Frontiersmen Data :: Marine: Building

Summary: The commander selects and places all structures, but before they are activated, they must be "built" by Frontiersmen. Marines will see a nano-ghost of the structure. By standing next to it and activating their "use" function, they can complete its construction. The build indicator will show the structure's progress on the marine's HUD. The indicator for unbuilt structures is outlined in yellow, complete structures are outlined in green. When a structure is complete, it will visibly deploy. Structures allow new weapons, upgrades, and equipment.

This is an unfortunate limitation of the command network – as non-military systems pressed into combat use, many of the pre-existing safeguards regarding civilian nanotech use remain in place. Traditionally, onsite construction crews would have to be present when a new structure is created – activating the construction nanos, and monitoring the progress of the build closely, looking for any nano-leakage, instability, or defect. The best Frontiersmen software can do to get around this is to convince the network that marines are authorized maintenance personnel, serving the same function. A useful by-product of this work-around is that the Frontiersmen welder becomes an authorized maintenance tool. See the welder entry for more information.