Translation files.

This commit is contained in:
Marco Cawthorne 2017-06-21 16:15:04 +02:00
parent f68a9b9f25
commit 86e16754e3
11 changed files with 681 additions and 186 deletions

View file

@ -22,17 +22,17 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// Menus with their window titles and draw functions
vguiwindow_t vguiMenus[11] = {
{ _("Message Of The Day"), VGUI_MessageOfTheDay },
{ _("Team Selection"), VGUI_TeamSelect_Main },
{ _("Terrorist Selection"), VGUI_TeamSelect_T },
{ _("Counter-Terrorist Selection"), VGUI_TeamSelect_CT },
{ _("Buy Menu"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Main },
{ _("Handguns"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Handguns },
{ _("Shotgun"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Shotguns },
{ _("Sub-Machine-Guns"), VGUI_BuyMenu_SMGs },
{ _("Rifles"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Rifles },
{ _("Machineguns"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Machineguns },
{ _("Equipment"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Equipment }
{ _("VGUI_TITLE_MOTD"), VGUI_MessageOfTheDay },
{ _("VGUI_TITLE_TEAMS"), VGUI_TeamSelect_Main },
{ _("VGUI_TITLE_TSEL"), VGUI_TeamSelect_T },
{ _("VGUI_TITLE_CTSEL"), VGUI_TeamSelect_CT },
{ _("VGUI_TITLE_BUY"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Main },
{ _("VGUI_TITLE_HANDGUN"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Handguns },
{ _("VGUI_TITLE_SHOTGUN"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Shotguns },
{ _("VGUI_TITLE_SMG"), VGUI_BuyMenu_SMGs },
{ _("VGUI_TITLE_RIFLE"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Rifles },
{ _("VGUI_TITLE_MG"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Machineguns },
{ _("VGUI_TITLE_EQUIPMENT"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Equipment }

View file

@ -21,40 +21,40 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "VGUI.h"
vguiweaponobject_t vguiWeaponTable[ CS_WEAPON_COUNT ] = {
{ _("None"), "" },
{ _("Knife"), "" },
{ _("H&K USP .45 Tactical"), "gfx/vgui/640_usp" },
{ _("Glock18 Select Fire"), "gfx/vgui/640_glock18" },
{ _("Desert Eagle .50AE"), "gfx/vgui/640_deagle" },
{ _("SIG P228"), "gfx/vgui/640_p228" },
{ _("Dual Beretta 96G Elite"), "gfx/vgui/640_elite" },
{ _("FN Five-Seven"), "gfx/vgui/640_fiveseven" },
{ _("Benelli M3 Super90"), "gfx/vgui/640_m3" },
{ _("Benelli XM1014"), "gfx/vgui/640_xm1014" },
{ _("H&K MP5-Navy"), "gfx/vgui/640_mp5" },
{ _("FN P90"), "gfx/vgui/640_p90" },
{ _("H&K UMP45"), "gfx/vgui/640_ump45" },
{ _("Ingram MAC-10"), "gfx/vgui/640_mac10" },
{ _("Steyr Tactical Machine Pistol"), "gfx/vgui/640_tmp" },
{ _("AK-47"), "gfx/vgui/640_ak47" },
{ _("Sig SG-552 Commando"), "gfx/vgui/640_sg552" },
{ _("Colt M4A1 Carbine"), "gfx/vgui/640_m4a1" },
{ _("Steyr Aug"), "gfx/vgui/640_aug" },
{ _("Steyr Scout"), "gfx/vgui/640_scout" },
{ _("AI Arctic Warfare/Magnum"), "gfx/vgui/640_awp" },
{ _("H&K G3/SG-1 Sniper Rifle"), "gfx/vgui/640_g3sg1" },
{ _("Sig SG-550 Sniper"), "gfx/vgui/640_sg550" },
{ _("FN M249 Para"), "gfx/vgui/640_m249" }
{ _("WEAPON_NONE"), "" },
{ _("WEAPON_KNIFE"), "" },
{ _("WEAPON_USP"), "gfx/vgui/640_usp" },
{ _("WEAPON_GLOCK18"), "gfx/vgui/640_glock18" },
{ _("WEAPON_DEAGLE"), "gfx/vgui/640_deagle" },
{ _("WEAPON_P228"), "gfx/vgui/640_p228" },
{ _("WEAPON_ELITES"), "gfx/vgui/640_elite" },
{ _("WEAPON_FIVESEVEN"), "gfx/vgui/640_fiveseven" },
{ _("WEAPON_M3"), "gfx/vgui/640_m3" },
{ _("WEAPON_XM1014"), "gfx/vgui/640_xm1014" },
{ _("WEAPON_MP5"), "gfx/vgui/640_mp5" },
{ _("WEAPON_P90"), "gfx/vgui/640_p90" },
{ _("WEAPON_UMP45"), "gfx/vgui/640_ump45" },
{ _("WEAPON_MAC10"), "gfx/vgui/640_mac10" },
{ _("WEAPON_TMP"), "gfx/vgui/640_tmp" },
{ _("WEAPON_AK47"), "gfx/vgui/640_ak47" },
{ _("WEAPON_SG552"), "gfx/vgui/640_sg552" },
{ _("WEAPON_M4A1"), "gfx/vgui/640_m4a1" },
{ _("WEAPON_AUG"), "gfx/vgui/640_aug" },
{ _("WEAPON_SCOUT"), "gfx/vgui/640_scout" },
{ _("WEAPON_AWP"), "gfx/vgui/640_awp" },
{ _("WEAPON_G3SG1"), "gfx/vgui/640_g3sg1" },
{ _("WEAPON_SG550"), "gfx/vgui/640_sg550" },
{ _("WEAPON_PARA"), "gfx/vgui/640_m249" }
vguiequipobject_t vguiEquipmentTable[ 7 ] = {
{ EQUIPMENT_KEVLAR, _("Kevlar"), "gfx/vgui/640_kevlar" },
{ EQUIPMENT_HELMET, _("Kevlar & Helmet"), "gfx/vgui/640_kevlar_helmet" },
{ WEAPON_FLASHBANG, _("Flashbang"), "gfx/vgui/640_flashbang" },
{ WEAPON_HEGRENADE, _("HE Grenade"), "gfx/vgui/640_hegrenade" },
{ WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE, _("Smoke Grenade"), "gfx/vgui/640_smokegrenade" },
{ EQUIPMENT_DEFUSALKIT, _("Defusal Kit"), "gfx/vgui/640_defuser" },
{ EQUIPMENT_NIGHTVISION, _("NightVision"), "gfx/vgui/640_nightvision" },
{ EQUIPMENT_KEVLAR, _("EQUIPMENT_KEVLAR"), "gfx/vgui/640_kevlar" },
{ EQUIPMENT_HELMET, _("EQUIPMENT_HELMET"), "gfx/vgui/640_kevlar_helmet" },
{ WEAPON_FLASHBANG, _("WEAPON_FLASHBANG"), "gfx/vgui/640_flashbang" },
{ WEAPON_HEGRENADE, _("WEAPON_HEGRENADE"), "gfx/vgui/640_hegrenade" },
{ WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE, _("WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE"), "gfx/vgui/640_smokegrenade" },
{ EQUIPMENT_DEFUSALKIT, _("EQUIPMENT_DEFUSALKIT"), "gfx/vgui/640_defuser" },
{ EQUIPMENT_NIGHTVISION, _("EQUIPMENT_NIGHTVISION"), "gfx/vgui/640_nightvision" },
// TODO: Clean this up
@ -89,17 +89,17 @@ void VGUI_BuyMenu_Main( vector vPos ) {
fVGUI_Display = VGUI_NONE;
VGUI_Button( _("Handguns"), BuyMenu_Main_1, vPos + '16 116 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_Button( _("Shotguns"), BuyMenu_Main_2, vPos + '16 148 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_Button( _("SMGs"), BuyMenu_Main_3, vPos + '16 180 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_Button( _("Rifles"), BuyMenu_Main_4, vPos + '16 212 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_Button( _("Machine Gun"), BuyMenu_Main_5, vPos + '16 244 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_TITLE_HANDGUN"), BuyMenu_Main_1, vPos + '16 116 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_TITLE_SHOTGUN"), BuyMenu_Main_2, vPos + '16 148 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_TITLE_SMG"), BuyMenu_Main_3, vPos + '16 180 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_TITLE_RIFLE"), BuyMenu_Main_4, vPos + '16 212 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_TITLE_MG"), BuyMenu_Main_5, vPos + '16 244 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_Button( _("Primary Ammo"), BuyMenu_Main_6, vPos + '16 308 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_Button( _("Secondary Ammo"), BuyMenu_Main_7, vPos + '16 340 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_Button( _("Equipment"), BuyMenu_Main_8, vPos + '16 372 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_TITLE_AMMO1"), BuyMenu_Main_6, vPos + '16 308 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_TITLE_AMMO2"), BuyMenu_Main_7, vPos + '16 340 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_TITLE_EQUIPMENT"), BuyMenu_Main_8, vPos + '16 372 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_Button( _("Exit"), BuyMenu_Main_9, vPos + '16 440 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_EXIT"), BuyMenu_Main_9, vPos + '16 440 0', '180 24 0' );
void VGUI_BuyMenu_Back( void ) {
@ -144,9 +144,9 @@ void VGUI_BuyMenu_WeaponButton( float fWeapon ) {
if ( wptTable[ fWeapon ].iPrice <= getstatf( STAT_MONEY ) ) {
if ( VGUI_Button( vguiWeaponTable[ fWeapon ].sName, VGUI_BuyMenu_BuyWeapon, vVGUIButtonPos, '264 24 0' ) == TRUE ) {
drawpic( vVGUIWindowPos + '328 116', vguiWeaponTable[ fWeapon ].sImage, '256 64', '1 1 1', 1 );
VGUI_Text( sprintf( _("Price: %i"), wptTable[ fWeapon ].iPrice ), vVGUIWindowPos + '328 250', '8 8 0' );
VGUI_Text( sprintf( _("Caliber: %i"), wptTable[ fWeapon ].iCaliber ), vVGUIWindowPos + '328 260', '8 8 0' );
VGUI_Text( sprintf( _("Rounds Per Minute: %d"), ( wptTable[ fWeapon ].fAttackFinished) * 3600 ), vVGUIWindowPos + '328 270', '8 8 0' );
VGUI_Text( sprintf( _("BUY_PRICETAG"), wptTable[ fWeapon ].iPrice ), vVGUIWindowPos + '328 250', '8 8 0' );
VGUI_Text( sprintf( _("BUY_CALIBER"), wptTable[ fWeapon ].iCaliber ), vVGUIWindowPos + '328 260', '8 8 0' );
VGUI_Text( sprintf( _("BUY_RPM"), ( wptTable[ fWeapon ].fAttackFinished) * 3600 ), vVGUIWindowPos + '328 270', '8 8 0' );
} else {
VGUI_FakeButton( vguiWeaponTable[ fWeapon ].sName, vVGUIButtonPos, '264 24 0' );
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ void VGUI_BuyMenu_EquipmentButton( float fID ) {
if ( eqptTable[ fID ].iPrice <= getstatf( STAT_MONEY ) ) {
if ( VGUI_Button( vguiEquipmentTable[ fID ].sName, VGUI_BuyMenu_BuyEquipment, vVGUIButtonPos, '180 24 0' ) == TRUE ) {
drawpic( vVGUIWindowPos + '290 116', vguiEquipmentTable[ fID ].sImage, '256 64', '1 1 1', 1 );
VGUI_Text( sprintf( _("Price: %i"), eqptTable[ fID ].iPrice ) , vVGUIWindowPos + '256 250', '8 8 0' );
VGUI_Text( sprintf( _("BUY_PRICETAG"), eqptTable[ fID ].iPrice ) , vVGUIWindowPos + '256 250', '8 8 0' );
} else {
VGUI_FakeButton( vguiEquipmentTable[ fID ].sName, vVGUIButtonPos, '180 24 0' );
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ void VGUI_BuyMenu_Handguns( vector vPos ) {
VGUI_BuyMenu_WeaponButton( WEAPON_FIVESEVEN );
VGUI_Button( _("Back"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Back, vPos + '16 440 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_BACK"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Back, vPos + '16 440 0', '180 24 0' );
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ void VGUI_BuyMenu_Shotguns( vector vPos ) {
VGUI_BuyMenu_WeaponButton( WEAPON_M3 );
VGUI_BuyMenu_WeaponButton( WEAPON_XM1014 );
VGUI_Button( _("Back"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Back, vPos + '16 440 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_BACK"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Back, vPos + '16 440 0', '180 24 0' );
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ void VGUI_BuyMenu_SMGs( vector vPos ) {
VGUI_BuyMenu_WeaponButton( WEAPON_TMP );
VGUI_Button( _("Back"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Back, vPos + '16 440 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_BACK"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Back, vPos + '16 440 0', '180 24 0' );
@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ void VGUI_BuyMenu_Rifles( vector vPos ) {
VGUI_BuyMenu_WeaponButton( WEAPON_SG550 );
VGUI_Button( _("Back"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Back, vPos + '16 440 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_BACK"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Back, vPos + '16 440 0', '180 24 0' );
@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ void VGUI_BuyMenu_Machineguns( vector vPos ) {
VGUI_BuyMenu_WeaponButton( WEAPON_PARA );
VGUI_Button( _("Back"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Back, vPos + '16 440 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_BACK"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Back, vPos + '16 440 0', '180 24 0' );
@ -303,5 +303,5 @@ void VGUI_BuyMenu_Equipment( vector vPos ) {
VGUI_BuyMenu_EquipmentButton( 6 );
VGUI_Button( _("Back"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Back, vPos + '16 440 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_BACK"), VGUI_BuyMenu_Back, vPos + '16 440 0', '180 24 0' );

View file

@ -35,5 +35,5 @@ void VGUI_MessageOfTheDay( vector vPos ) {
vTextPos_y += 10;
VGUI_Button( _("OK"), MessageOfTheDay_ButtonOK, vPos + '16 440 0', '80 24 0' );
VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_OK"), MessageOfTheDay_ButtonOK, vPos + '16 440 0', '80 24 0' );

View file

@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ void VGUI_Radio_Draw( void ) {
vSize_y = ( 10 * VGUIRADIO_COMMANDS ) + 64;
vPos = [ 16, vVideoResolution_y - 148 - vSize_y ];
VGUI_WindowSmall( _("Radio Commands"), vPos, vSize );
VGUI_WindowSmall( _("RADIO_TITLE1"), vPos, vSize );
vPos_y += 24;
vPos_x += 8;
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ void VGUI_Radio_Draw( void ) {
vSize_y = ( 10 * VGUIRADIO_GROUPCOMMANDS ) + 64;
vPos = [ 16, vVideoResolution_y - 148 - vSize_y ];
VGUI_WindowSmall( _("Group Radio Commands"), vPos, vSize );
VGUI_WindowSmall( _("RADIO_TITLE2"), vPos, vSize );
vPos_y += 24;
vPos_x += 8;
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ void VGUI_Radio_Draw( void ) {
vSize_y = ( 10 * VGUIRADIO_RESPONSES ) + 64;
vPos = [ 16, vVideoResolution_y - 148 - vSize_y ];
VGUI_WindowSmall( _("Radio Responses"), vPos, vSize );
VGUI_WindowSmall( _("RADIO_TITLE3"), vPos, vSize );
vPos_y += 24;
vPos_x += 8;
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ void VGUI_Radio_Draw( void ) {
vPos_y += 20;
VGUI_Text( sprintf( "0) %s", _("Back") ), vPos, '8 8 0' );
VGUI_Text( sprintf( "0) %s", _("VGUI_BACK") ), vPos, '8 8 0' );
if ( fInputKeyCode == 48 ) {
fVGUI_Display = VGUI_NONE;

View file

@ -21,10 +21,10 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "VGUI.h"
string sScoreTeams[4] = {
_("CT Forces"),
// This is seperated from the other VGUI stuff so we can check scores while buying and whatnot
@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ vector VGUI_Scores_DrawTeam( vector vPos, float fTeam ) {
if ( getplayerkeyvalue( i, "*dead" ) == "1" ) {
drawstring( vNewPos + '38 0', sprintf( _("%s [DEAD]"), getplayerkeyvalue( i, "name" ) ), '8 8 0', vColor, 1, 0 );
drawstring( vNewPos + '38 0', sprintf( _("SCORE_DEAD"), getplayerkeyvalue( i, "name" ) ), '8 8 0', vColor, 1, 0 );
} else if ( getplayerkeyvalue( i, "*dead" ) == "2" ) {
drawstring( vNewPos + '38 0', sprintf( _("%s [VIP]"), getplayerkeyvalue( i, "name" ) ), '8 8 0', vColor, 1, 0 );
drawstring( vNewPos + '38 0', sprintf( _("SCORE_VIP"), getplayerkeyvalue( i, "name" ) ), '8 8 0', vColor, 1, 0 );
} else {
drawstring( vNewPos + '38 0', getplayerkeyvalue( i, "name" ), '8 8 0', vColor, 1, 0 );
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ vector VGUI_Scores_DrawTeam( vector vPos, float fTeam ) {
// Now we know the playercount, so let's calculate the position next to the Teamname String and print it
vector vCountPos = vPos + '24 6';
vCountPos_x += stringwidth( sScoreTeams[ fTeam ], FALSE, '16 16 0' ) + 8;
drawstring( vCountPos, sprintf( _("(%i players)"), iPlayerCount ), '8 8 0', vColor, 1, 0 );
drawstring( vCountPos, sprintf( _("SCORE_PLAYERS"), iPlayerCount ), '8 8 0', vColor, 1, 0 );
return vNewPos + '0 24';
@ -135,7 +135,10 @@ void VGUI_Scores_Show( void ) {
drawstring( vMainPos + '24 13', serverkey( "hostname" ), '16 16 0', VGUI_WINDOW_FGCOLOR, 1, 0 );
// Tabs like Score, Ping etc.
drawstring( vMainPos + '280 32', _("SCORE DEATHS LATENCY VOICE"), '8 8 0', VGUI_WINDOW_FGCOLOR, 1, 0 );
drawstring( vMainPos + '280 32', _("SCORE_SCORE"), '8 8 0', VGUI_WINDOW_FGCOLOR, 1, 0 );
drawstring( vMainPos + '336 32', _("SCORE_DEATHS"), '8 8 0', VGUI_WINDOW_FGCOLOR, 1, 0 );
drawstring( vMainPos + '400 32', _("SCORE_LATENCY"), '8 8 0', VGUI_WINDOW_FGCOLOR, 1, 0 );
drawstring( vMainPos + '472 32', _("SCORE_VOICE"), '8 8 0', VGUI_WINDOW_FGCOLOR, 1, 0 );
vector vOffset = VGUI_Scores_DrawTeam( vMainPos + '0 50', TEAM_CT );
vOffset = VGUI_Scores_DrawTeam( vOffset, TEAM_T );

View file

@ -57,6 +57,6 @@ void VGUI_DrawSpectatorHUD( void ) {
drawfill( [ vVideoResolution_x - 85, 6 ], [ 2, 28 ], '0.56 0.56 0.21', 1 );
// Team Stats
VGUI_RightText( [ vVideoResolution_x - 96, 6 ], sprintf( "Terrorists: %d", getstatf( STAT_WON_T ) ), '8 8 0', '0.56 0.56 0.21' );
VGUI_RightText( [ vVideoResolution_x - 96, 23 ], sprintf( "CT Forces: %d", getstatf( STAT_WON_CT ) ), '8 8 0', '0.56 0.56 0.21' );
VGUI_RightText( [ vVideoResolution_x - 96, 6 ], sprintf( _("VGUI_SPEC_TCOUNTER"), getstatf( STAT_WON_T ) ), '8 8 0', '0.56 0.56 0.21' );
VGUI_RightText( [ vVideoResolution_x - 96, 23 ], sprintf( _("VGUI_SPEC_CTCOUNTER"), getstatf( STAT_WON_CT ) ), '8 8 0', '0.56 0.56 0.21' );

View file

@ -21,69 +21,69 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "VGUI.h"
string sClassInfo[64] = {
_("Phoenix Connexion"), "gfx/vgui/640_terror",
_("The Phoenix Faction was formed shortly"),
_("after the breakup of the USSR. Having"),
_("established a reputation for killing "),
_("anyone that gets in their way, the"),
_("the Phoenix Faction is one of the most"),
_("feared terrorist groups in Eastern Europe."),
_("VGUI_T1_TITLE"), "gfx/vgui/640_terror",
_("L337 Krew"), "gfx/vgui/640_leet",
_("Middle Eastern fundamentalist group bent"),
_("on world domination and various other"),
_("evil deeds"),
_("VGUI_T2_TITLE"), "gfx/vgui/640_leet",
_("Arctic Avengers"), "gfx/vgui/640_arctic",
_("Swedish terrorist faction founded in 1977."),
_("Famous for their bombing of the Canadian"),
_("embassy in 1990."),
_("VGUI_T3_TITLE"), "gfx/vgui/640_arctic",
_("Guerilla Warfare"), "gfx/vgui/640_guerilla",
_("A terrorist faction founded in the"),
_("Middle East, Guerilla Warfare, has a"),
_("reputation for ruthlessness. Their disgust"),
_("for the American lifestyle was demonstrated"),
_("in their 1982 bombing of a school bus full"),
_("of Rock and Roll musicians."),
_("VGUI_T4_TITLE"), "gfx/vgui/640_guerilla",
_("Seal Team 6"), "gfx/vgui/640_urban",
_("Seal Team 6 (to be known later as DEVGRU)"),
_("was founded in 1980 under the command of"),
_("Lieutenant-Commander Richard Marcincko."),
_("ST-6 was placed on permanent alert to"),
_("respond to terrorist attacks against"),
_("American targets worldwide."),
_("VGUI_CT1_TITLE"), "gfx/vgui/640_urban",
_("German GSG9"), "gfx/vgui/640_gsg9",
_("GSG-9 was born out of the tragic events"),
_("that led to the death of several"),
_("Israeli athletes during the 1972 Olympic"),
_("games in Munich, Germany."),
_("VGUI_CT2_TITLE"), "gfx/vgui/640_gsg9",
_("UK SAS"), "gfx/vgui/640_sas",
_("The world-renowned British SAS was founded"),
_("in the Second World War by a man named"),
_("David Stirling. Their role during WW2"),
_("involved gathering intelligence behind enemy"),
_("lines and executing sabotage strikes and"),
_("assassinations against key targets."),
_("VGUI_CT3_TITLE"), "gfx/vgui/640_sas",
_("French GIGN"), "gfx/vgui/640_gign",
_("France's elite Counter-Terrorist unit was"),
_("designed to be a fast response force"),
_("that could decisively react to any large-"),
_("scale terrorist incident. Consisting of no"),
_("more than 100 men, the GIGN has earned its"),
_("reputation through a history of successful ops.")
_("VGUI_CT4_TITLE"), "gfx/vgui/640_gign",
void VGUI_TeamSelect_Main( vector vPos ) {
@ -127,13 +127,13 @@ void VGUI_TeamSelect_Main( vector vPos ) {
vTextPos_y += 10;
VGUI_Button( _("Terrorists"), TeamSelect_Main_ButtonT, vPos + '16 116 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_Button( _("Counter-Terrorists"), TeamSelect_Main_ButtonCT, vPos + '16 148 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_TEAM_T"), TeamSelect_Main_ButtonT, vPos + '16 116 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_TEAM_CT"), TeamSelect_Main_ButtonCT, vPos + '16 148 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_Button( _("Auto-Assign"), TeamSelect_Main_ButtonAuto, vPos + '16 336 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_Button( _("Spectate"), TeamSelect_Main_ButtonSpectate, vPos + '16 368 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_TEAM_AUTO"), TeamSelect_Main_ButtonAuto, vPos + '16 336 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_TEAM_SPEC"), TeamSelect_Main_ButtonSpectate, vPos + '16 368 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_Button( _("Exit"), TeamSelect_Main_Exit, vPos + '16 440 0', '120 24 0' );
VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_EXIT"), TeamSelect_Main_Exit, vPos + '16 440 0', '120 24 0' );
void VGUI_TeamSelect_Back( void ) {
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ void VGUI_TeamSelect_T( vector vPos ) {
VGUI_TeamSelect_Button( 1, TeamSelect_T2, vPos + '16 192 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_TeamSelect_Button( 2, TeamSelect_T3, vPos + '16 224 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_TeamSelect_Button( 3, TeamSelect_T4, vPos + '16 256 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_Button( _("Back"), VGUI_TeamSelect_Back, vPos + '16 440 0', '120 24 0' );
VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_BACK"), VGUI_TeamSelect_Back, vPos + '16 440 0', '120 24 0' );
void VGUI_TeamSelect_CT ( vector vPos ) {
@ -200,5 +200,5 @@ void VGUI_TeamSelect_CT ( vector vPos ) {
VGUI_TeamSelect_Button( 5, TeamSelect_CT2, vPos + '16 192 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_TeamSelect_Button( 6, TeamSelect_CT3, vPos + '16 224 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_TeamSelect_Button( 7, TeamSelect_CT4, vPos + '16 256 0', '180 24 0' );
VGUI_Button( _("Back"), VGUI_TeamSelect_Back, vPos + '16 440 0', '120 24 0' );
VGUI_Button( _("VGUI_BACK"), VGUI_TeamSelect_Back, vPos + '16 440 0', '120 24 0' );

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<project version="Crimson Editor 3.60">
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@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
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<localfile path="C:\Cygwin\home\eukara\Projects\FreeCS\Source\Server\ArmouryEntity.c" />
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
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@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
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@ -114,5 +114,14 @@
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View file

@ -112,49 +112,49 @@ string sRadioSamples[43] = {
string sRadioChat[43] = {
"Get out of there, it's gonna blow!",
"The bomb has been defused.",
"The bomb has been planted.",
"Circle around back!",
"Sector clear.",
"Okay team, follow my command!",
"Get in position and wait for my go!",
"Go, go, go!",
"Report in, team!",
"Need backup!",
"Cover me!",
"Enemy spotted.",
"Fire in the hole!",
"I'm hit!",
"I'm in position.",
"I'll take the point.",
"Reporting in.",
"Counter-Terrorists win!",
"Enemy down!",
"Team, fall back!",
"Taking fire, need assistance!",
"Follow me!",
"Team, let's get out of here!",
"Okay, let's go.",
"I'm hit! Need assistance!",
"Hostage down.",
"Okay, let's go.",
"Lock 'n load.",
"Teammate down.",
"Meet at the rendezvous point.",
"Alright, let's move out.",
"Hold this position!",
"Regroup, team!",
"A hostage has been rescued.",
"Roger that.",
"Round draw!",
"Stick together, team!",
"Storm the front!",
"You take the point!",
"Terrorists win!",
"Protect the VIP, team!"

Binary file not shown.

freecs/csprogs.en_US.po Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-06-21 15:30+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
msgstr "Message Of The Day"
msgstr "Team Selection"
msgstr "Terrorist Selection"
msgstr "Counter-Terrorist Selection"
msgstr "Buy Menu"
msgstr "Handguns"
msgstr "Shotgun"
msgstr "Sub-Machine-Guns"
msgstr "Rifles"
msgstr "Machineguns"
msgstr "Equipment"
msgstr "None"
msgstr "Knife"
msgid "WEAPON_USP"
msgstr "H&K USP .45 Tactical"
msgid "WEAPON_GLOCK18"
msgstr "Glock18 Select Fire"
msgstr "Desert Eagle .50AE"
msgid "WEAPON_P228"
msgstr "SIG P228"
msgstr "Dual Beretta 96G Elite"
msgstr "FN Five-Seven"
msgid "WEAPON_M3"
msgstr "Benelli M3 Super90"
msgid "WEAPON_XM1014"
msgstr "Benelli XM1014"
msgid "WEAPON_MP5"
msgstr "H&K MP5-Navy"
msgid "WEAPON_P90"
msgstr "FN P90"
msgid "WEAPON_UMP45"
msgstr "H&K UMP45"
msgid "WEAPON_MAC10"
msgstr "Ingram MAC-10"
msgid "WEAPON_TMP"
msgstr "Steyr Tactical Machine Pistol"
msgid "WEAPON_AK47"
msgstr "AK-47"
msgid "WEAPON_SG552"
msgstr "Sig SG-552 Commando"
msgid "WEAPON_M4A1"
msgstr "Colt M4A1 Carbine"
msgid "WEAPON_AUG"
msgstr "Steyr Aug"
msgstr "Steyr Scout"
msgid "WEAPON_AWP"
msgstr "AI Arctic Warfare/Magnum"
msgid "WEAPON_G3SG1"
msgstr "H&K G3/SG-1 Sniper Rifle"
msgid "WEAPON_SG550"
msgstr "Sig SG-550 Sniper"
msgstr "FN M249 Para"
msgstr "Kevlar"
msgstr "Kevlar & Helmet"
msgstr "Flashbang"
msgstr "HE Grenade"
msgstr "Smoke Grenade"
msgstr "Defusal Kit"
msgstr "NightVision"
msgstr "Primary Ammo"
msgstr "Secondary Ammo"
msgid "VGUI_EXIT"
msgstr "Exit"
msgstr "Price: %i"
msgstr "Caliber: %i"
msgid "BUY_RPM"
msgstr "Rounds Per Minute: %d"
msgid "VGUI_BACK"
msgstr "Back"
msgid "VGUI_OK"
msgstr "OK"
msgid "RADIO_TITLE1"
msgstr "Radio Commands"
msgid "RADIO_TITLE2"
msgstr "Group Radio Commands"
msgid "RADIO_TITLE3"
msgstr "Radio Responses"
msgstr "Spectator"
msgstr "Terrorists"
msgstr "CT Forces"
msgstr "VIP"
msgid "SCORE_DEAD"
msgstr "%s [DEAD]"
msgid "SCORE_VIP"
msgstr "%s [VIP]"
msgstr "(%i players)"
msgstr "SCORE"
msgstr "DEATHS"
msgstr "LATENCY"
msgstr "VOICE"
msgstr "Terrorists: %d"
msgstr "CT Forces: %d"
msgid "VGUI_T1_TITLE"
msgstr "Phoenix Connexion"
msgid "VGUI_T1_TXT1"
msgstr "The Phoenix Faction was formed shortly"
msgid "VGUI_T1_TXT2"
msgstr "after the breakup of the USSR. Having"
msgid "VGUI_T1_TXT3"
msgstr "established a reputation for killing"
msgid "VGUI_T1_TXT4"
msgstr "anyone that gets in their way, the"
msgid "VGUI_T1_TXT5"
msgstr "the Phoenix Faction is one of the most"
msgid "VGUI_T1_TXT6"
msgstr "feared terrorist groups in Eastern Europe."
msgid "VGUI_T2_TITLE"
msgstr "L337 Krew"
msgid "VGUI_T2_TXT1"
msgstr "Middle Eastern fundamentalist group bent"
msgid "VGUI_T2_TXT2"
msgstr "on world domination and various other"
msgid "VGUI_T2_TXT3"
msgstr "evil deeds."
msgid "VGUI_T2_TXT4"
msgstr ""
msgid "VGUI_T2_TXT5"
msgstr ""
msgid "VGUI_T2_TXT6"
msgstr ""
msgid "VGUI_T3_TITLE"
msgstr "Arctic Avengers"
msgid "VGUI_T3_TXT1"
msgstr "Swedish terrorist faction founded in 1977."
msgid "VGUI_T3_TXT2"
msgstr "Famous for their bombing of the Canadian"
msgid "VGUI_T3_TXT3"
msgstr "embassy in 1990."
msgid "VGUI_T3_TXT4"
msgstr ""
msgid "VGUI_T3_TXT5"
msgstr ""
msgid "VGUI_T3_TXT6"
msgstr ""
msgid "VGUI_T4_TITLE"
msgstr "Guerilla Warfare"
msgid "VGUI_T4_TXT1"
msgstr "A terrorist faction founded in the"
msgid "VGUI_T4_TXT2"
msgstr "Middle East, Guerilla Warfare, has a"
msgid "VGUI_T4_TXT3"
msgstr "reputation for ruthlessness. Their disgust"
msgid "VGUI_T4_TXT4"
msgstr "for the American lifestyle was demonstrated"
msgid "VGUI_T4_TXT5"
msgstr "in their 1982 bombing of a school bus full"
msgid "VGUI_T4_TXT6"
msgstr "of Rock and Roll musicians."
msgid "VGUI_CT1_TITLE"
msgstr "Seal Team 6"
msgid "VGUI_CT1_TXT1"
msgstr "Seal Team 6 (to be known later as DEVGRU)"
msgid "VGUI_CT1_TXT2"
msgstr "was founded in 1980 under the command of"
msgid "VGUI_CT1_TXT3"
msgstr "Lieutenant-Commander Richard Marcincko."
msgid "VGUI_CT1_TXT4"
msgstr "ST-6 was placed on permanent alert to"
msgid "VGUI_CT1_TXT5"
msgstr "respond to terrorist attacks against"
msgid "VGUI_CT1_TXT6"
msgstr "American targets worldwide."
msgid "VGUI_CT2_TITLE"
msgstr "German GSG9"
msgid "VGUI_CT2_TXT1"
msgstr "GSG-9 was born out of the tragic events"
msgid "VGUI_CT2_TXT2"
msgstr "that led to the death of several"
msgid "VGUI_CT2_TXT3"
msgstr "Israeli athletes during the 1972 Olympic"
msgid "VGUI_CT2_TXT4"
msgstr "games in Munich, Germany."
msgid "VGUI_CT2_TXT5"
msgstr ""
msgid "VGUI_CT2_TXT6"
msgstr ""
msgid "VGUI_CT3_TITLE"
msgstr "UK SAS"
msgid "VGUI_CT3_TXT1"
msgstr "The world-renowned British SAS was founded"
msgid "VGUI_CT3_TXT2"
msgstr "in the Second World War by a man named"
msgid "VGUI_CT3_TXT3"
msgstr "David Stirling. Their role during WW2"
msgid "VGUI_CT3_TXT4"
msgstr "involved gathering intelligence behind enemy"
msgid "VGUI_CT3_TXT5"
msgstr "lines and executing sabotage strikes and"
msgid "VGUI_CT3_TXT6"
msgstr "assassinations against key targets."
msgid "VGUI_CT4_TITLE"
msgstr "French GIGN"
msgid "VGUI_CT4_TXT1"
msgstr "France's elite Counter-Terrorist unit was"
msgid "VGUI_CT4_TXT2"
msgstr "designed to be a fast response force"
msgid "VGUI_CT4_TXT3"
msgstr "that could decisively react to any large-"
msgid "VGUI_CT4_TXT4"
msgstr "scale terrorist incident. Consisting of no"
msgid "VGUI_CT4_TXT5"
msgstr "more than 100 men, the GIGN has earned its"
msgid "VGUI_CT4_TXT6"
msgstr "reputation through a history of successful ops."
msgid "VGUI_TEAM_T"
msgstr "Terrorists"
msgid "VGUI_TEAM_CT"
msgstr "Counter-Terrorists"
msgstr "Auto-Assign"
msgstr "Spectate"
msgid "RADIO_BLOW"
msgstr "Get out of there, it's gonna blow!"
msgstr "The bomb has been defused."
msgstr "The bomb has been planted."
msgstr "Circle around back!"
msgstr "Sector clear."
msgstr "Okay team, follow my command!"
msgstr "Get in position and wait for my go!"
msgid "RADIO_COM_GO"
msgstr "Go, go, go!"
msgstr "Report in, team!"
msgstr "Affirmative."
msgstr "Need backup!"
msgstr "Cover me!"
msgstr "Enemy spotted."
msgstr "Fire in the hole!"
msgstr "I'm hit!"
msgstr "I'm in position."
msgstr "I'll take the point."
msgstr "Reporting in."
msgstr "Counter-Terrorists win!"
msgstr "Enemy down!"
msgstr "Team, fall back!"
msgstr "Taking fire, need assistance!"
msgstr "Follow me!"
msgstr "Team, let's get out of here!"
msgid "RADIO_GO"
msgstr "Okay, let's go."
msgstr "I'm hit! Need assistance!"
msgstr "Hostage down."
msgstr "Okay, let's go."
msgstr "Lock 'n load."
msgstr "Teammate down."
msgstr "Meet at the rendezvous point."
msgstr "Alright, let's move out."
msgstr "Negative."
msgstr "Hold this position!"
msgstr "Regroup, team!"
msgstr "A hostage has been rescued."
msgstr "Roger that."
msgstr "Round draw!"
msgstr "Stick together, team!"
msgstr "Storm the front!"
msgstr "You take the point!"
msgstr "Terrorists win!"
msgid "RADIO_VIP"
msgstr "Protect the VIP, team!"