
189 lines
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Raw Permalink Normal View History

// generated by Nuclide, do not modify
set _pext_infoblobs "1" // override
set _pext_vrinputs "0" // override
set _q3bsp_bihtraces "1" // override
set ai_debugAlerts "0" // Show prints when AI gets alerted to a position.
set ai_debugLogic "0" // Show prints when AI makes decisions regarding thinking.
set ai_debugNav "0" // Show prints when AI makes decisions regarding navigation.
set ai_debugScripts "0" // Show prints when AI interacts with scripted sequences.
set ai_enable "1" // Disable AI behaviour when set.
set ai_runSpeed "320" // Default run speed chosen by AI characters, in units per second.
set ai_walkSpeed "150" // Default walk speed chosen by AI characters, in units per second.
set bot_aimless "0" // Bots will not set goals for themselves when set.
set bot_backspeed "133" // Bots desired maximum backwards speed.
set bot_crouch "0" // Bots are all forced to move crouched.
set bot_developer "0" // TODO: remove?
set bot_dont_shoot "0" // Bots never actually shoot.
set bot_enable "1" // Bot support enabled when set.
set bot_fastChat "0" // Bots will chat instantly instead of 'typing'.
set bot_forwardspeed "190" // Bots desired maximum forward speed.
set bot_minClients "-1" // How many player slots are to be filled, -1 is 'untouched'.
set bot_noChat "0" // Bots will no longer communicate when set.
set bot_pause "0" // Bots logic will be paused.
set bot_prefix "" // Bot nickname prefix for newly added bots.
set bot_prone "0" // Bots are all forced to move prone.
set bot_sidespeed "152" // Bots desired maximum strafe speed.
set bot_skill "2" // Bot version of cvar "skill".
set bot_walk "0" // Bots are forced to walk slowly.
set cfg_save_auto "1" // override
set cg_chatEnabled "1" // Enable the display of chat messages.
set cg_damageShake "0" // Shake the display upon taking damage.
set cg_hudAspect "0" // Aspect ratio override for the HUD. 1.0 is 1:1 square, 0 is auto.
set cg_modelBobHeight "0.0" // Intensity at which objects with the "spin" flag bob.
set cg_modelBobHeightSpeed "0.0" // Speed at which objects with the "spin" flag bob.
set cg_modelSpinPitch "0.0" // Intensity at which objects with the "spin" flag change their pitch.
set cg_modelSpinPitchSpeed "0.0" // Speed at which objects with the "spin" flag change their pitch.
set cg_modelSpinRoll "0.0" // Intensity at which objects with the "spin" flag roll.
set cg_modelSpinRollSpeed "0.0" // Speed at which objects with the "spin" flag roll.
set cg_modelSpinSpeed "120.0" // Speed at which an object with the "spin" key spins.
set cg_muzzleDLight "1" // Enable dlights being spawned from muzzleflashes.
set cg_muzzleDLightColor "1.0 0.45 0.0" // Color of muzzleflash dlights.
set cg_viewZSmoothingMax "16" // Camera vertical-axis smoothing max delta threshold.
set cg_viewZSmoothingMin "1" // Camera vertical-axis smoothing delta threshold.
set cg_viewZSmoothingTime "0.1" // Camera vertical-axis smoothing steps.
set cg_viewmodelFlip "0" // Flip the viewmodel.
set cg_viewmodelFov "90" // Viewmodel field of view.
set cg_viewmodelLag "0" // Viewmodel lag when camera looks around.
set cg_viewmodelOffset "0 0 0" // Viewmodel offset in relative units (forward, right, up)
set cg_viewmodelPass "1" // Renders viewmodel in separate drawpass (no lighting)
set cg_viewmodelScale "1.0" // Viewmodel scale multiplier, affects bob as well.
set cl_backspeed "400" // Client's desired backwards speed.
set cl_bob "0" // override
set cl_cursor_scale "1" // override
set cl_decals "128" // override
set cl_forwardspeed "400" // Client's desired forward speed.
set cl_musicstyle "0" // override
set cl_sidespeed "400" // Client's desired side-step speed.
set con_color "255 150 0" // HUD color value, R G B, 0-255 for each channel.
set con_notifylines "0" // override
set dev_cornerspeed "0" // Override speed set by path_corner entities.
set dev_loddistance "0" // Override distance at which func_lod entities disappear.
set dev_skyscale "" // Override for the sky_camera room scale.
set dsp_soundscapes "1" // Enable the use of sound scapes.
set g_damageScale "1" // final damage scale on objects
set g_gravity "800" // Global gravity setting.
set g_logLevel "2" // Game console log levels. 0 = None, 1 = Errors, 2 = Warnings, 3 = Extra Messages
set g_logTimestamps "0" // When 1, will print time stamps before the log message
set gl_conback "gfx/devcon" // override
set gl_mindist "4" // override
set gl_blendsprites "0" // override
set gl_specular "1" // override
set gl_specular_fallback "0" // override
set in_zoomSensitivity "1.0" // Input sensitivity multiplier for when you're zoomed in.
set logging_enabled "0" // Enable server-side logging for game specific events.
set maxpitch "89" // override
set menu_helptext_size "11"
set menu_intro "1"
set menu_steambg "0"
set menu_updating "0"
set media_repeat "0" // override
set minpitch "-89" // override
set motdfile "motd.txt"
set mp_allowvote "1"
set mp_decals "128"
set mp_flashlight "1"
set mp_td_dmgToKick "300"
set mp_td_dmgToWarn "200"
set nav_linksize "256"
set nav_radius "32"
set phys_developer "0" // Shows debug prints regarding physics operations when set.
set phys_impactforcescale "1" // Scaler for impact forces on physically simulated entities.
set phys_pushscale "1" // Scaler for push forces on physically simulated entities.
set pm_accelerate "10"
set pm_airaccelerate "10"
set pm_airstepsize "0"
set pm_boxcenter "1"
set pm_boxwidth "32"
set pm_crouchheight "36"
set pm_crouchspeed "90"
set pm_crouchviewheight "30"
set pm_edgefriction "1"
set pm_friction "4"
set pm_gravity "800"
set pm_jumpheight "265"
set pm_maxviewpitch "89"
set pm_minviewpitch "-89"
set pm_noclipaccelerate "5"
set pm_noclipspeed "500"
set pm_normalheight "72"
set pm_normalviewheight "64"
set pm_nospeedcap "0"
set pm_proneheight "0"
set pm_pronespeed "40.5"
set pm_proneviewheight "16"
set pm_runspeed "0"
2025-02-01 00:08:38 +00:00
set pm_runfiring "1"
set pm_stairSmoothing "1"
set pm_stamina "24"
set pm_staminarate "0.75"
set pm_staminathreshold "4"
set pm_stepsize "18"
set pm_stopspeed "100"
set pm_thirdPerson "0"
set pm_walkspeed "270"
set pm_wateraccelerate "10"
set pm_waterjumpheight "350"
set r_autoscale "1" // When set, will ensure the game is at 640x480 type scaling.
set r_drawdecals "1" // Shows decal entities managed by the game when set.
set r_ignoreentpvs "0" // override
2025-02-01 00:08:38 +00:00
set r_imageextensions "tga bmp pcx png jpg" // override
set r_meshpitch "1" // override
set r_pixelscale "0" // When set, will ensure the 3D rendered scene is restricted to 640x480 resolution in definition.
set r_renderEntityInfo "0" // Display visual information about entities in-world.
set r_showDlights "0" // Displays dynamic light representations in-world.
set r_showPhysicsInfo "0" // Displays physics entity information in-world.
set r_skipGlows "0" // Skip rendering of glowing sprites.
set r_skipLensFlares "0" // Skip rendering of lens flares.
set r_skipWorld "0" // Skip rendering of the world.
set rm_unlit_additive "1" // Render entities with the 'additive' rendermode fullbright.
set rm_unlit_texture "1" // Render entities with the 'texture' rendermode fullbright.
set rope_debug "0" // Shows primitive debug rendering of a rope when set.
set rope_fast "1" // Don't perform expensive calculations on the rope when set.
set rope_maxsegments "-1" // Limit rope segments. -1 means no limit.
set rope_sag "2" // Rope sagging multiplier.
set rope_swing "2" // Rope swinging multiplier.
set s_logLevel "2" // Sound console log levels. 0 = None, 1 = Errors, 2 = Warnings, 3 = Extra Messages
set scr_conalpha "1" // override
set scr_loadingscreen_aspect "1" // override
set sp_decals "128"
set sv_friendlyFire "0" // Team-inflicted damage is possible when set.
set sv_gameplayfix_setmodelrealbox "1" // override
set sv_gameplayfix_setmodelsize_qw "1" // override
set sv_levelexec "1" // Will search and execute `<gamedir>/maps/currentmap.cfg` when set.
set sv_plugins "1" // Enable the use of server-side plugins when set.
set v_contentblend "0" // override
set vehicle_developer "0" // Shows vehicle related debug prints when set.
set vgui_color "255 170 0" // Default primary color for VGUI widgets.
set vid_brightness "0" // Controls display brightness.
set violence_ablood "1" // Enable non-human (alternative) blood.
set violence_agibs "1" // Enable non-human (alternative) gibs.
set violence_hblood "1" // Enable human blood.
set violence_hgibs "1" // Enable human giblets.
set xr_roomScale "1.0" // XR: Room scale multiplier.
set xr_testInputs "0" // XR: Enable fake inputs, to debug the VR camera and weapon inputs.
set xr_viewHeight "-48" // XR: Default view-height offset.
set physics_ode_quadtree_depth "3" // override
set physics_ode_contactsurfacelayer "0" // override
set physics_ode_worldquickstep "1" // override
set physics_ode_worldquickstep_iterations "10" // was 20, too much
set physics_ode_contact_mu "1" // override
set physics_ode_contact_erp "0.96" // override
set physics_ode_contact_cfm "0.001" // override
set physics_ode_world_damping "-1" // override
set physics_ode_world_damping_linear "-1" // override
set physics_ode_world_damping_linear_threshold "-1" // override
set physics_ode_world_damping_angular "-1" // override
set physics_ode_world_damping_angular_threshold "-1" // override
set physics_ode_world_erp "0.96" // override
set physics_ode_world_cfm "0.001" // override
set physics_ode_iterationsperframe "1" // override
set physics_ode_movelimit "1.0" // override
set physics_ode_spinlimit "1300" // was 2000
set physics_ode_autodisable "1" // override
set physics_ode_autodisable_steps "5" // override
set physics_ode_autodisable_time "0.1" // override
set physics_ode_autodisable_threshold_linear "0.05" // Was 0.2, too lenient.
set physics_ode_autodisable_threshold_angular "0.01" // override
set physics_ode_autodisable_threshold_samples "5" // override
set physics_ode_maxspeed "800" // was 0