Kharaa Data :: Species :: Skulk: Inherent Abilities

Summary: The most common species encountered. They are capable of blurring speed and leaps of near limitless height. The Skulk is a light, wiry creature around the size of a very large dog. Lacking any projectile attacks, it specializes in melee. It moves on all fours – each leg terminates in a long, sharp, bladed bone. It can attack with these, and its powerful jaws. If it cannot be stopped before reaching its target, its target is in serious trouble.        [Name]


Zero Hive (inherent) Abilities
Wall Running, Bite

Wall Running: equally at ease on the ceiling as the floor, speculation is that the bladed feet of these Kharaa have retractable microscopic spines that shoot out when a spike's tip pierces a surface, and retract when the foot is lifted. This ability gives them access to vents and passage ways that, all too often, serve as shortcuts and safe-passage all over a ship or base. This also encourages ambush behavior. A Kharaa can be hiding on absolutely any surface. Never trust an empty room.

Bite: there is no Earth animal that bites like the Skulk. Super-tensile muscles are relaxed and swung open, and then tightened with incredible speed, raking its jagged teeth together. It is not trying to eat its enemies; it is trying to savage them, causing as much bleeding and damage as possible.