Frontiersmen Data :: Technical: Phase Technology


When a marine steps into a phase gate, he becomes the anchor for a subject field. A tunnel is then carved through dimensional space, guided by the observatory, till it finds another phase gate. This tunnel is called the "potentiality stream". To put it simply, it makes it more and more likely that the subject will actually be in the new location, until it becomes so likely the probability fulfills itself, and the subject is.

Distress beacons make use of temporary, basically disposable phase gates, generated out of the nano-construction abilities of a ship or base's command network. Subject fields are created just long enough to send all waiting reinforcements, with the observatory pinpointing the location. Some day, technology like this may allow for point-specific personal phase gate travel to any location within a command network.

Phase travel requires energy commiserate with the amount of mass being sent and the distance it is to cover: first to generate the subject field, and then to create the potentiality stream, which must be tamed if the destination end is to remain fixed. The observatory's job is to bombard the stream with spatial information, allowing it to latch on to the destination field. Without a fixed destination point generating its own subject field, the potentiality stream is too difficult to control, and will wave about blindly. It will as likely smear the marine over a few miles one sliver at a time, or deposit them in solid matter (which splits the stream – not a pretty sight), as transport them to a safe location. Even then, on a small bit of pressurized metal surrounded by an unforgiving vacuum, "safe" is a relative term.

This is basically the same principle employed by the huge, galaxy bridging gates that anchor trans-system civilization – except they deal in thousands of light-years instead of a couple square miles. As one expect, the size of the gates, and the energy drain, is commensurately larger. Getting such huge streams to hold still is a massive feat. Human civilization went bankrupt trying to build and operate these gates, while competing and fighting with one another. The Charter has paved the way for economic and military stability, and the TSA is dedicated to preserving it.