/*** * * Copyright (c) 1999, Valve LLC. All rights reserved. * * This product contains software technology licensed from Id * Software, Inc. ("Id Technology"). Id Technology (c) 1996 Id Software, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * * Use, distribution, and modification of this source code and/or resulting * object code is restricted to non-commercial enhancements to products from * Valve LLC. All other use, distribution, or modification is prohibited * without written permission from Valve LLC. * ****/ // Implementation in UTIL.CPP #ifndef SAVERESTORE_H #define SAVERESTORE_H class CBaseEntity; class CSaveRestoreBuffer { public: CSaveRestoreBuffer( void ); CSaveRestoreBuffer( SAVERESTOREDATA *pdata ); ~CSaveRestoreBuffer( void ); int EntityIndex( entvars_t *pevLookup ); int EntityIndex( edict_t *pentLookup ); int EntityIndex( EOFFSET eoLookup ); int EntityIndex( CBaseEntity *pEntity ); int EntityFlags( int entityIndex, int flags ) { return EntityFlagsSet( entityIndex, 0 ); } int EntityFlagsSet( int entityIndex, int flags ); edict_t *EntityFromIndex( int entityIndex ); unsigned short TokenHash( const char *pszToken ); protected: SAVERESTOREDATA *m_pdata; void BufferRewind( int size ); unsigned int HashString( const char *pszToken ); }; class CSave : public CSaveRestoreBuffer { public: CSave( SAVERESTOREDATA *pdata ) : CSaveRestoreBuffer( pdata ) {}; void WriteShort( const char *pname, const short *value, int count ); void WriteInt( const char *pname, const int *value, int count ); // Save an int void WriteFloat( const char *pname, const float *value, int count ); // Save a float void WriteTime( const char *pname, const float *value, int count ); // Save a float (timevalue) void WriteData( const char *pname, int size, const char *pdata ); // Save a binary data block void WriteString( const char *pname, const char *pstring ); // Save a null-terminated string void WriteString( const char *pname, const int *stringId, int count ); // Save a null-terminated string (engine string) void WriteVector( const char *pname, const Vector &value ); // Save a vector void WriteVector( const char *pname, const float *value, int count ); // Save a vector void WritePositionVector( const char *pname, const Vector &value ); // Offset for landmark if necessary void WritePositionVector( const char *pname, const float *value, int count ); // array of pos vectors void WriteFunction( const char *pname, const int *value, int count ); // Save a function pointer int WriteEntVars( const char *pname, entvars_t *pev ); // Save entvars_t (entvars_t) int WriteFields( const char *pname, void *pBaseData, TYPEDESCRIPTION *pFields, int fieldCount ); private: int DataEmpty( const char *pdata, int size ); void BufferField( const char *pname, int size, const char *pdata ); void BufferString( char *pdata, int len ); void BufferData( const char *pdata, int size ); void BufferHeader( const char *pname, int size ); }; typedef struct { unsigned short size; unsigned short token; char *pData; } HEADER; class CRestore : public CSaveRestoreBuffer { public: CRestore( SAVERESTOREDATA *pdata ) : CSaveRestoreBuffer( pdata ) { m_global = 0; m_precache = TRUE; } int ReadEntVars( const char *pname, entvars_t *pev ); // entvars_t int ReadFields( const char *pname, void *pBaseData, TYPEDESCRIPTION *pFields, int fieldCount ); int ReadField( void *pBaseData, TYPEDESCRIPTION *pFields, int fieldCount, int startField, int size, char *pName, void *pData ); int ReadInt( void ); short ReadShort( void ); int ReadNamedInt( const char *pName ); char *ReadNamedString( const char *pName ); int Empty( void ) { return (m_pdata == NULL) || ((m_pdata->pCurrentData-m_pdata->pBaseData)>=m_pdata->bufferSize); } inline void SetGlobalMode( int global ) { m_global = global; } void PrecacheMode( BOOL mode ) { m_precache = mode; } private: char *BufferPointer( void ); void BufferReadBytes( char *pOutput, int size ); void BufferSkipBytes( int bytes ); int BufferSkipZString( void ); int BufferCheckZString( const char *string ); void BufferReadHeader( HEADER *pheader ); int m_global; // Restoring a global entity? BOOL m_precache; }; #define MAX_ENTITYARRAY 64 //#define ARRAYSIZE(p) (sizeof(p)/sizeof(p[0])) #define IMPLEMENT_SAVERESTORE(derivedClass,baseClass) \ int derivedClass::Save( CSave &save )\ {\ if ( !baseClass::Save(save) )\ return 0;\ return save.WriteFields( #derivedClass, this, m_SaveData, ARRAYSIZE(m_SaveData) );\ }\ int derivedClass::Restore( CRestore &restore )\ {\ if ( !baseClass::Restore(restore) )\ return 0;\ return restore.ReadFields( #derivedClass, this, m_SaveData, ARRAYSIZE(m_SaveData) );\ } typedef enum { GLOBAL_OFF = 0, GLOBAL_ON = 1, GLOBAL_DEAD = 2 } GLOBALESTATE; typedef struct globalentity_s globalentity_t; struct globalentity_s { char name[64]; char levelName[32]; GLOBALESTATE state; globalentity_t *pNext; }; class CGlobalState { public: CGlobalState(); void Reset( void ); void ClearStates( void ); void EntityAdd( string_t globalname, string_t mapName, GLOBALESTATE state ); void EntitySetState( string_t globalname, GLOBALESTATE state ); void EntityUpdate( string_t globalname, string_t mapname ); const globalentity_t *EntityFromTable( string_t globalname ); GLOBALESTATE EntityGetState( string_t globalname ); int EntityInTable( string_t globalname ) { return (Find( globalname ) != NULL) ? 1 : 0; } int Save( CSave &save ); int Restore( CRestore &restore ); static TYPEDESCRIPTION m_SaveData[]; //#ifdef _DEBUG void DumpGlobals( void ); //#endif private: globalentity_t *Find( string_t globalname ); globalentity_t *m_pList; int m_listCount; }; extern CGlobalState gGlobalState; #endif //SAVERESTORE_H