EntityDef: support 'events' group, so developers can tie animation events to Inputs (Source Base I/O system)
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 78 additions and 40 deletions
@ -42,6 +42,33 @@
as you can see, key/value pairs can also split across multiple lines,
although that is discouraged.
we also have things exclusive to our entityDef format:
entityDef foobar {
when "body" equals 1 {
"skin" "4"
will allow developers to configure other fields when certain
conditions are met.
this is also expanded to include model event callbacks to the tried
and true I/O system:
entityDef foobar {
events {
1004 "SpawnDef" "foobar_projectile"
/* games can feel free to set this to whatever you need. */
@ -66,8 +93,10 @@ typedef struct
string spawnData;
string inheritKeys;
string tweakDefs;
string tweakDefs; /* when (field) equals/greater-than/less-than/is-not (value) */
string tweakKeys;
string eventList; /* model events */
} entityDef_t;
entityDef_t g_entDefTable[ENTITYDEF_MAX];
@ -83,6 +112,7 @@ EntityDef_ReadFile(string filePath)
entityDef_t currentDef;
int braceDepth = 0i;
string lastWord = __NULL__;
bool inEvent = false;
currentDef.entClass = "";
currentDef.spawnClass = "";
@ -90,6 +120,7 @@ EntityDef_ReadFile(string filePath)
currentDef.inheritKeys = "";
currentDef.tweakDefs = "";
currentDef.tweakKeys = "";
currentDef.eventList = "";
/* bounds check */
if (g_entDefCount >= ENTITYDEF_MAX) {
@ -127,6 +158,7 @@ EntityDef_ReadFile(string filePath)
g_entDefTable[g_entDefCount].inheritKeys = currentDef.inheritKeys;
g_entDefTable[g_entDefCount].tweakDefs = currentDef.tweakDefs;
g_entDefTable[g_entDefCount].tweakKeys = currentDef.tweakKeys;
g_entDefTable[g_entDefCount].eventList = currentDef.eventList;
/* increment the def count */
if (g_entDefCount < ENTITYDEF_MAX)
@ -138,13 +170,16 @@ EntityDef_ReadFile(string filePath)
currentDef.inheritKeys = "";
currentDef.tweakDefs = "";
currentDef.tweakKeys = "";
currentDef.eventList = "";
/* we came out of a tweak */
if (braceDepth == 1) {
if (currentDef.tweakDefs != "") {
if (inEvent == false && currentDef.tweakKeys != "") {
currentDef.tweakKeys = strcat(currentDef.tweakKeys, ";"); /* mark the end of a key chain */
//currentDef.tweakKeys = "";
inEvent = false;
@ -180,40 +215,19 @@ EntityDef_ReadFile(string filePath)
inEvent = false;
} else if (substring(word, 0, 6) == "events") {
inEvent = true;
} else { /* rest gets dumped into spawndata */
currentDef.spawnData = strcat(currentDef.spawnData, "\"", word, "\"", " ");
} else if (braceDepth == 2) {
/* spawnclass is reserved and the next keyword specs it */
if (word == "spawnclass") {
currentDef.spawnClass = argv(i+1);
} else if (word == "inherit") {
currentDef.inheritKeys = argv(i+1);
} else if (substring(word, 0, 7) == "editor_") {
/* do nothing */
} else if (substring(word, 0, 4) == "when") {
switch (argv(i+2)) {
case "equals":
currentDef.tweakDefs = strcat(currentDef.tweakDefs, argv(i+1), " 0 ", argv(i+3), ";");
case "less-than":
currentDef.tweakDefs = strcat(currentDef.tweakDefs, argv(i+1), " 1 ", argv(i+3), ";");
case "greater-than":
currentDef.tweakDefs = strcat(currentDef.tweakDefs, argv(i+1), " 2 ", argv(i+3), ";");
case "is-not":
currentDef.tweakDefs = strcat(currentDef.tweakDefs, argv(i+1), " 3 ", argv(i+3), ";");
} else { /* rest gets dumped into spawndata */
/* it's a 'when' tweak */
if (inEvent == false) {
currentDef.tweakKeys = strcat(currentDef.tweakKeys, "\"", word, "\"", " ");
} else { /* it's a model event callback */
currentDef.eventList = strcat(currentDef.eventList, "\"", word, "\"", " ");
@ -250,7 +264,7 @@ EntityDef_Init(void)
#if 0
#if 1
for (int i = 0i; i < g_entDefCount; i++) {
int numKeys = tokenize_console(g_entDefTable[i].spawnData);
print(sprintf("edef %i: %S\n", i, g_entDefTable[i].entClass));
@ -258,6 +272,7 @@ EntityDef_Init(void)
print(sprintf("\tinheritKeys: %S\n", g_entDefTable[i].inheritKeys));
print(sprintf("\ttweakDefs %S\n", g_entDefTable[i].tweakDefs));
print(sprintf("\ttweakKeys %S\n", g_entDefTable[i].tweakKeys));
print(sprintf("\teventList %S\n", g_entDefTable[i].eventList));
for (int c = 0; c < numKeys; c+=2) {
@ -417,6 +432,7 @@ EntityDef_PrepareEntity(entity target, int id)
spawnWords = tokenizebyseparator(g_entDefTable[id].tweakDefs, ";");
targetEnt.m_strModelEventCB = g_entDefTable[id].eventList; /* pass over the event listing */
@ -321,8 +321,8 @@ public:
nonvirtual bool Visible(entity);
/** Returns if the entity is visible from a given position and a field of view of 90 degrees. */
nonvirtual bool VisibleVec(vector);
/** Returns a normalized value of how far away the target is from the entity's view direction. 1 means dead-center. 0 means it's behind.*/
nonvirtual bool DistanceFromYaw(vector);
/** Returns a normalized value of how far away the target is from the entity's view direction. 1 means dead-center. -1 means it's behind.*/
nonvirtual float DistanceFromYaw(vector);
/** Returns if the entity has any spawnflags set. */
nonvirtual bool HasSpawnFlags(float);
/** Returns if the entity is aligned to the ground. */
@ -110,16 +110,13 @@ bool NSEntity::Visible( entity ent ) {
return ( false );
bool NSEntity::DistanceFromYaw( vector targetPos ) {
vector flDelta;
float flFoV;
float NSEntity::DistanceFromYaw( vector targetPos ) {
vector vecDelta;
makevectors( angles );
flDelta = normalize( targetPos - origin );
return flDelta * v_forward;
vecDelta = normalize( targetPos - origin );
return vecDelta * v_forward;
bool NSEntity::HasSpawnFlags( float sf ) {
return ( spawnflags & sf ) ? true : false;
@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ private:
string m_strOnUser2;
string m_strOnUser3;
string m_strOnUser4;
/* entityDef powered modelevent callbacks */
string m_strModelEventCB;
@ -755,7 +755,29 @@ NSRenderableEntity::HandleAnimEvent(float flTimeStamp, int iCode, string strData
#ifdef SERVER
int eDefEvents = tokenize(m_strModelEventCB);
//print(sprintf("%i\n", eDefEvents));
for (int i = 0; i < eDefEvents; i+=3) {
int testCode = stoi(argv(i+0));
string testInput = argv(i+1);
string testData = argv(i+2);
//print(sprintf("%i %s %s\n", testCode, testInput, testData));
/* this is kind of messy in that we can only pass one parm over another */
if (iCode == testCode) {
if (testData != "")
Input(this, testInput, testData);
Input(this, testInput, strData); /* no parms passed. */
tokenize(m_strModelEventCB); /* ensure argv() is 'rewound'... */
NSLog("Unknown model event: %f %i %S", flTimeStamp, iCode, strData);
Reference in a new issue