- allow weapon sorting in overridable NSActor::SortWeaponChain() method
- add isClient() as isPlayer() doesn't take spectators into account
- fix various CS specific zone
- ungodly amount of documentation improvements
- worldspawn ent work delegated to separate ent slot
- NSClientPlayer::MakePlayer no longer wipes the inventory.
- fix team selection race condition exploit in FreeCS
them more consistent. Warnings are in yellow, while errors are in red.
New cvar: g_developerTimestamp will display timestamps next to debug messages
originating from the game-logic. Set g_developer to 1 to see them.
A lot of useful into, such as which entity id messages originate from
should aid in debugging quite a bit.
SP level transitions should also be more reliable now in terms of
transferring entities and the like.
Some levels have awkward transition areas and you might find yourself
jumping between levels frequently. Workarounds are in the works.
Developers: the internal class `bot` is now `NSBot`, and an entityDef
of the old name will be instantiated instead.
Override defs/bot.def in your mod and make it use any custom spawnclass
you wish. Now games don't have to override `addbot` or `bot_add` inside
the multiplayer game rules.
There's also more console commands. Clients now have access to:
addBot, killAllBots, killClass [classname], killMovables, trigger [targetname], input [entnum] [input] [data], listBotProfiles, listTargets, teleport [targetname], teleportToClass [classname], respawnEntities, spawn
Various misc fixes to code routines that negatively affect splitscreen.
We also set frametime/clframetime to 0.0 after the first player view has been drawn as to not run
predraw math more than once per frame. This should not cause any issues but if you are experiencing issues let us know.
Merge various trigger fields from Source entities into NSTrigger
Rename default player related sounds to the Source Engine style for more parity with Half-Life 2 and later games
Various player physics code fixes, such as being unable to jump higher when pushing against solids and faster noclip speed
multi_manager entities now behave correctly when calling themselves in MULTITHREADED mode.
Remove GS_RENDERFX option. Too many entities rely on its functionality anyway.
Fixed some rendermode behaviour - ladders will no longer be visible.
You can now see the playermodel (and no longer the viewmodel) in mirrors.
Fixed a lot of warnings.
entry.qc by pushing more code into external functions. Add support
for mods to override networked events (after we added support for
ent update overrides the other week).