diff --git a/Source/Client/VGUI.c b/Source/Client/VGUI.c
index 11a4c073..94882ee3 100755
--- a/Source/Client/VGUI.c
+++ b/Source/Client/VGUI.c
@@ -22,17 +22,17 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// Menus with their window titles and draw functions
vguiwindow_t vguiMenus[11] = {
- { _("Message Of The Day"), VGUI_MessageOfTheDay },
- { _("Team Selection"), VGUI_TeamSelect_Main },
- { _("Terrorist Selection"), VGUI_TeamSelect_T },
- { _("Counter-Terrorist Selection"), VGUI_TeamSelect_CT },
- { _("Buy Menu"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Main },
- { _("Handguns"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Handguns },
- { _("Shotgun"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Shotguns },
- { _("Sub-Machine-Guns"), VGUI_BuyMenu_SMGs },
- { _("Rifles"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Rifles },
- { _("Machineguns"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Machineguns },
- { _("Equipment"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Equipment }
+ { _("VGUI_TITLE_MOTD"), VGUI_MessageOfTheDay },
+ { _("VGUI_TITLE_TEAMS"), VGUI_TeamSelect_Main },
+ { _("VGUI_TITLE_TSEL"), VGUI_TeamSelect_T },
+ { _("VGUI_TITLE_CTSEL"), VGUI_TeamSelect_CT },
+ { _("VGUI_TITLE_BUY"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Main },
+ { _("VGUI_TITLE_HANDGUN"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Handguns },
+ { _("VGUI_TITLE_SHOTGUN"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Shotguns },
+ { _("VGUI_TITLE_SMG"), VGUI_BuyMenu_SMGs },
+ { _("VGUI_TITLE_RIFLE"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Rifles },
+ { _("VGUI_TITLE_MG"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Machineguns },
+ { _("VGUI_TITLE_EQUIPMENT"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Equipment }
diff --git a/Source/Client/VGUIBuyMenu.c b/Source/Client/VGUIBuyMenu.c
index 8e9795fa..1d871cc4 100755
--- a/Source/Client/VGUIBuyMenu.c
+++ b/Source/Client/VGUIBuyMenu.c
@@ -21,40 +21,40 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "VGUI.h"
vguiweaponobject_t vguiWeaponTable[ CS_WEAPON_COUNT ] = {
- { _("None"), "" },
- { _("Knife"), "" },
- { _("H&K USP .45 Tactical"), "gfx/vgui/640_usp" },
- { _("Glock18 Select Fire"), "gfx/vgui/640_glock18" },
- { _("Desert Eagle .50AE"), "gfx/vgui/640_deagle" },
- { _("SIG P228"), "gfx/vgui/640_p228" },
- { _("Dual Beretta 96G Elite"), "gfx/vgui/640_elite" },
- { _("FN Five-Seven"), "gfx/vgui/640_fiveseven" },
- { _("Benelli M3 Super90"), "gfx/vgui/640_m3" },
- { _("Benelli XM1014"), "gfx/vgui/640_xm1014" },
- { _("H&K MP5-Navy"), "gfx/vgui/640_mp5" },
- { _("FN P90"), "gfx/vgui/640_p90" },
- { _("H&K UMP45"), "gfx/vgui/640_ump45" },
- { _("Ingram MAC-10"), "gfx/vgui/640_mac10" },
- { _("Steyr Tactical Machine Pistol"), "gfx/vgui/640_tmp" },
- { _("AK-47"), "gfx/vgui/640_ak47" },
- { _("Sig SG-552 Commando"), "gfx/vgui/640_sg552" },
- { _("Colt M4A1 Carbine"), "gfx/vgui/640_m4a1" },
- { _("Steyr Aug"), "gfx/vgui/640_aug" },
- { _("Steyr Scout"), "gfx/vgui/640_scout" },
- { _("AI Arctic Warfare/Magnum"), "gfx/vgui/640_awp" },
- { _("H&K G3/SG-1 Sniper Rifle"), "gfx/vgui/640_g3sg1" },
- { _("Sig SG-550 Sniper"), "gfx/vgui/640_sg550" },
- { _("FN M249 Para"), "gfx/vgui/640_m249" }
+ { _("WEAPON_NONE"), "" },
+ { _("WEAPON_KNIFE"), "" },
+ { _("WEAPON_USP"), "gfx/vgui/640_usp" },
+ { _("WEAPON_GLOCK18"), "gfx/vgui/640_glock18" },
+ { _("WEAPON_DEAGLE"), "gfx/vgui/640_deagle" },
+ { _("WEAPON_P228"), "gfx/vgui/640_p228" },
+ { _("WEAPON_ELITES"), "gfx/vgui/640_elite" },
+ { _("WEAPON_FIVESEVEN"), "gfx/vgui/640_fiveseven" },
+ { _("WEAPON_M3"), "gfx/vgui/640_m3" },
+ { _("WEAPON_XM1014"), "gfx/vgui/640_xm1014" },
+ { _("WEAPON_MP5"), "gfx/vgui/640_mp5" },
+ { _("WEAPON_P90"), "gfx/vgui/640_p90" },
+ { _("WEAPON_UMP45"), "gfx/vgui/640_ump45" },
+ { _("WEAPON_MAC10"), "gfx/vgui/640_mac10" },
+ { _("WEAPON_TMP"), "gfx/vgui/640_tmp" },
+ { _("WEAPON_AK47"), "gfx/vgui/640_ak47" },
+ { _("WEAPON_SG552"), "gfx/vgui/640_sg552" },
+ { _("WEAPON_M4A1"), "gfx/vgui/640_m4a1" },
+ { _("WEAPON_AUG"), "gfx/vgui/640_aug" },
+ { _("WEAPON_SCOUT"), "gfx/vgui/640_scout" },
+ { _("WEAPON_AWP"), "gfx/vgui/640_awp" },
+ { _("WEAPON_G3SG1"), "gfx/vgui/640_g3sg1" },
+ { _("WEAPON_SG550"), "gfx/vgui/640_sg550" },
+ { _("WEAPON_PARA"), "gfx/vgui/640_m249" }
vguiequipobject_t vguiEquipmentTable[ 7 ] = {
- { EQUIPMENT_KEVLAR, _("Kevlar"), "gfx/vgui/640_kevlar" },
- { EQUIPMENT_HELMET, _("Kevlar & Helmet"), "gfx/vgui/640_kevlar_helmet" },
- { WEAPON_FLASHBANG, _("Flashbang"), "gfx/vgui/640_flashbang" },
- { WEAPON_HEGRENADE, _("HE Grenade"), "gfx/vgui/640_hegrenade" },
- { WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE, _("Smoke Grenade"), "gfx/vgui/640_smokegrenade" },
- { EQUIPMENT_DEFUSALKIT, _("Defusal Kit"), "gfx/vgui/640_defuser" },
- { EQUIPMENT_NIGHTVISION, _("NightVision"), "gfx/vgui/640_nightvision" },
+ { EQUIPMENT_KEVLAR, _("EQUIPMENT_KEVLAR"), "gfx/vgui/640_kevlar" },
+ { EQUIPMENT_HELMET, _("EQUIPMENT_HELMET"), "gfx/vgui/640_kevlar_helmet" },
+ { WEAPON_FLASHBANG, _("WEAPON_FLASHBANG"), "gfx/vgui/640_flashbang" },
+ { WEAPON_HEGRENADE, _("WEAPON_HEGRENADE"), "gfx/vgui/640_hegrenade" },
+ { WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE, _("WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE"), "gfx/vgui/640_smokegrenade" },
+ { EQUIPMENT_DEFUSALKIT, _("EQUIPMENT_DEFUSALKIT"), "gfx/vgui/640_defuser" },
+ { EQUIPMENT_NIGHTVISION, _("EQUIPMENT_NIGHTVISION"), "gfx/vgui/640_nightvision" },
// TODO: Clean this up
@@ -89,17 +89,17 @@ void VGUI_BuyMenu_Main( vector vPos ) {
fVGUI_Display = VGUI_NONE;
- VGUI_Button( _("Handguns"), BuyMenu_Main_1, vPos + '16 116 0', '180 24 0' );
- VGUI_Button( _("Shotguns"), BuyMenu_Main_2, vPos + '16 148 0', '180 24 0' );
- VGUI_Button( _("SMGs"), BuyMenu_Main_3, vPos + '16 180 0', '180 24 0' );
- VGUI_Button( _("Rifles"), BuyMenu_Main_4, vPos + '16 212 0', '180 24 0' );
- VGUI_Button( _("Machine Gun"), BuyMenu_Main_5, vPos + '16 244 0', '180 24 0' );
+ VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_TITLE_HANDGUN"), BuyMenu_Main_1, vPos + '16 116 0', '180 24 0' );
+ VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_TITLE_SHOTGUN"), BuyMenu_Main_2, vPos + '16 148 0', '180 24 0' );
+ VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_TITLE_SMG"), BuyMenu_Main_3, vPos + '16 180 0', '180 24 0' );
+ VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_TITLE_RIFLE"), BuyMenu_Main_4, vPos + '16 212 0', '180 24 0' );
+ VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_TITLE_MG"), BuyMenu_Main_5, vPos + '16 244 0', '180 24 0' );
- VGUI_Button( _("Primary Ammo"), BuyMenu_Main_6, vPos + '16 308 0', '180 24 0' );
- VGUI_Button( _("Secondary Ammo"), BuyMenu_Main_7, vPos + '16 340 0', '180 24 0' );
- VGUI_Button( _("Equipment"), BuyMenu_Main_8, vPos + '16 372 0', '180 24 0' );
+ VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_TITLE_AMMO1"), BuyMenu_Main_6, vPos + '16 308 0', '180 24 0' );
+ VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_TITLE_AMMO2"), BuyMenu_Main_7, vPos + '16 340 0', '180 24 0' );
+ VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_TITLE_EQUIPMENT"), BuyMenu_Main_8, vPos + '16 372 0', '180 24 0' );
- VGUI_Button( _("Exit"), BuyMenu_Main_9, vPos + '16 440 0', '180 24 0' );
+ VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_EXIT"), BuyMenu_Main_9, vPos + '16 440 0', '180 24 0' );
void VGUI_BuyMenu_Back( void ) {
@@ -144,9 +144,9 @@ void VGUI_BuyMenu_WeaponButton( float fWeapon ) {
if ( wptTable[ fWeapon ].iPrice <= getstatf( STAT_MONEY ) ) {
if ( VGUI_Button( vguiWeaponTable[ fWeapon ].sName, VGUI_BuyMenu_BuyWeapon, vVGUIButtonPos, '264 24 0' ) == TRUE ) {
drawpic( vVGUIWindowPos + '328 116', vguiWeaponTable[ fWeapon ].sImage, '256 64', '1 1 1', 1 );
- VGUI_Text( sprintf( _("Price: %i"), wptTable[ fWeapon ].iPrice ), vVGUIWindowPos + '328 250', '8 8 0' );
- VGUI_Text( sprintf( _("Caliber: %i"), wptTable[ fWeapon ].iCaliber ), vVGUIWindowPos + '328 260', '8 8 0' );
- VGUI_Text( sprintf( _("Rounds Per Minute: %d"), ( wptTable[ fWeapon ].fAttackFinished) * 3600 ), vVGUIWindowPos + '328 270', '8 8 0' );
+ VGUI_Text( sprintf( _("BUY_PRICETAG"), wptTable[ fWeapon ].iPrice ), vVGUIWindowPos + '328 250', '8 8 0' );
+ VGUI_Text( sprintf( _("BUY_CALIBER"), wptTable[ fWeapon ].iCaliber ), vVGUIWindowPos + '328 260', '8 8 0' );
+ VGUI_Text( sprintf( _("BUY_RPM"), ( wptTable[ fWeapon ].fAttackFinished) * 3600 ), vVGUIWindowPos + '328 270', '8 8 0' );
} else {
VGUI_FakeButton( vguiWeaponTable[ fWeapon ].sName, vVGUIButtonPos, '264 24 0' );
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ void VGUI_BuyMenu_EquipmentButton( float fID ) {
if ( eqptTable[ fID ].iPrice <= getstatf( STAT_MONEY ) ) {
if ( VGUI_Button( vguiEquipmentTable[ fID ].sName, VGUI_BuyMenu_BuyEquipment, vVGUIButtonPos, '180 24 0' ) == TRUE ) {
drawpic( vVGUIWindowPos + '290 116', vguiEquipmentTable[ fID ].sImage, '256 64', '1 1 1', 1 );
- VGUI_Text( sprintf( _("Price: %i"), eqptTable[ fID ].iPrice ) , vVGUIWindowPos + '256 250', '8 8 0' );
+ VGUI_Text( sprintf( _("BUY_PRICETAG"), eqptTable[ fID ].iPrice ) , vVGUIWindowPos + '256 250', '8 8 0' );
} else {
VGUI_FakeButton( vguiEquipmentTable[ fID ].sName, vVGUIButtonPos, '180 24 0' );
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ void VGUI_BuyMenu_Handguns( vector vPos ) {
VGUI_BuyMenu_WeaponButton( WEAPON_FIVESEVEN );
- VGUI_Button( _("Back"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Back, vPos + '16 440 0', '180 24 0' );
+ VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_BACK"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Back, vPos + '16 440 0', '180 24 0' );
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ void VGUI_BuyMenu_Shotguns( vector vPos ) {
VGUI_BuyMenu_WeaponButton( WEAPON_M3 );
VGUI_BuyMenu_WeaponButton( WEAPON_XM1014 );
- VGUI_Button( _("Back"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Back, vPos + '16 440 0', '180 24 0' );
+ VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_BACK"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Back, vPos + '16 440 0', '180 24 0' );
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ void VGUI_BuyMenu_SMGs( vector vPos ) {
VGUI_BuyMenu_WeaponButton( WEAPON_TMP );
- VGUI_Button( _("Back"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Back, vPos + '16 440 0', '180 24 0' );
+ VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_BACK"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Back, vPos + '16 440 0', '180 24 0' );
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ void VGUI_BuyMenu_Rifles( vector vPos ) {
VGUI_BuyMenu_WeaponButton( WEAPON_SG550 );
- VGUI_Button( _("Back"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Back, vPos + '16 440 0', '180 24 0' );
+ VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_BACK"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Back, vPos + '16 440 0', '180 24 0' );
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ void VGUI_BuyMenu_Machineguns( vector vPos ) {
VGUI_BuyMenu_WeaponButton( WEAPON_PARA );
- VGUI_Button( _("Back"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Back, vPos + '16 440 0', '180 24 0' );
+ VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_BACK"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Back, vPos + '16 440 0', '180 24 0' );
@@ -303,5 +303,5 @@ void VGUI_BuyMenu_Equipment( vector vPos ) {
VGUI_BuyMenu_EquipmentButton( 6 );
- VGUI_Button( _("Back"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Back, vPos + '16 440 0', '180 24 0' );
+ VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_BACK"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Back, vPos + '16 440 0', '180 24 0' );
diff --git a/Source/Client/VGUIMOTD.c b/Source/Client/VGUIMOTD.c
index 6964480f..06495273 100755
--- a/Source/Client/VGUIMOTD.c
+++ b/Source/Client/VGUIMOTD.c
@@ -35,5 +35,5 @@ void VGUI_MessageOfTheDay( vector vPos ) {
vTextPos_y += 10;
- VGUI_Button( _("OK"), MessageOfTheDay_ButtonOK, vPos + '16 440 0', '80 24 0' );
+ VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_OK"), MessageOfTheDay_ButtonOK, vPos + '16 440 0', '80 24 0' );
diff --git a/Source/Client/VGUIRadio.c b/Source/Client/VGUIRadio.c
index 43fc67bb..f8db7d19 100755
--- a/Source/Client/VGUIRadio.c
+++ b/Source/Client/VGUIRadio.c
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ void VGUI_Radio_Draw( void ) {
vSize_y = ( 10 * VGUIRADIO_COMMANDS ) + 64;
vPos = [ 16, vVideoResolution_y - 148 - vSize_y ];
- VGUI_WindowSmall( _("Radio Commands"), vPos, vSize );
+ VGUI_WindowSmall( _("RADIO_TITLE1"), vPos, vSize );
vPos_y += 24;
vPos_x += 8;
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ void VGUI_Radio_Draw( void ) {
vSize_y = ( 10 * VGUIRADIO_GROUPCOMMANDS ) + 64;
vPos = [ 16, vVideoResolution_y - 148 - vSize_y ];
- VGUI_WindowSmall( _("Group Radio Commands"), vPos, vSize );
+ VGUI_WindowSmall( _("RADIO_TITLE2"), vPos, vSize );
vPos_y += 24;
vPos_x += 8;
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ void VGUI_Radio_Draw( void ) {
vSize_y = ( 10 * VGUIRADIO_RESPONSES ) + 64;
vPos = [ 16, vVideoResolution_y - 148 - vSize_y ];
- VGUI_WindowSmall( _("Radio Responses"), vPos, vSize );
+ VGUI_WindowSmall( _("RADIO_TITLE3"), vPos, vSize );
vPos_y += 24;
vPos_x += 8;
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ void VGUI_Radio_Draw( void ) {
vPos_y += 20;
- VGUI_Text( sprintf( "0) %s", _("Back") ), vPos, '8 8 0' );
+ VGUI_Text( sprintf( "0) %s", _("VGUI_BACK") ), vPos, '8 8 0' );
if ( fInputKeyCode == 48 ) {
fVGUI_Display = VGUI_NONE;
diff --git a/Source/Client/VGUIScoreboard.c b/Source/Client/VGUIScoreboard.c
index fcaeaed4..e59de9a0 100755
--- a/Source/Client/VGUIScoreboard.c
+++ b/Source/Client/VGUIScoreboard.c
@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "VGUI.h"
string sScoreTeams[4] = {
- _("Spectator"),
- _("Terrorists"),
- _("CT Forces"),
- _("VIP"),
// This is seperated from the other VGUI stuff so we can check scores while buying and whatnot
@@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ vector VGUI_Scores_DrawTeam( vector vPos, float fTeam ) {
if ( getplayerkeyvalue( i, "*dead" ) == "1" ) {
- drawstring( vNewPos + '38 0', sprintf( _("%s [DEAD]"), getplayerkeyvalue( i, "name" ) ), '8 8 0', vColor, 1, 0 );
+ drawstring( vNewPos + '38 0', sprintf( _("SCORE_DEAD"), getplayerkeyvalue( i, "name" ) ), '8 8 0', vColor, 1, 0 );
} else if ( getplayerkeyvalue( i, "*dead" ) == "2" ) {
- drawstring( vNewPos + '38 0', sprintf( _("%s [VIP]"), getplayerkeyvalue( i, "name" ) ), '8 8 0', vColor, 1, 0 );
+ drawstring( vNewPos + '38 0', sprintf( _("SCORE_VIP"), getplayerkeyvalue( i, "name" ) ), '8 8 0', vColor, 1, 0 );
} else {
drawstring( vNewPos + '38 0', getplayerkeyvalue( i, "name" ), '8 8 0', vColor, 1, 0 );
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ vector VGUI_Scores_DrawTeam( vector vPos, float fTeam ) {
// Now we know the playercount, so let's calculate the position next to the Teamname String and print it
vector vCountPos = vPos + '24 6';
vCountPos_x += stringwidth( sScoreTeams[ fTeam ], FALSE, '16 16 0' ) + 8;
- drawstring( vCountPos, sprintf( _("(%i players)"), iPlayerCount ), '8 8 0', vColor, 1, 0 );
+ drawstring( vCountPos, sprintf( _("SCORE_PLAYERS"), iPlayerCount ), '8 8 0', vColor, 1, 0 );
return vNewPos + '0 24';
@@ -135,7 +135,10 @@ void VGUI_Scores_Show( void ) {
drawstring( vMainPos + '24 13', serverkey( "hostname" ), '16 16 0', VGUI_WINDOW_FGCOLOR, 1, 0 );
// Tabs like Score, Ping etc.
- drawstring( vMainPos + '280 32', _("SCORE DEATHS LATENCY VOICE"), '8 8 0', VGUI_WINDOW_FGCOLOR, 1, 0 );
+ drawstring( vMainPos + '280 32', _("SCORE_SCORE"), '8 8 0', VGUI_WINDOW_FGCOLOR, 1, 0 );
+ drawstring( vMainPos + '336 32', _("SCORE_DEATHS"), '8 8 0', VGUI_WINDOW_FGCOLOR, 1, 0 );
+ drawstring( vMainPos + '400 32', _("SCORE_LATENCY"), '8 8 0', VGUI_WINDOW_FGCOLOR, 1, 0 );
+ drawstring( vMainPos + '472 32', _("SCORE_VOICE"), '8 8 0', VGUI_WINDOW_FGCOLOR, 1, 0 );
vector vOffset = VGUI_Scores_DrawTeam( vMainPos + '0 50', TEAM_CT );
vOffset = VGUI_Scores_DrawTeam( vOffset, TEAM_T );
diff --git a/Source/Client/VGUISpectator.c b/Source/Client/VGUISpectator.c
index 0677944c..beff7b07 100755
--- a/Source/Client/VGUISpectator.c
+++ b/Source/Client/VGUISpectator.c
@@ -57,6 +57,6 @@ void VGUI_DrawSpectatorHUD( void ) {
drawfill( [ vVideoResolution_x - 85, 6 ], [ 2, 28 ], '0.56 0.56 0.21', 1 );
// Team Stats
- VGUI_RightText( [ vVideoResolution_x - 96, 6 ], sprintf( "Terrorists: %d", getstatf( STAT_WON_T ) ), '8 8 0', '0.56 0.56 0.21' );
- VGUI_RightText( [ vVideoResolution_x - 96, 23 ], sprintf( "CT Forces: %d", getstatf( STAT_WON_CT ) ), '8 8 0', '0.56 0.56 0.21' );
+ VGUI_RightText( [ vVideoResolution_x - 96, 6 ], sprintf( _("VGUI_SPEC_TCOUNTER"), getstatf( STAT_WON_T ) ), '8 8 0', '0.56 0.56 0.21' );
+ VGUI_RightText( [ vVideoResolution_x - 96, 23 ], sprintf( _("VGUI_SPEC_CTCOUNTER"), getstatf( STAT_WON_CT ) ), '8 8 0', '0.56 0.56 0.21' );
diff --git a/Source/Client/VGUITeamSelect.c b/Source/Client/VGUITeamSelect.c
index 1e2d6768..900c3f7f 100755
--- a/Source/Client/VGUITeamSelect.c
+++ b/Source/Client/VGUITeamSelect.c
@@ -21,69 +21,69 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "VGUI.h"
string sClassInfo[64] = {
- _("Phoenix Connexion"), "gfx/vgui/640_terror",
- _("The Phoenix Faction was formed shortly"),
- _("after the breakup of the USSR. Having"),
- _("established a reputation for killing "),
- _("anyone that gets in their way, the"),
- _("the Phoenix Faction is one of the most"),
- _("feared terrorist groups in Eastern Europe."),
+ _("VGUI_T1_TITLE"), "gfx/vgui/640_terror",
+ _("VGUI_T1_TXT1"),
+ _("VGUI_T1_TXT2"),
+ _("VGUI_T1_TXT3"),
+ _("VGUI_T1_TXT4"),
+ _("VGUI_T1_TXT5"),
+ _("VGUI_T1_TXT6"),
- _("L337 Krew"), "gfx/vgui/640_leet",
- _("Middle Eastern fundamentalist group bent"),
- _("on world domination and various other"),
- _("evil deeds"),
- _(""),
- _(""),
- _(""),
+ _("VGUI_T2_TITLE"), "gfx/vgui/640_leet",
+ _("VGUI_T2_TXT1"),
+ _("VGUI_T2_TXT2"),
+ _("VGUI_T2_TXT3"),
+ _("VGUI_T2_TXT4"),
+ _("VGUI_T2_TXT5"),
+ _("VGUI_T2_TXT6"),
- _("Arctic Avengers"), "gfx/vgui/640_arctic",
- _("Swedish terrorist faction founded in 1977."),
- _("Famous for their bombing of the Canadian"),
- _("embassy in 1990."),
- _(""),
- _(""),
- _(""),
+ _("VGUI_T3_TITLE"), "gfx/vgui/640_arctic",
+ _("VGUI_T3_TXT1"),
+ _("VGUI_T3_TXT2"),
+ _("VGUI_T3_TXT3"),
+ _("VGUI_T3_TXT4"),
+ _("VGUI_T3_TXT5"),
+ _("VGUI_T3_TXT6"),
- _("Guerilla Warfare"), "gfx/vgui/640_guerilla",
- _("A terrorist faction founded in the"),
- _("Middle East, Guerilla Warfare, has a"),
- _("reputation for ruthlessness. Their disgust"),
- _("for the American lifestyle was demonstrated"),
- _("in their 1982 bombing of a school bus full"),
- _("of Rock and Roll musicians."),
+ _("VGUI_T4_TITLE"), "gfx/vgui/640_guerilla",
+ _("VGUI_T4_TXT1"),
+ _("VGUI_T4_TXT2"),
+ _("VGUI_T4_TXT3"),
+ _("VGUI_T4_TXT4"),
+ _("VGUI_T4_TXT5"),
+ _("VGUI_T4_TXT6"),
- _("Seal Team 6"), "gfx/vgui/640_urban",
- _("Seal Team 6 (to be known later as DEVGRU)"),
- _("was founded in 1980 under the command of"),
- _("Lieutenant-Commander Richard Marcincko."),
- _("ST-6 was placed on permanent alert to"),
- _("respond to terrorist attacks against"),
- _("American targets worldwide."),
+ _("VGUI_CT1_TITLE"), "gfx/vgui/640_urban",
+ _("VGUI_CT1_TXT1"),
+ _("VGUI_CT1_TXT2"),
+ _("VGUI_CT1_TXT3"),
+ _("VGUI_CT1_TXT4"),
+ _("VGUI_CT1_TXT5"),
+ _("VGUI_CT1_TXT6"),
- _("German GSG9"), "gfx/vgui/640_gsg9",
- _("GSG-9 was born out of the tragic events"),
- _("that led to the death of several"),
- _("Israeli athletes during the 1972 Olympic"),
- _("games in Munich, Germany."),
- _(""),
- _(""),
+ _("VGUI_CT2_TITLE"), "gfx/vgui/640_gsg9",
+ _("VGUI_CT2_TXT1"),
+ _("VGUI_CT2_TXT2"),
+ _("VGUI_CT2_TXT3"),
+ _("VGUI_CT2_TXT4"),
+ _("VGUI_CT2_TXT5"),
+ _("VGUI_CT2_TXT6"),
- _("UK SAS"), "gfx/vgui/640_sas",
- _("The world-renowned British SAS was founded"),
- _("in the Second World War by a man named"),
- _("David Stirling. Their role during WW2"),
- _("involved gathering intelligence behind enemy"),
- _("lines and executing sabotage strikes and"),
- _("assassinations against key targets."),
+ _("VGUI_CT3_TITLE"), "gfx/vgui/640_sas",
+ _("VGUI_CT3_TXT1"),
+ _("VGUI_CT3_TXT2"),
+ _("VGUI_CT3_TXT3"),
+ _("VGUI_CT3_TXT4"),
+ _("VGUI_CT3_TXT5"),
+ _("VGUI_CT3_TXT6"),
- _("French GIGN"), "gfx/vgui/640_gign",
- _("France's elite Counter-Terrorist unit was"),
- _("designed to be a fast response force"),
- _("that could decisively react to any large-"),
- _("scale terrorist incident. Consisting of no"),
- _("more than 100 men, the GIGN has earned its"),
- _("reputation through a history of successful ops.")
+ _("VGUI_CT4_TITLE"), "gfx/vgui/640_gign",
+ _("VGUI_CT4_TXT1"),
+ _("VGUI_CT4_TXT2"),
+ _("VGUI_CT4_TXT3"),
+ _("VGUI_CT4_TXT4"),
+ _("VGUI_CT4_TXT5"),
+ _("VGUI_CT4_TXT6")
void VGUI_TeamSelect_Main( vector vPos ) {
@@ -127,13 +127,13 @@ void VGUI_TeamSelect_Main( vector vPos ) {
vTextPos_y += 10;
- VGUI_Button( _("Terrorists"), TeamSelect_Main_ButtonT, vPos + '16 116 0', '180 24 0' );
- VGUI_Button( _("Counter-Terrorists"), TeamSelect_Main_ButtonCT, vPos + '16 148 0', '180 24 0' );
+ VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_TEAM_T"), TeamSelect_Main_ButtonT, vPos + '16 116 0', '180 24 0' );
+ VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_TEAM_CT"), TeamSelect_Main_ButtonCT, vPos + '16 148 0', '180 24 0' );
- VGUI_Button( _("Auto-Assign"), TeamSelect_Main_ButtonAuto, vPos + '16 336 0', '180 24 0' );
- VGUI_Button( _("Spectate"), TeamSelect_Main_ButtonSpectate, vPos + '16 368 0', '180 24 0' );
+ VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_TEAM_AUTO"), TeamSelect_Main_ButtonAuto, vPos + '16 336 0', '180 24 0' );
+ VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_TEAM_SPEC"), TeamSelect_Main_ButtonSpectate, vPos + '16 368 0', '180 24 0' );
- VGUI_Button( _("Exit"), TeamSelect_Main_Exit, vPos + '16 440 0', '120 24 0' );
+ VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_EXIT"), TeamSelect_Main_Exit, vPos + '16 440 0', '120 24 0' );
void VGUI_TeamSelect_Back( void ) {
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ void VGUI_TeamSelect_T( vector vPos ) {
VGUI_TeamSelect_Button( 1, TeamSelect_T2, vPos + '16 192 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_TeamSelect_Button( 2, TeamSelect_T3, vPos + '16 224 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_TeamSelect_Button( 3, TeamSelect_T4, vPos + '16 256 0', '180 24 0' );
- VGUI_Button( _("Back"), VGUI_TeamSelect_Back, vPos + '16 440 0', '120 24 0' );
+ VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_BACK"), VGUI_TeamSelect_Back, vPos + '16 440 0', '120 24 0' );
void VGUI_TeamSelect_CT ( vector vPos ) {
@@ -200,5 +200,5 @@ void VGUI_TeamSelect_CT ( vector vPos ) {
VGUI_TeamSelect_Button( 5, TeamSelect_CT2, vPos + '16 192 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_TeamSelect_Button( 6, TeamSelect_CT3, vPos + '16 224 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_TeamSelect_Button( 7, TeamSelect_CT4, vPos + '16 256 0', '180 24 0' );
- VGUI_Button( _("Back"), VGUI_TeamSelect_Back, vPos + '16 440 0', '120 24 0' );
+ VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_BACK"), VGUI_TeamSelect_Back, vPos + '16 440 0', '120 24 0' );
diff --git a/Source/FreeCS-CE.prj b/Source/FreeCS-CE.prj
index 049976d3..57ae08bb 100755
--- a/Source/FreeCS-CE.prj
+++ b/Source/FreeCS-CE.prj
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
@@ -114,5 +114,14 @@
diff --git a/Source/Shared/Radio.c b/Source/Shared/Radio.c
index bd967767..b666442e 100755
--- a/Source/Shared/Radio.c
+++ b/Source/Shared/Radio.c
@@ -112,49 +112,49 @@ string sRadioSamples[43] = {
string sRadioChat[43] = {
- "Get out of there, it's gonna blow!",
- "The bomb has been defused.",
- "The bomb has been planted.",
- "Circle around back!",
- "Sector clear.",
- "Okay team, follow my command!",
- "Get in position and wait for my go!",
- "Go, go, go!",
- "Report in, team!",
- "Affirmative.",
- "Need backup!",
- "Cover me!",
- "Enemy spotted.",
- "Fire in the hole!",
- "I'm hit!",
- "I'm in position.",
- "I'll take the point.",
- "Reporting in.",
- "Counter-Terrorists win!",
- "Enemy down!",
- "Team, fall back!",
- "Taking fire, need assistance!",
- "Follow me!",
- "Team, let's get out of here!",
- "Okay, let's go.",
- "I'm hit! Need assistance!",
- "Hostage down.",
- "Okay, let's go.",
- "Lock 'n load.",
- "Teammate down.",
- "Meet at the rendezvous point.",
- "Alright, let's move out.",
- "Negative.",
- "Hold this position!",
- "Regroup, team!",
- "A hostage has been rescued.",
- "Roger that.",
- "Round draw!",
- "Stick together, team!",
- "Storm the front!",
- "You take the point!",
- "Terrorists win!",
- "Protect the VIP, team!"
+ _("RADIO_BLOW"),
+ _("RADIO_COM_GO"),
+ _("RADIO_GO"),
+ _("RADIO_VIP"),
diff --git a/freecs/csprogs.dat b/freecs/csprogs.dat
index e41b73f5..ddaeaa70 100644
Binary files a/freecs/csprogs.dat and b/freecs/csprogs.dat differ
diff --git a/freecs/csprogs.en_US.po b/freecs/csprogs.en_US.po
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2c23f039
--- /dev/null
+++ b/freecs/csprogs.en_US.po
@@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-06-21 15:30+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n"
+"Language: \n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+msgstr "Message Of The Day"
+msgstr "Team Selection"
+msgstr "Terrorist Selection"
+msgstr "Counter-Terrorist Selection"
+msgstr "Buy Menu"
+msgstr "Handguns"
+msgstr "Shotgun"
+msgstr "Sub-Machine-Guns"
+msgstr "Rifles"
+msgid "VGUI_TITLE_MG"
+msgstr "Machineguns"
+msgstr "Equipment"
+msgid "WEAPON_NONE"
+msgstr "None"
+msgstr "Knife"
+msgid "WEAPON_USP"
+msgstr "H&K USP .45 Tactical"
+msgid "WEAPON_GLOCK18"
+msgstr "Glock18 Select Fire"
+msgstr "Desert Eagle .50AE"
+msgid "WEAPON_P228"
+msgstr "SIG P228"
+msgstr "Dual Beretta 96G Elite"
+msgstr "FN Five-Seven"
+msgid "WEAPON_M3"
+msgstr "Benelli M3 Super90"
+msgid "WEAPON_XM1014"
+msgstr "Benelli XM1014"
+msgid "WEAPON_MP5"
+msgstr "H&K MP5-Navy"
+msgid "WEAPON_P90"
+msgstr "FN P90"
+msgid "WEAPON_UMP45"
+msgstr "H&K UMP45"
+msgid "WEAPON_MAC10"
+msgstr "Ingram MAC-10"
+msgid "WEAPON_TMP"
+msgstr "Steyr Tactical Machine Pistol"
+msgid "WEAPON_AK47"
+msgstr "AK-47"
+msgid "WEAPON_SG552"
+msgstr "Sig SG-552 Commando"
+msgid "WEAPON_M4A1"
+msgstr "Colt M4A1 Carbine"
+msgid "WEAPON_AUG"
+msgstr "Steyr Aug"
+msgstr "Steyr Scout"
+msgid "WEAPON_AWP"
+msgstr "AI Arctic Warfare/Magnum"
+msgid "WEAPON_G3SG1"
+msgstr "H&K G3/SG-1 Sniper Rifle"
+msgid "WEAPON_SG550"
+msgstr "Sig SG-550 Sniper"
+msgid "WEAPON_PARA"
+msgstr "FN M249 Para"
+msgstr "Kevlar"
+msgstr "Kevlar & Helmet"
+msgstr "Flashbang"
+msgstr "HE Grenade"
+msgstr "Smoke Grenade"
+msgstr "Defusal Kit"
+msgstr "NightVision"
+msgstr "Primary Ammo"
+msgstr "Secondary Ammo"
+msgid "VGUI_EXIT"
+msgstr "Exit"
+msgstr "Price: %i"
+msgid "BUY_CALIBER"
+msgstr "Caliber: %i"
+msgid "BUY_RPM"
+msgstr "Rounds Per Minute: %d"
+msgid "VGUI_BACK"
+msgstr "Back"
+msgid "VGUI_OK"
+msgstr "OK"
+msgid "RADIO_TITLE1"
+msgstr "Radio Commands"
+msgid "RADIO_TITLE2"
+msgstr "Group Radio Commands"
+msgid "RADIO_TITLE3"
+msgstr "Radio Responses"
+msgstr "Spectator"
+msgid "SCORE_TITLE_T"
+msgstr "Terrorists"
+msgstr "CT Forces"
+msgstr "VIP"
+msgid "SCORE_DEAD"
+msgstr "%s [DEAD]"
+msgid "SCORE_VIP"
+msgstr "%s [VIP]"
+msgstr "(%i players)"
+msgid "SCORE_SCORE"
+msgstr "SCORE"
+msgstr "DEATHS"
+msgstr "LATENCY"
+msgid "SCORE_VOICE"
+msgstr "VOICE"
+msgstr "Terrorists: %d"
+msgstr "CT Forces: %d"
+msgid "VGUI_T1_TITLE"
+msgstr "Phoenix Connexion"
+msgid "VGUI_T1_TXT1"
+msgstr "The Phoenix Faction was formed shortly"
+msgid "VGUI_T1_TXT2"
+msgstr "after the breakup of the USSR. Having"
+msgid "VGUI_T1_TXT3"
+msgstr "established a reputation for killing"
+msgid "VGUI_T1_TXT4"
+msgstr "anyone that gets in their way, the"
+msgid "VGUI_T1_TXT5"
+msgstr "the Phoenix Faction is one of the most"
+msgid "VGUI_T1_TXT6"
+msgstr "feared terrorist groups in Eastern Europe."
+msgid "VGUI_T2_TITLE"
+msgstr "L337 Krew"
+msgid "VGUI_T2_TXT1"
+msgstr "Middle Eastern fundamentalist group bent"
+msgid "VGUI_T2_TXT2"
+msgstr "on world domination and various other"
+msgid "VGUI_T2_TXT3"
+msgstr "evil deeds."
+msgid "VGUI_T2_TXT4"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VGUI_T2_TXT5"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VGUI_T2_TXT6"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VGUI_T3_TITLE"
+msgstr "Arctic Avengers"
+msgid "VGUI_T3_TXT1"
+msgstr "Swedish terrorist faction founded in 1977."
+msgid "VGUI_T3_TXT2"
+msgstr "Famous for their bombing of the Canadian"
+msgid "VGUI_T3_TXT3"
+msgstr "embassy in 1990."
+msgid "VGUI_T3_TXT4"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VGUI_T3_TXT5"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VGUI_T3_TXT6"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VGUI_T4_TITLE"
+msgstr "Guerilla Warfare"
+msgid "VGUI_T4_TXT1"
+msgstr "A terrorist faction founded in the"
+msgid "VGUI_T4_TXT2"
+msgstr "Middle East, Guerilla Warfare, has a"
+msgid "VGUI_T4_TXT3"
+msgstr "reputation for ruthlessness. Their disgust"
+msgid "VGUI_T4_TXT4"
+msgstr "for the American lifestyle was demonstrated"
+msgid "VGUI_T4_TXT5"
+msgstr "in their 1982 bombing of a school bus full"
+msgid "VGUI_T4_TXT6"
+msgstr "of Rock and Roll musicians."
+msgid "VGUI_CT1_TITLE"
+msgstr "Seal Team 6"
+msgid "VGUI_CT1_TXT1"
+msgstr "Seal Team 6 (to be known later as DEVGRU)"
+msgid "VGUI_CT1_TXT2"
+msgstr "was founded in 1980 under the command of"
+msgid "VGUI_CT1_TXT3"
+msgstr "Lieutenant-Commander Richard Marcincko."
+msgid "VGUI_CT1_TXT4"
+msgstr "ST-6 was placed on permanent alert to"
+msgid "VGUI_CT1_TXT5"
+msgstr "respond to terrorist attacks against"
+msgid "VGUI_CT1_TXT6"
+msgstr "American targets worldwide."
+msgid "VGUI_CT2_TITLE"
+msgstr "German GSG9"
+msgid "VGUI_CT2_TXT1"
+msgstr "GSG-9 was born out of the tragic events"
+msgid "VGUI_CT2_TXT2"
+msgstr "that led to the death of several"
+msgid "VGUI_CT2_TXT3"
+msgstr "Israeli athletes during the 1972 Olympic"
+msgid "VGUI_CT2_TXT4"
+msgstr "games in Munich, Germany."
+msgid "VGUI_CT2_TXT5"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VGUI_CT2_TXT6"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "VGUI_CT3_TITLE"
+msgstr "UK SAS"
+msgid "VGUI_CT3_TXT1"
+msgstr "The world-renowned British SAS was founded"
+msgid "VGUI_CT3_TXT2"
+msgstr "in the Second World War by a man named"
+msgid "VGUI_CT3_TXT3"
+msgstr "David Stirling. Their role during WW2"
+msgid "VGUI_CT3_TXT4"
+msgstr "involved gathering intelligence behind enemy"
+msgid "VGUI_CT3_TXT5"
+msgstr "lines and executing sabotage strikes and"
+msgid "VGUI_CT3_TXT6"
+msgstr "assassinations against key targets."
+msgid "VGUI_CT4_TITLE"
+msgstr "French GIGN"
+msgid "VGUI_CT4_TXT1"
+msgstr "France's elite Counter-Terrorist unit was"
+msgid "VGUI_CT4_TXT2"
+msgstr "designed to be a fast response force"
+msgid "VGUI_CT4_TXT3"
+msgstr "that could decisively react to any large-"
+msgid "VGUI_CT4_TXT4"
+msgstr "scale terrorist incident. Consisting of no"
+msgid "VGUI_CT4_TXT5"
+msgstr "more than 100 men, the GIGN has earned its"
+msgid "VGUI_CT4_TXT6"
+msgstr "reputation through a history of successful ops."
+msgid "VGUI_TEAM_T"
+msgstr "Terrorists"
+msgid "VGUI_TEAM_CT"
+msgstr "Counter-Terrorists"
+msgstr "Auto-Assign"
+msgstr "Spectate"
+msgid "RADIO_BLOW"
+msgstr "Get out of there, it's gonna blow!"
+msgstr "The bomb has been defused."
+msgstr "The bomb has been planted."
+msgstr "Circle around back!"
+msgid "RADIO_CLEAR"
+msgstr "Sector clear."
+msgstr "Okay team, follow my command!"
+msgstr "Get in position and wait for my go!"
+msgid "RADIO_COM_GO"
+msgstr "Go, go, go!"
+msgstr "Report in, team!"
+msgstr "Affirmative."
+msgstr "Need backup!"
+msgstr "Cover me!"
+msgstr "Enemy spotted."
+msgstr "Fire in the hole!"
+msgstr "I'm hit!"
+msgstr "I'm in position."
+msgstr "I'll take the point."
+msgstr "Reporting in."
+msgid "RADIO_CTWIN"
+msgstr "Counter-Terrorists win!"
+msgstr "Enemy down!"
+msgstr "Team, fall back!"
+msgstr "Taking fire, need assistance!"
+msgstr "Follow me!"
+msgstr "Team, let's get out of here!"
+msgid "RADIO_GO"
+msgstr "Okay, let's go."
+msgstr "I'm hit! Need assistance!"
+msgstr "Hostage down."
+msgstr "Okay, let's go."
+msgstr "Lock 'n load."
+msgstr "Teammate down."
+msgstr "Meet at the rendezvous point."
+msgstr "Alright, let's move out."
+msgstr "Negative."
+msgstr "Hold this position!"
+msgstr "Regroup, team!"
+msgstr "A hostage has been rescued."
+msgid "RADIO_ROGER"
+msgstr "Roger that."
+msgstr "Round draw!"
+msgstr "Stick together, team!"
+msgstr "Storm the front!"
+msgstr "You take the point!"
+msgstr "Terrorists win!"
+msgid "RADIO_VIP"
+msgstr "Protect the VIP, team!"
\ No newline at end of file