Developers: the internal class `bot` is now `NSBot`, and an entityDef
of the old name will be instantiated instead.
Override defs/bot.def in your mod and make it use any custom spawnclass
you wish. Now games don't have to override `addbot` or `bot_add` inside
the multiplayer game rules.
There's also more console commands. Clients now have access to:
addBot, killAllBots, killClass [classname], killMovables, trigger [targetname], input [entnum] [input] [data], listBotProfiles, listTargets, teleport [targetname], teleportToClass [classname], respawnEntities, spawn
multi_manager entities now behave correctly when calling themselves in MULTITHREADED mode.
Remove GS_RENDERFX option. Too many entities rely on its functionality anyway.
Fixed some rendermode behaviour - ladders will no longer be visible.
You can now see the playermodel (and no longer the viewmodel) in mirrors.
Fixed a lot of warnings.