Player animation fixes

This commit is contained in:
Marco Cawthorne 2018-12-31 01:58:02 +01:00
parent d1ad1b13bf
commit 88710b3bb2
2 changed files with 50 additions and 65 deletions

View file

@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
void Player_PreUpdate( void );
void Player_PostUpdate( void );
void Player_PreUpdate(void);
void Player_PostUpdate(void);
.float pmove_frame;
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ void Player_PostUpdate( void );
.vector netvelocity;
.float netpmove_flags;
string sPModels[ CS_WEAPON_COUNT - 1 ] = {
string sPModels[CS_WEAPON_COUNT - 1] = {
@ -86,21 +86,21 @@ void Player_Gun_Offset(void)
vector v1, v2;
self.eGunModel.angles = self.angles; // Set it to something consistent
gettaginfo( self, self.fWeaponBoneID ); // Updates the v_ globals for the player hand bone angle
v1 = vectoangles( v_right, v_up ); // Create angles from the v_ matrix
gettaginfo( self.eGunModel, self.eGunModel.fWeaponBoneID ); // Updates the v_ globals for the weapon hand bone angle
v2 = vectoangles( v_right, v_up );
self.eGunModel.angles = self.angles + ( v1 - v2 ); // The difference is applied
gettaginfo(self, self.fWeaponBoneID); // Updates the v_ globals for the player hand bone angle
v1 = vectoangles(v_right, v_up); // Create angles from the v_ matrix
gettaginfo(self.eGunModel, self.eGunModel.fWeaponBoneID); // Updates the v_ globals for the weapon hand bone angle
v2 = vectoangles(v_right, v_up);
self.eGunModel.angles = self.angles + (v1 - v2); // The difference is applied
// Fix the origin
setorigin( self.eGunModel, self.origin ); // Set it to something consistent
vector vOffset = gettaginfo( self.eGunModel, self.eGunModel.fWeaponBoneID ) - gettaginfo( self, self.fWeaponBoneID );
setorigin( self.eGunModel, self.origin - vOffset );
setorigin(self.eGunModel, self.origin); // Set it to something consistent
vector vOffset = gettaginfo(self.eGunModel, self.eGunModel.fWeaponBoneID) - gettaginfo(self, self.fWeaponBoneID);
setorigin(self.eGunModel, self.origin - vOffset);
void Player_Draw ( void )
void Player_Draw (void)
if ( !self.eGunModel ) {
if (!self.eGunModel) {
self.eGunModel = spawn();
self.eGunModel.classname = "pmodel";
self.eGunModel.owner = self;
@ -111,28 +111,28 @@ void Player_Draw ( void )
self.subblend2frac = self.flUpAngle;
// Only bother updating the model if the weapon has changed
if ( self.fWeaponLast != self.weapon ) {
if ( self.weapon ) {
setmodel( self.eGunModel, sPModels[ self.weapon - 1 ] );
if (self.fWeaponLast != self.weapon) {
if (self.weapon) {
setmodel(self.eGunModel, sPModels[self.weapon - 1]);
} else {
setmodel( self.eGunModel, "" );
setmodel(self.eGunModel, "");
self.fWeaponLast = self.weapon;
// Update the bone index of the current p_ model so we can calculate the offset
// Get the weapon bone ID for the current player model
self.fWeaponBoneID = gettagindex( self, "Bip01 R Hand" );
self.eGunModel.fWeaponBoneID = gettagindex( self.eGunModel, "Bip01 R Hand" );
self.fWeaponBoneID = gettagindex(self, "Bip01 R Hand");
self.eGunModel.fWeaponBoneID = gettagindex(self.eGunModel, "Bip01 R Hand");
/*makevectors( [ 0, self.angles[1], 0 ] );
float fDirection = dotproduct( self.velocity, v_forward );
/*makevectors([0, self.angles[1], 0]);
float fDirection = dotproduct(self.velocity, v_forward);
if ( fDirection != 0 )
print( sprintf( "fDirection: %d\n", fDirection ) );
if (fDirection != 0)
print(sprintf("fDirection: %d\n", fDirection));
if ( fDirection < 0 ) {
if (fDirection < 0) {
self.baseframe1time -= clframetime;
self.baseframe2time -= clframetime;
self.frame2time -= clframetime;
@ -143,9 +143,9 @@ void Player_Draw ( void )
self.frame2time += clframetime;
self.frame1time += clframetime;
self.bonecontrol5 = getplayerkeyfloat( self.entnum - 1, "voiploudness" );
self.bonecontrol5 = getplayerkeyfloat(self.entnum - 1, "voiploudness");
makevectors( [ 0, self.angles[1], 0 ] );
makevectors([0, self.angles[1], 0]);
float fCorrect = dotproduct(self.velocity, v_right);
float a, s;
@ -183,11 +183,11 @@ Runs as part of the addentities builtin.
Responsible for player appearance/interpolation.
float Player_PreDraw( void )
float Player_PreDraw(void)
addentity( self );
@ -199,10 +199,10 @@ Runs before every frame is rendered.
Responsible for local player prediction.
void Player_Predict( void )
void Player_Predict(void)
// Don't predict if we're frozen/paused FIXME: FTE doesn't have serverkey_float yet!
if ( serverkey( SERVERKEY_PAUSESTATE ) == "1" || ( ( getstati( STAT_GAMESTATE ) == GAME_FREEZE ) && ( getstati( STAT_HEALTH ) > 0 ) ) ) {
if (serverkey(SERVERKEY_PAUSESTATE) == "1" || ((getstati(STAT_GAMESTATE) == GAME_FREEZE) && (getstati(STAT_HEALTH) > 0))) {
pSeat->vPlayerOrigin = self.origin;
self.netorigin = pSeat->vPlayerOrigin;
@ -213,25 +213,25 @@ void Player_Predict( void )
if ( autocvar_cl_smoothstairs && self.flags & FL_ONGROUND ) {
if (autocvar_cl_smoothstairs && self.flags & FL_ONGROUND) {
pSeat->vPlayerOriginOld = pSeat->vPlayerOrigin;
if ( ( self.jumptime <= 0 ) && ( self.origin_z - pSeat->vPlayerOriginOld.z > 0 ) ) {
pSeat->vPlayerOriginOld.z += clframetime * 150;
if ((self.jumptime <= 0) && (self.origin[2] - pSeat->vPlayerOriginOld[2] > 0)) {
pSeat->vPlayerOriginOld[2] += clframetime * 150;
if ( pSeat->vPlayerOriginOld.z > self.origin_z ) {
pSeat->vPlayerOriginOld.z = self.origin_z;
if (pSeat->vPlayerOriginOld[2] > self.origin[2]) {
pSeat->vPlayerOriginOld[2] = self.origin[2];
if ( self.origin_z - pSeat->vPlayerOriginOld.z > 18 ) {
pSeat->vPlayerOriginOld.z = self.origin_z - 18;
if (self.origin[2] - pSeat->vPlayerOriginOld[2] > 18) {
pSeat->vPlayerOriginOld[2] = self.origin[2] - 18;
pSeat->vPlayerOrigin.z += pSeat->vPlayerOriginOld.z - self.origin_z;
pSeat->vPlayerOrigin[2] += pSeat->vPlayerOriginOld[2] - self.origin[2];
} else {
pSeat->vPlayerOriginOld.z = self.origin_z;
pSeat->vPlayerOriginOld[2] = self.origin[2];
pSeat->vPlayerVelocity = self.velocity;
pSeat->vPlayerOrigin = [ self.origin_x, self.origin_y, pSeat->vPlayerOriginOld.z ];
pSeat->vPlayerOrigin = [self.origin[0], self.origin[1], pSeat->vPlayerOriginOld[2]];
} else {
pSeat->vPlayerOrigin = self.origin;
pSeat->vPlayerVelocity = self.velocity;
@ -248,26 +248,25 @@ We're part way through parsing new player data.
Propagate our pmove state to whatever the current frame before its stomped on (so any non-networked state updates locally).
void Player_PreUpdate( void )
void Player_PreUpdate(void)
self.netorigin = self.origin;
self.netangles = self.angles;
self.netvelocity = self.velocity;
self.netpmove_flags = self.pmove_flags;
if ( getplayerkeyvalue( self.entnum - 1, "*spec" ) == "0" ) {
if (getplayerkeyvalue(self.entnum - 1, "*spec") == "0") {
self.movetype = MOVETYPE_WALK;
} else {
self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP;
//we want to predict an exact copy of the data in the new packet
/*for ( ; self.pmove_frame <= servercommandframe; self.pmove_frame++ ) {
float flSuccess = getinputstate( self.pmove_frame );*/
for ( int i = servercommandframe + 1; i <= clientcommandframe; i++ ) {
float flSuccess = getinputstate( i );
if ( flSuccess == FALSE ) {
/*for (; self.pmove_frame <= servercommandframe; self.pmove_frame++) {
float flSuccess = getinputstate(self.pmove_frame);*/
for (int i = servercommandframe + 1; i <= clientcommandframe; i++) {
float flSuccess = getinputstate(i);
if (flSuccess == FALSE) {
@ -275,7 +274,7 @@ void Player_PreUpdate( void )
if (input_timelength == 0) {
QPhysics_Run( self );
//we now have self.pmove_flags set properly...
@ -283,7 +282,7 @@ void Player_PreUpdate( void )
self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
void Player_PostUpdate( void )
void Player_PostUpdate(void)
self.origin = self.netorigin;
self.angles = self.netangles;

View file

@ -275,21 +275,7 @@ void Animation_PlayerUpdate( void ) {
self.fWasCrouching = ( self.flags & FL_CROUCHING );
#ifdef CSQC
// Fix the angle (this is REALLY expensive, probably. But how else would one do it without skeletal objects?)
vector v1, v2;
self.eGunModel.angles = self.angles; // Set it to something consistent
gettaginfo( self, self.fWeaponBoneID ); // Updates the v_ globals for the player hand bone angle
v1 = vectoangles( v_right, v_up ); // Create angles from the v_ matrix
gettaginfo( self.eGunModel, self.eGunModel.fWeaponBoneID ); // Updates the v_ globals for the weapon hand bone angle
v2 = vectoangles( v_right, v_up );
self.eGunModel.angles = self.angles + ( v1 - v2 ); // The difference is applied
// Fix the origin
setorigin( self.eGunModel, self.origin ); // Set it to something consistent
vector vOffset = gettaginfo( self.eGunModel, self.eGunModel.fWeaponBoneID ) - gettaginfo( self, self.fWeaponBoneID );
setorigin( self.eGunModel, self.origin - vOffset );
#ifdef SSQC
// On the CSQC it's done in Player.c
self.subblend2frac = self.v_angle_x / 90;