00
Cleanup time for some of our base classes. Go over Show/Hide methods, and document
the EFFECTS fields we have available. Since we do our own networking mostly we can reuse
some that are only available via CSQC (or NQSSQC)
2022-08-24 14:05:59 -07:00
NS{Entity,RenderableEntity,SurfacePropEntity}: network avelocity in a separate check
2022-08-11 14:19:10 -07:00
Clean up some areas where float logic happens to prepare for the compiler flag 'assumeint'
2022-08-10 16:15:44 -07:00
Major overhaul that'll make savegames a lot better. Every entity we implement should have a Save/Restore function.
AI noes recalculates their route in case of a loaded savegame... And much more.
2022-08-10 14:24:06 -07:00
Add helpers across the codebase to deal with networking ents. I tried prototyped a more elegant solution the compiler didn't like - the language should really deal with this.
2022-08-07 14:12:55 -07:00
Client: Replace rogue setproperty calls with ones talking to our g_view object
2022-08-05 21:15:19 -07:00
Move base classes out of gs-entbase. This evolution only happened because classes such as CBaseMonster that once existed were replaced and it grew from there.
Tweak g_developer prints for scripted_sequences.
2022-07-19 15:22:15 -07:00