#include "mod/AvHScrollHandler.h" #include "cl_dll/hud.h" #include "cl_dll/cl_util.h" #include "VGUI_MouseCode.h" #include "ui/ColoredPanel.h" #include "mod/AvHScrollPanel.h" #include "mod/AvHActionButtons.h" #include "ui/UIUtil.h" int AvHScrollHandler::sScrollX = 0; int AvHScrollHandler::sScrollY = 0; int AvHScrollHandler::sScrollZ = 0; int AvHScrollHandler::sLastMouseX = 0; int AvHScrollHandler::sLastMouseY = 0; int AvHScrollHandler::sLastMouseDownX = 0; int AvHScrollHandler::sLastMouseDownY = 0; int AvHScrollHandler::sLastMouseUpX = 0; int AvHScrollHandler::sLastMouseUpY = 0; bool AvHScrollHandler::sMouseOneDown = false; bool AvHScrollHandler::sMouseTwoDown = false; AvHScrollHandler::AvHScrollHandler() { } bool AvHScrollHandler::GetMouseOneDown() const { return sMouseOneDown; } bool AvHScrollHandler::GetMouseTwoDown() const { return sMouseTwoDown; } int AvHScrollHandler::GetMouseX() const { return sLastMouseX; } int AvHScrollHandler::GetMouseY() const { return sLastMouseY; } int AvHScrollHandler::GetXScroll() const { return (sMouseOneDown | sMouseTwoDown) ? 0 : sScrollX; } int AvHScrollHandler::GetYScroll() const { return (sMouseOneDown | sMouseTwoDown) ? 0 : sScrollY; } int AvHScrollHandler::GetZScroll() const { return sScrollZ; } void AvHScrollHandler::ClearScrollHeight() { sScrollZ = 0; } void AvHScrollHandler::ScrollLeft() { sScrollX = -1; } void AvHScrollHandler::ScrollRight() { sScrollX = 1; } void AvHScrollHandler::ScrollUp() { sScrollY = 1; } void AvHScrollHandler::ScrollDown() { sScrollY = -1; } void AvHScrollHandler::ScrollHeightUp() { sScrollZ = -1; } void AvHScrollHandler::ScrollHeightDown() { sScrollZ = 1; } void AvHScrollHandler::StopScroll() { sScrollX = 0; sScrollY = 0; sScrollZ = 0; } void AvHScrollHandler::cursorMoved(int x, int y, Panel* inPanel) { char theMessage[256]; int theRandNumber = rand() % 10; sprintf(theMessage, "Cursor moved, %d, %d, rand = %d", x, y, theRandNumber); // Uncomment this to make it scroll when you're near the edges of the screen, nice feel but hard to use with UI elements on edge //int kPixelScrollTolerance = ScreenWidth/25; int kPixelScrollTolerance = 0; // Get screen coordinates of mouse ASSERT(inPanel); int theX, theY; inPanel->getPos(theX, theY); sLastMouseX = theX + x; sLastMouseY = theY + y; AvHScrollPanel* theScrollPanel = dynamic_cast<AvHScrollPanel*>(inPanel); if(theScrollPanel) { // Only scroll when moving over colored panel (ie, not when near the edge of another component) AvHScrollHandler::StopScroll(); if(x <= kPixelScrollTolerance) { AvHScrollHandler::ScrollLeft(); sprintf(theMessage, "Scrolling left"); } if(x >= (ScreenWidth() - 1 - kPixelScrollTolerance)) { AvHScrollHandler::ScrollRight(); sprintf(theMessage, "Scrolling right"); } if(y <= kPixelScrollTolerance) { AvHScrollHandler::ScrollUp(); sprintf(theMessage, "Scrolling up"); } if(y >= (ScreenHeight() - 1 - kPixelScrollTolerance)) { AvHScrollHandler::ScrollDown(); sprintf(theMessage, "Scrolling down"); } //CenterPrint(theMessage); } } void AvHScrollHandler::keyPressed(KeyCode inKeyCode, Panel* panel) { } void AvHScrollHandler::mousePressed(MouseCode code, Panel* panel) { // store this if(code == vgui::MOUSE_LEFT) { sMouseOneDown = true; } else if(code == vgui::MOUSE_RIGHT) { sMouseTwoDown = true; } } void AvHScrollHandler::mouseReleased(MouseCode code, Panel* panel) { // store this if(code == vgui::MOUSE_LEFT) { sMouseOneDown = false; } else if(code == vgui::MOUSE_RIGHT) { sMouseTwoDown = false; } } void AvHScrollHandler::mouseWheeled(int delta, Panel* panel) { if(delta > 0) { this->ScrollHeightUp(); } else if(delta < 0) { this->ScrollHeightDown(); } }