Kharaa Data :: Species :: Gorge: Name

Summary: Belligerent and obese, Gorges serve as a kind of mobile hive and support unit. Their most important role is triggering new hives and creating chambers from lumps of raw matter
they … un-digest. Without them the aliens cannot keep pace with marine research and upgrades. To this end, they receive resources much faster than other species, and can tap a larger amount. They can also spray healing bacteria from their mouths, restoring chambers and other aliens to full effectiveness. Though their role is not as aggressive as the other species, they consistently find ways to cause mischief and support attacks on enemy positions. And with their spit, web and babbler abilities, underestimating them in combat is a dangerous mistake.        [Name]


Though we now know that the Gorge consumes more resources than any other species, the name has less to do with their consumption, and more with their portly body type, and that they always seem to be slurping away at a chamber, spitting a wad of acid, or just in general doing things with their mouths that are disturbing to watch.