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Raw Normal View History

//======= Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Vera Visions LLC. All rights reserved. =======
// Purpose:
// Basic water shader, No diffuse texture, just pure normalmap + refraction
!!ver 110
!!permu FOG
!!samps 2 normalmap reflectcube
#include "sys/defs.h"
varying mat3 invsurface;
varying vec4 tf_c;
varying vec3 eyeminusvertex;
varying vec3 eyevector;
varying vec2 shift1;
varying vec2 shift2;
void main ()
invsurface[0] = v_svector;
invsurface[1] = v_tvector;
invsurface[2] = v_normal;
eyeminusvertex = e_eyepos -;
eyevector.x = dot( eyeminusvertex, );
eyevector.y = dot( eyeminusvertex, );
eyevector.z = dot( eyeminusvertex, );
tf_c = ftetransform();
tf_c.z += 0.1; /* hack to get rid of refraction artifacts */
shift1 = v_texcoord + vec2( e_time * 0.1, 0.0 );
shift2 = v_texcoord - vec2( 0, e_time * -0.01 );
gl_Position = tf_c;
#include "sys/fog.h"
void main ( void )
float fres;
vec2 refl_c;
vec3 refl_f;
vec3 refr_f;
vec3 norm_f;
vec4 out_f = vec4( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
// Use the normalmap to shift the refraction
norm_f = ( texture2D( s_normalmap, shift1 ).xyz);
norm_f += ( texture2D( s_normalmap, shift2 ).xyz);
norm_f -= 1.0 - ( 4.0 / 256.0 );
norm_f = normalize( norm_f ) * 0.05;
// Reflection/View coordinates
refl_c = ( 1.0 + ( tf_c.xy / tf_c.w ) ) * 0.5;
refl_c.t -= 1.5 * invsurface[2].z / 1080.0;
vec3 cube_c = reflect( normalize( -eyevector ), texture2D( s_normalmap, shift2).rgb * 0.35 );
cube_c = cube_c.x * invsurface[0] + cube_c.y * invsurface[1] + cube_c.z * invsurface[2];
cube_c = ( m_model * vec4(, 0.0 ) ).xyz;
refl_f = textureCube( s_reflectcube, cube_c ).rgb;
refr_f = texture2D( s_t1, refl_c + ( * 0.1 ) ).rgb;
fres = pow( 1.0 - abs( dot( norm_f, normalize( eyeminusvertex ) ) ), 5.0 );
out_f.rgb = mix( refr_f, refl_f, fres * 0.25 );
gl_FragColor = fog4( out_f );