mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 10:43:44 +00:00
O The commander can now see the health for all buildings and marines, even when not selected, as transparent health circles. Health circles for selected buildings and marines are rendered as normal. git-svn-id: https://unknownworlds.svn.cloudforge.com/ns1@32 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1
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804 lines
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//======== (C) Copyright 2001 Charles G. Cleveland All rights reserved. =========
// The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Charles G. Cleveland.
// The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of
// Charles G. Cleveland, or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in
// the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied.
// Purpose: Main NS HUD, also interface to client network messages
// $Workfile: AvHHud.h $
// $Date: 2002/10/24 21:29:49 $
// $Log: AvHHud.h,v $
// Revision 1.60 2002/10/24 21:29:49 Flayra
// - Moved help client-side
// - Fixed particle/changelevel crash
// - Reworked marine upgrade drawing
// - Added lots of utility functions for help system (mirrors functions on server)
// - Removed gamma message unless it failed or if maxplayers is 1
// - Fixed alien hive sight crash
// - Show players under reticle while in ready room and spectating
// - Removed ugly/too-prevalent user3 icons
// Revision 1.59 2002/10/03 20:24:39 Flayra
// - Changes for "more resources required"
// Revision 1.58 2002/10/03 18:54:31 Flayra
// - Allow right-click to cancel building placement
// - Fixed help icons
// - Added a couple utility functions
// - Reworked order notification
// - Reworked blip network messages to avoid hard-coded limit
// - Sent max resources down with current resources
// - Countdown sound no longer prevents other hud sounds
// - Alien trigger sounds
// - New order sounds
// - No longer disable nodes out of our cost range
// Revision 1.57 2002/09/25 20:47:22 Flayra
// - Don't draw elements on HUD when dead
// - UI refactoring
// - Split reticle help into help text and reticle text
// - Removed use order
// - Added separate select sound for alien
// - Multiple move sounds
// - Only draw entity build/health status when under reticle (no more scanning around you)
// - Added 3 new sayings
// Revision 1.56 2002/09/23 22:18:25 Flayra
// - Added alien build circles
// - Game status changes so particles aren't sent every time
// - Demo playback changes (save restore basic data that HUD already has)
// - New alert sounds
// - Skin support
// Revision 1.55 2002/09/09 19:55:24 Flayra
// - Added hive info indicator
// - Fixed bug where reticle tooltip help text wasn't being set until a weapon was selected
// - Fixed release mode bug where tooltips weren't expiring
// - Fixed bug where marine upgrades blinked
// - "No commander" indicator now blinks
// Revision 1.54 2002/08/31 18:01:01 Flayra
// - Work at VALVe
// Revision 1.53 2002/08/16 02:37:49 Flayra
// - HUD sounds no longer cut each other off (they won't play instead of cutting off another sound)
// - Tooltip sounds
// - Selection issues
// - Draw rings around buildings that need to be built
// - Removed old overwatch code
// Revision 1.52 2002/08/09 01:02:51 Flayra
// - Added hooks for demo playback, removed prediction selection
// Revision 1.51 2002/08/02 22:51:28 Flayra
// - Fixed memory overwrite...eek!
// Revision 1.50 2002/08/02 21:59:12 Flayra
// - Added reticle help, new tooltip system and much nicer order drawing! Refactored view model drawing a bit, hoping to make texture blending work for it.
// Revision 1.49 2002/07/26 23:05:01 Flayra
// - Generate numerical feedback for damage events
// - Refactoring for more info when looking at something (instead of bad-looking player names only)
// Revision 1.48 2002/07/23 17:07:37 Flayra
// - Added visually-smooth energy level, added versatile location code, new hive sight info, refactored to remove extra sprites (128 HUD sprites bug), commander tech help fixes
// Revision 1.47 2002/07/08 17:07:56 Flayra
// - Started to add display of marine upgrade sprite, fixed bug where building indicators aren't displayed after a map change, info_location drawing changes, primal scream color tweak, removed old hive drawing code
// Revision 1.46 2002/07/01 21:35:05 Flayra
// - Removed lots of outdated sprites and sprite code, added building ranges, fixed ghost building problem (bug #82)
// Revision 1.45 2002/06/25 18:03:09 Flayra
// - Added info_locations, removed old weapon help system, added smooth resource swelling, lots of alien UI usability changes, fixed problem with ghost building
// Revision 1.44 2002/06/10 19:55:36 Flayra
// - New commander UI (bindable via hotkeys, added REMOVE_SELECTION for when clicking menu options when no players selected)
// Revision 1.43 2002/06/03 16:48:45 Flayra
// - Help sprites moved into one animated sprite, select sound volume reduced (now that sound is normalized)
// Revision 1.42 2002/05/28 17:48:14 Flayra
// - Minimap refactoring, reinforcement refactoring, new hive sight fixes, recycling support
// Revision 1.41 2002/05/23 02:33:42 Flayra
// - Post-crash checkin. Restored @Backup from around 4/16. Contains changes for last four weeks of development.
#ifndef AVHHUD_H
#define AVHHUD_H
#include "ui/UIHud.h"
#include "mod/AvHConstants.h"
#include "mod/AvHSpecials.h"
#include "mod/AvHSharedTypes.h"
#include "mod/AvHParticleSystem.h"
#include "common/entity_state.h"
#include "VGUI_ProgressBar.h"
#include "mod/AvHEntityHierarchy.h"
#include "ui/MarqueeComponent.h"
#include "mod/AvHOrder.h"
#include "mod/AvHMessage.h"
#include "mod/AvHAmbientSound.h"
#include "mod/AvHTechTree.h"
#include "mod/AvHVisibleBlipList.h"
#include "mod/AvHMapExtents.h"
#include "mod/AvHSpecials.h"
#include "util/GammaTable.h"
#include "mod/AvHBaseInfoLocation.h"
#include "mod/AvHTooltip.h"
#include "mod/AvHTechSlotManager.h"
#include "mod/AvHHudConstants.h"
#include "mod/AvHOverviewMap.h"
class AvHTeamHierarchy;
class PieMenu;
class FadingImageLabel;
using vgui::Cursor;
struct AnimatedSprite
float mCurrentFrame;
int mData;
class SelectionEffect
SelectionEffect() : mEntIndex(-1), mAngleOffset(0)
int mEntIndex;
int mAngleOffset;
typedef enum
} UIMode;
typedef vector<SelectionEffect> SelectionListType;
class NumericalInfoEffect
NumericalInfoEffect(float inPosition[3], float inNumber, int inEventType, float inTimeCreated);
void GetPosition(float* outPosition) const;
float GetNumber() const;
int GetEventType() const;
float GetTimeCreated() const;
void SetPosition(float inPosition[3]);
float mPosition[3];
float mNumber;
int mEventType;
float mTimeCreated;
const int kNumUpgradeLines = 5;
class AvHHud : public UIHud
AvHHud(const string& inFilename, UIFactory* inFactory);
virtual ~AvHHud(void);
void OnActivateSteamUI();
void OnDeactivateSteamUI();
void OnLostFocus();
bool OnKeyEvent(int virtualKey, int scanCode, bool pressed);
void AddMiniMapAlert(float x, float y);
void AddNumericalInfoMessage(float inOrigin[3], float inNumber, int inEventType);
void AddTooltip(const char* inMessageText, bool inIsToolTip = true, float inTooltipWidth = kToolTipMaxWidth);
bool AddTooltipOnce(const char* inMessageText, bool inIsToolTip = true);
void Cancel();
void ClearSelection();
void ClientProcessEntity(struct entity_state_s* inEntity);
void ComponentJustPainted(Panel* inPanel);
bool GetAndClearAlienAbility(AvHMessageID& outMessageID);
bool GetAndClearGroupEvent(AvHMessageID& outMessageID);
bool GetAndClearTechEvent(AvHMessageID& outMessageID);
bool GetLastHotkeySelectionEvent(AvHMessageID& outMessageID);
void SetLastHotkeySelectionEvent(AvHMessageID inMessageID);
// Returns true if particles should be rendered in the HUD.
bool GetParticlesVisible() const;
bool GetSafeForSpriteDrawing() const;
void ClearTrackingEntity();
int GetTrackingEntity() const;
bool GetIsRegionBlockedByUI(float inNormX, float inNormY);
//int GetArmorLevel(void) const;
int GetCommanderIndex() const;
bool GetHasJetpack() const;
int GetHelpIconFrameFromUser3(AvHUser3 inUser3);
HSPRITE GetHelpSprite() const;
bool GetHasAlienUpgradesAvailable() const;
bool GetIsAlien() const;
bool GetIsBeingDigested() const;
bool GetIsEnsnared() const;
bool GetIsDigesting() const;
bool GetIsStunned() const;
bool GetIsNotInControl() const;
bool GetIsInTopDownMode() const;
bool GetIsMarine() const;
bool GetIsRelevant() const;
bool GetIsShowingMap() const;
AvHPlayMode GetPlayMode(void) const;
bool GetAlienHelpForMessage(int inMessageID, string& outHelpText, int& outPointCost) const;
bool GetDoesPlayerHaveOrder() const;
bool GetHelpForMessage(int inMessageID, string& outHelpText) const;
bool GetInTopDownMode() const;
bool GetIsSelecting() const;
OrderListType GetOrderList() const;
AvHOrderType GetOrderMode() const;
bool GetCenterPositionForGroup(int inGroupNumber, vec3_t& outCenterPosition) const;
bool GetMouseOneDown() const;
bool GetMouseTwoDown() const;
bool GetAndClearTopDownScrollAmount(int& outX, int& outY, int& outZ);
bool GetAndClearSelectionEvent(vec3_t& outSelectionXY, AvHMessageID& outMessageID);
EntityListType GetSelected() const;
const AvHTechSlotManager& GetTechSlotManager() const;
bool GetTranslatedUser3Name(AvHUser3 inUser3, string& outString) const;
bool GetTranslatedUser3Description(AvHUser3 inUser3, bool inFriendly, string& outString) const;
vec3_t GetVisualOrigin() const;
AvHMessageID HotKeyHit(char inChar);
virtual void Init(void);
virtual void PostUIInit(void);
virtual void VidInit(void);
bool GetGameStarted() const;
int GetGameTime() const;
int GetGameTimeLimit() const;
int GetCombatAttackingTeamNumber() const;
static bool GetShowingMap();
static void PlayStream();
static void StopStream();
bool GetIsAlive(bool inIncludeSpectating = true) const;
void GhostBuildingCallback( struct tempent_s *ent, float frametime, float currenttime);
void CancelBuilding();
void PlayHUDSound(const char *szSound, float vol, float inSoundLength = 0.0f);
void PlayHUDSound(int iSound, float vol, float inSoundLength = 0.0f);
void PlayHUDSound(AvHHUDSound inSound);
float GetHUDExperience() const;
int GetHUDExperienceLevel() const;
float GetHUDHandicap() const;
AvHUser3 GetHUDUser3() const;
AvHPlayMode GetHUDPlayMode() const;
AvHTeamNumber GetHUDTeam() const;
int GetHUDUpgrades() const;
int GetHUDMaxArmor() const;
int GetHUDMaxHealth() const;
void GetPrimaryHudColor(int& outR, int& outG, int& outB, bool inIgnoreUpgrades = false, bool gammaCorrect = true) const;
float GetTimeOfLastUpdate() const;
int GetMenuTechSlots() const;
//void GetVisibleBlips(VisibleBlipListType& outBlipList);
virtual int Redraw( float flTime, int intermission );
virtual void ResetComponentsForUser3();
void SetSelectingWeaponID(int inWeaponID, int inR = -1, int inG = -1, int inB = -1);
void SetTechHelpText(const string& inTechHelpText);
void DrawSelectionCircleOnGroundAtPoint(vec3_t inOrigin, int inRadius);
// tankefugl: 0000988
void DrawBuildHealthEffectsForEntity(int inEntityIndex, float inAlpha = 1.0f);
// :tankefugl
void DrawSelectionAndBuildEffects();
void DrawHUDNumber(int inX, int inY, int inFlags, int inNumber);
int InitializeDemoPlayback(int inSize, unsigned char* inBuffer);
int InitializeDemoPlayback2(int inSize, unsigned char* inBuffer);
int InitializeWeaponInfoPlayback(int inSize, unsigned char* inBuffer);
virtual bool Update(float inCurrentTime, string& outErrorString);
virtual void UpdateMusic(float inCurrentTime);
bool SlotInput(int inSlot);
const AvHMapExtents& GetMapExtents();
float GetGammaSlope() const;
string GetMapName(bool inLocalOnly = false) const;
int GetMaxAlienResources() const;
int GetNumActiveHives() const;
void HideProgressStatus();
void SetProgressStatus(float inPercentage);
AvHVisibleBlipList& GetEnemyBlipList();
AvHVisibleBlipList& GetFriendlyBlipList();
AvHEntityHierarchy& GetEntityHierarchy();
int GetLocalUpgrades() const;
string GetNameOfLocation(vec3_t inLocation) const;
const AvHTechTree& GetTechNodes() const;
UIMode GetUIMode() const;
bool SwitchUIMode(UIMode inNewMode);
bool GetIsCombatMode() const;
bool GetIsNSMode() const;
void HideResearchProgressStatus();
void SetResearchProgressStatus(float inPercentage);
AvHMessageID GetGhostBuilding() const;
void SetGhostBuildingMode(AvHMessageID inGhostBuilding);
void SetAlienAbility(AvHMessageID inAlienAbility);
void SetRenderingSelectionView(bool inState);
void SetClientDebugCSP(weapon_data_t* inWeaponData, float inNextPlayerAttack);
void SetCurrentWeaponData(int inCurrentWeaponID, bool inEnabled);
int GetCurrentWeaponID(void);
void DrawTopDownBG();
void DrawTranslatedString(int inX, int inY, const char* inStringToTranslate, bool inCentered = false, bool inIgnoreUpgrades = false, bool inTrimExtraInfo = false);
void HandleFog();
void PostModelRender(char* inModelName);
void PreRenderFrame();
void PostRenderFrame();
void RenderNoZBuffering();
void Render();
void RenderCommonUI();
void RenderMarineUI();
void RenderCommanderUI();
void RenderAlienUI();
void RenderMiniMap(int inX, int inY, int inWidth, int inHeight);
void RenderStructureRanges();
void RenderStructureRange(vec3_t inOrigin, int inRadius, HSPRITE inSprite, int inRenderMode = kRenderNormal, int inFrame = 0, float inR = 0, float inG = 0.5, float inB = 0, float inAlpha = 1.0f);
void DrawWarpedOverlaySprite(int spriteHandle, int numXFrames, int numYFrames,
float inWarpXAmount = 0.0f, float inWarpYAmount = 0.0f,
float inWarpXSpeed = 0.0f, float inWarpYSpeed = 0.0f);
void DrawActionButtons();
void DrawHotgroups();
void DrawPendingRequests();
void SetCurrentUseableEnergyLevel(float inEnergyLevel);
// Network messages
int AlienInfo(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf);
int BlipList(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf);
int ClScript(const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf);
int Countdown(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf);
int DebugCSP(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf);
int EditPS(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf);
int EntHier(const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf);
int Fog(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf);
int ListPS(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf);
int Particles(const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf);
int SoundNames(const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf);
int PlayHUDNot(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf);
int BalanceVar(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf);
int ServerVar(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf);
int GameStatus(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf);
int MiniMap(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf);
int Progress(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf);
int SetGmma(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf);
int SetSelect(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf);
int SetRequest(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf);
int SetOrder(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf);
int SetupMap(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf);
int SetTopDown(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf);
int SetTech(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf);
int TechSlots(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf);
void GetSpriteForUser3(AvHUser3 inUser3, int& outSprite, int& outFrame, int& outRenderMode);
int GetCurrentSquad() const;
AvHOverviewMap& GetOverviewMap();
void ShowCrosshair();
void HideCrosshair();
// This function should be used instead of the global SetCrosshair.
void SetCurrentCrosshair(HSPRITE hspr, wrect_t rc, int r, int g, int b);
static void ResetGammaAtExit();
static int ResetGammaAtExitForOnExit();
static void ResetGammaAtExit(int inSig);
void SetViewport(const int inViewport[4]);
void GetViewport(int outViewport[4]) const;
const AvHFont& GetSmallFont() const;
cl_entity_s* GetVisiblePlayer() const;
float GetServerVariableFloat(const char* inName) const;
bool GetCommanderLabelText(std::string& outCommanderName) const;
void AddCommands();
void ClearData();
void DisplayCombatUpgradeMenu(bool inVisible);
void DrawMouseCursor(int inBaseX, int inBaseY);
void DrawOrders();
void DrawHelpIcons();
void DrawHUDStructureNotification();
void DrawInfoLocationText();
void DrawPlayerNames();
void DrawReticleInfo();
void DrawToolTips();
void DrawWorldSprite(int inSpriteHandle, int inRenderMode, vec3_t inWorldPosition, int inFrame, float inWorldSize);
void DrawOrderIcon(const AvHOrder& inOrder);
void DrawOrderText(const AvHOrder& inOrder);
int GetFrameForOrderType(AvHOrderType inOrderType) const;
void GetReticleTextDrawingInfo(float& outNormX, float& outNormY, bool& outCentered) const;
void DrawTechTreeSprite(AvHMessageID inMessageID, int inPosX, int inPosY, int inWidth, int inHeight, int inFrame);
int GetTechTreeSprite(AvHMessageID inMessageID);
void GetTooltipDrawingInfo(float& outNormX, float& outNormY) const;
string GetRankTitle(bool inShowUnspentLevels = false) const;
bool GetShouldDisplayUser3(AvHUser3 inUser3) const;
void InitCommanderMode();
void InitializeDemoRecording();
void InitMenu(const string& inMenuName);
void ChangeUpgradeCosts(int inOldMessageID, int inNewMessageID, const char* inText);
void ChangeUpgradeCostsForMenu(PieMenu* inMenu, int inOldMessageID, int inNewMessageID, const char* inText);
void DisplayMessage(const char* inMessage);
bool GetAmbientSoundNameFromIndex(string& outSoundName, int inSoundIndex) const;
EntityListType GetDrawPlayerOrders() const;
bool GetEntityInfoString(int inEntityID, string& outEntityInfoString, bool& outIsEnemy);
void ModifyAmbientSoundEntryIfChanged(bool inSoundOn, int inSoundIndex, int inEntIndex, float inTimeStarted, int inVolume, int inFadeDistance, int inFlags, Vector inOrigin);
void ResetTopDownUI();
bool SetGamma(float inSlope);
void SetReinforcements(int inReinforcements);
void SetHelpMessage(const string& inHelpText, bool inForce = false, float inNormX = -1, float inNormY = -1);
void SetActionButtonHelpMessage(const string& inHelpText);
void SetReticleMessage(const string& inHelpText);
void OrderNotification(const AvHOrder& inOrder);
virtual void ResetGame(bool inMapChanged = false);
bool SetCursor(AvHOrderType inOrderType);
void GetCursor(HSPRITE& outSprite, int& outFrame);
void SetSelectionEffects(EntityListType& inUnitList);
//void UpdateSelectionEffects(float inTimePassed);
void TraceEntityID(int& outEntityID);
bool GetIsMouseInRegion(int inX, int inY, int inWidth, int inHeight);
void GetMousePos(int& outX, int& outY) const;
// Help system
void InternalHelpTextThink();
bool ProcessAlien();
bool ProcessAlienHelp();
bool ProcessEntityHelp();
bool ProcessGeneralHelp();
bool ProcessOrderHelp();
bool ProcessWeaponsHelp();
//void ResetUpgradeCosts();
//void ResetUpgradeCostsForMenu(PieMenu* inMenu);
void UpdateAlienUI(float inCurrentTime);
void UpdateCommonUI();
void UpdateDataFromVuser4(float inCurrentTime);
void UpdateExploitPrevention();
void UpdateMarineUI(float inCurrentTime);
void UpdateUpgradeCosts();
void UpdateEnableState(PieMenu* inMenu);
void UpdateCountdown(float inCurrentTime);
void UpdateHierarchy();
void UpdateInfoLocation();
void UpdatePieMenuControl();
void UpdateEntityID(float inCurrentTime);
void UpdateTooltips(float inCurrentTime);
void UpdateStructureNotification(float inCurrentTime);
void UpdateProgressBar();
void UpdateDemoRecordPlayback();
void UpdateBuildingPlacement();
void UpdateResources(float inTimePassed);
void UpdateSelection();
void UpdateSpectating();
void UpdateBuildResearchText();
void UpdateHelpText();
void UpdateTechNodes();
void UpdateAmbientSounds();
void UpdateFromEntities(float inCurrentTime);
void UpdateViewModelEffects();
int mResources;
int mUser2OfLastResourceMessage;
int mMaxResources;
int mVisualResources;
float mExperience;
int mExperienceLevel;
int mExperienceLevelLastDrawn;
int mExperienceLevelSpent;
float mTimeOfLastLevelUp;
AvHMessageID mMenuImpulses[kNumUpgradeLines];
float mCountDownClock;
int mLastTickPlayed;
int mNumTicksToPlay;
float mTimeOfLastUpdate;
float mTimeOfNextHudSound;
AvHHUDSound mLastHUDSoundPlayed;
float mTimeOfCurrentUpdate;
AvHOverviewMap mOverviewMap;
AvHTeamHierarchy* mHierarchy;
AvHTeamHierarchy* mShowMapHierarchy;
AvHEntityHierarchy mEntityHierarchy;
EntityListType mSelected;
EntityListType mGroups[kNumHotkeyGroups];
EntityListType mSelectAllGroup;
AvHUser3 mGroupTypes[kNumHotkeyGroups];
AvHAlertType mGroupAlerts[kNumHotkeyGroups];
typedef map<AvHMessageID, int> PendingRequestListType;
PendingRequestListType mPendingRequests;
AvHUser3 mLastUser3;
AvHTeamNumber mLastTeamNumber;
AvHPlayMode mLastPlayMode;
bool mSelectionJustChanged;
bool mMouseOneDown;
bool mMouseTwoDown;
int mMouseOneStartX;
int mMouseOneStartY;
bool mLeftMouseStarted;
bool mLeftMouseEnded;
bool mPlacingBuilding;
int mMouseTwoStartX;
int mMouseTwoStartY;
bool mRightMouseStarted;
bool mRightMouseEnded;
vec3_t mMouseWorldPosition;
vec3_t mLeftMouseWorldStart;
vec3_t mLeftMouseWorldEnd;
vec3_t mRightMouseWorldStart;
vec3_t mRightMouseWorldEnd;
MarqueeComponent* mSelectionBox;
int mMouseCursorX;
int mMouseCursorY;
string mPieMenuControl;
OrderListType mOrders;
//AvHOrderType mOrderMode;
AvHMessageID mTechEvent;
AvHMessageID mAlienAbility;
AvHMessageID mGroupEvent;
AvHMessageID mLastHotkeySelectionEvent;
int mTrackingEntity;
AvHAlienUpgradeListType mUpgrades;
AvHAlienUpgradeCategory mCurrentUpgradeCategory[ALIEN_UPGRADE_CATEGORY_MAX_PLUS_ONE];
int mNumUpgradesAvailable;
Label* mCommanderResourceLabel;
Label* mOverwatchRangeLabel;
ProgressBar* mGenericProgressBar;
ProgressBar* mResearchProgressBar;
ProgressBar* mAlienProgressBar;
Label* mResearchLabel;
string mPreviousHelpText;
float mTimeLastHelpTextChanged;
int mSelectedNodeResourceCost;
float mCurrentUseableEnergyLevel;
float mVisualEnergyLevel;
int mUser2OfLastEnergyLevel;
static void PlayRandomSongHook();
static void ShowMap();
static void HideMap();
float mTimeLastOverwatchPulse;
bool mInTopDownMode;
int mNumLocalSelectEvents;
AvHMapMode mMapMode;
static GammaTable sPregameGammaTable;
static GammaTable sGameGammaTable;
float mDesiredGammaSlope;
typedef vector<AvHAmbientSound> AmbientSoundListType;
AmbientSoundListType mAmbientSounds;
AvHTechTree mTechNodes;
string mMapName;
AvHMapExtents mMapExtents;
// If this isn't MESSAGE_NULL, it means we are trying to build a building of this tech
AvHMessageID mGhostBuilding;
AvHMessageID mValidatedBuilding;
bool mCreatedGhost;
bool mCancelBuilding;
bool mCurrentGhostIsValid;
vec3_t mNormBuildLocation;
vec3_t mGhostWorldLocation;
// Added by mmcguire.
int mSelectionBoxX1;
int mSelectionBoxY1;
int mSelectionBoxX2;
int mSelectionBoxY2;
bool mSelectionBoxVisible;
Vector mCommanderPAS;
StringList mSoundNameList;
AvHVisibleBlipList mEnemyBlips;
AvHVisibleBlipList mFriendlyBlips;
bool mMarineUIDrawUI;
HSPRITE mMarineUIJetpackSprite;
HSPRITE mAlienUIEnergySprite;
HSPRITE mMembraneSprite;
HSPRITE mDigestingSprite;
HSPRITE mBackgroundSprite;
HSPRITE mTopDownTopSprite;
HSPRITE mTopDownBottomSprite;
HSPRITE mMarineTopSprite;
HSPRITE mLogoutSprite;
HSPRITE mCommandButtonSprite;
HSPRITE mCommandStatusSprite;
HSPRITE mSelectAllSprite;
HSPRITE mMarineOrderIndicator;
HSPRITE mMarineUpgradesSprite;
typedef map<int, int> SpriteListType;
SpriteListType mActionButtonSprites;
//SpriteListType mHelpSprites;
int mHelpSprite;
typedef vector< pair<vec3_t, int> > HelpIconListType;
HelpIconListType mHelpIcons;
EntityListType mHelpEnts;
EntityListType mBuildingEffectsEntityList;
float mTimeOfLastEntityUpdate;
HSPRITE mAlienUIUpgrades;
HSPRITE mAlienUIUpgradeCategories;
HSPRITE mAlienBuildSprite;
HSPRITE mMarineBuildSprite;
HSPRITE mAlienHealthSprite;
HSPRITE mMarineHealthSprite;
HSPRITE mHealthEffectsSprite;
HSPRITE mBuildCircleSprite;
//HSPRITE mSiegeTurretSprite;
SelectionListType mSelectionEffects;
//HSPRITE mMappingTechSprite;
HSPRITE mHiveInfoSprite;
HSPRITE mHiveHealthSprite;
HSPRITE mOrderSprite;
HSPRITE mCursorSprite;
HSPRITE mMarineCursor;
HSPRITE mAlienCursor;
HSPRITE mAlienLifeformsCursor;
int mCurrentCursorFrame;
int mProgressBarEntityIndex;
int mProgressBarParam;
bool mFogActive;
vec3_t mFogColor;
float mFogStart;
float mFogEnd;
AvHBaseInfoLocationListType mInfoLocationList;
string mLocationText;
string mReticleInfoText;
//int mReticleInfoColorR;
//int mReticleInfoColorG;
//int mReticleInfoColorB;
//float mReticleInfoColorA;
//int mReticleInfoScreenX;
//int mReticleInfoScreenY;
int mSelectingWeaponID;
string mTechHelpText;
AvHMessageID mSelectingNodeID;
struct tempent_s* mLastGhostBuilding;
typedef vector<NumericalInfoEffect> NumericalInfoEffectListType;
NumericalInfoEffectListType mNumericalInfoEffects;
AvHTooltip mHelpMessage;
AvHTooltip mReticleMessage;
AvHTooltip mTopDownPlayerNameMessage;
AvHTooltip mTopDownActionButtonHelp;
AvHTooltip mCombatUpgradeMenu;
bool mDrawCombatUpgradeMenu;
typedef vector<AvHTooltip> AvHTooltipListType;
AvHTooltipListType mTooltips;
HiveInfoListType mHiveInfoList;
bool mRecordingLastFrame;
float mTimeOfLastHelpText;
StringList mDisplayedToolTipList;
int mCurrentWeaponID;
bool mCurrentWeaponEnabled;
AvHTechSlotManager mTechSlotManager;
UIMode mCurrentUIMode;
int mMenuTechSlots;
int mCurrentSquad;
int mBlinkingAlertType;
float mGameTime;
int mTimeLimit;
int mCombatAttackingTeamNumber;
bool mGameStarted;
bool mGameEnded;
AvHTeamNumber mLastTeamSpectated;
typedef struct
AvHMessageID mStructureID;
float mTime;
int mPlayerIndex;
Vector mLocation;
} HUDNotificationType;
typedef vector< HUDNotificationType > StructureHUDNotificationListType;
StructureHUDNotificationListType mStructureNotificationList;
int mCrosshairShowCount;
HSPRITE mCrosshairSprite;
wrect_t mCrosshairRect;
int mCrosshairR;
int mCrosshairG;
int mCrosshairB;
int mViewport[4]; // the viewport coordinates x ,y , width, height
int mSpecialViewport[4]; // the viewport coordinates x ,y , width, height
bool mSteamUIActive;
typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> ServerVariableMapType;
ServerVariableMapType mServerVariableMap;
static bool sShowMap;