However, we advise you only do this for development. If you want proper multiplayer compatibility (slightly different filesystem mount setups can confuse client-server negotation) please use the built-in **Custom game** menu to ensure maximum compatibility to other clients.
If you are running a dedicated server and have issues with multiple game directories, check the value of the cvar `sv_gamedir` on the server. It is meant to be a semicolon separated list of game directories, if multiple ones are supposed to be mounted.
You'll want to compile a custom build of the engine with your branding.
Inside `src/engine/engine/common/` you can find a config file named `config_wastes.h`,
which is a good example of how you can customize your engine binaries and filesystem mount-points.
That way you **avoid** shipping a default.fmf file.
**How to compile a custom config build**: You pass `FTE_CONFIG=wastes` to the make environment when building an engine binary - if you wanted to build with the `config_wastes.h` file. [For more information check out the building section](