/*** * * Copyright (c) 1999, Valve LLC. All rights reserved. * * This product contains software technology licensed from Id * Software, Inc. ("Id Technology"). Id Technology (c) 1996 Id Software, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * * Use, distribution, and modification of this source code and/or resulting * object code is restricted to non-commercial enhancements to products from * Valve LLC. All other use, distribution, or modification is prohibited * without written permission from Valve LLC. * ****/ // // statusbar.cpp // // generic text status bar, set by game dll // runs across bottom of screen // #include "hud.h" #include "util.h" #include "parsemsg.h" #include #include DECLARE_MESSAGE( m_StatusBar, StatusText ); DECLARE_MESSAGE( m_StatusBar, StatusValue ); #define STATUSBAR_ID_LINE 1 int CHudStatusBar :: Init( void ) { gHUD.AddHudElem( this ); HOOK_MESSAGE( StatusText ); HOOK_MESSAGE( StatusValue ); Reset(); CVAR_CREATE( "hud_centerid", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE ); return 1; } int CHudStatusBar :: VidInit( void ) { // Load sprites here return 1; } void CHudStatusBar :: Reset( void ) { m_iFlags &= ~HUD_ACTIVE; // start out inactive for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_STATUSBAR_LINES; i++ ) m_szStatusText[i][0] = 0; memset( m_iStatusValues, 0, sizeof m_iStatusValues ); m_iStatusValues[0] = 1; // 0 is the special index, which always returns true } void CHudStatusBar :: ParseStatusString( int line_num ) { // localise string first char szBuffer[MAX_STATUSTEXT_LENGTH]; memset( szBuffer, 0, sizeof szBuffer ); gHUD.m_TextMessage.LocaliseTextString( m_szStatusText[line_num], szBuffer, MAX_STATUSTEXT_LENGTH ); // parse m_szStatusText & m_iStatusValues into m_szStatusBar memset( m_szStatusBar[line_num], 0, MAX_STATUSTEXT_LENGTH ); char *src = szBuffer; char *dst = m_szStatusBar[line_num]; char *src_start = src, *dst_start = dst; while ( *src != 0 ) { while ( *src == '\n' ) src++; // skip over any newlines if ( ((src - src_start) >= MAX_STATUSTEXT_LENGTH) || ((dst - dst_start) >= MAX_STATUSTEXT_LENGTH) ) break; int index = atoi( src ); // should we draw this line? if ( (index >= 0 && index < MAX_STATUSBAR_VALUES) && (m_iStatusValues[index] != 0) ) { // parse this line and append result to the status bar while ( *src >= '0' && *src <= '9' ) src++; if ( *src == '\n' || *src == 0 ) continue; // no more left in this text line // copy the text, char by char, until we hit a % or a \n while ( *src != '\n' && *src != 0 ) { if ( *src != '%' ) { // just copy the character *dst = *src; dst++, src++; } else { // get the descriptor char valtype = *(++src); // move over % // if it's a %, draw a % sign if ( valtype == '%' ) { *dst = valtype; dst++, src++; continue; } // move over descriptor, then get and move over the index index = atoi( ++src ); while ( *src >= '0' && *src <= '9' ) src++; if ( index >= 0 && index < MAX_STATUSBAR_VALUES ) { int indexval = m_iStatusValues[index]; // get the string to substitute in place of the %XX char szRepString[MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH]; switch ( valtype ) { case 'p': // player name GetPlayerInfo( indexval, &gHUD.m_Scoreboard.m_PlayerInfoList[indexval] ); if ( gHUD.m_Scoreboard.m_PlayerInfoList[indexval].name != NULL ) { strncpy( szRepString, gHUD.m_Scoreboard.m_PlayerInfoList[indexval].name, MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH ); } else { strcpy( szRepString, "******" ); } break; case 'i': // number sprintf( szRepString, "%d", indexval ); break; default: szRepString[0] = 0; } for ( char *cp = szRepString; *cp != 0 && ((dst - dst_start) < MAX_STATUSTEXT_LENGTH); cp++, dst++ ) *dst = *cp; } } } } else { // skip to next line of text while ( *src != 0 && *src != '\n' ) src++; } } } int CHudStatusBar :: Draw( float fTime ) { if ( m_bReparseString ) { for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_STATUSBAR_LINES; i++ ) ParseStatusString( i ); m_bReparseString = FALSE; } // Draw the status bar lines for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_STATUSBAR_LINES; i++ ) { int TextHeight, TextWidth; GetConsoleStringSize( m_szStatusBar[i], &TextWidth, &TextHeight ); int Y_START; if ( ScreenHeight >= 480 ) Y_START = ScreenHeight - 45; else Y_START = ScreenHeight - 35; int x = 5; int y = Y_START - ( TextHeight * i ); // draw along bottom of screen // let user set status ID bar centering if ( (i == STATUSBAR_ID_LINE) && CVAR_GET_FLOAT("hud_centerid") ) { x = max( 0, max(2, (ScreenWidth - TextWidth)) / 2 ); y = (ScreenHeight / 2) + (TextHeight*CVAR_GET_FLOAT("hud_centerid")); } DrawConsoleString( x, y, m_szStatusBar[i] ); } return 1; } // Message handler for StatusText message // accepts two values: // byte: line number of status bar text // string: status bar text // this string describes how the status bar should be drawn // a semi-regular expression: // ( slotnum ([a..z] [%pX] [%iX])*)* // where slotnum is an index into the Value table (see below) // if slotnum is 0, the string is always drawn // if StatusValue[slotnum] != 0, the following string is drawn, upto the next newline - otherwise the text is skipped upto next newline // %pX, where X is an integer, will substitute a player name here, getting the player index from StatusValue[X] // %iX, where X is an integer, will substitute a number here, getting the number from StatusValue[X] int CHudStatusBar :: MsgFunc_StatusText( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ) { BEGIN_READ( pbuf, iSize ); int line = READ_BYTE(); if ( line < 0 || line >= MAX_STATUSBAR_LINES ) return 1; strncpy( m_szStatusText[line], READ_STRING(), MAX_STATUSTEXT_LENGTH ); m_szStatusText[line][MAX_STATUSTEXT_LENGTH-1] = 0; // ensure it's null terminated ( strncpy() won't null terminate if read string too long) if ( m_szStatusText[0] == 0 ) m_iFlags &= ~HUD_ACTIVE; else m_iFlags |= HUD_ACTIVE; // we have status text, so turn on the status bar m_bReparseString = TRUE; return 1; } // Message handler for StatusText message // accepts two values: // byte: index into the status value array // short: value to store int CHudStatusBar :: MsgFunc_StatusValue( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ) { BEGIN_READ( pbuf, iSize ); int index = READ_BYTE(); if ( index < 1 || index >= MAX_STATUSBAR_VALUES ) return 1; // index out of range m_iStatusValues[index] = READ_SHORT(); m_bReparseString = TRUE; return 1; }