... :: Commander :: Command Duties :: Structures: Resource Tower

Summary: all equipment, resources, and most marine activities, depend upon structures, selected and placed by the commander. Placed structures must be built by marines.

To get an overall picture, see the tech tree.

Resource Tower

Function: allows the commander to tap a ship or base's raw nano-supplies, by constructing collection machines over resource nozzles. See Resources and Nanotech for more information.

Reserves of nano-sludge (see nanotech) are stored throughout ships and bases, intended mainly for use in emergencies or for large repairs. Resource towers put these reserves to work for the marines, slowly converting them into a ready-to-use form, and storing them in the network. Active resource nozzles are marked by white nano-telltales, rising like steam into the air.

      Resource Tower


22 rps

Build time


Armor Pts.