//======== (C) Copyright 2001 Charles G. Cleveland All rights reserved. ========= // // The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Charles G. Cleveland. // The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of // Charles G. Cleveland, or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in // the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied. // // Purpose: Main NS NUD, also interface to client network messages // // $Workfile: AvHHud.cpp $ // $Date: 2002/10/28 20:35:32 $ // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // $Log: AvHHud.cpp,v $ // Revision 1.70 2002/10/28 20:35:32 Flayra // - Fix for gamma reset with VAC // - Info location fix after changelevel // // Revision 1.69 2002/10/25 21:49:10 Flayra // - Updated skin to sit in pev->skin // - Reset components every tick to fix problem with disappearing team resource label // // Revision 1.68 2002/10/24 21:29:49 Flayra // - Moved help client-side // - Fixed particle/changelevel crash // - Reworked marine upgrade drawing // - Added lots of utility functions for help system (mirrors functions on server) // - Removed gamma message unless it failed or if maxplayers is 1 // - Fixed alien hive sight crash // - Show players under reticle while in ready room and spectating // - Removed ugly/too-prevalent user3 icons // // Revision 1.67 2002/10/18 22:19:49 Flayra // - Added alien easter egg sayings // // Revision 1.66 2002/10/16 20:53:41 Flayra // - Draw scan model specially so it looks right // // Revision 1.65 2002/10/16 00:58:02 Flayra // - Removed hotgroups // - Added "need order" alert // // Revision 1.64 2002/10/03 20:24:39 Flayra // - Changes for "more resources required" // // Revision 1.63 2002/10/03 18:54:30 Flayra // - Allow right-click to cancel building placement // - Fixed help icons // - Added a couple utility functions // - Reworked order notification // - Reworked blip network messages to avoid hard-coded limit // - Sent max resources down with current resources // - Countdown sound no longer prevents other hud sounds // - Alien trigger sounds // - New order sounds // - No longer disable nodes out of our cost range // // Revision 1.62 2002/09/25 20:47:19 Flayra // - Don't draw elements on HUD when dead // - UI refactoring // - Split reticle help into help text and reticle text // - Removed use order // - Added separate select sound for alien // - Multiple move sounds // - Only draw entity build/health status when under reticle (no more scanning around you) // - Added 3 new sayings // // Revision 1.61 2002/09/23 22:18:25 Flayra // - Added alien build circles // - Game status changes so particles aren't sent every time // - Demo playback changes (save restore basic data that HUD already has) // - New alert sounds // - Skin support // // Revision 1.60 2002/09/09 19:55:24 Flayra // - Added hive info indicator // - Fixed bug where reticle tooltip help text wasn't being set until a weapon was selected // - Fixed release mode bug where tooltips weren't expiring // - Fixed bug where marine upgrades blinked // - "No commander" indicator now blinks // // Revision 1.59 2002/08/31 18:01:01 Flayra // - Work at VALVe // // Revision 1.58 2002/08/16 02:37:49 Flayra // - HUD sounds no longer cut each other off (they won't play instead of cutting off another sound) // - Tooltip sounds // - Selection issues // - Draw rings around buildings that need to be built // - Removed old overwatch code // // Revision 1.57 2002/08/09 01:02:40 Flayra // - Added hooks for demo playback, removed prediction selection // // Revision 1.56 2002/08/02 21:59:12 Flayra // - Added reticle help, new tooltip system and much nicer order drawing! Refactored view model drawing a bit, hoping to make texture blending work for it. // // Revision 1.55 2002/07/26 23:05:01 Flayra // - Generate numerical feedback for damage events // - Refactoring for more info when looking at something (instead of bad-looking player names only) // // Revision 1.54 2002/07/24 18:45:41 Flayra // - Linux and scripting changes // // Revision 1.53 2002/07/23 17:07:36 Flayra // - Added visually-smooth energy level, added versatile location code, new hive sight info, refactored to remove extra sprites (128 HUD sprites bug), commander tech help fixes // // Revision 1.52 2002/07/10 14:41:55 Flayra // - Fixed bug where non-sighted particle systems weren't being drawn for players on the ground (bug #127) // // Revision 1.51 2002/07/08 17:07:56 Flayra // - Started to add display of marine upgrade sprite, fixed bug where building indicators aren't displayed after a map change, info_location drawing changes, primal scream color tweak, removed old hive drawing code // // Revision 1.50 2002/07/01 21:35:05 Flayra // - Removed lots of outdated sprites and sprite code, added building ranges, fixed ghost building problem (bug #82) // // Revision 1.49 2002/06/25 18:03:09 Flayra // - Added info_locations, removed old weapon help system, added smooth resource swelling, lots of alien UI usability changes, fixed problem with ghost building // // Revision 1.48 2002/06/10 19:55:36 Flayra // - New commander UI (bindable via hotkeys, added REMOVE_SELECTION for when clicking menu options when no players selected) // // Revision 1.47 2002/06/03 16:48:45 Flayra // - Help sprites moved into one animated sprite, select sound volume reduced (now that sound is normalized) // // Revision 1.46 2002/05/28 17:48:14 Flayra // - Minimap refactoring, reinforcement refactoring, new hive sight fixes, recycling support // // Revision 1.45 2002/05/23 02:33:42 Flayra // - Post-crash checkin. Restored @Backup from around 4/16. Contains changes for last four weeks of development. // //=============================================================================== #include "mod/AvHConstants.h" #include "mod/AvHHud.h" #include "cl_dll/hud.h" #include "cl_dll/cl_util.h" #include "vgui_label.h" #include "ui/PieMenu.h" #include "mod/AvHTeamHierarchy.h" #include "mod/AvHPieMenuHandler.h" #include "mod/AvHParticleTemplateClient.h" #include "mod/AvHParticleSystemManager.h" #include "mod/AvHClientVariables.h" #include "mod/AvHSpecials.h" #include "ui/FadingImageLabel.h" #include "mod/AvHScrollHandler.h" #include "mod/AvHEvents.h" #include "pm_shared/pm_shared.h" #include "common/cl_entity.h" #include "mod/AvHCommanderModeHandler.h" #include "mod/AvHParticleEditorHandler.h" #include "mod/AvHTechTree.h" #include "mod/AvHMovementUtil.h" #include "mod/AvHTitles.h" #include "mod/AvHSelectionHelper.h" #include "mod/AvHActionButtons.h" #include "pm_shared/pm_debug.h" #include "util/MathUtil.h" #include "util/STLUtil.h" #include "mod/AvHSharedUtil.h" #include "common/r_efx.h" #include "cl_dll/eventscripts.h" #include #include "mod/AvHSprites.h" #include "ui/UIUtil.h" #include "mod/AvHMiniMap.h" #include "types.h" #include #include "common/event_api.h" #include "mod/AvHHulls.h" #include "common/com_model.h" #include "mod/AvHBasePlayerWeaponConstants.h" #include "cl_dll/vgui_ScorePanel.h" #include "mod/AvHAlienAbilityConstants.h" #include "mod/AvHSharedUtil.h" #include "mod/AvHScriptManager.h" #include "mod/AvHHudConstants.h" #include "cl_dll/demo.h" #include "common/demo_api.h" #include "cl_dll/ammohistory.h" #include "mod/AvHTechImpulsePanel.h" #include "mod/AvHServerVariables.h" #include "mod/AvHPlayerUpgrade.h" #include "mod/AvHCommandConstants.h" #include "mod/AvHDebugUtil.h" #include "engine/keydefs.h" #include "ui/ChatPanel.h" #include "cl_dll/r_studioint.h" #include "util/Tokenizer.h" #include #include "mod/AvHNetworkMessages.h" //#include "cl_dll/studio_util.h" //#include "cl_dll/r_studioint.h" void IN_GetMousePos( int *mx, int *my ); extern playermove_t *pmove; void RemoveAllDecals(); void ScorePanel_InitializeDemoRecording(); // Include windows for GDI and gamma functions #include "windows.h" extern engine_studio_api_t IEngineStudio; AvHPieMenuHandler gPieMenuHandler; AvHScrollHandler gScrollHandler; AvHCommanderModeHandler gCommanderHandler; AvHParticleEditorHandler gParticleEditorHandler; extern AvHParticleTemplateListClient gParticleTemplateList; extern DebugPointListType gTriDebugLocations; extern extra_player_info_t g_PlayerExtraInfo[MAX_PLAYERS+1]; extern WeaponsResource gWR; extern double gClientTimeLastUpdate; extern "C" Vector gPredictedPlayerOrigin; extern "C" Vector gPredictedPlayerVOfs; extern void __CmdFunc_Close(void); extern int CL_ButtonBits(int); extern int g_iVisibleMouse; GammaTable AvHHud::sPregameGammaTable; GammaTable AvHHud::sGameGammaTable; bool AvHHud::sShowMap = false; // Global because of global HUD complilation error AvHMiniMap gMiniMap; #include "VGUI_RepaintSignal.h" //extern vec3_t v_origin; //extern vec3_t v_angles; //vec3_t gPlayerOrigin; //vec3_t gPlayerAngles; extern AvHSelectionHelper gSelectionHelper; //#if defined( AVH_CLIENT ) //extern "C" float gOverwatchTargetRange; extern float gOverwatchTargetRange; //#endif extern bool gResetViewAngles; extern vec3_t gViewAngles; extern char sDebugString[128]; float kOverwatchFlashInterval = 2.5f; const float kReticleInfoMaxAlpha = 50; int gVisibleMouse = 0; //voogru: cvar pointers, these should always remain valid once they are set. cvar_t *gl_monolights = NULL; cvar_t *gl_overbright = NULL; cvar_t *gl_clear = NULL; cvar_t *cl_rate = NULL; cvar_t *hud_draw = NULL; cvar_t *r_drawviewmodel = NULL; extern cvar_t *cl_movespeedkey; cvar_t *gl_d3dflip = NULL; cvar_t *s_show = NULL; cvar_t *lightgamma = NULL; cvar_t *r_detailtextures = NULL; cvar_t *gl_max_size = NULL; const AvHMapExtents& GetMapExtents() { return gHUD.GetMapExtents(); } NumericalInfoEffect::NumericalInfoEffect(float inPosition[3], float inNumber, int inEventType, float inTimeCreated) { this->mPosition[0] = inPosition[0]; this->mPosition[1] = inPosition[1]; this->mPosition[2] = inPosition[2]; this->mNumber = inNumber; this->mEventType = inEventType; this->mTimeCreated = inTimeCreated; } void NumericalInfoEffect::GetPosition(float* outPosition) const { outPosition[0] = this->mPosition[0]; outPosition[1] = this->mPosition[1]; outPosition[2] = this->mPosition[2]; } float NumericalInfoEffect::GetNumber() const { return this->mNumber; } int NumericalInfoEffect::GetEventType() const { return this->mEventType; } float NumericalInfoEffect::GetTimeCreated() const { return this->mTimeCreated; } void NumericalInfoEffect::SetPosition(float inPosition[3]) { this->mPosition[0] = inPosition[0]; this->mPosition[1] = inPosition[1]; this->mPosition[2] = inPosition[2]; } void AvHHud::OnActivateSteamUI() { // Set the normal gamma so the Steam UI looks correct. sPregameGammaTable.InitializeToVideoState(); mSteamUIActive = true; } void AvHHud::OnDeactivateSteamUI() { // Set the special NS gamma. SetGamma(mDesiredGammaSlope); mSteamUIActive = false; // The Steam UI screws up the mouse cursor so reset it. if (gViewPort != NULL) { gViewPort->UpdateCursorState(); } } void AvHHud::OnLostFocus() { sPregameGammaTable.InitializeToVideoState(); } bool AvHHud::OnKeyEvent(int virtualKey, int scanCode, bool pressed) { if (gViewPort != NULL && !mSteamUIActive) { ChatPanel* theChatPanel = gViewPort->GetChatPanel(); if (theChatPanel && theChatPanel->isVisible()) { if (pressed) { theChatPanel->KeyDown(virtualKey, scanCode); return true; } else { // If the key wasn't pressed while the chat window was open, // the key up needs to go to HL. return theChatPanel->WasKeyPushed(virtualKey); } } if (virtualKey == VK_ESCAPE && GetInTopDownMode() && mGhostBuilding != MESSAGE_NULL) { if (pressed) { CancelBuilding(); } return true; } } return false; } int AvHHud::GetGameTime() const { int theGameTime = 0; if(this->mGameTime > 0) { theGameTime = (int)(this->mGameTime); } return theGameTime; } int AvHHud::GetGameTimeLimit() const { return this->mTimeLimit; } int AvHHud::GetCombatAttackingTeamNumber() const { return this->mCombatAttackingTeamNumber; } bool AvHHud::GetShowingMap() { return sShowMap; } bool AvHHud::GetGameStarted() const { return (this->mGameTime >= 0) && !this->mGameEnded; } bool AvHHud::GetIsAlive(bool inIncludeSpectating) const { bool theIsAlive = false; cl_entity_s* thePlayer = gEngfuncs.GetLocalPlayer(); if(inIncludeSpectating) { thePlayer = this->GetVisiblePlayer(); } if(thePlayer) { int thePlayerIndex = thePlayer->index; if((thePlayerIndex) && (thePlayerIndex <= MAX_PLAYERS)) { int thePlayerClass = g_PlayerExtraInfo[thePlayerIndex].playerclass; switch(thePlayerClass) { case PLAYERCLASS_ALIVE_MARINE: case PLAYERCLASS_ALIVE_HEAVY_MARINE: case PLAYERCLASS_ALIVE_JETPACK_MARINE: case PLAYERCLASS_ALIVE_LEVEL1: case PLAYERCLASS_ALIVE_LEVEL2: case PLAYERCLASS_ALIVE_LEVEL3: case PLAYERCLASS_ALIVE_LEVEL4: case PLAYERCLASS_ALIVE_LEVEL5: case PLAYERCLASS_ALIVE_DIGESTING: case PLAYERCLASS_ALIVE_GESTATING: case PLAYERCLASS_COMMANDER: theIsAlive = true; } } } return theIsAlive; } bool GetIsWithinRegion(float inNormX, float inNormY, float inLowX, float inLowY, float inHighX, float inHighY) { bool inRegion = false; if((inNormX >= inLowX) && (inNormY >= inLowY) && (inNormX <= inHighX) && (inNormY < inHighY)) { inRegion = true; } return inRegion; } bool AvHHud::GetIsRegionBlockedByUI(float inNormX, float inNormY) { bool theIsBlocked = true; if( GetIsWithinRegion(inNormX, inNormY, 0, .061, .3017, .6797) || GetIsWithinRegion(inNormX, inNormY, .248, .0791, .7753, .6823) || GetIsWithinRegion(inNormX, inNormY, .748, .092, 1, .6575) || GetIsWithinRegion(inNormX, inNormY, .751, .645, .870, .678) || GetIsWithinRegion(inNormX, inNormY, .337, .679, .729, .754) || GetIsWithinRegion(inNormX, inNormY, .337, .717, .703, .823) ) { theIsBlocked = false; // Now check pending requests (the only HUD element not drawn as part of the outlying frame for(PendingRequestListType::const_iterator theIterator = this->mPendingRequests.begin(); theIterator != this->mPendingRequests.end(); theIterator++) { AvHMessageID theMessageID = theIterator->first; char theComponentName[256]; sprintf(theComponentName, kPendingImpulseSpecifier, (int)theMessageID); AvHTechImpulsePanel* theTechImpulsePanel = NULL; if(this->GetManager().GetVGUIComponentNamed(theComponentName, theTechImpulsePanel)) { int thePosX, thePosY; theTechImpulsePanel->getPos(thePosX, thePosY); int theWidth, theHeight; theTechImpulsePanel->getSize(theWidth, theHeight); int theHighX = thePosX + theWidth; int theHighY = thePosY + theHeight; float theScreenWidth = ScreenWidth(); float theScreenHeight = ScreenHeight(); if(GetIsWithinRegion(inNormX, inNormY, thePosX/theScreenWidth, thePosY/theScreenHeight, theHighX/theScreenWidth, theHighY/theScreenHeight)) { theIsBlocked = true; break; } } } } return theIsBlocked; } bool AvHHud::GetIsShowingMap() const { return sShowMap; } void AvHHud::ClearSelection() { gSelectionHelper.ClearSelection(); this->mGroupEvent = COMMANDER_REMOVESELECTION; } void CLinkGhostBuildingCallback( struct tempent_s *ent, float frametime, float currenttime) { gHUD.GhostBuildingCallback(ent, frametime, currenttime); } // For easily adding message functions #define BIND_MESSAGE(x) \ int __MsgFunc_##x(const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf) \ { \ return gHUD.##x(pszName, iSize, pbuf ); \ } AvHHud::AvHHud(const string& inFilename, UIFactory* inFactory) : UIHud(inFilename, inFactory) { this->ClearData(); mSteamUIActive = false; } void AvHHud::AddNumericalInfoMessage(float inOrigin[3], float inNumber, int inEventType) { NumericalInfoEffect theEffect(inOrigin, inNumber, inEventType, this->mTimeOfLastUpdate); this->mNumericalInfoEffects.push_back(theEffect); } void AvHHud::AddTooltip(const char* inMessageText, bool inIsToolTip, float inTooltipWidth) { if(!gEngfuncs.pDemoAPI->IsPlayingback() && (strlen(inMessageText) > 0)) { if(gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarFloat(kvAutoHelp) || !inIsToolTip) { AvHTooltip theNewTooltip; theNewTooltip.SetText(string(inMessageText)); theNewTooltip.SetNormalizedScreenX(1.0f - inTooltipWidth - kHelpMessageLeftEdgeInset); theNewTooltip.SetNormalizedScreenY(0.01f); theNewTooltip.SetCentered(false); theNewTooltip.SetIgnoreFadeForLifetime(true); theNewTooltip.SetNormalizedMaxWidth(inTooltipWidth); if(inIsToolTip) { this->PlayHUDSound(HUD_SOUND_TOOLTIP); } this->mTooltips.push_back(theNewTooltip); } } } bool AvHHud::AddTooltipOnce(const char* inMessageText, bool inIsToolTip) { bool theAddedTooltip = false; string theMessage(inMessageText); // Check if message is in sent list StringList::iterator theIter = std::find(this->mDisplayedToolTipList.begin(), this->mDisplayedToolTipList.end(), theMessage); if(theIter == this->mDisplayedToolTipList.end()) { // If not // Call AddTooltip this->AddTooltip(inMessageText, inIsToolTip); theAddedTooltip = true; // Add message to list this->mDisplayedToolTipList.push_back(theMessage); } return theAddedTooltip; } void AvHHud::Cancel(void) { ASSERT(this->mInTopDownMode); gCommanderHandler.CancelHit(); } void AvHHud::ClearData() { this->mResources = 0; this->mHierarchy = NULL; this->mShowMapHierarchy = NULL; this->mCommanderResourceLabel = NULL; this->mGenericProgressBar = NULL; this->mResearchProgressBar = NULL; this->mAlienProgressBar = NULL; this->mResearchLabel = NULL; //this->mArmorLevel = ARMOR_BASE; this->mTimeOfLastUpdate = 0.0; this->mTimeOfNextHudSound = -1; this->mLastHUDSoundPlayed = HUD_SOUND_INVALID; this->mTimeOfLastEntityUpdate = -1; this->mInTopDownMode = false; this->mLeftMouseStarted = false; this->mLeftMouseEnded = false; this->mPlacingBuilding = false; this->mRightMouseStarted = false; this->mRightMouseEnded = false; //this->mOrderMode = ORDERTYPE_UNDEFINED; this->mTechEvent = MESSAGE_NULL; this->mAlienAbility = MESSAGE_NULL; this->mGroupEvent = MESSAGE_NULL; this->mTrackingEntity = 0; this->mNumLocalSelectEvents = 0; this->mSelected.clear(); this->mSelectionJustChanged = false; this->mMouseOneDown = false; this->mMouseTwoDown = false; this->mMouseOneStartX = 0; this->mMouseOneStartY = 0; this->mMouseTwoStartX = 0; this->mMouseTwoStartY = 0; this->mMouseCursorX = this->mMouseCursorY = 0; this->mPieMenuControl = ""; this->mPreviousHelpText = ""; this->mTimeLastHelpTextChanged = -1; this->mCurrentCursorFrame = 0; this->mMapExtents.ResetMapExtents(); this->mMapName = ""; this->mGhostBuilding = MESSAGE_NULL; this->mValidatedBuilding = MESSAGE_NULL; this->mCreatedGhost = false; this->mCurrentGhostIsValid = false; this->mAmbientSounds.clear(); // tankefugl: 0000971 this->mTeammateOrder.clear(); this->mDisplayOrderIndex = 0; this->mDisplayOrderTime = 0; this->mDisplayOrderType = 0; // :tankefugl this->mProgressBarDrawframe = PROGRESS_BAR_DEFAULT; this->mProgressBarLastDrawn = -10.0f; this->mHasWelder=false; this->mHasMines=false; this->mHasGrenades=false; this->mNumSensory=0; this->mNumMovement=0; this->mNumDefense=0; } AvHHud::~AvHHud(void) { //this->ResetGamma(); //delete [] sOriginalGammaTable; //delete [] sGammaTable; AvHHud::ResetGammaAtExit(); } void DummyFunction() { } #ifdef DEBUG int gGlobalDebugAuth = 0; void TestIcon() { gGlobalDebugAuth = rand() % 7; } typedef struct alias_t { alias_t* next; char name[32]; char* cmds; } alias_s; void TestAlias() { alias_s* alias = *(alias_s**)0x02d29b7c; while(alias) { if ( strcmp(alias->name, "lightgamma") == 0 ) alias->name[0]='n'; gEngfuncs.Con_Printf("%s=%s\n%x - %x\n", alias->name, alias->cmds, alias, gEngfuncs); alias = alias->next; } } #endif // Used for console command void AvHHud::PlayRandomSongHook() { gHUD.PlayRandomSong(); } void AvHHud::AddCommands() { gEngfuncs.pfnAddCommand ("+popupmenu", AvHPieMenuHandler::OpenPieMenu); gEngfuncs.pfnAddCommand ("-popupmenu", AvHPieMenuHandler::ClosePieMenu); gEngfuncs.pfnAddCommand ("+mousepopupmenu", AvHPieMenuHandler::OpenPieMenu); gEngfuncs.pfnAddCommand ("-mousepopupmenu", AvHPieMenuHandler::ClosePieMenu); // Add scrolling commands gEngfuncs.pfnAddCommand ("+scrollup", AvHScrollHandler::ScrollUp); gEngfuncs.pfnAddCommand ("-scrollup", AvHScrollHandler::StopScroll); gEngfuncs.pfnAddCommand ("+scrolldown", AvHScrollHandler::ScrollDown); gEngfuncs.pfnAddCommand ("-scrolldown", AvHScrollHandler::StopScroll); gEngfuncs.pfnAddCommand ("+scrollleft", AvHScrollHandler::ScrollLeft); gEngfuncs.pfnAddCommand ("-scrollleft", AvHScrollHandler::StopScroll); gEngfuncs.pfnAddCommand ("+scrollright", AvHScrollHandler::ScrollRight); gEngfuncs.pfnAddCommand ("-scrollright", AvHScrollHandler::StopScroll); gEngfuncs.pfnAddCommand ("toggleeditps", AvHParticleEditorHandler::ToggleEdit); gEngfuncs.pfnAddCommand ("nexttrack", AvHHud::PlayRandomSongHook); gEngfuncs.pfnAddCommand ("+showmap", AvHHud::ShowMap); gEngfuncs.pfnAddCommand ("-showmap", AvHHud::HideMap); gEngfuncs.pfnAddCommand ("playstream", AvHHud::PlayStream); gEngfuncs.pfnAddCommand ("stopstream", AvHHud::StopStream); #ifdef DEBUG gEngfuncs.pfnAddCommand("testicon", TestIcon); gEngfuncs.pfnAddCommand("testalias", TestAlias); #endif int i = 0; char theBinding[128]; for(i = (int)(RESOURCE_UPGRADE); i <= (int)(BUILD_RECYCLE); i++) { sprintf(theBinding, "%s%d", kHotKeyPrefix, i); gEngfuncs.pfnAddCommand(theBinding, DummyFunction); } for(i = (int)(MENU_BUILD); i <= (int)(MENU_EQUIP); i++) { sprintf(theBinding, "%s%d", kHotKeyPrefix, i); gEngfuncs.pfnAddCommand(theBinding, DummyFunction); } } void AvHHud::ClientProcessEntity(struct entity_state_s* inEntity) { // Check if we need to create or destroy particle systems int theIndex = inEntity->number; bool theParticleOn = inEntity->iuser3 == AVH_USER3_PARTICLE_ON; bool theParticleOff = inEntity->iuser3 == AVH_USER3_PARTICLE_OFF; if(theParticleOn || theParticleOff) { int theHandle = -1; if(theParticleOn) { // Ent index and template index stored in fuser1 int theValue = (int)(inEntity->fuser1); int theGenEntIndex = (0xFFFF0000 & theValue) >> 16; //int theTemplateIndex = (0x0000FFFF & theValue); int theTemplateIndex = (((int(inEntity->fuser1)) & 0x0000FF00) >> 8); //int theTemplateIndex = theValue; // Handle stored in fuser2 theHandle = (int)(inEntity->fuser2); // Don't create particle systems marked as high-detail if we don't have that option set. Note, this could cause collision // differences between the client and server if the particle system doesn't use this flag with care const AvHParticleTemplate* theTemplate = gParticleTemplateList.GetTemplateAtIndex(theTemplateIndex); if(theTemplate) { if(!theTemplate->GetHighDetailOnly() || gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarFloat(kvHighDetail)) { AvHParticleSystemManager::Instance()->CreateParticleSystemIfNotCreated(inEntity->number, theTemplateIndex, /*theEntIndex,*/ theHandle); // Update postion and visibility if(theGenEntIndex > 0) { cl_entity_s* theGenEntity = gEngfuncs.GetEntityByIndex(theGenEntIndex); if(theGenEntity) { AvHParticleSystemManager::Instance()->SetParticleSystemGenerationEntityExtents(theGenEntity->curstate.mins, theGenEntity->curstate.maxs, theHandle); } } else { AvHParticleSystemManager::Instance()->SetParticleSystemPosition(inEntity->origin, theHandle); } // Set the particle system custom data //uint16 theCustomData = (uint16)(((int)inEntity->fuser3) >> 16); //uint16 theCustomData = (uint16)(inEntity->fuser3); uint16 theCustomData = (uint16)(inEntity->weaponmodel); AvHParticleSystemManager::Instance()->SetParticleSystemCustomData(theCustomData, theHandle); } } } else if(theParticleOff) { theHandle = (int)(inEntity->fuser1); //AvHParticleSystemManager::Instance()->DestroyParticleSystemIfNotDestroyed(inEntity->number, theHandle); AvHParticleSystemManager::Instance()->MarkParticleSystemForDeletion(inEntity->number, theHandle); } // Always update visibility bool theVisibilityState = false; if(this->GetInTopDownMode()) { if(GetHasUpgrade(inEntity->iuser4, MASK_VIS_SIGHTED)) { theVisibilityState = true; } else { theVisibilityState = false; } } else { theVisibilityState = true; } AvHParticleSystemManager::Instance()->SetParticleSystemVisibility(theVisibilityState, theHandle); } else if((inEntity->iuser3 == AVH_USER3_AUDIO_ON) || (inEntity->iuser3 == AVH_USER3_AUDIO_OFF)) { // Read values int theEntIndex = (int)(inEntity->fuser1) >> 16; //int theSoundIndex = (int)(inEntity->fuser1) & 0x0000FFFF; // memcpy so value isn't interpreted //int theSoundIndex = 0; //memcpy(&theSoundIndex, &inEntity->fuser1, sizeof(float)); //theSoundIndex = theSoundIndex & 0x0000FFFF; int theSoundIndex = (((int(inEntity->fuser1)) & 0x0000FF00) >> 8); // Top byte is flags, next byte is volume, bottom two bytes are fade distance int theFlags = inEntity->iuser4 >> 24; int theVolume = (inEntity->iuser4 >> 16) & 0x00FF; int theFadeDistance = (inEntity->iuser4) & 0x0000FFFF; float theTimeOfAction = inEntity->fuser2; bool theSoundOn = (inEntity->iuser3 == AVH_USER3_AUDIO_ON); this->ModifyAmbientSoundEntryIfChanged(theSoundOn, theSoundIndex, theEntIndex, theTimeOfAction, theVolume, theFadeDistance, theFlags, inEntity->origin); } } string LookupAndTranslate(AvHMessageID inMessageID) { string theKey = string(kTechNodeLabelPrefix) + MakeStringFromInt((int)inMessageID); string theTranslatedTechName; LocalizeString(theKey.c_str(), theTranslatedTechName); return theTranslatedTechName; } void AvHHud::DisplayCombatUpgradeMenu(bool inVisible) { if(inVisible) { // Parse current tech nodes and set text const AvHTechID kLineStart[kNumUpgradeLines] = {TECH_ONE_LEVEL_ONE, TECH_TWO_LEVEL_ONE, TECH_THREE_LEVEL_ONE, TECH_FOUR_LEVEL_ONE, TECH_FIVE_LEVEL_ONE}; // Add "you are now x"! string theYouAreNow; LocalizeString(kYouAreNowA, theYouAreNow); string theRankTitle = this->GetRankTitle(false); string theExclamation; LocalizeString(kExclamation, theExclamation); string theChooseAnUpgrade; LocalizeString(kChooseAnUpgrade, theChooseAnUpgrade); string theFinalText = theYouAreNow + string(" ") + theRankTitle + theExclamation + string("\n"); theFinalText += theChooseAnUpgrade + string("\n\n"); // Set the lines this->mCombatUpgradeMenu.SetText(theFinalText); } // Parse text above every time, but only set position once so it doesn't keep animating if(inVisible && !this->mDrawCombatUpgradeMenu) { // Start off screen, and scroll right const float kWidth = .4f; this->mCombatUpgradeMenu.SetNormalizedScreenX(-kWidth); this->mCombatUpgradeMenu.SetNormalizedScreenY(.25f); this->mCombatUpgradeMenu.SetNormalizedMaxWidth(kWidth); } this->mDrawCombatUpgradeMenu = inVisible; } void AvHHud::DisplayMessage(const char* inMessage) { this->m_Message.MessageAdd(inMessage, this->m_flTime); // Remember the time -- to fix up level transitions //this->m_Message.m_parms.time = this->m_flTime; // Turn on drawing if ( !(this->m_Message.m_iFlags & HUD_ACTIVE) ) this->m_Message.m_iFlags |= HUD_ACTIVE; } //int AvHHud::GetArmorLevel(void) const //{ // return this->mArmorLevel; //} int AvHHud::GetFrameForOrderType(AvHOrderType inOrderType) const { int theFrame = 0; switch(inOrderType) { case ORDERTYPEL_DEFAULT: theFrame = 2; break; case ORDERTYPEL_MOVE: theFrame = 2; break; case ORDERTYPET_ATTACK: theFrame = 4; break; case ORDERTYPET_BUILD: theFrame = 5; break; case ORDERTYPET_GUARD: theFrame = 6; break; case ORDERTYPET_WELD: theFrame = 7; break; case ORDERTYPET_GET: theFrame = 8; break; } return theFrame; } AvHPlayMode AvHHud::GetPlayMode(void) const { AvHPlayMode thePlayMode = PLAYMODE_UNDEFINED; cl_entity_s* thePlayer = gEngfuncs.GetLocalPlayer(); if(thePlayer) { if(gEngfuncs.IsSpectateOnly()) { thePlayMode = PLAYMODE_OBSERVER; } else { thePlayMode = AvHPlayMode(thePlayer->curstate.playerclass); } } return thePlayMode; } AvHPlayMode AvHHud::GetHUDPlayMode() const { AvHPlayMode thePlayMode = this->GetPlayMode(); cl_entity_s* thePlayer = this->GetVisiblePlayer(); if(thePlayer) { thePlayMode = AvHPlayMode(thePlayer->curstate.playerclass); } return thePlayMode; } cl_entity_s* AvHHud::GetVisiblePlayer() const { cl_entity_s* thePlayer = gEngfuncs.GetLocalPlayer(); if(g_iUser1 == OBS_IN_EYE) { cl_entity_t* theEnt = gEngfuncs.GetEntityByIndex(g_iUser2); if(theEnt) { thePlayer = theEnt; } } return thePlayer; } int AvHHud::GetLocalUpgrades() const { static int theUpgrades = 0; cl_entity_s* thePlayer = this->GetVisiblePlayer(); if(thePlayer) { theUpgrades = thePlayer->curstate.iuser4; } return theUpgrades; } // Players could hack their client dll and see all the orders on their team. Minor cheat but definitely possible. EntityListType AvHHud::GetDrawPlayerOrders() const { EntityListType theList; cl_entity_s* theVisiblePlayer = this->GetVisiblePlayer(); if(theVisiblePlayer) { int theVisiblePlayerIndex = theVisiblePlayer->index; if(this->GetHUDUser3() == AVH_USER3_MARINE_PLAYER) { // Only draw orders for us theList.push_back(theVisiblePlayerIndex); } else if(this->GetHUDUser3() == AVH_USER3_COMMANDER_PLAYER) { // Add everyone that he has selected! return this->mSelected; } } return theList; } bool AvHHud::GetInTopDownMode() const { return this->mInTopDownMode; } bool AvHHud::GetIsSelecting() const { return mSelectionBoxVisible; } OrderListType AvHHud::GetOrderList() const { return this->mOrders; } //AvHOrderType AvHHud::GetOrderMode() const //{ // return this->mOrderMode; //} bool AvHHud::GetCenterPositionForGroup(int inGroupNumber, vec3_t& outCenterPosition) const { bool theSuccess = false; if((inGroupNumber >= 1) && (inGroupNumber <= kNumHotkeyGroups)) { vec3_t theCenterPosition; VectorClear(theCenterPosition); int theNumFound = 0; const EntityListType& theGroup = this->mGroups[inGroupNumber - 1]; if(theGroup.size() > 0) { for(EntityListType::const_iterator theIter = theGroup.begin(); theIter != theGroup.end(); theIter++) { int theEntIndex = *theIter; Vector thePosition; cl_entity_s* theEntity = gEngfuncs.GetEntityByIndex(theEntIndex); if(theEntity) { thePosition = theEntity->curstate.origin; } if(AvHSHUGetEntityLocation(theEntIndex, thePosition)) { theCenterPosition.x += thePosition.x; theCenterPosition.y += thePosition.y; theNumFound++; } } if(theNumFound > 0) { theCenterPosition.x /= theNumFound; theCenterPosition.y /= theNumFound; outCenterPosition = theCenterPosition; theSuccess = true; } } } return theSuccess; } void AvHHud::GetMousePos(int& outX, int& outY) const { gEngfuncs.GetMousePosition(&outX, &outY); // Clip mouse to window (weird) outX = min(max(0, outX), ScreenWidth()); outY = min(max(0, outY), ScreenHeight()); //char theMouseMessage[256]; //sprintf(theMouseMessage, "Mouse coords: %d, %d", outX, outY); //CenterPrint(theMouseMessage); } bool AvHHud::GetAndClearTopDownScrollAmount(int& outX, int& outY, int& outZ) { bool theSuccess = false; outX = 0; outY = 0; outZ = 0; // Don't scroll if the the commander is dragging a selection box. if(this->GetInTopDownMode() && !GetIsSelecting()) { const int kScreenWidth = ScreenWidth(); const int kScreenHeight = ScreenHeight(); const kScrollHorizontal = .0152f*kScreenWidth; const kScrollVertical = .015f*kScreenHeight; // Left side if(this->GetIsMouseInRegion(0, 0, kScrollHorizontal, kScreenHeight) || (gScrollHandler.GetXScroll() < 0)) { outX = -1; } // Right side else if(this->GetIsMouseInRegion(kScreenWidth - kScrollHorizontal, 0, kScrollHorizontal, kScreenHeight) || (gScrollHandler.GetXScroll() > 0)) { outX = 1; } // Top edge if(this->GetIsMouseInRegion(0, 0, kScreenWidth, kScrollVertical) || (gScrollHandler.GetYScroll() > 0)) { outY = 1; } // Bottom edge else if(this->GetIsMouseInRegion(0, kScreenHeight - kScrollVertical, kScreenWidth, kScrollVertical) || (gScrollHandler.GetYScroll() < 0)) { outY = -1; } // Only clear z scroll because of the way events work (invnext/invprev vs. holding a key down) //gScrollHandler.ClearScrollHeight(); theSuccess = true; } return theSuccess; } bool AvHHud::GetAndClearSelectionEvent(vec3_t& outSelection, AvHMessageID& outMessageID) { bool theSuccess = false; // Return a build event if there is one, else return a COMMANDER_MOUSECOORD event if(this->mLeftMouseStarted) { if(this->mValidatedBuilding == MESSAGE_NULL) { VectorCopy(this->mLeftMouseWorldStart, outSelection); outMessageID = COMMANDER_MOUSECOORD; } else { VectorCopy(this->mNormBuildLocation, outSelection); outMessageID = this->mValidatedBuilding; this->mValidatedBuilding = this->mGhostBuilding = MESSAGE_NULL; this->mPlacingBuilding = true; } theSuccess = true; } else if(this->mLeftMouseEnded) { if(!this->mPlacingBuilding) { outSelection = this->mLeftMouseWorldEnd; outMessageID = COMMANDER_MOUSECOORD; theSuccess = true; } this->mPlacingBuilding = false; } else if(this->mRightMouseStarted) { // Cancel building placement if(this->mGhostBuilding != MESSAGE_NULL) { CancelBuilding(); } else { outSelection = this->mRightMouseWorldStart; outMessageID = COMMANDER_MOUSECOORD; theSuccess = true; } } else if(this->mRightMouseEnded) { outSelection = this->mRightMouseWorldEnd; outMessageID = COMMANDER_MOUSECOORD; theSuccess = true; } else { outSelection = this->mMouseWorldPosition; outMessageID = COMMANDER_MOUSECOORD; theSuccess = true; } return theSuccess; } EntityListType AvHHud::GetSelected() const { return this->mSelected; } const AvHTechSlotManager& AvHHud::GetTechSlotManager() const { return this->mTechSlotManager; } bool AvHHud::GetAndClearAlienAbility(AvHMessageID& outMessageID) { bool theAlienAbilityWaiting = false; if(this->mAlienAbility != MESSAGE_NULL) { outMessageID = this->mAlienAbility; theAlienAbilityWaiting = true; this->mAlienAbility = MESSAGE_NULL; } return theAlienAbilityWaiting; } bool AvHHud::GetAndClearGroupEvent(AvHMessageID& outMessageID) { bool theGroupEventWaiting = false; if(this->mGroupEvent != MESSAGE_NULL) { outMessageID = this->mGroupEvent; theGroupEventWaiting = true; // if(!this->mIsTracking) // { this->mGroupEvent = MESSAGE_NULL; // } } return theGroupEventWaiting; } int AvHHud::GetTrackingEntity() const { return this->mTrackingEntity; } void AvHHud::ClearTrackingEntity() { this->mTrackingEntity = 0; } void AvHHud::SetSelectionEffects(EntityListType& inUnitList) { // Make sure we have an effect created for each unit in this list. If there are units that // have selection effects that aren't in this list, delete them. This is called locally when the // selection is predicted, then it's called again when the selection is confirmed. this->mSelectionEffects.clear(); for(EntityListType::iterator theIter = inUnitList.begin(); theIter != inUnitList.end(); theIter++) { SelectionEffect theNewEffect; theNewEffect.mEntIndex = *theIter; theNewEffect.mAngleOffset = 0; this->mSelectionEffects.push_back(theNewEffect); } } UIMode AvHHud::GetUIMode() const { return this->mCurrentUIMode; } bool AvHHud::SwitchUIMode(UIMode inNewMode) { bool theSuccess = false; // Only allow switching to a non-main mode when we're in main, always allow switching back to main mode if((inNewMode == MAIN_MODE) || (this->mCurrentUIMode == MAIN_MODE)) { if(inNewMode != this->mCurrentUIMode) { // Move pop-up menu components away or back so they don't block other compoments...ugh if(inNewMode != MAIN_MODE) { gHUD.GetManager().TranslateComponent(kSoldierMenu, true); gHUD.GetManager().TranslateComponent(kSoldierCombatMenu, true); gHUD.GetManager().TranslateComponent(kAlienMenu, true); gHUD.GetManager().TranslateComponent(kAlienCombatMenu, true); gHUD.GetManager().TranslateComponent(kAlienMembrane, true); gHUD.GetManager().TranslateComponent(kScroller, true); gHUD.GetManager().TranslateComponent(kSelectionText, true); //CenterPrint("Pop-up controls moved off screen"); } else { gHUD.GetManager().TranslateComponent(kSoldierMenu, false); gHUD.GetManager().TranslateComponent(kSoldierCombatMenu, false); gHUD.GetManager().TranslateComponent(kAlienMenu, false); gHUD.GetManager().TranslateComponent(kAlienCombatMenu, false); gHUD.GetManager().TranslateComponent(kAlienMembrane, false); gHUD.GetManager().TranslateComponent(kScroller, false); gHUD.GetManager().TranslateComponent(kSelectionText, false); //CenterPrint("Pop-up controls moved on screen"); } this->mCurrentUIMode = inNewMode; } theSuccess = true; } return theSuccess; } bool AvHHud::Update(float inCurrentTime, string& outErrorString) { bool theSuccess = false; if(inCurrentTime > this->mTimeOfLastUpdate) { this->mTimeOfCurrentUpdate = inCurrentTime; // Predict game time if(this->GetGameStarted()) { this->mGameTime += (inCurrentTime - this->mTimeOfLastUpdate); } AvHParticleSystemManager::Instance()->Start(); // This component must always be visible to allow us to hook mouse cursor sprite drawing this->ResetComponentsForUser3(); this->UpdateDataFromVuser4(inCurrentTime); this->UpdateSpectating(); this->GetManager().UnhideComponent(kLastComponent); this->UpdateDemoRecordPlayback(); theSuccess = UIHud::Update(inCurrentTime, outErrorString); if(!theSuccess) { this->AddTooltip(outErrorString.c_str()); } this->UpdateProgressBar(); this->UpdateCommonUI(); this->UpdateAlienUI(inCurrentTime); this->UpdateMarineUI(inCurrentTime); this->UpdateCountdown(inCurrentTime); this->UpdateExploitPrevention(); this->UpdateFromEntities(inCurrentTime); this->UpdateEntityID(inCurrentTime); this->UpdateHelpText(); this->UpdateTooltips(inCurrentTime); this->UpdateStructureNotification(inCurrentTime); this->UpdateMusic(inCurrentTime); this->UpdatePieMenuControl(); // Reset cursor every tick, update selection may change it // This cursor is used when we're on the ground for pie menus as well this->SetCursor(ORDERTYPE_UNDEFINED); this->UpdateHierarchy(); this->UpdateInfoLocation(); if(this->GetInTopDownMode()) { this->UpdateSelection(); gCommanderHandler.Update(this->mTechNodes, this->mResources); // char theDebugString[128]; // sprintf(theDebugString, "norm X/Y: %f, %f", (float)this->mMouseCursorX/ScreenWidth, (float)this->mMouseCursorY/ScreenHeight); // CenterPrint(theDebugString); } else { this->ResetTopDownUI(); } // Update orders //for(OrderListType::iterator theIter = this->mOrders.begin(); theIter != this->mOrders.end(); theIter++) //{ // theIter->Update(); //} this->UpdateTechNodes(); this->UpdateAmbientSounds(); this->UpdateViewModelEffects(); mOverviewMap.UpdateOrders(mOrders, GetDrawPlayerOrders()); mOverviewMap.Update(inCurrentTime); float theTimePassed = inCurrentTime - this->mTimeOfLastUpdate; AvHParticleSystemManager::Instance()->Update(theTimePassed); AvHScriptManager::Instance()->ClientUpdate(theTimePassed); this->UpdateResources(theTimePassed); if((this->GetHUDPlayMode() == PLAYMODE_PLAYING) && !this->GetIsAlive()) { this->mCommanderResourceLabel->setVisible(false); this->mHierarchy->setVisible(false); this->mShowMapHierarchy->setVisible(false); } if(cl_particleinfo->value) { char theDebugText[128]; int theNumVisible = AvHParticleSystemManager::Instance()->GetNumVisibleParticleSystems(); int theNum = AvHParticleSystemManager::Instance()->GetNumberParticleSystems(); int theNumTemplates = gParticleTemplateList.GetNumberTemplates(); sprintf(theDebugText, "(vis, total, list): %d, %d, %d", theNumVisible, theNum, theNumTemplates); //sprintf(theDebugText, "step interval: %d", pmove->flTimeStepSound); /* if(this->mMarineResourceLabel) { this->mMarineResourceLabel->setText(theDebugText); this->mMarineResourceLabel->setVisible(true); } */ } if(!gEngfuncs.pDemoAPI->IsPlayingback()) { IN_GetMousePos(&this->mMouseCursorX, &this->mMouseCursorY); } // Update user3 and team this->mLastUser3 = this->GetHUDUser3(); this->mLastTeamNumber = this->GetHUDTeam(); this->mLastPlayMode = this->GetPlayMode(); this->mTimeOfLastUpdate = inCurrentTime; // Save view origin and angles before we do crazy viewport stuff // gPlayerOrigin = v_origin; // gPlayerAngles = v_angles; } return theSuccess; } //void AvHHud::UpdateSelectionEffects(float inTimePassed) //{ // // Radians/sec // const float kSpinRate = 1.5f; // for(SelectionListType::iterator theIter = this->mSelectionEffects.begin(); theIter != this->mSelectionEffects.end(); theIter++) // { // theIter->mAngleOffset = (theIter->mAngleOffset += inTimePassed*kSpinRate) % 360; // } //} bool AvHHud::GetAndClearTechEvent(AvHMessageID& outMessageID) { bool theTechEventWaiting = false; if(this->mTechEvent != MESSAGE_NULL) { outMessageID = this->mTechEvent; theTechEventWaiting = true; this->mTechEvent = MESSAGE_NULL; } return theTechEventWaiting; } bool AvHHud::GetLastHotkeySelectionEvent(AvHMessageID& outMessageID) { bool theSuccess = false; switch(this->mLastHotkeySelectionEvent) { case GROUP_SELECT_1: case GROUP_SELECT_2: case GROUP_SELECT_3: case GROUP_SELECT_4: case GROUP_SELECT_5: outMessageID = this->mLastHotkeySelectionEvent; theSuccess = true; break; } return theSuccess; } void AvHHud::SetLastHotkeySelectionEvent(AvHMessageID inMessageID) { switch(inMessageID) { case MESSAGE_NULL: case GROUP_CREATE_1: case GROUP_CREATE_2: case GROUP_CREATE_3: case GROUP_CREATE_4: case GROUP_CREATE_5: case GROUP_SELECT_1: case GROUP_SELECT_2: case GROUP_SELECT_3: case GROUP_SELECT_4: case GROUP_SELECT_5: case COMMANDER_REMOVESELECTION: this->mLastHotkeySelectionEvent = inMessageID; break; default: ASSERT(false); break; } } bool AvHHud::GetIsAlien() const { bool theIsAlien = false; AvHUser3 theUser3 = this->GetHUDUser3(); switch(theUser3) { case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER1: case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER2: case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER3: case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER4: case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER5: case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_EMBRYO: theIsAlien = true; break; } return theIsAlien; } bool AvHHud::GetIsBeingDigested() const { bool theIsBeingDigested = false; int theUpgrades = this->GetHUDUpgrades(); if(GetHasUpgrade(theUpgrades, MASK_DIGESTING)) { cl_entity_t* theVisiblePlayer = this->GetVisiblePlayer(); if(theVisiblePlayer && (theVisiblePlayer->curstate.effects & EF_NODRAW)) { theIsBeingDigested = true; } } return theIsBeingDigested; } bool AvHHud::GetIsEnsnared() const { int theUpgrades = this->GetHUDUpgrades(); return GetHasUpgrade(theUpgrades, MASK_ENSNARED); } bool AvHHud::GetIsStunned() const { int theUpgrades = this->GetHUDUpgrades(); return GetHasUpgrade(theUpgrades, MASK_PLAYER_STUNNED); } bool AvHHud::GetIsDigesting() const { bool theIsDigesting = false; int theUpgrades = this->GetHUDUpgrades(); if(GetHasUpgrade(theUpgrades, MASK_DIGESTING)) { cl_entity_t* theVisiblePlayer = this->GetVisiblePlayer(); if(theVisiblePlayer && !(theVisiblePlayer->curstate.effects & EF_NODRAW)) { theIsDigesting = true; } } return theIsDigesting; } bool AvHHud::GetIsNotInControl() const { return GetIsBeingDigested() || !IEngineStudio.IsHardware(); } bool AvHHud::GetIsInTopDownMode() const { bool theIsInTopDownMode = false; if(GetHasUpgrade(this->GetHUDUpgrades(), MASK_TOPDOWN)) { theIsInTopDownMode = true; } return theIsInTopDownMode; } int AvHHud::GetCommanderIndex() const { int theCommanderIndex = -1; for(int i = 1; i <= MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { extra_player_info_t* theExtraPlayerInfo = &g_PlayerExtraInfo[i]; ASSERT(theExtraPlayerInfo); int thePlayerClass = theExtraPlayerInfo->playerclass; if(thePlayerClass == PLAYERCLASS_COMMANDER) { theCommanderIndex = i; break; } } return theCommanderIndex; } bool AvHHud::GetHasJetpack() const { int theLocalUpgrades = this->GetHUDUpgrades(); bool theHasJetpackUpgrade = GetHasUpgrade(theLocalUpgrades, MASK_UPGRADE_7) && this->GetIsMarine(); return theHasJetpackUpgrade; } bool AvHHud::GetHasAlienUpgradesAvailable() const { bool theHasUpgradesAvailable = false; if(this->GetIsAlien() && this->GetIsRelevant() && !this->GetIsBeingDigested()) { int theUpgradeVar = this->GetLocalUpgrades(); bool theHasDefensiveUpgradesAvailable = AvHGetHasUpgradeChoiceInCategory(ALIEN_UPGRADE_CATEGORY_DEFENSE, this->mUpgrades, theUpgradeVar); bool theHasMovementUpgradesAvailable = AvHGetHasUpgradeChoiceInCategory(ALIEN_UPGRADE_CATEGORY_MOVEMENT, this->mUpgrades, theUpgradeVar); bool theHasSensoryUpgradesAvailable = AvHGetHasUpgradeChoiceInCategory(ALIEN_UPGRADE_CATEGORY_SENSORY, this->mUpgrades, theUpgradeVar); theHasUpgradesAvailable = theHasDefensiveUpgradesAvailable || theHasMovementUpgradesAvailable || theHasSensoryUpgradesAvailable; } return theHasUpgradesAvailable; } bool AvHHud::GetIsMarine() const { bool theIsMarine = false; AvHUser3 theUser3 = this->GetHUDUser3(); switch(theUser3) { case AVH_USER3_MARINE_PLAYER: case AVH_USER3_COMMANDER_PLAYER: theIsMarine = true; break; } return theIsMarine; } bool AvHHud::GetIsRelevant() const { bool theIsRelevant = false; if(this->GetIsAlive() && (this->GetPlayMode() == PLAYMODE_PLAYING) /*&& !this->GetIsSpectator()*/) { theIsRelevant = true; } return theIsRelevant; } vec3_t AvHHud::GetVisualOrigin() const { vec3_t theVisualOrigin = gPredictedPlayerOrigin; theVisualOrigin.z += gPredictedPlayerVOfs[2]; return theVisualOrigin; } AvHMessageID AvHHud::HotKeyHit(char inChar) { return gCommanderHandler.HotKeyHit(inChar); } float AvHHud::GetGammaSlope() const { return sGameGammaTable.GetGammaSlope(); } string AvHHud::GetMapName(bool inLocalOnly) const { string theMapName = this->mMapName; if((theMapName == "") && !inLocalOnly ) { const char* theLevelName = gEngfuncs.pfnGetLevelName(); if(theLevelName) { theMapName = string(theLevelName); // Remove maps/ from the beginning and .bsp from the end. StringVector theVector; Tokenizer::split(theMapName, "/.", theVector); if(theVector.size() >= 2) { theMapName = theVector[1]; } } } return theMapName; } int AvHHud::GetNumActiveHives() const { int theNumActiveHives = 0; if(this->GetIsAlien()) { for(HiveInfoListType::const_iterator theIter = this->mHiveInfoList.begin(); theIter != this->mHiveInfoList.end(); theIter++) { if(theIter->mStatus == kHiveInfoStatusBuilt) { theNumActiveHives++; } } } return theNumActiveHives; } int AvHHud::GetMaxAlienResources() const { int theMaxAlienResources = kMaxAlienResources; if(this->mMaxResources >= 0) { theMaxAlienResources = this->mMaxResources; } return theMaxAlienResources; } bool AvHHud::SetGamma(float inSlope) { bool theSuccess = false; // Disable gamma stuff in debug for sanity // #ifndef DEBUG HDC theDC = GetDC(NULL); if(theDC != 0) { const float kGammaIncrement = 0.05f; float theGammaToTry = inSlope + kGammaIncrement; while(!theSuccess && (theGammaToTry > 1.0f)) { theGammaToTry -= kGammaIncrement; sGameGammaTable.ProcessSlope(theGammaToTry); // tankefugl: fakes a successful gamma ramp change if cl_gammaramp is set to 0 if((CVAR_GET_FLOAT(kvGammaRamp) == 0) || sGameGammaTable.InitializeToVideoState()) { // Tell UI components so they can change shading to look the same this->GetManager().NotifyGammaChange(theGammaToTry); // aww yeah theSuccess = true; } } char theMessage[256]; if(theSuccess) { sprintf(theMessage, "Gamma set to %f.", theGammaToTry); } else { sprintf(theMessage, "Display doesn't support downloadable gamma ramps."); } if(!theSuccess || (gEngfuncs.GetMaxClients() == 1)) { CenterPrint(theMessage); } if(!ReleaseDC(NULL, theDC)) { // emit error about leak } } //#endif return theSuccess; } bool AvHHud::SlotInput(int inSlot) { bool theHandled = false; if(this->mInTopDownMode) { if((inSlot >= 0) && (inSlot < kNumHotkeyGroups)) { // TODO: Read state of control/duck here bool theCreateGroup = false; int theButtonBits = CL_ButtonBits(0); if(theButtonBits & IN_DUCK) { theCreateGroup = true; } int theBaseOffset = theCreateGroup ? GROUP_CREATE_1 : GROUP_SELECT_1; this->mGroupEvent = (AvHMessageID)(theBaseOffset + inSlot); theHandled = true; } } return theHandled; } int AvHHud::Redraw( float flTime, int intermission ) { if (!gViewPort->IsOptionsMenuVisible() && !gParticleEditorHandler.GetInEditMode()) { Render(); } int theRC = UIHud::Redraw(flTime, intermission); return theRC; } void AvHHud::ResetGammaAtExit() { sPregameGammaTable.InitializeToVideoState(); } int AvHHud::ResetGammaAtExitForOnExit() { sPregameGammaTable.InitializeToVideoState(); return TRUE; } void AvHHud::ResetGammaAtExit(int inSig) { AvHHud::ResetGammaAtExit(); } void AvHHud::ResetTopDownUI() { this->mGhostBuilding = MESSAGE_NULL; this->mSelected.clear(); this->mSelectionEffects.clear(); gCommanderHandler.Reset(); for(int i = 0; i < kNumHotkeyGroups; i++) { this->mGroups[i].clear(); this->mGroupTypes[i] = AVH_USER3_NONE; this->mGroupAlerts[i] = ALERT_NONE; } this->mSelectAllGroup.clear(); } void AvHHud::SetSelectingWeaponID(int inWeaponID, int inR, int inG, int inB) { if(gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarFloat(kvAutoHelp)) { if(inR != -1) { this->mHelpMessage.SetR(inR); } if(inG != -1) { this->mHelpMessage.SetG(inG); } if(inB != -1) { this->mHelpMessage.SetB(inB); } this->mSelectingWeaponID = inWeaponID; } } void AvHHud::SetTechHelpText(const string& inTechHelpText) { this->mTechHelpText = inTechHelpText; } BIND_MESSAGE(Countdown); int AvHHud::Countdown(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf) { NetMsg_UpdateCountdown( pbuf, iSize, this->mNumTicksToPlay ); this->mLastTickPlayed = 1; this->mCountDownClock = this->m_flTime; return 1; } bool AvHHud::GetAmbientSoundNameFromIndex(string& outSoundName, int inSoundIndex) const { bool theFoundName = false; if(inSoundIndex < (int)(this->mSoundNameList.size())) { outSoundName = this->mSoundNameList[inSoundIndex]; theFoundName = true; } return theFoundName; } void AvHHud::ModifyAmbientSoundEntryIfChanged(bool inSoundOn, int inSoundIndex, int inEntIndex, float inTimeStarted, int inVolume, int inFadeDistance, int inFlags, Vector inOrigin) { bool theFoundSound = false; // Look up sound using inSoundIndex string theSoundName; if(this->GetAmbientSoundNameFromIndex(theSoundName, inSoundIndex)) { // Loop through current sounds for(AmbientSoundListType::iterator theIter = this->mAmbientSounds.begin(); theIter != this->mAmbientSounds.end(); ) { bool theErasedSound = false; if(theIter->GetEntityIndex() == inEntIndex) { // If found, remember that we found it theFoundSound = true; // Set position theIter->SetPosition(inOrigin); // If we're turning off sound, kill the sound if(!inSoundOn) { theIter->ClearData(); theIter = this->mAmbientSounds.erase(theIter); theErasedSound = true; } } if(!theErasedSound) { theIter++; } } // If we're turning a sound on, and we didn't find one if(inSoundOn && !theFoundSound) { bool theLooping = inFlags & 2; float theTimeElapsed = this->mTimeOfLastUpdate - inTimeStarted; // Add new entry with these values this->mAmbientSounds.push_back(AvHAmbientSound(theSoundName, inVolume, inFadeDistance, theLooping, inOrigin, inEntIndex, theTimeElapsed)); } } else { // We may not have the sound list yet, it's OK //ASSERT(false); } } // tankefugl: void AvHHud::SetCenterText(const char* inText) { LocalizeString(inText, this->mCenterText); this->mCenterTextTime = this->mTimeOfLastUpdate; } void AvHHud::ClearCenterText() { this->mCenterText.clear(); this->mCenterTextTime = -1; } // :tankefugl // Look at incoming order. If we are one of the receivers, play a HUD sound // indicating our new order void AvHHud::OrderNotification(const AvHOrder& inOrder) { //if(!inOrder.GetOrderCompleted()) //{ // If we are commander, or we are in receiver list int theLocalPlayer = gEngfuncs.GetLocalPlayer()->index; if((this->GetHUDUser3() == AVH_USER3_COMMANDER_PLAYER) || (inOrder.GetHasReceiver(theLocalPlayer))) { // Do a switch on the order type AvHOrderType theOrderType = inOrder.GetOrderType(); AvHHUDSound theSound = HUD_SOUND_INVALID; // tankefugl: 0000992 // popup indicator for order bool thePopup = false; // Play HUD sound depending on order switch(theOrderType) { case ORDERTYPEL_MOVE: theSound = HUD_SOUND_ORDER_MOVE; thePopup = true; break; case ORDERTYPET_ATTACK: theSound = HUD_SOUND_ORDER_ATTACK; thePopup = true; break; case ORDERTYPET_BUILD: theSound = HUD_SOUND_ORDER_BUILD; thePopup = true; break; case ORDERTYPET_GUARD: theSound = HUD_SOUND_ORDER_GUARD; thePopup = true; break; case ORDERTYPET_WELD: theSound = HUD_SOUND_ORDER_WELD; thePopup = true; break; case ORDERTYPET_GET: theSound = HUD_SOUND_ORDER_GET; thePopup = true; break; } if((this->GetHUDUser3() == AVH_USER3_MARINE_PLAYER) && (inOrder.GetOrderCompleted())) { theSound = HUD_SOUND_ORDER_COMPLETE; } this->PlayHUDSound(theSound); // tankefugl: 0000992 | 0001052 if (thePopup && (this->GetInTopDownMode() == false) && (inOrder.GetOrderActive())) { this->SetDisplayOrder(2, this->GetFrameForOrderType(theOrderType), "", "", ""); } // :tankefugl } //} } void AvHHud::ResetComponentsForUser3() { this->mPieMenuControl = ""; this->GetManager().HideComponents(); if(gParticleEditorHandler.GetInEditMode()) { gHUD.GetManager().UnhideComponent(kPSESizeSlider); gHUD.GetManager().UnhideComponent(kPSESizeLabel); gHUD.GetManager().UnhideComponent(kPSEScaleSlider); gHUD.GetManager().UnhideComponent(kPSEScaleLabel); gHUD.GetManager().UnhideComponent(kPSEGenerationRateSlider); gHUD.GetManager().UnhideComponent(kPSEGenerationRateLabel); gHUD.GetManager().UnhideComponent(kPSEParticleLifetimeSlider); gHUD.GetManager().UnhideComponent(kPSEParticleLifetimeLabel); gHUD.GetManager().UnhideComponent(kPSEParticleSystemLifetimeSlider); gHUD.GetManager().UnhideComponent(kPSEParticleSystemLifetimeLabel); gHUD.GetManager().UnhideComponent(kPSEMaxParticlesSlider); gHUD.GetManager().UnhideComponent(kPSEMaxParticlesLabel); gHUD.GetManager().UnhideComponent(kPSEDrawModeSlider); gHUD.GetManager().UnhideComponent(kPSEDrawModeLabel); gHUD.GetManager().UnhideComponent(PSEGenVelToggleSlider); gHUD.GetManager().UnhideComponent(kPSEGenVelToggleLabel); gHUD.GetManager().UnhideComponent(kPSEGenVelShapeSlider); gHUD.GetManager().UnhideComponent(kPSEGenVelShapeLabel); gHUD.GetManager().UnhideComponent(kPSEGenVelParamNumSlider); gHUD.GetManager().UnhideComponent(kPSEGenVelParamNumLabel); gHUD.GetManager().UnhideComponent(kPSEGenVelParamValueSlider); gHUD.GetManager().UnhideComponent(kPSEGenVelParamValueLabel); } else { bool theIsCombatMode = (this->mMapMode == MAP_MODE_CO); bool theIsNSMode = (this->mMapMode == MAP_MODE_NS); if((this->GetHUDPlayMode() == PLAYMODE_PLAYING) && !this->GetIsNotInControl() && !gViewPort->IsOptionsMenuVisible()) { switch(this->GetHUDUser3()) { case AVH_USER3_MARINE_PLAYER: if(theIsCombatMode) { this->mPieMenuControl = kSoldierCombatMenu; } else if(theIsNSMode) { this->mPieMenuControl = kSoldierMenu; } if (g_iUser1 == OBS_NONE) { this->GetManager().UnhideComponent(mPieMenuControl.c_str()); } // Removed these for recording footage until they look better //this->GetManager().UnhideComponent(kReinforcementsLabel); //this->GetManager().UnhideComponent(kResourceLabel); //this->GetManager().UnhideComponent(kMouseCursorLabel); //this->GetManager().UnhideComponent(kDebugCSPServerLabel); //this->GetManager().UnhideComponent(kDebugCSPClientLabel); break; case AVH_USER3_COMMANDER_PLAYER: if(this->mInTopDownMode) { this->GetManager().UnhideComponent(kSelectionBox); this->GetManager().UnhideComponent(kCommanderResourceLabel); //this->GetManager().UnhideComponent(kMouseCursorLabel); this->GetManager().UnhideComponent(kLeaveCommanderButton); this->GetManager().UnhideComponent(kScroller); this->GetManager().UnhideComponent(kTechHelpText); this->GetManager().UnhideComponent(kHierarchy); this->GetManager().UnhideComponent(kResearchBackgroundPanel); this->GetManager().UnhideComponent(kActionButtonsComponents); this->GetManager().UnhideComponent(kSelectAllImpulsePanel); //this->GetManager().UnhideComponent(kTopDownHUDTopSpritePanel); //this->GetManager().UnhideComponent(kTopDownHUDBottomSpritePanel); } //this->GetManager().UnhideComponent(kReinforcementsLabel); break; case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER1: case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER2: case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER3: case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER4: case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER5: if(theIsCombatMode) { this->mPieMenuControl = kAlienCombatMenu; } else if(theIsNSMode) { this->mPieMenuControl = kAlienMenu; } if (g_iUser1 == OBS_NONE) { this->GetManager().UnhideComponent(mPieMenuControl.c_str()); } //this->GetManager().UnhideComponent(kMouseCursorLabel); //this->GetManager().UnhideComponent(kDebugCSPServerLabel); //this->GetManager().UnhideComponent(kDebugCSPClientLabel); break; case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_EMBRYO: //this->GetManager().UnhideComponent(kAlienMembrane); break; } if(sShowMap) { this->GetManager().UnhideComponent(kShowMapHierarchy); } mOverviewMap.SetUser3(this->GetHUDUser3()); // Update command hierarchy so it can potentially display differently if(this->mHierarchy) { this->mHierarchy->setPos(.0105f*ScreenWidth(), .728*ScreenHeight()); this->mHierarchy->setSize(.265*ScreenWidth(), .247*ScreenHeight()); } } } } BIND_MESSAGE(BalanceVar); int AvHHud::BalanceVar(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf) { string name; BalanceMessageAction action; int ivalue; float fvalue; string svalue; NetMsg_BalanceVar( pbuf, iSize, name, action, ivalue, fvalue, svalue ); BalanceValueContainer* container = BalanceValueContainerFactory::get(); switch( action ) { case BALANCE_ACTION_INSERT_INT: container->insert(name,ivalue); break; case BALANCE_ACTION_INSERT_FLOAT: container->insert(name,fvalue); break; case BALANCE_ACTION_INSERT_STRING: container->insert(name,svalue); break; case BALANCE_ACTION_REMOVE: container->remove(name); break; case BALANCE_ACTION_CLEAR: container->clear(); break; } return 1; } BIND_MESSAGE(GameStatus); int AvHHud::GameStatus(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf) { int status, game_time, timelimit, misc_data; AvHMapMode map_mode; NetMsg_GameStatus( pbuf, iSize, status, map_mode, game_time, timelimit, misc_data ); this->mMapMode = map_mode; switch( status ) { case kGameStatusReset: case kGameStatusResetNewMap: if(this->mInTopDownMode) { this->ToggleMouse(); } this->ResetGame( status == kGameStatusResetNewMap ? true : false ); break; case kGameStatusEnded: // Victor determined, but we are still in the cooldown time this->mGameEnded = true; // Stop research break; case kGameStatusGameTime: this->mGameTime = game_time; this->mTimeLimit = timelimit; this->mCombatAttackingTeamNumber = misc_data; break; case kGameStatusUnspentLevels: this->mExperienceLevelSpent = misc_data; break; } return 1; } BIND_MESSAGE(MiniMap); int AvHHud::MiniMap(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf) { gMiniMap.ReceiveFromNetworkStream( pbuf, iSize ); return 1; } // tankefugl: 0000971 BIND_MESSAGE(IssueOrder); int AvHHud::IssueOrder(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf) { int ordertype, ordersource, ordertarget; NetMsg_IssueOrder( pbuf, iSize, ordertype, ordersource, ordertarget); float now = this->GetTimeOfLastUpdate(); TeammateOrderListType::iterator theIter = this->mTeammateOrder.find(ordersource); if (theIter == this->mTeammateOrder.end()) { this->mTeammateOrder.insert(theIter, pair(ordersource, TeammateOrderType(ordertype, now))); } else { TeammateOrderType *theOrder = &((*theIter).second); (*theOrder).first = ordertype; (*theOrder).second = now; } if (this->GetInTopDownMode() == false) { cl_entity_s* theLocalPlayer = gEngfuncs.GetLocalPlayer(); if (theLocalPlayer->index == ordertarget) { hud_player_info_t info; memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); GetPlayerInfo(ordersource, &info); string temp; string nameFormat; // fetch from titles.txt sprintf(temp, "TeammateOrder%d", ordertype); LocalizeString(temp.c_str(), nameFormat); sprintf(temp, nameFormat.c_str(), info.name); this->SetDisplayOrder(1, ordertype, temp, "", ""); } if (theLocalPlayer->index == ordersource) { this->mCurrentOrderTarget = ordertarget; this->mCurrentOrderType = ordertype; this->mCurrentOrderTime = now; } } return 1; } // :tankefugl BIND_MESSAGE(ServerVar); int AvHHud::ServerVar(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf) { string name, value; NetMsg_ServerVar( pbuf, iSize, name, value ); mServerVariableMap[name] = value; return 1; } BIND_MESSAGE(Progress); int AvHHud::Progress(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf) { NetMsg_ProgressBar( pbuf, iSize, this->mProgressBarEntityIndex, this->mProgressBarParam, this->mProgressBarCompleted ); return 1; } // Start the game over. Called after the game ends and also after a map change void AvHHud::ResetGame(bool inMapChanged) { UIHud::ResetGame(); this->mResources = 0; this->mMaxResources = -1; this->mVisualResources = 0; this->mUser2OfLastResourceMessage = 0; this->mTimeOfLastEntityUpdate = -1; this->mVisualEnergyLevel = 0; this->mUser2OfLastEnergyLevel = 0; // Don't use a menu yet //this->ResetUpgradeCosts(); // Reset armor as well. //this->mArmorLevel = ARMOR_BASE; // Clear out all particle systems and templates if(inMapChanged) { gParticleTemplateList.Clear(); this->mTimeOfLastUpdate = 0.0f; this->mInfoLocationList.clear(); } // puzl: 1066 reset overview map on game restart gHUD.GetOverviewMap().Clear(); AvHParticleSystemManager::Instance()->Reset(); this->mTechSlotManager.Clear(); this->mTechNodes.Clear(); this->mTimeOfCurrentUpdate = 0.0f; // On game reset, clear blips (happens on server as well) this->mEntityHierarchy.Clear(); // Clear selection effects this->mSelectionEffects.clear(); // End any jetpack effects //EndJetpackEffects(); // Clear client scripts AvHScriptManager::Instance()->Reset(); // Selection and commander variables this->mNumLocalSelectEvents = 0; // Removed to allow map to be shown before gamestart. // The map-mode will be re-set by the Gamestate messages anyway. this->mMapMode = MAP_MODE_UNDEFINED; this->mInTopDownMode = false; this->mLeftMouseStarted = false; this->mLeftMouseEnded = false; this->mPlacingBuilding = false; sShowMap = false; this->StopMusic(); for(AmbientSoundListType::iterator theIter = this->mAmbientSounds.begin(); theIter != this->mAmbientSounds.end(); theIter++) { theIter->ClearData(); } this->mAmbientSounds.clear(); this->SetReinforcements(0); this->mOrders.clear(); this->mCurrentCursorFrame = 0; this->mProgressBarEntityIndex = -1; this->mProgressBarParam = -1; this->mProgressBarCompleted = -1; this->mEnemyBlips.Clear(); this->mFriendlyBlips.Clear(); // Reset view angles (in case player was in commander mode) gViewAngles.z = 0.0f; gResetViewAngles = true; // Clear location this->mLocationText = ""; this->mUpgrades.clear(); this->mNumUpgradesAvailable = 0; int i; for(i = 0; i < ALIEN_UPGRADE_CATEGORY_MAX_PLUS_ONE; i++) { this->mCurrentUpgradeCategory[i] = ALIEN_UPGRADE_CATEGORY_INVALID; } // Remove all decals (no idea how to get the total decals) //for(i = 0; i < 1024; i++) //{ // gEngfuncs.pEfxAPI->R_DecalRemoveAll(i); //} RemoveAllDecals(); // Remove temp ghost building if(this->mLastGhostBuilding) { this->mLastGhostBuilding->die = -1; } this->mNumericalInfoEffects.clear(); this->mTimeOfNextHudSound = -1; this->mLastHUDSoundPlayed = HUD_SOUND_INVALID; //this->mTooltips.clear(); this->mHiveInfoList.clear(); this->mDesiredGammaSlope = kDefaultMapGamma; this->mRecordingLastFrame = false; this->mTimeOfLastHelpText = -1; this->mDisplayedToolTipList.clear(); this->mCurrentWeaponID = -1; this->mCurrentWeaponEnabled = false; // Is this needed? //this->mCurrentUIMode = MAIN_MODE; this->mMenuTechSlots = 0; this->mPendingRequests.clear(); for(i = 0; i < kNumHotkeyGroups; i++) { this->mGroups[i].clear(); this->mGroupTypes[i] = AVH_USER3_NONE; this->mGroupAlerts[i] = ALERT_NONE; } this->mSelectAllGroup.clear(); this->mCurrentSquad = 0; this->mBlinkingAlertType = 0; this->mLastTeamSpectated = TEAM_IND; this->mStructureNotificationList.clear(); this->mGameTime = -1; this->mTimeLimit = -1; this->mCombatAttackingTeamNumber = 0; this->mGameEnded = false; this->mExperience = 0; this->mExperienceLevel = 1; this->mExperienceLevelLastDrawn = 1; this->mExperienceLevelSpent = 0; this->mTimeOfLastLevelUp = -1; memset(this->mMenuImpulses, MESSAGE_NULL, sizeof(AvHMessageID)*kNumUpgradeLines); // tankefugl: 0000992 & 0000971 this->mTeammateOrder.clear(); this->mCurrentOrderTarget = 0; this->mCurrentOrderType = 0; this->mCurrentOrderTime = 0.0f; this->mDisplayOrderTime = 0.0f; this->mDisplayOrderType = 0; this->mDisplayOrderIndex = 0; this->mDisplayOrderText1 = ""; this->mDisplayOrderText2 = ""; this->mDisplayOrderText3 = ""; this->mCenterText.clear(); this->mCenterTextTime = -1; // :tankefugl this->mProgressBarLastDrawn = -10.0f; this->mHasGrenades=false; this->mHasMines=false; this->mHasWelder=false; this->mNumSensory=0; this->mNumMovement=0; this->mNumDefense=0; if ( this->mCrosshairShowCount != 1 ) { this->mCrosshairShowCount = 1; } } BIND_MESSAGE(SetGmma); int AvHHud::SetGmma(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf) { NetMsg_SetGammaRamp( pbuf, iSize, this->mDesiredGammaSlope ); if (!mSteamUIActive) { this->SetGamma(this->mDesiredGammaSlope); } return 1; } BIND_MESSAGE(BlipList); int AvHHud::BlipList(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf) { bool friendly_blips; AvHVisibleBlipList list; NetMsg_BlipList( pbuf, iSize, friendly_blips, list ); float theCurrentTime = gEngfuncs.GetClientTime(); if( friendly_blips ) { this->mFriendlyBlips.Clear(); this->mFriendlyBlips.AddBlipList(list); this->mFriendlyBlips.SetTimeBlipsReceived(theCurrentTime); } else { this->mEnemyBlips.Clear(); this->mEnemyBlips.AddBlipList(list); this->mEnemyBlips.SetTimeBlipsReceived(theCurrentTime); } return 1; } BIND_MESSAGE(ClScript); int AvHHud::ClScript(const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf) { StringList script_names; NetMsg_ClientScripts( pbuf, iSize, script_names ); StringList::iterator current, end = script_names.end(); for( current = script_names.begin(); current != end; ++current ) { AvHScriptManager::Instance()->RunScript(current->c_str()); } return 1; } BIND_MESSAGE(Particles); int AvHHud::Particles(const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf) { AvHParticleTemplate particle_template; NetMsg_SetParticleTemplate( pbuf, iSize, particle_template ); gParticleTemplateList.Insert( particle_template ); return 1; } BIND_MESSAGE(SoundNames); int AvHHud::SoundNames(const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf) { bool theClearSoundList; string sound_name; NetMsg_SetSoundNames( pbuf, iSize, theClearSoundList, sound_name ); if(theClearSoundList) { this->mSoundNameList.clear(); } else { this->mSoundNameList.push_back(sound_name); } return 1; } BIND_MESSAGE(SetSelect); int AvHHud::SetSelect(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf) { Selection selection; NetMsg_SetSelect( pbuf, iSize, selection ); EntityListType theGroup; switch( selection.group_number ) { case 0: this->mTrackingEntity = selection.tracking_entity; if( selection.selected_entities != this->mSelected ) { this->mSelectionJustChanged = true; this->mSelected = selection.selected_entities; } break; case kSelectAllHotGroup: this->mSelectAllGroup = selection.selected_entities; break; default: this->mGroups[selection.group_number-1] = selection.selected_entities; this->mGroupTypes[selection.group_number-1] = selection.group_type; this->mGroupAlerts[selection.group_number-1] = selection.group_alert; } return 1; } BIND_MESSAGE(SetRequest); int AvHHud::SetRequest(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf) { int request_type, request_count; NetMsg_SetRequest( pbuf, iSize, request_type, request_count ); this->mPendingRequests[(AvHMessageID)request_type] = request_count; return 1; } BIND_MESSAGE(SetOrder); int AvHHud::SetOrder(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf) { AvHOrder theNewOrder; NetMsg_SetOrder( pbuf, iSize, theNewOrder ); AvHChangeOrder(this->mOrders, theNewOrder); // Give feedback on order this->OrderNotification(theNewOrder); // Run through orders, deleting any that are complete for(OrderListType::iterator theIter = this->mOrders.begin(); theIter != this->mOrders.end(); /* no inc */) { if(theIter->GetOrderCompleted()) { this->mOrders.erase(theIter); } else { theIter++; } } return 1; } BIND_MESSAGE(SetupMap); int AvHHud::SetupMap(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf) { bool is_location, draw_background; float min_extents[3], max_extents[3]; string name; NetMsg_SetupMap( pbuf, iSize, is_location, name, min_extents, max_extents, draw_background ); if( is_location ) { vec3_t theMaxExtent; theMaxExtent.x = max_extents[0]; theMaxExtent.y = max_extents[1]; theMaxExtent.z = max_extents[2]; vec3_t theMinExtent; theMinExtent.x = min_extents[0]; theMinExtent.y = min_extents[1]; theMinExtent.z = min_extents[2]; this->mInfoLocationList.push_back( AvHBaseInfoLocation( name, theMaxExtent, theMinExtent ) ); } else { this->mMapName = name; this->mMapExtents.SetMaxMapX( max_extents[0] ); this->mMapExtents.SetMaxMapY( max_extents[1] ); this->mMapExtents.SetMaxViewHeight( max_extents[2] ); this->mMapExtents.SetMinMapX( min_extents[0] ); this->mMapExtents.SetMinMapY( min_extents[1] ); this->mMapExtents.SetMinViewHeight( min_extents[2] ); this->mMapExtents.SetDrawMapBG( draw_background ); } return 1; } BIND_MESSAGE(SetTopDown); int AvHHud::SetTopDown(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf) { bool is_menu_tech, is_top_down; float position[3]; int tech_slots; NetMsg_SetTopDown( pbuf, iSize, is_menu_tech, is_top_down, position, tech_slots ); if(is_menu_tech) { this->mMenuTechSlots = tech_slots; } else { if(this->mInTopDownMode && !is_top_down) { // Switch away from top down mode this->mInTopDownMode = false; this->ToggleMouse(); // Reset angles gViewAngles[0] = position[0]; gViewAngles[1] = position[1]; gViewAngles[2] = position[2]; gResetViewAngles = true; this->mSelectionEffects.clear(); } else if(!this->mInTopDownMode && is_top_down) { // Switch to top down mode! this->mInTopDownMode = true; this->ShowMouse(); } if(is_top_down) { // Read new PAS this->mCommanderPAS.x = position[0]; this->mCommanderPAS.y = position[1]; this->mCommanderPAS.z = position[2]; } } return 1; } BIND_MESSAGE(EntHier); int AvHHud::EntHier(const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf) { MapEntityMap new_items; EntityListType old_items; NetMsg_UpdateEntityHierarchy( pbuf, iSize, new_items, old_items ); MapEntityMap::iterator current, end = new_items.end(); for( current = new_items.begin(); current != end; ++current ) { this->mEntityHierarchy.InsertEntity( current->first, current->second ); } EntityListType::iterator d_current, d_end = old_items.end(); for( d_current = old_items.begin(); d_current != d_end; ++d_current ) { this->mEntityHierarchy.DeleteEntity( *d_current ); } return 0; } BIND_MESSAGE(EditPS); int AvHHud::EditPS(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf) { int particle_index; NetMsg_EditPS( pbuf, iSize, particle_index ); AvHParticleEditorHandler::SetEditIndex((uint32)particle_index); return 1; } BIND_MESSAGE(Fog); int AvHHud::Fog(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf) { bool enabled; int R, G, B; float start, end; NetMsg_Fog( pbuf, iSize, enabled, R, G, B, start, end ); this->mFogActive = enabled; if(enabled) { this->mFogColor.x = R; this->mFogColor.y = G; this->mFogColor.z = B; this->mFogStart = start; this->mFogEnd = end; } return 1; } BIND_MESSAGE(SetUpgrades); int AvHHud::SetUpgrades(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf) { int mask; NetMsg_HUDSetUpgrades( pbuf, iSize, mask ); // Aliens if ( mask & 0x80 ) { this->mNumMovement=mask & 0x3; mask >>=2; this->mNumDefense=mask & 0x3; mask >>=2; this->mNumSensory=mask & 0x3; } // Marines else { this->mHasWelder=mask & 0x1; this->mHasMines=mask & 0x2; this->mHasGrenades=mask & 0x4; } return 1; } BIND_MESSAGE(ListPS); int AvHHud::ListPS(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf) { string name; NetMsg_ListPS( pbuf, iSize, name ); this->m_SayText.SayTextPrint(name.c_str(), 256, 0); return 1; } BIND_MESSAGE(PlayHUDNot); int AvHHud::PlayHUDNot(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf) { int message_id, sound; float location_x, location_y; NetMsg_PlayHUDNotification( pbuf, iSize, message_id, sound, location_x, location_y ); if(message_id == 0) { // Hack to avoid adding another network message (at max) if(!this->GetInTopDownMode()) { switch(sound) { case HUD_SOUND_SQUAD1: this->mCurrentSquad = 1; break; case HUD_SOUND_SQUAD2: this->mCurrentSquad = 2; break; case HUD_SOUND_SQUAD3: this->mCurrentSquad = 3; break; case HUD_SOUND_SQUAD4: this->mCurrentSquad = 4; break; case HUD_SOUND_SQUAD5: this->mCurrentSquad = 5; break; } } else { switch((AvHHUDSound)sound) { // Danger case HUD_SOUND_MARINE_SOLDIER_UNDER_ATTACK: case HUD_SOUND_MARINE_BASE_UNDER_ATTACK: case HUD_SOUND_MARINE_SENTRYDAMAGED: case HUD_SOUND_MARINE_SOLDIERLOST: case HUD_SOUND_MARINE_CCUNDERATTACK: this->mBlinkingAlertType = 2; AddMiniMapAlert(location_x, location_y); break; // Just research or something like that case HUD_SOUND_MARINE_UPGRADE_COMPLETE: case HUD_SOUND_MARINE_RESEARCHCOMPLETE: this->mBlinkingAlertType = 1; AddMiniMapAlert(location_x, location_y); break; } } this->PlayHUDSound((AvHHUDSound)sound); } else { // Push back icon HUDNotificationType theNotification; theNotification.mStructureID = (AvHMessageID)sound; //message_id; theNotification.mTime = this->mTimeOfCurrentUpdate; theNotification.mLocation = Vector(location_x, location_y, 0.0f); if(CVAR_GET_FLOAT(kvBuildMessages)) { this->mStructureNotificationList.push_back(theNotification); } } return 1; } BIND_MESSAGE(AlienInfo); int AvHHud::AlienInfo(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf) { bool was_hive_info; AvHAlienUpgradeListType upgrades; HiveInfoListType hives; NetMsg_AlienInfo( pbuf, iSize, was_hive_info, this->mUpgrades, this->mHiveInfoList ); return 1; } void AvHHud::PlayHUDSound(const char *szSound, float vol, float inSoundLength) { if((this->mTimeOfNextHudSound == -1) || (this->mTimeOfCurrentUpdate > this->mTimeOfNextHudSound)) { if(szSound) { char theSoundName[512]; strcpy(theSoundName, szSound); gEngfuncs.pfnPlaySoundByName(theSoundName, vol); this->mTimeOfNextHudSound = this->mTimeOfCurrentUpdate + inSoundLength; } } } void AvHHud::PlayHUDSound(int iSound, float vol, float inSoundLength) { if((this->mTimeOfNextHudSound == -1) || (this->mTimeOfCurrentUpdate > this->mTimeOfNextHudSound)) { gEngfuncs.pfnPlaySoundByIndex(iSound, vol); this->mTimeOfNextHudSound = this->mTimeOfCurrentUpdate + inSoundLength; } } void AvHHud::PlayHUDSound(AvHHUDSound inSound) { char* theSoundPtr = NULL; float theVolume = 1.0f; // Some sounds are forced, but don't allow them to be spammed or cut themselves off bool theForceSound = AvHSHUGetForceHUDSound(inSound) && (inSound != this->mLastHUDSoundPlayed); // tankefugl: 0000407 bool theAutoHelpEnabled = gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarFloat(kvAutoHelp); // :tankefugl if((this->mTimeOfNextHudSound == -1) || (this->mTimeOfCurrentUpdate >= this->mTimeOfNextHudSound) || theForceSound) { float theSoundLength = 2.0f; switch(inSound) { case HUD_SOUND_POINTS_SPENT: theSoundPtr = kPointsSpentSound; theSoundLength = .2f; break; case HUD_SOUND_COUNTDOWN: theSoundPtr = kCountdownSound; theSoundLength = 0.0f; break; case HUD_SOUND_SELECT: if(gHUD.GetIsAlien()) theSoundPtr = kSelectAlienSound; else theSoundPtr = kSelectSound; // Set to 0 so it never blocks other sounds theVolume = .2f; theSoundLength = 0.0f; break; case HUD_SOUND_SQUAD1: if(this->GetInTopDownMode()) { theSoundPtr = kSquad1Sound; theSoundLength = 1.2f; } else { theSoundPtr = kMarineSquad1Sound; theSoundLength = 2.0f; } break; case HUD_SOUND_SQUAD2: if(this->GetInTopDownMode()) { theSoundPtr = kSquad2Sound; theSoundLength = 1.2f; } else { theSoundPtr = kMarineSquad2Sound; theSoundLength = 2.0f; } break; case HUD_SOUND_SQUAD3: if(this->GetInTopDownMode()) { theSoundPtr = kSquad3Sound; theSoundLength = 1.2f; } else { theSoundPtr = kMarineSquad3Sound; theSoundLength = 2.0f; } break; case HUD_SOUND_SQUAD4: if(this->GetInTopDownMode()) { theSoundPtr = kSquad4Sound; theSoundLength = 1.2f; } else { theSoundPtr = kMarineSquad4Sound; theSoundLength = 2.0f; } break; case HUD_SOUND_SQUAD5: if(this->GetInTopDownMode()) { theSoundPtr = kSquad5Sound; theSoundLength = 1.2f; } else { theSoundPtr = kMarineSquad5Sound; theSoundLength = 2.0f; } break; case HUD_SOUND_PLACE_BUILDING: theSoundPtr = kPlaceBuildingSound; theSoundLength = .2f; break; case HUD_SOUND_MARINE_POINTS_RECEIVED: theSoundPtr = kMarinePointsReceivedSound; theSoundLength = 1.42f; break; case HUD_SOUND_MARINE_RESEARCHCOMPLETE: theSoundPtr = kMarineResearchComplete; theSoundLength = 2.0f; break; case HUD_SOUND_MARINE_SOLDIER_UNDER_ATTACK: theSoundPtr = kMarineSoldierUnderAttack; theSoundLength = 3.0f; break; case HUD_SOUND_MARINE_CCONLINE: if(rand() % 2) { theSoundPtr = kMarineCCOnline1; } else { theSoundPtr = kMarineCCOnline2; } theSoundLength = 2.3f; break; case HUD_SOUND_MARINE_CCUNDERATTACK: if(rand() % 2) { theSoundPtr = kMarineCCUnderAttack1; } else { theSoundPtr = kMarineCCUnderAttack2; } theSoundLength = 3.0f; break; case HUD_SOUND_MARINE_COMMANDER_EJECTED: theSoundPtr = kMarineCommanderEjected; theSoundLength = 3.0f; break; case HUD_SOUND_MARINE_BASE_UNDER_ATTACK: if(rand() % 2) { theSoundPtr = kMarineBaseUnderAttack1; } else { theSoundPtr = kMarineBaseUnderAttack2; } theSoundLength = 3.0f; break; case HUD_SOUND_MARINE_UPGRADE_COMPLETE: theSoundPtr = kMarineUpgradeComplete; theSoundLength = 1.0f; break; case HUD_SOUND_MARINE_MORE: theSoundPtr = kMarineMoreResources; theSoundLength = 1.8f; break; case HUD_SOUND_MARINE_RESOURCES_LOW: theSoundPtr = kMarineLowResources; theSoundLength = 2.0f; break; case HUD_SOUND_MARINE_NEEDS_AMMO: if(rand() % 2) theSoundPtr = kMarineNeedsAmmo1; else theSoundPtr = kMarineNeedsAmmo2; theSoundLength = 1.5f; break; case HUD_SOUND_MARINE_NEEDS_HEALTH: if(rand() % 2) theSoundPtr = kMarineNeedsHealth1; else theSoundPtr = kMarineNeedsHealth2; theSoundLength = 1.3f; break; case HUD_SOUND_MARINE_NEEDS_ORDER: if(rand() % 2) theSoundPtr = kMarineNeedsOrder1; else theSoundPtr = kMarineNeedsOrder2; theSoundLength = 1.5f; break; case HUD_SOUND_MARINE_SOLDIER_LOST: if(rand() % 2) theSoundPtr = kMarineSoldierLost1; else theSoundPtr = kMarineSoldierLost2; theSoundLength = 1.3f; break; case HUD_SOUND_MARINE_SENTRYFIRING: if(rand() % 2) theSoundPtr = kMarineSentryFiring1; else theSoundPtr = kMarineSentryFiring2; theSoundLength = 1.3f; break; case HUD_SOUND_MARINE_SENTRYDAMAGED: if(rand() % 2) theSoundPtr = kMarineSentryTakingDamage1; else theSoundPtr = kMarineSentryTakingDamage2; theSoundLength = 1.5f; break; case HUD_SOUND_MARINE_GIVEORDERS: // tankefugl: 0000407 if (theAutoHelpEnabled) { theSoundPtr = kMarineGiveOrders; theSoundLength = 2.2f; } // :tankefugl break; case HUD_SOUND_MARINE_NEEDPORTAL: // tankefugl: 0000407 if (theAutoHelpEnabled) { if(rand() % 2) theSoundPtr = kMarineNeedPortal1; else theSoundPtr = kMarineNeedPortal2; theSoundLength = 1.8f; } // :tankefugl break; case HUD_SOUND_MARINE_GOTOALERT: // tankefugl: 0000407 if (theAutoHelpEnabled) { theSoundPtr = kMarineGotoAlert; theSoundLength = 2.2f; } // :tankefugl break; case HUD_SOUND_MARINE_COMMANDERIDLE: // tankefugl: 0000407 if (theAutoHelpEnabled) { if(rand() % 2) theSoundPtr = kMarineCommanderIdle1; else theSoundPtr = kMarineCommanderIdle2; theSoundLength = 1.5f; } // :tankefugl break; case HUD_SOUND_MARINE_ARMORYUPGRADING: theSoundPtr = kMarineArmoryUpgrading; theSoundLength = 3.4; break; case HUD_SOUND_ALIEN_ENEMY_APPROACHES: if(rand() %2) theSoundPtr = kAlienEnemyApproaches1; else theSoundPtr = kAlienEnemyApproaches2; theSoundLength = 1.6; break; case HUD_SOUND_ALIEN_GAMEOVERMAN: theSoundPtr = kAlienGameOverMan; theSoundLength = 2.2f; break; case HUD_SOUND_ALIEN_HIVE_ATTACK: theSoundPtr = kAlienHiveAttack; theSoundLength = 1.6f; break; case HUD_SOUND_ALIEN_HIVE_COMPLETE: if(rand() % 2) theSoundPtr = kAlienHiveComplete1; else theSoundPtr = kAlienHiveComplete2; theSoundLength = 2.1f; break; case HUD_SOUND_ALIEN_HIVE_DYING: if(rand() % 2) { theSoundPtr = kAlienHiveDying1; theSoundLength = 1.7f; } else { theSoundPtr = kAlienHiveDying2; theSoundLength = 2.4f; } break; case HUD_SOUND_ALIEN_LIFEFORM_ATTACK: if(rand() % 2) theSoundPtr = kAlienLifeformAttack1; else theSoundPtr = kAlienLifeformAttack2; theSoundLength = 1.8f; break; case HUD_SOUND_ALIEN_RESOURCES_LOW: theSoundPtr = kAlienLowResources; theSoundLength = 1.7f; break; case HUD_SOUND_ALIEN_MESS: theSoundPtr = kAlienMess; theSoundLength = 2.0f; break; case HUD_SOUND_ALIEN_MORE: if(rand() % 2) theSoundPtr = kAlienMoreResources1; else theSoundPtr = kAlienMoreResources2; theSoundLength = 1.8f; break; case HUD_SOUND_ALIEN_NEED_BUILDERS: if(rand() % 2) theSoundPtr = kAlienNeedBuilders1; else theSoundPtr = kAlienNeedBuilders2; theSoundLength = 1.4f; break; case HUD_SOUND_ALIEN_NEED_BETTER: theSoundPtr = kAlienNeedBetter; theSoundLength = 2.5f; break; case HUD_SOUND_ALIEN_NOW_DONCE: theSoundPtr = kAlienNowDonce; theSoundLength = 2.1f; break; case HUD_SOUND_ALIEN_NEW_TRAIT: if(rand() % 2) theSoundPtr = kAlienNewTrait1; else theSoundPtr = kAlienNewTrait2; theSoundLength = 1.5f; break; case HUD_SOUND_ALIEN_POINTS_RECEIVED: theSoundPtr = kAlienPointsReceivedSound; theSoundLength = 1.57f; break; case HUD_SOUND_ALIEN_RESOURCES_ATTACK: if(rand() % 2) theSoundPtr = kAlienResourceAttack1; else theSoundPtr = kAlienResourceAttack2; theSoundLength = 2.1f; break; case HUD_SOUND_ALIEN_STRUCTURE_ATTACK: if(rand() % 2) theSoundPtr = kAlienStructureAttack1; else theSoundPtr = kAlienStructureAttack2; theSoundLength = 1.9f; break; case HUD_SOUND_ALIEN_UPGRADELOST: theSoundPtr = kAlienUpgradeLost; theSoundLength = 1.5f; break; case HUD_SOUND_ORDER_MOVE: switch(rand() % 4) { case 0: theSoundPtr = kSoundOrderMove1; theSoundLength = 1.8f; break; case 1: theSoundPtr = kSoundOrderMove2; theSoundLength = 2.3f; break; case 2: theSoundPtr = kSoundOrderMove3; theSoundLength = 1.9f; break; case 3: theSoundPtr = kSoundOrderMove4; theSoundLength = 2.3f; break; } break; case HUD_SOUND_ORDER_ATTACK: theSoundPtr = kSoundOrderAttack; break; case HUD_SOUND_ORDER_BUILD: theSoundPtr = kSoundOrderBuild; break; case HUD_SOUND_ORDER_WELD: theSoundPtr = kSoundOrderWeld; break; case HUD_SOUND_ORDER_GUARD: theSoundPtr = kSoundOrderGuard; break; case HUD_SOUND_ORDER_GET: theSoundPtr = kSoundOrderGet; break; case HUD_SOUND_ORDER_COMPLETE: switch(rand() % 6) { case 0: theSoundPtr = kSoundOrderComplete1; theSoundLength = 1.6f; break; case 1: theSoundPtr = kSoundOrderComplete2; theSoundLength = 1.9f; break; case 2: theSoundPtr = kSoundOrderComplete3; theSoundLength = 1.9f; break; case 3: theSoundPtr = kSoundOrderComplete4; theSoundLength = 1.4f; break; case 4: theSoundPtr = kSoundOrderComplete5; theSoundLength = 1.6f; break; case 5: theSoundPtr = kSoundOrderComplete6; theSoundLength = 1.4f; break; } break; case HUD_SOUND_GAMESTART: if(this->GetIsMarine()) { if(rand() % 2) theSoundPtr = kMarineGameStart1; else theSoundPtr = kMarineGameStart2; theSoundLength = 1.9f; } else if(this->GetIsAlien()) { if(rand() % 2) theSoundPtr = kAlienGameStart1; else theSoundPtr = kAlienGameStart2; theSoundLength = 2.2f; } break; case HUD_SOUND_YOU_WIN: theSoundPtr = kYouWinSound; theSoundLength = 6.0f; break; case HUD_SOUND_YOU_LOSE: theSoundPtr = kYouLoseSound; theSoundLength = 6.0f; break; case HUD_SOUND_TOOLTIP: theSoundPtr = kTooltipSound; // Tooltip sounds should never stop other sounds theSoundLength = -1.0f; theVolume = .6f; break; // joev: bug 0000767 case HUD_SOUND_PLAYERJOIN: theSoundPtr = kPlayerJoinedSound; theSoundLength = 3.0f; theVolume = 1.1; break; // :joev } if(theSoundPtr) { gEngfuncs.pfnPlaySoundByName(theSoundPtr, theVolume); if(theSoundLength >= 0.0f) { this->mTimeOfNextHudSound = this->mTimeOfCurrentUpdate + theSoundLength; } this->mLastHUDSoundPlayed = inSound; } } } BIND_MESSAGE(SetTech); int AvHHud::SetTech(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf) { AvHTechNode* theTechNode = NULL; NetMsg_SetTechNode( pbuf, iSize, theTechNode ); this->mTechNodes.InsertNode(theTechNode); delete theTechNode; return 1; } BIND_MESSAGE(TechSlots); int AvHHud::TechSlots(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf) { AvHTechSlots theNewTechSlots; NetMsg_SetTechSlots( pbuf, iSize, theNewTechSlots ); this->mTechSlotManager.AddTechSlots(theNewTechSlots); return 1; } BIND_MESSAGE(DebugCSP); int AvHHud::DebugCSP(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf) { weapon_data_t weapon_data; float next_attack; NetMsg_DebugCSP( pbuf, iSize, weapon_data, next_attack ); char theServerInfoString[512]; sprintf(theServerInfoString, "Server: id: %d, clip: %d, prim attack: %f, idle: %f, next attack: %f", weapon_data.m_iId, weapon_data.m_iClip, weapon_data.m_flNextPrimaryAttack, weapon_data.m_flTimeWeaponIdle, weapon_data.m_flNextSecondaryAttack, next_attack ); vgui::Label* theLabel = NULL; if(this->GetManager().GetVGUIComponentNamed(kDebugCSPServerLabel, theLabel)) { theLabel->setText(theServerInfoString); } return 1; } AvHVisibleBlipList& AvHHud::GetEnemyBlipList() { return this->mEnemyBlips; } AvHEntityHierarchy& AvHHud::GetEntityHierarchy() { return this->mEntityHierarchy; } AvHVisibleBlipList& AvHHud::GetFriendlyBlipList() { return this->mFriendlyBlips; } bool AvHHud::GetMouseOneDown() const { return this->mMouseOneDown; } bool AvHHud::GetMouseTwoDown() const { return this->mMouseTwoDown; } void AvHHud::HideProgressStatus() { this->mProgressBarLastDrawn = -1.0f; // if(this->mGenericProgressBar) // { // this->mGenericProgressBar->setVisible(false); // } // // if(this->mAlienProgressBar) // { // this->mAlienProgressBar->setVisible(false); // } } void AvHHud::HideResearchProgressStatus() { if(this->mResearchProgressBar) { this->mResearchProgressBar->setVisible(false); this->mResearchLabel->setVisible(false); } } void AvHHud::Init(void) { UIHud::Init(); HOOK_MESSAGE(EntHier); HOOK_MESSAGE(Particles); HOOK_MESSAGE(SoundNames); HOOK_MESSAGE(PlayHUDNot); HOOK_MESSAGE(BalanceVar); HOOK_MESSAGE(GameStatus); HOOK_MESSAGE(Progress); HOOK_MESSAGE(Countdown); HOOK_MESSAGE(MiniMap); HOOK_MESSAGE(SetOrder); HOOK_MESSAGE(SetSelect); HOOK_MESSAGE(SetRequest); HOOK_MESSAGE(SetupMap); HOOK_MESSAGE(SetTopDown); HOOK_MESSAGE(SetTech); HOOK_MESSAGE(EditPS); HOOK_MESSAGE(Fog); HOOK_MESSAGE(ListPS); HOOK_MESSAGE(SetGmma); HOOK_MESSAGE(BlipList); HOOK_MESSAGE(ClScript); HOOK_MESSAGE(AlienInfo); HOOK_MESSAGE(DebugCSP); HOOK_MESSAGE(SetUpgrades); HOOK_MESSAGE(TechSlots); // tankefugl: 0000971 HOOK_MESSAGE(IssueOrder); // :tankefugl HOOK_MESSAGE(ServerVar); this->AddCommands(); this->mCountDownClock = -1; mOverviewMap.Clear(); this->mEntityHierarchy.Clear(); //this->mUpgradeCosts.clear(); sPregameGammaTable.InitializeFromVideoState(); sGameGammaTable.InitializeFromVideoState(); int theRC = atexit(AvHHud::ResetGammaAtExit); _onexit_t theExit = _onexit(AvHHud::ResetGammaAtExitForOnExit); signal(SIGILL, AvHHud::ResetGammaAtExit); signal(SIGFPE, AvHHud::ResetGammaAtExit); signal(SIGSEGV, AvHHud::ResetGammaAtExit); signal(SIGTERM, AvHHud::ResetGammaAtExit); signal(SIGBREAK, AvHHud::ResetGammaAtExit); signal(SIGABRT, AvHHud::ResetGammaAtExit); //memset(this->mAlienUILifeforms, 0, sizeof(HSPRITE)*kNumAlienLifeforms); this->mAlienUIUpgrades = 0; this->mAlienUIUpgradeCategories = 0; this->mOrderSprite = 0; this->mCursorSprite = 0; this->mMarineCursor = 0; this->mAlienCursor = 0; this->mMarineUIJetpackSprite = 0; this->mMembraneSprite = 0; this->mBackgroundSprite = 0; this->mProgressBarEntityIndex = -1; this->mProgressBarParam = -1; this->mProgressBarCompleted = -1; this->mSelectedNodeResourceCost = -1; this->mCurrentUseableEnergyLevel = 0; this->mVisualEnergyLevel = 0.0f; this->mNumSensory=0; this->mNumMovement=0; this->mNumDefense=0; this->mHasGrenades=false; this->mHasWelder=false; this->mHasMines=false; this->mFogActive = false; this->mFogColor.x = this->mFogColor.y = this->mFogColor.z = 0; this->mFogStart = 0; this->mFogEnd = 0; this->mLocationText = ""; this->mInfoLocationList.clear(); this->mLastHotkeySelectionEvent = MESSAGE_NULL; this->mUpgrades.clear(); this->mLastGhostBuilding = NULL; this->mReticleInfoText = ""; this->mSelectingWeaponID = -1; this->mSelectingNodeID = MESSAGE_NULL; this->mDesiredGammaSlope = 1; this->mTimeOfLastHelpText = -1; this->mCurrentWeaponID = -1; this->mCurrentWeaponEnabled = false; this->mCurrentUIMode = MAIN_MODE; this->mMenuTechSlots = 0; this->mBlinkingAlertType = 0; this->mLastUser3 = AVH_USER3_NONE; this->mLastTeamNumber = TEAM_IND; this->mLastPlayMode = PLAYMODE_UNDEFINED; this->mCrosshairShowCount = 1; this->mCrosshairSprite = 0; this->mCrosshairR = 0; this->mCrosshairG = 0; this->mCrosshairB = 0; this->mDrawCombatUpgradeMenu = false; // Initialize viewport this->mViewport[0] = this->mViewport[1] = this->mViewport[2] = this->mViewport[3] = 0; gl_monolights = gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarPointer("gl_monolights"); cl_rate = gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarPointer("cl_rate"); gl_overbright = gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarPointer("gl_overbright"); gl_clear = gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarPointer("gl_clear"); hud_draw = gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarPointer("hud_draw"); r_drawviewmodel = gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarPointer("r_drawviewmodel"); gl_d3dflip = gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarPointer("gl_d3dflip"); s_show = gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarPointer("s_show"); lightgamma = gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarPointer("lightgamma"); r_detailtextures = gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarPointer("r_detailtextures"); gl_max_size = gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarPointer("gl_max_size"); } // This gives the HUD a chance to draw after the VGUI. A component must allow itself to be hooked by calling this function // at the end of it's paint() routine. This is done so the mouse cursor can draw on top of the other components. void AvHHud::ComponentJustPainted(Panel* inPanel) { // if(this->GetInTopDownMode()) // { // AvHTeamHierarchy* theComponent = dynamic_cast(inPanel); // if(theComponent) // { // int theBasePosX; // int theBasePosY; // theComponent->getPos(theBasePosX, theBasePosY); // this->DrawMouseCursor(theBasePosX, theBasePosY); // } // } // else // { // PieMenu* theComponent = dynamic_cast(inPanel); // if(theComponent) // { // int theBasePosX; // int theBasePosY; // theComponent->getPos(theBasePosX, theBasePosY); // this->DrawMouseCursor(theBasePosX, theBasePosY); // } // } DummyPanel* theComponent = dynamic_cast(inPanel); if(theComponent) { int theBasePosX; int theBasePosY; theComponent->getPos(theBasePosX, theBasePosY); this->DrawMouseCursor(theBasePosX, theBasePosY); } } bool AvHHud::SetCursor(AvHOrderType inOrderType) { bool theSuccess = false; if(!this->GetIsAlien()) { this->mCursorSprite = this->mMarineCursor; if((inOrderType >= 0) && (inOrderType < ORDERTYPE_MAX)) { this->mCurrentCursorFrame = (int)(inOrderType); theSuccess = true; } // Change cursor when over a valid choice if(this->mSelectingNodeID > 0) { this->mCurrentCursorFrame = 1; theSuccess = true; } } else { this->mCursorSprite = this->mAlienCursor; this->mCurrentCursorFrame = 0; if(this->mSelectingNodeID > 0) { // Set cursor to lifeform to evolve to switch(this->mSelectingNodeID) { case ALIEN_LIFEFORM_ONE: case ALIEN_LIFEFORM_TWO: case ALIEN_LIFEFORM_THREE: case ALIEN_LIFEFORM_FOUR: case ALIEN_LIFEFORM_FIVE: this->mCurrentCursorFrame = 2 + (int)this->mSelectingNodeID - (int)ALIEN_LIFEFORM_ONE; break; default: this->mCurrentCursorFrame = 1; break; } } theSuccess = true; } // Scheme::SchemeCursor theSchemeCursor = Scheme::SchemeCursor::scu_arrow; // //Scheme::SchemeCursor theSchemeCursor = Scheme::SchemeCursor::scu_no; // // switch(inOrderType) // { //// case ORDERTYPE_UNDEFINED: //// theSchemeCursor = Scheme::SchemeCursor::scu_no; //// theSuccess = true; //// break; // // //case ORDERTYPEL_MOVE: // // case ORDERTYPET_ATTACK: // case ORDERTYPET_GUARD: // case ORDERTYPET_WELD: // case ORDERTYPET_BUILD: // case ORDERTYPEL_USE: // case ORDERTYPET_GET: // theSchemeCursor = Scheme::SchemeCursor::scu_hand; // theSuccess = true; // break; // } // // App::getInstance()->setCursorOveride( App::getInstance()->getScheme()->getCursor(theSchemeCursor)); return theSuccess; } void AvHHud::GetCursor(HSPRITE& outSprite, int& outFrame) { if (g_iUser1 == 0) { outSprite = mCursorSprite; outFrame = mCurrentCursorFrame; } else { // Always use the marine cursor in spectator mode. outSprite = mMarineCursor; outFrame = 0; } } void AvHHud::SetHelpMessage(const string& inHelpText, bool inForce, float inNormX, float inNormY) { if(inForce || gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarFloat(kvAutoHelp)) { float theReticleX = kHelpMessageLeftEdgeInset; float theReticleY = kHelpMessageTopEdgeInset - 0.03f; // + 0.15f; bool theCentered = false; if(this->GetInTopDownMode()) { int theMouseX, theMouseY; this->GetMousePos(theMouseX, theMouseY); theReticleX = theMouseX/(float)ScreenWidth(); theReticleY = theMouseY/(float)ScreenHeight(); // Move text up a bit so it doesn't obscure theReticleY -= .1f; theCentered = true; } // Alien HUD forces this to be inset a bit else { if(this->GetIsAlien()) { theReticleX = kHelpMessageAlienLeftedgeInset; theReticleY = kHelpMessageAlienTopEdgeInset - 0.15f; } if(inNormX != -1) { theReticleX = inNormX; } if(inNormY != -1) { theReticleY = inNormY; } } this->mHelpMessage.SetText(inHelpText); this->mHelpMessage.SetNormalizedScreenX(theReticleX); this->mHelpMessage.SetNormalizedScreenY(theReticleY); this->mHelpMessage.SetCentered(theCentered); this->mHelpMessage.SetNormalizedMaxWidth(kReticleMaxWidth); //this->mHelpMessage.SetIgnoreFadeForLifetime(true); float theTimePassed = (this->mTimeOfCurrentUpdate - this->mTimeOfLastUpdate); this->mHelpMessage.FadeText(theTimePassed, false); // Set color int theR, theG, theB; this->GetPrimaryHudColor(theR, theG, theB, true, false); this->mHelpMessage.SetRGB(theR, theG, theB); } } void AvHHud::SetActionButtonHelpMessage(const string& inHelpText) { this->mTopDownActionButtonHelp.SetText(inHelpText); const float kNormX = .73f; this->mTopDownActionButtonHelp.SetNormalizedScreenX(kNormX); // Treat this as the bottom of the tooltip. Scale the tooltip so it's bottom is here. const float kNormY = .68f; int theHeight = this->mTopDownActionButtonHelp.GetScreenHeight(); float theNormalizedHeight = (float)theHeight/ScreenHeight(); this->mTopDownActionButtonHelp.SetNormalizedScreenY(kNormY - theNormalizedHeight); this->mTopDownActionButtonHelp.SetBackgroundA(128); this->mTopDownActionButtonHelp.SetCentered(false); this->mTopDownActionButtonHelp.SetNormalizedMaxWidth(1.0f - kNormX - .01f); //this->mTopDownActionButtonHelp.SetIgnoreFadeForLifetime(true); float theTimePassed = (this->mTimeOfCurrentUpdate - this->mTimeOfLastUpdate); this->mTopDownActionButtonHelp.FadeText(theTimePassed, false); // Set color int theR, theG, theB; this->GetPrimaryHudColor(theR, theG, theB, true, false); this->mTopDownActionButtonHelp.SetRGB(theR, theG, theB); } void AvHHud::SetReticleMessage(const string& inHelpText) { float theReticleX; float theReticleY; bool theIsCentered; this->GetReticleTextDrawingInfo(theReticleX, theReticleY, theIsCentered); this->mReticleMessage.SetText(inHelpText); this->mReticleMessage.SetNormalizedScreenX(theReticleX); this->mReticleMessage.SetNormalizedScreenY(theReticleY); this->mReticleMessage.SetCentered(theIsCentered); this->mReticleMessage.SetNormalizedMaxWidth(kReticleMaxWidth); // Need instant fade-in and slow fade down for player names and info this->mReticleMessage.SetFadeDownSpeed(-100); this->mReticleMessage.SetFadeUpSpeed(10000); //this->mReticleMessage.SetIgnoreFadeForLifetime(true); float theTimePassed = (this->mTimeOfCurrentUpdate - this->mTimeOfLastUpdate); this->mReticleMessage.FadeText(theTimePassed, false); } void AvHHud::SetCurrentUseableEnergyLevel(float inEnergyLevel) { this->mCurrentUseableEnergyLevel = inEnergyLevel; } const AvHMapExtents& AvHHud::GetMapExtents() { return this->mMapExtents; } void AvHHud::InitCommanderMode() { Panel* thePanel = NULL; if(this->GetManager().GetVGUIComponentNamed(kLeaveCommanderButton, thePanel)) { thePanel->addInputSignal(&gCommanderHandler); } if(this->GetManager().GetVGUIComponentNamed(kHierarchy, thePanel)) { thePanel->addInputSignal(&gCommanderHandler); } if(this->GetManager().GetVGUIComponentNamed(kActionButtonsComponents, thePanel)) { thePanel->addInputSignal(&gCommanderHandler); } if(this->GetManager().GetVGUIComponentNamed(kSelectAllImpulsePanel, thePanel)) { thePanel->addInputSignal(&gCommanderHandler); } // Add handler for all pending request buttons for(int i = 0; i < MESSAGE_LAST; i++) { AvHMessageID theMessageID = AvHMessageID(i); char theComponentName[256]; sprintf(theComponentName, kPendingImpulseSpecifier, (int)theMessageID); AvHTechImpulsePanel* theTechImpulsePanel = NULL; if(this->GetManager().GetVGUIComponentNamed(theComponentName, theTechImpulsePanel)) { theTechImpulsePanel->addInputSignal(&gCommanderHandler); } } //this->GetManager().GetVGUIComponentNamed(kScroller, thePanel); //if(thePanel) //{ // thePanel->addInputSignal(&gScrollHandler); //} // Get input from every control this->GetManager().AddInputSignal(&gScrollHandler); // TODO: Add others here } // Read in base state from stream (called by Demo_ReadBuffer) int AvHHud::InitializeDemoPlayback(int inSize, unsigned char* inBuffer) { // Read in base state int theBytesRead = 0; // Read in num upgrades int theNumUpgrades = 0; //this->mUpgradeCosts.clear(); LoadData(&theNumUpgrades, inBuffer, sizeof(int), theBytesRead); for(int i = 0; i < theNumUpgrades; i++) { // Read in upgrades (for backwards-compatibility) int theFirst = 0; LoadData(&theFirst, inBuffer, sizeof(int), theBytesRead); int theSecond = 0; LoadData(&theSecond, inBuffer, sizeof(int), theBytesRead); } // Read in gamma LoadData(&this->mDesiredGammaSlope, inBuffer, sizeof(this->mDesiredGammaSlope), theBytesRead); if (!mSteamUIActive) { this->SetGamma(this->mDesiredGammaSlope); } // Read in resources LoadData(&this->mResources, inBuffer, sizeof(this->mResources), theBytesRead); // Read in commander (TODO: REMOVE) int theCommander; LoadData(&theCommander, inBuffer, sizeof(theCommander), theBytesRead); // Read in number of hive infos this->mHiveInfoList.clear(); int theNumHiveInfos = 0; LoadData(&theNumHiveInfos, inBuffer, sizeof(int), theBytesRead); // For each one, add a new hive info for(i = 0; i < theNumHiveInfos; i++) { AvHHiveInfo theHiveInfo; LoadData(&theHiveInfo, inBuffer, sizeof(AvHHiveInfo), theBytesRead); this->mHiveInfoList.push_back(theHiveInfo); } // Load and set current pie menu control int thePieMenuControlLength = 0; LoadData(&thePieMenuControlLength, inBuffer, sizeof(int), theBytesRead); char thePieMenuControl[256]; memset(thePieMenuControl, 0, 256); LoadData(thePieMenuControl, inBuffer, thePieMenuControlLength, theBytesRead); this->mPieMenuControl = string(thePieMenuControl); // Read in selected units size this->mSelected.clear(); int theNumSelected = 0; LoadData(&theNumSelected, inBuffer, sizeof(theNumSelected), theBytesRead); for(i = 0; i < theNumSelected; i++) { // Read in selected units EntityInfo theSelectedEntity = 0; LoadData(&theSelectedEntity, inBuffer, sizeof(theSelectedEntity), theBytesRead); } ASSERT((theBytesRead + (int)sizeof(int)) == inSize); // Clear existing particle system templates gParticleTemplateList.Clear(); AvHParticleSystemManager::Instance()->Reset(); // Clear weapon info gWR.Reset(); return theBytesRead; } int AvHHud::InitializeDemoPlayback2(int inSize, unsigned char* inBuffer) { // Read in base state 2 int theBytesRead = 0; LOAD_DATA(this->mTimeOfLastUpdate); LOAD_DATA(this->mTimeOfNextHudSound); LOAD_DATA(this->mTimeOfCurrentUpdate); LOAD_DATA(this->mCountDownClock); LOAD_DATA(this->mLastTickPlayed); LOAD_DATA(this->mNumTicksToPlay); LoadStringData(this->mMapName, inBuffer, theBytesRead); float theMinViewHeight; LOAD_DATA(theMinViewHeight); this->mMapExtents.SetMinViewHeight(theMinViewHeight); float theMaxViewHeight; LOAD_DATA(theMaxViewHeight); this->mMapExtents.SetMaxViewHeight(theMaxViewHeight); float theMinMapX; LOAD_DATA(theMinMapX); this->mMapExtents.SetMinMapX(theMinMapX); float theMaxMapX; LOAD_DATA(theMaxMapX); this->mMapExtents.SetMaxMapX(theMaxMapX); float theMinMapY; LOAD_DATA(theMinMapY); this->mMapExtents.SetMinMapY(theMinMapY); float theMaxMapY; LOAD_DATA(theMaxMapY); this->mMapExtents.SetMaxMapY(theMaxMapY); bool theDrawMapBG; LOAD_DATA(theDrawMapBG); this->mMapExtents.SetDrawMapBG(theDrawMapBG); // Clear then load sound names int theSoundNameListSize; LOAD_DATA(theSoundNameListSize); this->mSoundNameList.clear(); for(int i = 0; i < theSoundNameListSize; i++) { string theCurrentSoundName; LoadStringData(theCurrentSoundName, inBuffer, theBytesRead); this->mSoundNameList.push_back(theCurrentSoundName); } ASSERT((theBytesRead + (int)sizeof(int)) == inSize); return theBytesRead; } // Write out base HUD data to stream void AvHHud::InitializeDemoRecording() { // Figure out total size of buffer needed // Write number of upgrades, then each upgrade // No longer done, but need to add in upgrades for backwards compatibility int theUpgrades = 0; int theUpgradesSize = sizeof(theUpgrades); // Gamma, resources int theGammaSize = sizeof(this->mDesiredGammaSlope); int theResourcesSizes = sizeof(this->mResources); // Save commander index (TODO: REMOVE) int theCommanderIndex = this->GetCommanderIndex(); int theCommanderSize = sizeof(theCommanderIndex); int theNumHiveInfoRecords = (int)this->mHiveInfoList.size(); int theHiveInfoSize = sizeof(int) + theNumHiveInfoRecords*sizeof(AvHHiveInfo); string thePieMenuControl = gPieMenuHandler.GetPieMenuControl(); int theCurrentPieMenuControlSize = sizeof(int) + (int)thePieMenuControl.size(); int theSelectedSize = sizeof(int) + (int)this->mSelected.size()*sizeof(EntityInfo); int theTotalSize = theUpgradesSize + theGammaSize + theResourcesSizes + theCommanderSize + theHiveInfoSize + theCurrentPieMenuControlSize + theSelectedSize; // New a char array of this size int theCounter = 0; unsigned char* theCharArray = new unsigned char[theTotalSize]; if(theCharArray) { // Write out number of upgrades (for backwards-compatibility) int theNumUpgradeCosts = 0; SaveData(theCharArray, &theNumUpgradeCosts, sizeof(theNumUpgradeCosts), theCounter); // Write out gamma SaveData(theCharArray, &this->mDesiredGammaSlope, theGammaSize, theCounter); SaveData(theCharArray, &this->mResources, theResourcesSizes, theCounter); SaveData(theCharArray, &theCommanderIndex, theCommanderSize, theCounter); // Write out num hive info records SaveData(theCharArray, &theNumHiveInfoRecords, sizeof(int), theCounter); for(HiveInfoListType::iterator theHiveInfoIter = this->mHiveInfoList.begin(); theHiveInfoIter != this->mHiveInfoList.end(); theHiveInfoIter++) { SaveData(theCharArray, &(*theHiveInfoIter), sizeof(AvHHiveInfo), theCounter); } // Save length of pie menu control name int thePieMenuControlNameLength = (int)thePieMenuControl.size(); SaveData(theCharArray, &thePieMenuControlNameLength, sizeof(int), theCounter); SaveData(theCharArray, thePieMenuControl.c_str(), thePieMenuControlNameLength, theCounter); // Save out size of selected int theNumSelected = (int)this->mSelected.size(); SaveData(theCharArray, &theNumSelected, sizeof(theNumSelected), theCounter); for(EntityListType::const_iterator theSelectedIter = this->mSelected.begin(); theSelectedIter != this->mSelected.end(); theSelectedIter++) { EntityInfo theCurrentInfo = *theSelectedIter; SaveData(theCharArray, &theCurrentInfo, sizeof(EntityInfo), theCounter); } ASSERT(theCounter == theTotalSize); // Write it out Demo_WriteBuffer(TYPE_BASESTATE, theTotalSize, theCharArray); // Delete char array delete [] theCharArray; theCharArray = NULL; // Save out particle templates gParticleTemplateList.InitializeDemoRecording(); } theTotalSize = theCounter = 0; theTotalSize += sizeof(this->mTimeOfLastUpdate); theTotalSize += sizeof(this->mTimeOfNextHudSound); theTotalSize += sizeof(this->mTimeOfCurrentUpdate); theTotalSize += sizeof(this->mCountDownClock); theTotalSize += sizeof(this->mLastTickPlayed); theTotalSize += sizeof(this->mNumTicksToPlay); theTotalSize += GetDataSize(this->mMapName); theTotalSize += sizeof(this->mMapExtents.GetMinViewHeight()); theTotalSize += sizeof(this->mMapExtents.GetMaxViewHeight()); theTotalSize += sizeof(this->mMapExtents.GetMinMapX()); theTotalSize += sizeof(this->mMapExtents.GetMaxMapX()); theTotalSize += sizeof(this->mMapExtents.GetMinMapY()); theTotalSize += sizeof(this->mMapExtents.GetMaxMapY()); theTotalSize += sizeof(this->mMapExtents.GetDrawMapBG()); // Save sound names int theSoundNameListSize = (int)this->mSoundNameList.size(); theTotalSize += sizeof(theSoundNameListSize); for(int i = 0; i < theSoundNameListSize; i++) { string theCurrentSoundName = this->mSoundNameList[i]; theTotalSize += GetDataSize(theCurrentSoundName); } theCharArray = new unsigned char[theTotalSize]; if(theCharArray) { SAVE_DATA(this->mTimeOfLastUpdate); SAVE_DATA(this->mTimeOfNextHudSound); SAVE_DATA(this->mTimeOfCurrentUpdate); SAVE_DATA(this->mCountDownClock); SAVE_DATA(this->mLastTickPlayed); SAVE_DATA(this->mNumTicksToPlay); SaveStringData(theCharArray, this->mMapName, theCounter); float theMinViewHeight = this->mMapExtents.GetMinViewHeight(); SAVE_DATA(theMinViewHeight); float theMaxViewHeight = this->mMapExtents.GetMaxViewHeight(); SAVE_DATA(theMaxViewHeight); float theMinMapX = this->mMapExtents.GetMinMapX(); SAVE_DATA(theMinMapX); float theMaxMapX = this->mMapExtents.GetMaxMapX(); SAVE_DATA(theMaxMapX); float theMinMapY = this->mMapExtents.GetMinMapY(); SAVE_DATA(theMinMapY); float theMaxMapY = this->mMapExtents.GetMaxMapY(); SAVE_DATA(theMaxMapY); bool theDrawMapBG = this->mMapExtents.GetDrawMapBG(); SAVE_DATA(theDrawMapBG); SAVE_DATA(theSoundNameListSize); for(int i = 0; i < theSoundNameListSize; i++) { string theCurrentSoundName = this->mSoundNameList[i]; SaveStringData(theCharArray, theCurrentSoundName, theCounter); } // TODO: Save out locations? ASSERT(theCounter == theTotalSize); // Write out TYPE_BASESTATE2 chunk separately for backwards-compatibility Demo_WriteBuffer(TYPE_BASESTATE2, theTotalSize, theCharArray); delete [] theCharArray; theCharArray = NULL; } ScorePanel_InitializeDemoRecording(); // Write out weapon info for(i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) { WEAPON* theWeapon = gWR.GetWeapon(i); if( theWeapon ) { theTotalSize = sizeof(theWeapon->szName) + sizeof(theWeapon->iAmmoType) + sizeof(theWeapon->iAmmo2Type) + sizeof(theWeapon->iMax1) + sizeof(theWeapon->iMax2) + sizeof(theWeapon->iSlot) + sizeof(theWeapon->iSlotPos) + sizeof(theWeapon->iFlags) + sizeof(theWeapon->iId) + sizeof(theWeapon->iClip) + sizeof(theWeapon->iCount);// + sizeof(int); // last one is for ammo theCharArray = new unsigned char[theTotalSize]; int theWeaponCoreDataLength = theTotalSize;// - sizeof(int); memcpy(theCharArray, theWeapon, theWeaponCoreDataLength); // Everything but ammo //int theAmmo = gWR.GetAmmo(theWeapon->iId); //memcpy(theCharArray + theWeaponCoreDataLength, &theAmmo, sizeof(int)); Demo_WriteBuffer(TYPE_WEAPONINFO, theTotalSize, (unsigned char*)theWeapon); delete [] theCharArray; theCharArray = NULL; } } } int AvHHud::InitializeWeaponInfoPlayback(int inSize, unsigned char* inBuffer) { // Make sure weapons are cleared out first WEAPON theWeapon; memset(&theWeapon, 0, sizeof(theWeapon)); int theWeaponCoreDataLength = inSize;// - sizeof(int); memcpy(&theWeapon, inBuffer, theWeaponCoreDataLength); if(theWeapon.iId) { gWR.AddWeapon( &theWeapon ); //int theAmmo = 0; //memcpy(&theAmmo, inBuffer + theWeaponCoreDataLength, sizeof(int)); //gWR.SetAmmo(theWeapon.iId, theAmmo); } return inSize; } void AvHHud::InitMenu(const string& inMenuName) { PieMenu* theMenu = NULL; if(this->GetManager().GetVGUIComponentNamed(inMenuName, theMenu)) { theMenu->AddInputSignalForNodes(&gPieMenuHandler); //outMenu->DisableNodesGreaterThanCost(this->mResources); this->GetManager().HideComponent(inMenuName); } } void AvHHud::PostUIInit(void) { this->InitMenu(kSoldierMenu); this->InitMenu(kSoldierCombatMenu); this->InitMenu(kAlienMenu); this->InitMenu(kAlienCombatMenu); this->InitCommanderMode(); this->GetManager().GetVGUIComponentNamed(kCommanderResourceLabel, this->mCommanderResourceLabel); this->GetManager().GetVGUIComponentNamed(kGenericProgress, this->mGenericProgressBar); this->GetManager().GetVGUIComponentNamed(kResearchProgress, this->mResearchProgressBar); this->GetManager().GetVGUIComponentNamed(kAlienProgress, this->mAlienProgressBar); this->GetManager().GetVGUIComponentNamed(kSelectionBox, this->mSelectionBox); this->GetManager().GetVGUIComponentNamed(kResearchingLabel, this->mResearchLabel); // Init particle editor gParticleEditorHandler.Setup(); if(this->GetManager().GetVGUIComponentNamed(kHierarchy, this->mHierarchy)) { this->mHierarchy->setEnabled(false); } if(this->GetManager().GetVGUIComponentNamed(kShowMapHierarchy, this->mShowMapHierarchy)) { this->mShowMapHierarchy->setEnabled(false); } // Don't turn on gamma by default, it is annoying for testing //this->SetGamma(); } AvHMessageID AvHHud::GetGhostBuilding() const { return this->mGhostBuilding; } void AvHHud::SetGhostBuildingMode(AvHMessageID inGhostBuilding) { this->mGhostBuilding = inGhostBuilding; this->mCreatedGhost = false; } void AvHHud::SetClientDebugCSP(weapon_data_t* inWeaponData, float inNextPlayerAttack) { char theClientInfoString[512]; sprintf(theClientInfoString, "Client: id: %d, clip: %d, prim attack: %f, idle: %f, next attack: %f", inWeaponData->m_iId, inWeaponData->m_iClip, inWeaponData->m_flNextPrimaryAttack, inWeaponData->m_flTimeWeaponIdle, inNextPlayerAttack); vgui::Label* theLabel = NULL; if(this->GetManager().GetVGUIComponentNamed(kDebugCSPClientLabel, theLabel)) { theLabel->setText(theClientInfoString); } } void AvHHud::SetCurrentWeaponData(int inCurrentWeaponID, bool inEnabled) { this->mCurrentWeaponID = inCurrentWeaponID; this->mCurrentWeaponEnabled = inEnabled; } int AvHHud::GetCurrentWeaponID(void) { return this->mCurrentWeaponID; } void AvHHud::SetAlienAbility(AvHMessageID inAlienAbility) { this->mAlienAbility = inAlienAbility; } void AvHHud::SetProgressStatus(float inPercentage, int inProgressbarType) { this->mProgressBarStatus = inPercentage; this->mProgressBarLastDrawn = this->GetTimeOfLastUpdate(); this->mProgressBarDrawframe = inProgressbarType; // if(this->mGenericProgressBar) // { // this->mGenericProgressBar->setVisible(false); // } // // if(this->mAlienProgressBar) // { // this->mAlienProgressBar->setVisible(false); // } // // ProgressBar* theProgressBar = this->mGenericProgressBar; // if(this->GetIsAlien()) // { // theProgressBar = this->mAlienProgressBar; // } // // if(theProgressBar) // { // theProgressBar->setVisible(true); // // int theNumSegments = theProgressBar->getSegmentCount(); // int theSegment = inPercentage*theNumSegments; // theProgressBar->setProgress(theSegment); // } } void AvHHud::SetReinforcements(int inReinforcements) { Label* theLabel = NULL; if(this->GetManager().GetVGUIComponentNamed(kReinforcementsLabel, theLabel)) { string thePrefix; if(LocalizeString(kReinforcementsText, thePrefix)) { string theText = thePrefix + string(" ") + MakeStringFromInt(inReinforcements); theLabel->setText(theText.c_str()); } } } void AvHHud::SetResearchProgressStatus(float inPercentage) { if(this->mResearchProgressBar) { this->mResearchProgressBar->setVisible(true); int theNumSegments = this->mResearchProgressBar->getSegmentCount(); int theSegment = inPercentage*theNumSegments; this->mResearchProgressBar->setProgress(theSegment); this->mResearchLabel->setVisible(true); // Center research label int theX, theY; this->mResearchLabel->getPos(theX, theY); int theTextWidth, theTextHeight; this->mResearchLabel->getTextSize(theTextWidth, theTextHeight); this->mResearchLabel->setPos(ScreenWidth()/2 - theTextWidth/2, theY); } } void AvHHud::UpdateDemoRecordPlayback() { // If the mouse is visible, allow it to work with demos if(gEngfuncs.pDemoAPI->IsRecording()) { // Write out first frame if needed if(!this->mRecordingLastFrame) { this->InitializeDemoRecording(); this->mRecordingLastFrame = true; } // Write view origin (and angles?) //Demo_WriteVector(TYPE_VIEWANGLES, v_angles); //Demo_WriteVector(TYPE_VIEWORIGIN, v_origin); // Demo_WriteByte(TYPE_MOUSEVIS, g_iVisibleMouse); // // if(g_iVisibleMouse) // { // int theMouseScreenX, theMouseScreenY; // // IN_GetMousePos(&theMouseScreenX, &theMouseScreenY); // // //theMouseScreenX += ScreenWidth/2; // //theMouseScreenY += ScreenHeight/2; // // // Write mouse position // float theNormX = (float)theMouseScreenX/ScreenWidth; // float theNormY = (float)theMouseScreenY/ScreenHeight; // // Demo_WriteFloat(TYPE_MOUSEX, theNormX); // Demo_WriteFloat(TYPE_MOUSEY, theNormY); // // //char theBuffer[256]; // //sprintf(theBuffer, "Saving mouse coords %f %f\n", theNormX, theNormY); // //CenterPrint(theBuffer); // } } else if(gEngfuncs.pDemoAPI->IsPlayingback()) { //char theBuffer[256]; //sprintf(theBuffer, "Restoring mouse coords %f %f\n", gNormMouseX, gNormMouseY); //CenterPrint(theBuffer); //int theCurrentMouseX = gNormMouseX*ScreenWidth; //int theCurrentMouseY = gNormMouseY*ScreenHeight; // ////App::getInstance()->setCursorPos(theCurrentMouseX, theCurrentMouseY); // //SetCursorPos(theCurrentMouseX, theCurrentMouseY); // //this->mMouseCursorX = theCurrentMouseX; //this->mMouseCursorY = theCurrentMouseY; this->mRecordingLastFrame = false; } else { this->mRecordingLastFrame = false; } } void AvHHud::UpdateDataFromVuser4(float inCurrentTime) { cl_entity_s* theLocalPlayer = gEngfuncs.GetLocalPlayer(); if(theLocalPlayer) { // Fetch data from vuser4 vec3_t theVUser = theLocalPlayer->curstate.vuser4; //int theVUserVar0 = 0; //int theVUserVar1 = 0; //int theVUserVar2 = 0; // //memcpy(&theVUserVar0, (int*)(&theVUser.x), 4); //memcpy(&theVUserVar1, (int*)(&theVUser.y), 4); //memcpy(&theVUserVar2, (int*)(&theVUser.z), 4); // Fetch new resource level //theVUserVar2;// & 0x0000FFFF; if(this->GetIsCombatMode()) { this->mExperience = (int)ceil(theVUser.z/kNumericNetworkConstant); this->mExperienceLevel = AvHPlayerUpgrade::GetPlayerLevel(this->mExperience); const float kShowMenuInterval = 5.0f; // If we are at a level greater then we've drawn, set visible again to reparse if(this->mExperienceLevel > this->mExperienceLevelLastDrawn) { this->DisplayCombatUpgradeMenu(true); this->mTimeOfLastLevelUp = inCurrentTime; this->mExperienceLevelLastDrawn = this->mExperienceLevel; } // else if we have no more levels to spend or if we've been displaying it longer then the time out (+1 because we start at level 1) else if((this->mExperienceLevel == (this->mExperienceLevelSpent + 1)) || (inCurrentTime > (this->mTimeOfLastLevelUp + kShowMenuInterval))) { // stop displaying it this->DisplayCombatUpgradeMenu(false); } } else { int theNewValue = (int)ceil(theVUser.z/kNumericNetworkConstant); if(theNewValue != this->mResources) { this->mResources = theNewValue; } // Don't smooth resources nicely when switching targets if((g_iUser1 == OBS_IN_EYE) && (g_iUser2 != this->mUser2OfLastResourceMessage)) { this->mVisualResources = this->mResources; } } this->mUser2OfLastResourceMessage = g_iUser2; } } void AvHHud::UpdateSpectating() { // If we're spectating and the team of our target switched, delete all blips if((this->GetPlayMode() == PLAYMODE_AWAITINGREINFORCEMENT) || (this->GetPlayMode() == PLAYMODE_OBSERVER)) { AvHTeamNumber theCurrentTargetTeam = TEAM_IND; int theCurrentTarget = g_iUser2;//thePlayer->curstate.iuser2; cl_entity_s* theEntity = gEngfuncs.GetEntityByIndex(theCurrentTarget); if(theEntity) { theCurrentTargetTeam = AvHTeamNumber(theEntity->curstate.team); } if((theCurrentTargetTeam != this->mLastTeamSpectated) && (theCurrentTargetTeam != TEAM_IND)) { this->mEnemyBlips.Clear(); this->mFriendlyBlips.Clear(); this->mLastTeamSpectated = theCurrentTargetTeam; //CenterPrint("Clearing blips."); } } } void AvHHud::UpdateCommonUI() { // Find currently selected node and draw help text if it's been open for a little bit PieMenu* thePieMenu = NULL; AvHMessageID theCurrentNodeID = MESSAGE_NULL; this->mSelectingNodeID = MESSAGE_NULL; if(this->GetManager().GetVGUIComponentNamed(this->mPieMenuControl, thePieMenu)) { // tankefugl: Added check to ensure that it is only updated when a menu is visible if (thePieMenu->getChildCount() > 0) { vgui::Panel *rootMenu = thePieMenu->getChild(0); if (rootMenu && rootMenu->isVisible()) { this->UpdateUpgradeCosts(); } } PieNode* theCurrentNode = NULL; if(thePieMenu && thePieMenu->GetSelectedNode(theCurrentNode)) { theCurrentNodeID = (AvHMessageID)theCurrentNode->GetMessageID(); if(theCurrentNodeID > 0) { this->mSelectingNodeID = theCurrentNodeID; } } } // Clear squad on team change if(!this->GetIsMarine()) { this->mCurrentSquad = 0; } } //#define FORCE_CVAR(a,b) if(a)a->value = b; #define FORCE_CVAR(name, cvar, val) if ( (cvar) && (cvar)->value != (val) ) (gEngfuncs.Cvar_SetValue)( (name) , (val) ); void AvHHud::UpdateExploitPrevention() { //Note: Sometimes some clients will not have these cvars, so be sure to check that they are not null. FORCE_CVAR("gl_monolights", gl_monolights, 0.0f); FORCE_CVAR("gl_overbright", gl_overbright, 0.0f); FORCE_CVAR("gl_clear", gl_clear, 0.0f); FORCE_CVAR("hud_draw", hud_draw, 1.0f); FORCE_CVAR("r_drawviewmodel", r_drawviewmodel, 1.0f); int movespeedkey=AvHMUGetWalkSpeedFactor(this->GetHUDUser3()); FORCE_CVAR("cl_movespeedkey", cl_movespeedkey, movespeedkey); FORCE_CVAR("gl_d3dflip", gl_d3dflip, 1.0f); FORCE_CVAR("s_show", s_show, 0.0f); FORCE_CVAR("r_detailtextures", r_detailtextures, 0.0f); FORCE_CVAR("gl_max_size", gl_max_size, 256.0f); if(lightgamma && lightgamma->value < 2.0) { FORCE_CVAR("lightgamma", lightgamma, 2.0f); } } void AvHHud::UpdateAlienUI(float inCurrentTime) { // Always hide it by default this->GetManager().HideComponent(kPieHelpText); if(this->GetIsAlien() && this->GetIsAlive()) { float theTimePassed = inCurrentTime - this->mTimeOfLastUpdate; // int theNumFrames = SPR_Frames(this->mAlienUIHiveSprite); // // for(AnimatedSpriteListType::iterator theIter = this->mAlienUIHiveList.begin(); theIter != this->mAlienUIHiveList.end(); theIter++) // { // const float kAnimationSpeed = 16.0f; // // float theCurrentFrame = theIter->mCurrentFrame + theTimePassed*kAnimationSpeed; // if(theCurrentFrame >= theNumFrames) // { // theCurrentFrame -= theNumFrames; // } // theIter->mCurrentFrame = theCurrentFrame; // } // Check to see if we have any unspent upgrades. If so, change the pie menu and HUD state to reflect this this->mNumUpgradesAvailable = 0; for(int i = 0; i < ALIEN_UPGRADE_CATEGORY_MAX_PLUS_ONE; i++) { this->mCurrentUpgradeCategory[i] = ALIEN_UPGRADE_CATEGORY_INVALID; } int theUpgradeVar = this->GetLocalUpgrades(); if(AvHGetHasUpgradeChoiceInCategory(ALIEN_UPGRADE_CATEGORY_SENSORY, this->mUpgrades, theUpgradeVar)) { this->mCurrentUpgradeCategory[this->mNumUpgradesAvailable] = ALIEN_UPGRADE_CATEGORY_SENSORY; this->mNumUpgradesAvailable += 1; } if(AvHGetHasUpgradeChoiceInCategory(ALIEN_UPGRADE_CATEGORY_MOVEMENT, this->mUpgrades, theUpgradeVar)) { this->mCurrentUpgradeCategory[this->mNumUpgradesAvailable] = ALIEN_UPGRADE_CATEGORY_MOVEMENT; this->mNumUpgradesAvailable += 1; } if(AvHGetHasUpgradeChoiceInCategory(ALIEN_UPGRADE_CATEGORY_OFFENSE, this->mUpgrades, theUpgradeVar)) { this->mCurrentUpgradeCategory[this->mNumUpgradesAvailable] = ALIEN_UPGRADE_CATEGORY_OFFENSE; this->mNumUpgradesAvailable += 1; } if(AvHGetHasUpgradeChoiceInCategory(ALIEN_UPGRADE_CATEGORY_DEFENSE, this->mUpgrades, theUpgradeVar)) { this->mCurrentUpgradeCategory[this->mNumUpgradesAvailable] = ALIEN_UPGRADE_CATEGORY_DEFENSE; this->mNumUpgradesAvailable += 1; } } } bool AvHHud::GetCommanderLabelText(std::string& outCommanderName) const { int theCommander = this->GetCommanderIndex(); bool theHasCommander = (theCommander > 0) && (theCommander <= gEngfuncs.GetMaxClients()); if(!theHasCommander) { LocalizeString(kNoCommander, outCommanderName); return false; // No commander } else { std::stringstream theStream; string theCommanderText; LocalizeString(kCommander, theCommanderText); theStream << theCommanderText; theStream << ": "; hud_player_info_t thePlayerInfo; gEngfuncs.pfnGetPlayerInfo(theCommander, &thePlayerInfo); if(thePlayerInfo.name) { const int kMaxCommNameLen = 8; theStream << string(thePlayerInfo.name).substr(0, kMaxCommNameLen); } outCommanderName = theStream.str(); return true; } } void AvHHud::UpdateMarineUI(float inCurrentTime) { // Find commander label Label* theCommanderStatusLabel = NULL; if(this->mMapMode == MAP_MODE_NS) { // Add handler for all pending request buttons (this does hotgroups too) for(int i = 0; i < MESSAGE_LAST; i++) { AvHMessageID theMessageID = AvHMessageID(i); char theComponentName[256]; sprintf(theComponentName, kPendingImpulseSpecifier, (int)theMessageID); AvHTechImpulsePanel* theTechImpulsePanel = NULL; if(this->GetManager().GetVGUIComponentNamed(theComponentName, theTechImpulsePanel)) { bool theVisibility = false; // Do we have any requests pending? if(this->GetIsInTopDownMode()) { PendingRequestListType::iterator theIterator; for(theIterator = this->mPendingRequests.begin(); theIterator != this->mPendingRequests.end(); theIterator++) { if(theIterator->first == theMessageID) { if(theIterator->second > 0) { theVisibility = true; } } } switch(theMessageID) { case GROUP_SELECT_1: case GROUP_SELECT_2: case GROUP_SELECT_3: case GROUP_SELECT_4: case GROUP_SELECT_5: case COMMANDER_SELECTALL: theVisibility = true; break; } } theTechImpulsePanel->setVisible(theVisibility); } } } } void AvHHud::UpdateCountdown(float inCurrentTime) { if(this->mCountDownClock != -1) { if(inCurrentTime - this->mCountDownClock > this->mLastTickPlayed) { // Play tick this->PlayHUDSound(HUD_SOUND_COUNTDOWN); this->mLastTickPlayed++; } if(this->mLastTickPlayed > this->mNumTicksToPlay) { this->AddTooltip(kGameBegun, false); this->mCountDownClock = -1; } } } void AvHHud::UpdateHierarchy() { // Start the starting point on the map to our local position this->mOverviewMap.SetMapExtents(this->GetMapName(), this->mMapExtents); this->mOverviewMap.SetWorldPosition(gPredictedPlayerOrigin[0], gPredictedPlayerOrigin[1]); if(this->mHierarchy) { this->mHierarchy->SetFullScreen(this->GetHUDUser3() == AVH_USER3_COMMANDER_PLAYER); } if(this->mShowMapHierarchy) { this->mShowMapHierarchy->SetFullScreen(true); } } string AvHHud::GetNameOfLocation(vec3_t inLocation) const { string theLocationName; AvHSHUGetNameOfLocation(this->mInfoLocationList, inLocation, theLocationName); return theLocationName; } void AvHHud::UpdateInfoLocation() { if(this->GetIsAlive() && this->GetHUDUser3() != AVH_USER3_ALIEN_EMBRYO) { // Don't clear our location, disconcerting to see our location disappear //this->mLocationText = ""; this->mLocationText = this->GetNameOfLocation(gPredictedPlayerOrigin); } else { this->mLocationText = ""; } } bool AvHHud::GetIsCombatMode() const { return (this->mMapMode == MAP_MODE_CO); } bool AvHHud::GetIsNSMode() const { return (this->mMapMode == MAP_MODE_NS); } bool AvHHud::GetIsMouseInRegion(int inX, int inY, int inWidth, int inHeight) { bool theMouseIsInRegion = false; if(this->GetInTopDownMode()) { int theMouseX, theMouseY; this->GetMousePos(theMouseX, theMouseY); if((theMouseX >= inX) && (theMouseX <= (inX + inWidth))) { if((theMouseY >= inY) && (theMouseY <= (inY + inHeight))) { theMouseIsInRegion = true; } } } return theMouseIsInRegion; } void AvHHud::TraceEntityID(int& outEntityID) { pmtrace_t tr; vec3_t up, right, forward; // Trace forward to see if we see a player gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_PushPMStates(); // Now add in all of the players. gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_SetSolidPlayers (-1); gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_SetTraceHull(2); cl_entity_s* theLocalPlayer = gEngfuncs.GetLocalPlayer(); int theLocalPlayerIndex = theLocalPlayer->index; //AngleVectors(theLocalPlayer->curstate.angles, forward, right, up); pVector theRealView; gEngfuncs.pfnAngleVectors(pmove->angles, forward, right, up); Vector theStartTrace; //VectorMA(gPredictedPlayerOrigin, kMaxPlayerHullWidth, forward, theStartTrace); VectorCopy(gPredictedPlayerOrigin, theStartTrace); Vector theEndTrace; VectorMA(gPredictedPlayerOrigin, 8192, forward, theEndTrace); bool theDone = false; do { gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_PlayerTrace(theStartTrace, theEndTrace, PM_NORMAL, -1, &tr); // Ignore local player, and ignore the player we're spectating int theHit = gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_IndexFromTrace(&tr); if(theHit == theLocalPlayerIndex) { VectorMA(tr.endpos, kHitOffsetAmount, forward, theStartTrace); } // We hit something else if(tr.fraction < 1.0) { physent_t* pe = gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_GetPhysent( tr.ent ); if(pe) { int thePotentialEntity = pe->info; //if((thePotentialEntity >= 1) && (thePotentialEntity < gEngfuncs.GetMaxClients())) //{ outEntityID = pe->info; //} } theDone = true; } } while(!theDone); gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_PopPMStates(); } bool AvHHud::GetAlienHelpForMessage(int inMessageID, string& outHelpText, int& outPointCost) const { bool theSuccess = false; char theNumber[8]; sprintf(theNumber, "%d", inMessageID); string theNumberString(theNumber); string theTechHelpText; string theKey = string(kTechNodeHelpPrefix) + theNumberString; if(LocalizeString(theKey.c_str(), theTechHelpText)) { string thePointString; if(LocalizeString(kPointsSuffix, thePointString)) { /* // Lookup point cost for(UpgradeCostListType::const_iterator theIter = this->mPersonalUpgradeCosts.begin(); theIter != this->mPersonalUpgradeCosts.end(); theIter++) { if(theIter->first == inMessageID) { char theCostSuffix[128]; sprintf(theCostSuffix, " (%d %s)", theIter->second, thePointString.c_str()); outPointCost = theIter->second; theTechHelpText += string(theCostSuffix); outHelpText = theTechHelpText; theSuccess = true; break; } } */ } } return theSuccess; } bool AvHHud::GetDoesPlayerHaveOrder() const { bool thePlayerHasOrder = false; for(OrderListType::const_iterator theIter = this->mOrders.begin(); theIter != this->mOrders.end(); theIter++) { // Draw the order if the order is for any plays that are in our draw player list EntityInfo theReceiverPlayer = theIter->GetReceiver(); cl_entity_s* thePlayer = gEngfuncs.GetLocalPlayer(); if(thePlayer) { int thePlayerIndex = thePlayer->index; if (thePlayerIndex == theReceiverPlayer ) { thePlayerHasOrder = true; break; } } } return thePlayerHasOrder; } bool AvHHud::GetHelpForMessage(int inMessageID, string& outHelpText) const { bool theSuccess = false; char theNumber[8]; sprintf(theNumber, "%d", (int)inMessageID); string theNumberString(theNumber); string theKey = string(kTechNodeLabelPrefix) + theNumberString; string theTechNodeLabel; if(LocalizeString(theKey.c_str(), theTechNodeLabel)) { theKey = string(kTechNodeHelpPrefix) + theNumberString; string theTechNodeHelp; if(LocalizeString(theKey.c_str(), theTechNodeHelp)) { outHelpText = /*theTechNodeLabel + " " +*/ theTechNodeLabel; theSuccess = true; int theCost; bool theResearchable; float theTime; this->mTechNodes.GetResearchInfo((AvHMessageID)(inMessageID), theResearchable, theCost, theTime); // Add cost if(theCost > 0) { string theCostString; if(AvHSHUGetDoesTechCostEnergy((AvHMessageID)inMessageID)) { LocalizeString(kEnergyPrefix, theCostString); } else { LocalizeString(kMessageButtonCost, theCostString); } outHelpText += " "; outHelpText += theCostString; outHelpText += " "; outHelpText += MakeStringFromInt(theCost); // Draw description below //outHelpText += "\n"; //outHelpText += theTechNodeHelp; } } } return theSuccess; } void AvHHud::UpdateMusic(float inCurrentTime) { bool theMusicEnabled = false; if(this->GetGameStarted()) { // If we're entering play mode and music is enabled, allow playing of music if(this->GetHUDPlayMode() != PLAYMODE_READYROOM && (cl_musicenabled->value == 1.0f) && (cl_musicvolume->value > 0)) { theMusicEnabled = true; } } this->SetMusicAllowed(theMusicEnabled); UIHud::UpdateMusic(inCurrentTime); } void AvHHud::UpdatePieMenuControl() { // Set which pie menu to use ("" for none) bool theScoreBoardIsOpen = false; ScorePanel* theScoreBoard = gViewPort->GetScoreBoard(); if(theScoreBoard && theScoreBoard->isVisible()) { theScoreBoardIsOpen = true; } if(theScoreBoardIsOpen) { AvHPieMenuHandler::SetPieMenuControl(""); } else { AvHPieMenuHandler::SetPieMenuControl(this->mPieMenuControl); } // Clear all nodes in case VGUI didn't catch events (seems to happen with lag) if(!gPieMenuHandler.GetIsPieMenuOpen()) { PieMenu* theCurrentPieMenu = gPieMenuHandler.GetActivePieMenu(); if(theCurrentPieMenu) { theCurrentPieMenu->SetFadeState(false); } } // If we're dead, make sure the popup menu is closed if(!this->GetIsAlive(false)) { gPieMenuHandler.ClosePieMenu(); } } bool AvHHud::GetEntityInfoString(int inEntityID, string& outEntityInfoString, bool& outIsEnemy) { bool theSuccess = false; bool theIsEnemy = false; cl_entity_s* theEntity = gEngfuncs.GetEntityByIndex(inEntityID); if(theEntity) { AvHTeamNumber theTeam = this->GetHUDTeam(); if((inEntityID >= 1) && (inEntityID <= gEngfuncs.GetMaxClients())) { hud_player_info_t thePlayerInfo; gEngfuncs.pfnGetPlayerInfo(inEntityID, &thePlayerInfo); string thePrePendString; // Don't show cloaked enemies if((theTeam != TEAM_IND) && !this->GetInTopDownMode() && ((theEntity->curstate.team == theTeam) || (theEntity->curstate.rendermode == kRenderNormal))) { //string thePostPendString; if((theEntity->curstate.team == theTeam)) { //LocalizeString(kFriendText, thePrePendString); //sprintf(thePostPendString, " (health: %d)", theEntity->curstate.health); } else { LocalizeString(kEnemyText, thePrePendString); theIsEnemy = true; } if(thePrePendString != "") { outEntityInfoString = thePrePendString + " - "; } } if(thePlayerInfo.name) { outEntityInfoString += thePlayerInfo.name;// + thePostPendString; // Get string from status bar and append it const char* theStatusCStr = this->m_StatusBar.GetStatusString(); if(strlen(theStatusCStr) > 0) { outEntityInfoString += string(theStatusCStr); } outIsEnemy = theIsEnemy; theSuccess = true; } // sprintf(thePlayerName, "%s (health: %d)", thePlayerInfo.name, thePlayer->curstate.health); //} } else { bool theAutoHelpEnabled = gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarFloat(kvAutoHelp); // Return the type of thing it is AvHUser3 theUser3 = (AvHUser3)(theEntity->curstate.iuser3); if(this->GetTranslatedUser3Name(theUser3, outEntityInfoString)) { if((theEntity->curstate.team != TEAM_IND) && (theEntity->curstate.team != theTeam)) { outIsEnemy = true; } // Upper case first character if(outEntityInfoString.length() > 0) { int theFirstChar = outEntityInfoString[0]; int theUpperFirstChar = toupper(theFirstChar); outEntityInfoString[0] = theUpperFirstChar; } // Assume status bar set to health/armor/info data const char* theStatusCStr = this->m_StatusBar.GetStatusString(); bool theHasStatusString = (strlen(theStatusCStr) > 0); if(theHasStatusString) { outEntityInfoString += string(theStatusCStr); } if(theAutoHelpEnabled) { string theDescription; bool theIsFriendly = (this->GetHUDTeam() == theEntity->curstate.team); if(this->GetTranslatedUser3Description(theUser3, theIsFriendly, theDescription)) { outEntityInfoString += " - " + theDescription; } } // Only display help when asked for or important if(theAutoHelpEnabled || theHasStatusString) { theSuccess = true; } } } } return theSuccess; } void AvHHud::UpdateEntityID(float inCurrentTime) { this->mBuildingEffectsEntityList.clear(); bool theSetHelpMessage = false; bool theSetReticleMessage = false; //char* theNewPlayerName = NULL; int theEntityIndex = -1; if(this->GetHUDUser3() == AVH_USER3_COMMANDER_PLAYER) { int theCurrentX, theCurrentY; this->GetMousePos(theCurrentX, theCurrentY); // Don't show help when mouse is over the UI float theNormX = ((float)theCurrentX)/(ScreenWidth()); float theNormY = ((float)theCurrentY)/(ScreenHeight()); if(!this->GetIsRegionBlockedByUI(theNormX, theNormY)) { Vector theNormRay; CreatePickingRay(theCurrentX, theCurrentY, theNormRay); // Look for player and entities under/near the mouse AvHSHUGetEntityAtRay(this->GetVisualOrigin(), theNormRay, theEntityIndex); } } else if(g_iUser1 != OBS_IN_EYE) { // Trace entity id in front of us this->TraceEntityID(theEntityIndex); } if(this->mSelectingWeaponID != -1) { // Look up help, set our current help to it string theWeaponHelpKey; sprintf(theWeaponHelpKey, kWeaponHelpText, this->mSelectingWeaponID); string theHelpText; if(LocalizeString(theWeaponHelpKey.c_str(), theHelpText)) { // Get damage amount from weapon ASSERT(this->mSelectingWeaponID >= 0); ASSERT(this->mSelectingWeaponID < 32); WEAPON* theWeapon = gWR.GetWeapon(this->mSelectingWeaponID); if( theWeapon ) { int theDamage = theWeapon->iMax2; char theHelpTextWithDamage[1024]; sprintf(theHelpTextWithDamage, theHelpText.c_str(), theDamage); this->SetHelpMessage(theHelpTextWithDamage); theSetHelpMessage = true; } } } else if(this->mTechHelpText != "") { this->SetHelpMessage(this->mTechHelpText, false, .8f, .6f); theSetHelpMessage = true; } else if(this->mSelectingNodeID > 0) { char theNumber[8]; sprintf(theNumber, "%d", this->mSelectingNodeID); string theNumberString(theNumber); string theKey = string(kTechNodeHelpPrefix) + theNumberString; if(LocalizeString(theKey.c_str(), this->mReticleInfoText)) { string theCostString; if(LocalizeString(kCostMarker, theCostString)) { string thePointsString; if(LocalizeString(kPointsSuffix, thePointsString)) { } // Don't draw marine sayings, as they are printed on the controls and the aliens are using the titles.txt entries if(this->GetIsMarine()) { switch(this->mSelectingNodeID) { case SAYING_1: case SAYING_2: case SAYING_3: case SAYING_4: case SAYING_5: case SAYING_6: case SAYING_7: case SAYING_8: case SAYING_9: this->mReticleInfoText = ""; break; } } this->SetHelpMessage(this->mReticleInfoText); theSetHelpMessage = true; } } } if(theEntityIndex > 0) { // Don't draw info for cloaked structures cl_entity_s* theProgressEntity = gEngfuncs.GetEntityByIndex(theEntityIndex); if(theProgressEntity) { if((theProgressEntity->curstate.rendermode != kRenderTransTexture) || (theProgressEntity->curstate.renderamt > kAlienStructureCloakAmount)) { if(std::find(this->mBuildingEffectsEntityList.begin(), this->mBuildingEffectsEntityList.end(), theEntityIndex) == this->mBuildingEffectsEntityList.end()) { this->mBuildingEffectsEntityList.push_back(theEntityIndex); } bool theEntityIsPlayer = ((theEntityIndex > 0) && (theEntityIndex <= gEngfuncs.GetMaxClients())); string theHelpText; bool theIsEnemy = false; if(this->GetEntityInfoString(theEntityIndex, theHelpText, theIsEnemy)) { // Set color to red if enemy, otherise to our HUD color int theR, theG, theB; if(theIsEnemy) { theR = 255; theG = theB = 0; } else { this->GetPrimaryHudColor(theR, theG, theB, true, false); } // If we have auto help on, or we're in top down mode, display as help if(gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarFloat(kvAutoHelp) || this->GetInTopDownMode()) { this->SetHelpMessage(theHelpText); this->mHelpMessage.SetRGB(theR, theG, theB); theSetHelpMessage = true; } // else, display as reticle message else { this->SetReticleMessage(theHelpText); this->mReticleMessage.SetRGB(theR, theG, theB); theSetReticleMessage = true; } } } else { //char theMessage[128]; //sprintf(theMessage, "Entity %d cloaked, not drawing circle.", theProgressEntity->curstate.iuser3); //CenterPrint(theMessage); } } } float theTimePassed = (inCurrentTime - this->mTimeOfLastUpdate); if(!theSetHelpMessage) { this->mHelpMessage.FadeText(theTimePassed, true); } if(!theSetReticleMessage) { this->mReticleMessage.FadeText(theTimePassed, true); } } int AvHHud::GetMenuTechSlots() const { return this->mMenuTechSlots; } const AvHTechTree& AvHHud::GetTechNodes() const { return this->mTechNodes; } void AvHHud::GetTooltipDrawingInfo(float& outNormX, float& outNormY) const { outNormX = kHelpMessageLeftEdgeInset; outNormY = kHelpMessageTopEdgeInset; if(this->GetPlayMode() == PLAYMODE_READYROOM) { outNormY = 1.0f; } else if(this->GetInTopDownMode()) { outNormY = kHelpMessageCommanderTopEdgeInset; } else if(this->GetIsAlien()) { outNormY = kHelpMessageAlienTopEdgeInset; } outNormY -= kToolTipVerticalSpacing; } string AvHHud::GetRankTitle(bool inShowUnspentLevels) const { string theText; char* theTeamName = this->GetIsMarine() ? "Marine" : "Alien"; int theCurrentLevel = this->GetHUDExperienceLevel(); char theCharArray[512]; sprintf(theCharArray, kRankText, theTeamName, theCurrentLevel); LocalizeString(theCharArray, theText); // Add unspent levels, if any int theUnspentLevels = (this->mExperienceLevel - this->mExperienceLevelSpent - 1); if(inShowUnspentLevels && (theUnspentLevels > 0)) { // We can't accurately draw player's unspent levels when we're dead, as we only know our own if(this->GetIsAlive(false)) { string theUnspentLevelText = "(+" + MakeStringFromInt(theUnspentLevels) + ")"; theText += theUnspentLevelText; } } return theText; } void AvHHud::GetReticleTextDrawingInfo(float& outNormX, float& outNormY, bool& outCentered) const { outCentered = false; if(this->GetInTopDownMode()) { int theCurrentX, theCurrentY; this->GetMousePos(theCurrentX, theCurrentY); outNormX = theCurrentX/(float)ScreenWidth(); outNormY = theCurrentY/(float)ScreenHeight(); // Move text up a bit so it doesn't obscure outNormY -= .1f; outCentered = true; } else { if(gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarFloat(kvCenterEntityID)) { outNormX = .5f; outNormY = .5f; outCentered = true; } else { outNormX = kHelpMessageLeftEdgeInset; outNormY = kHelpMessageTopEdgeInset - kReticleMessageHeight; // Alien HUD forces this to be inset a bit if(this->GetIsAlien()) { outNormX = kHelpMessageAlienLeftedgeInset + kReticleMessageAlienLeftInset; outNormY = kHelpMessageAlienTopEdgeInset - kReticleMessageHeight; } } } } // Assumes that the tooltips aren't centered void AvHHud::UpdateTooltips(float inCurrentTime) { float theReticleX; float theReticleY; this->GetTooltipDrawingInfo(theReticleX, theReticleY); float theBottomMostY = theReticleY; float theTimePassed = inCurrentTime - this->mTimeOfLastUpdate; float kMovement = 1.0f*theTimePassed; int theBottomScreenY = theBottomMostY*ScreenHeight(); // Clear all tooltips on a role change, or on a playmode change AvHUser3 theCurrentUser3 = this->GetHUDUser3(); AvHTeamNumber theCurrentTeam = this->GetHUDTeam(); AvHPlayMode thePlayMode = this->GetPlayMode(); if((theCurrentUser3 != this->mLastUser3) || (this->mLastTeamNumber != theCurrentTeam) || ((thePlayMode != this->mLastPlayMode) && (this->mLastPlayMode != PLAYMODE_UNDEFINED)) ) { this->mTooltips.clear(); } // Stuff to get reset on a team change if(this->mLastTeamNumber != theCurrentTeam) { this->mExperienceLevelLastDrawn = 1; } // Run through list, dropping them down as far as they can go. Assumes the first one in the list is the bottommost one for(AvHTooltipListType::iterator theIter = this->mTooltips.begin(); theIter != this->mTooltips.end(); /* no inc */) { // Recompute settings, if it hasn't been updated before theIter->RecomputeIfNeccessary(); // Get height of current tool tip int theTooltipScreenHeight = theIter->GetScreenHeight(); // Move it down towards the current limit float theCurrentMinScreenY = theIter->GetNormalizedScreenY(); int theCurrentTipScreenBottom = (int)(theCurrentMinScreenY) + theTooltipScreenHeight; float theCurrentMaxNormY = (float)(theBottomScreenY - theTooltipScreenHeight)/ScreenHeight(); float theNewNormY = min(theCurrentMaxNormY, (theCurrentMinScreenY + kMovement)); // Now this is a crazy bug! In release mode without the following two statements, theNewNormY isn't > theCurrentMinScreenY when it should be. // It's as if a little time is needed between the computation of theNewNormY and using theNewNormY for it to work char theMessage[256]; sprintf(theMessage, "theNewNormY %f, minScreenY: %f)", theNewNormY, theCurrentMinScreenY); //CenterPrint(theMessage); // If we moved it down if(theNewNormY > theCurrentMinScreenY) { // Fade it in while it's dropping theIter->FadeText(theTimePassed, false); } else { if(theIter == this->mTooltips.begin()) { // If it's at the bottom of the list, start fading it out theIter->FadeText(theTimePassed, true); } } // Set the new position theIter->SetNormalizedScreenY(theNewNormY); // Subtract it's height to the current limit theBottomScreenY -= theTooltipScreenHeight; // Subtract out small spacing amount theBottomScreenY -= max(1, kToolTipVerticalSpacing*ScreenHeight()); // If it's totally faded out, remove it from the list, else process next int theAlpha = theIter->GetA(); if(theAlpha == 0) { theIter = this->mTooltips.erase(theIter); } else { theIter++; } //char theTempBuffer[256]; //sprintf(theTempBuffer, "UpdateTooltips, alpha: %d\n", theAlpha); //CenterPrint(theTempBuffer); } // Update combat upgrade menu too if(this->GetIsCombatMode()) { const int kScrollDirection = this->mDrawCombatUpgradeMenu ? 1 : -1; const float kScrollingSpeed = .7f*kScrollDirection; float theXDiff = (theTimePassed*kScrollingSpeed); const float kNormalizedWidth = this->mCombatUpgradeMenu.GetNormalizedMaxWidth(); const float kLeftEdgeInset = .02f; float theNewX = this->mCombatUpgradeMenu.GetNormalizedScreenX() + theXDiff; theNewX = max(-kNormalizedWidth, theNewX); theNewX = min(theNewX, kLeftEdgeInset); this->mCombatUpgradeMenu.SetNormalizedScreenX(theNewX); } } void AvHHud::UpdateStructureNotification(float inCurrentTime) { const float kTimeToDisplayIcon = 6.0f; const int kMaxIcons = 5; for(StructureHUDNotificationListType::iterator theIter = this->mStructureNotificationList.begin(); theIter != this->mStructureNotificationList.end(); /* no inc */) { if((inCurrentTime > (theIter->mTime + kTimeToDisplayIcon)) || (this->mStructureNotificationList.size() > kMaxIcons)) { theIter = this->mStructureNotificationList.erase(theIter); } else { theIter++; } } } //void AvHHud::FadeText(float inCurrentTime, bool inFadeDown) //{ // const float kReticleInfoFadeUpSpeed = 500; // const float kReticleInfoFadeDownSpeed = -150; // // // Fade reticle nicely // int theFadeSpeed = inFadeDown ? kReticleInfoFadeDownSpeed : kReticleInfoFadeUpSpeed; // // float theTimePassed = (inCurrentTime - this->mTimeOfLastUpdate); // float theNewAlpha = this->mReticleInfoColorA + theTimePassed*theFadeSpeed; // this->mReticleInfoColorA = max(0, min(255, theNewAlpha)); //} float AvHHud::GetTimeOfLastUpdate() const { return this->mTimeOfLastUpdate; } void AvHHud::UpdateProgressBar() { // this->HideProgressStatus(); float thePercentage; if(gMiniMap.GetIsProcessing(&thePercentage)) { if(gMiniMap.WriteSpritesIfJustFinished()) { this->HideProgressStatus(); } else { this->SetProgressStatus(thePercentage); } } // else if(this->mProgressBarEntityIndex == -1) // { // this->HideGenericProgressStatus(); // } else { // Look up entity, and set progress according to it's fuser1 cl_entity_s* theProgressEntity = gEngfuncs.GetEntityByIndex(this->mProgressBarEntityIndex); if(theProgressEntity) { ASSERT(this->mProgressBarParam >= 1); ASSERT(this->mProgressBarParam <= 5); float theProgress = 0.0f; if ( this->mProgressBarParam == 5 ) { thePercentage=(float)(this->mProgressBarCompleted)/100.0f; } else { switch(this->mProgressBarParam) { case 1: theProgress = theProgressEntity->curstate.fuser1; break; case 2: theProgress = theProgressEntity->curstate.fuser2; break; case 3: theProgress = theProgressEntity->curstate.fuser3; break; case 4: // NOTE: check delta.lst for fuser4, it isn't propagated currently theProgress = theProgressEntity->curstate.fuser4; break; } if((this->GetHUDUser3() == AVH_USER3_ALIEN_EMBRYO) || this->GetIsDigesting() ) { theProgress = pmove->fuser3; } thePercentage = theProgress/kNormalizationNetworkFactor; } int theType = (this->GetIsAlien())? PROGRESS_BAR_ALIEN: PROGRESS_BAR_MARINE; if(thePercentage < 1.0f) { this->SetProgressStatus(thePercentage, theType); } // else // { // this->HideGenericProgressStatus(); // } } else { // Look at selection. If selection has research and research isn't done, draw research bar. Else, hide research bar if(this->mSelected.size() == 1) { cl_entity_s* theEntity = gEngfuncs.GetEntityByIndex(*this->mSelected.begin()); if(theEntity) { this->HideProgressStatus(); //this->HideResearchProgressStatus(); bool theIsBuilding, theIsResearching; float thePercentage; AvHSHUGetBuildResearchState(theEntity->curstate.iuser3, theEntity->curstate.iuser4, theEntity->curstate.fuser1, theIsBuilding, theIsResearching, thePercentage); if(theIsResearching && (thePercentage > 0) && (thePercentage < 1.0f)) { this->SetProgressStatus(thePercentage, PROGRESS_BAR_DEFAULT); //this->SetResearchProgressStatus(thePercentage); } } } } } } void AvHHud::GhostBuildingCallback(struct tempent_s* inEntity, float inFrametime, float inCurrentTime) { if(this->mGhostBuilding != MESSAGE_NULL) { // Don't let it die inEntity->die = gClientTimeLastUpdate + 2.0f; // Update position to be where mouse is VectorCopy(this->mGhostWorldLocation, inEntity->entity.origin); // Visually indicate whether this is a valid position or not if(this->mCurrentGhostIsValid) { inEntity->entity.curstate.renderfx = kRenderFxGlowShell; inEntity->entity.curstate.rendercolor.r = 0; inEntity->entity.curstate.rendercolor.g = 255; inEntity->entity.curstate.rendercolor.b = 0; inEntity->entity.curstate.renderamt = kShellRenderAmount; } else { inEntity->entity.curstate.renderfx = kRenderFxGlowShell; inEntity->entity.curstate.rendercolor.r = 255; inEntity->entity.curstate.rendercolor.g = 0; inEntity->entity.curstate.rendercolor.b = 0; inEntity->entity.curstate.renderamt = kShellRenderAmount; } } else { // Kill it off immediately inEntity->die = gClientTimeLastUpdate; } } void AvHHud::UpdateBuildingPlacement() { if(this->mGhostBuilding != MESSAGE_NULL) { // Fetch current mouse up/down state from gScrollHandler and store bool theMouseOneDown = gScrollHandler.GetMouseOneDown() && !gCommanderHandler.GetMouseOneDown(); bool theMouseTwoDown = gScrollHandler.GetMouseTwoDown(); // If we haven't created the temp entity, create it if(!this->mCreatedGhost) { // Create the temporary entity int theModelIndex; char* theModelName = AvHSHUGetBuildTechModelName(this->mGhostBuilding); if(theModelName) { if(this->mLastGhostBuilding) { this->mLastGhostBuilding->die = -1; this->mLastGhostBuilding = NULL; } vec3_t theOrigin = this->GetVisualOrigin(); struct model_s* theModel = gEngfuncs.CL_LoadModel(theModelName, &theModelIndex); TEMPENTITY* theTempEntity = gEngfuncs.pEfxAPI->CL_TentEntAllocCustom(gPredictedPlayerOrigin, theModel, 0, CLinkGhostBuildingCallback); if(theTempEntity) { theTempEntity->die += 10.0f; theTempEntity->flags |= FTENT_PERSIST; // Temp entities interpret baseline origin as velocity. VectorCopy(vec3_origin, theTempEntity->entity.baseline.origin); // Set special properties for some models if(this->mGhostBuilding == BUILD_SCAN) { theTempEntity->entity.curstate.rendermode = kRenderTransAdd; theTempEntity->entity.curstate.renderamt = 255; theTempEntity->entity.baseline.rendermode = kRenderTransAdd; theTempEntity->entity.baseline.renderamt = 255; } this->mCreatedGhost = true; } this->mLastGhostBuilding = theTempEntity; } } // Update location we draw ghosted entity int theMouseX, theMouseY; this->GetMousePos(theMouseX, theMouseY); Vector theNormMousePos; CreatePickingRay(theMouseX, theMouseY, theNormMousePos); //char theMessage[256]; //sprintf(theMessage, "Ghost: %f, %f, %f", this->mGhostWorldLocation[0], this->mGhostWorldLocation[1],this->mGhostWorldLocation[2]); //CenterPrint(theMessage); // Was either mouse button pressed? bool theMouseOneReleased = (theMouseOneDown && !this->mMouseOneDown); bool theMouseTwoReleased = (theMouseTwoDown && !this->mMouseTwoDown); if(theMouseOneReleased) { VectorCopy(this->mLeftMouseWorldStart, this->mNormBuildLocation); } else if(theMouseTwoReleased) { VectorCopy(this->mRightMouseWorldStart, this->mNormBuildLocation); } // Test to see if we're in a valid position this->mCurrentGhostIsValid = false; vec3_t theLocation; if(AvHSHUTraceAndGetIsSiteValidForBuild(this->mGhostBuilding, this->GetVisualOrigin(), theNormMousePos, &theLocation)) { // Update with cost and research info bool theIsResearchable; int theCost; float theTime; if(this->mTechNodes.GetResearchInfo(this->mGhostBuilding, theIsResearchable, theCost, theTime)) { // Ghost is valid if message available and // we have enough resources OR // tech takes energy and we have enough energy this->mCurrentGhostIsValid = false; if(this->mTechNodes.GetIsMessageAvailable(this->mGhostBuilding)) { bool theTakesEnergy = AvHSHUGetDoesTechCostEnergy(this->mGhostBuilding); if((theCost <= this->mResources) || (theTakesEnergy)) { this->mCurrentGhostIsValid = true; } } } } // Draw at selection start range * invalid range multiplier if invalid placement, draw on at target location if valid //VectorMA(this->GetVisualOrigin(), kSelectionStartRange*kBuildInvalidRangeMultiplier, theNormMousePos, this->mGhostWorldLocation); VectorMA(this->GetVisualOrigin(), kSelectionStartRange*8, theNormMousePos, this->mGhostWorldLocation); //if(this->mCurrentGhostIsValid) //{ VectorCopy(theLocation, this->mGhostWorldLocation); //} if((theMouseOneReleased) || (theMouseTwoReleased)) { // If this is a valid location if(this->mCurrentGhostIsValid) { // Play sound this->PlayHUDSound(HUD_SOUND_PLACE_BUILDING); // Remember it for input to grab this->mValidatedBuilding = this->mGhostBuilding; } } } } void AvHHud::CancelBuilding() { SetGhostBuildingMode(MESSAGE_NULL); this->mValidatedBuilding = MESSAGE_NULL; } void AvHHud::UpdateSelection() { // Fetch current mouse up/down state from gScrollHandler and store bool theMouseOneDown = gScrollHandler.GetMouseOneDown() && !gCommanderHandler.GetMouseOneDown(); bool theMouseTwoDown = gScrollHandler.GetMouseTwoDown(); int theCurrentX, theCurrentY; this->GetMousePos(theCurrentX, theCurrentY); CreatePickingRay(theCurrentX, theCurrentY, this->mMouseWorldPosition); //ASSERT(this->mMouseWorldPosition.z < 0.0f); // Left mouse button // // If mouse just pressed, set starting point if(theMouseOneDown && !this->mMouseOneDown) { this->mMouseOneStartX = theCurrentX; this->mMouseOneStartY = theCurrentY; this->mLeftMouseStarted = true; //CreatePickingRay(theCurrentX, theCurrentY, this->mLeftMouseWorldStart); //ASSERT(this->mLeftMouseWorldStart.z < 0.0f); VectorCopy(this->mMouseWorldPosition, this->mLeftMouseWorldStart); } else { this->mLeftMouseStarted = false; } // If mouse just released, set flag to indicate selection just changed if(!theMouseOneDown && this->mMouseOneDown) { //CreatePickingRay(theCurrentX, theCurrentY, this->mLeftMouseWorldEnd); //ASSERT(this->mLeftMouseWorldEnd.z < 0.0f); VectorCopy(this->mMouseWorldPosition, this->mLeftMouseWorldEnd); //this->mSelectionJustChanged = true; this->mLeftMouseEnded = true; } else { this->mLeftMouseEnded = false; } // Right mouse button // // If mouse two just pressed, set starting point if(theMouseTwoDown && !this->mMouseTwoDown) { this->mMouseTwoStartX = theCurrentX; this->mMouseTwoStartY = theCurrentY; this->mRightMouseStarted = true; //CreatePickingRay(theCurrentX, theCurrentY, this->mRightMouseWorldStart); //ASSERT(this->mRightMouseWorldStart.z < 0.0f); VectorCopy(this->mMouseWorldPosition, this->mRightMouseWorldStart); } else { this->mRightMouseStarted = false; } // If mouse just released, set flag to indicate selection just changed if(!theMouseTwoDown && this->mMouseTwoDown) { //CreatePickingRay(theCurrentX, theCurrentY, this->mRightMouseWorldEnd); //ASSERT(this->mRightMouseWorldEnd.z < 0.0f); VectorCopy(this->mMouseWorldPosition, this->mRightMouseWorldEnd); //this->mSelectionJustChanged = true; this->mRightMouseEnded = true; } else { this->mRightMouseEnded = false; } // Set extents of marquee control this->mSelectionBox->SetStartPos(this->mMouseOneStartX, this->mMouseOneStartY); this->mSelectionBox->SetEndPos(theCurrentX, theCurrentY); // Set visibility state of marquee control //this->mSelectionBox->setVisible(theMouseOneDown); this->mSelectionBox->setVisible(false); this->mSelectionBoxX1 = mMouseOneStartX; this->mSelectionBoxY1 = mMouseOneStartY; this->mSelectionBoxX2 = theCurrentX; this->mSelectionBoxY2 = theCurrentY; this->mSelectionBoxVisible = theMouseOneDown; // If we're just selecting stuff, don't want to hit this button by mistake //gCommanderHandler.SetActive(!theMouseOneDown); // Change context sensitive cursor depending on current position //if(this->mSelected.size() > 0) //{ // if(this->mGhostBuilding == MESSAGE_NULL) // { // Vector theCurrentMouseRay; // CreatePickingRay(theCurrentX, theCurrentY, theCurrentMouseRay); // // int theTargetIndex; // AvHOrderTargetType theTargetType; // Vector theTargetLocation; // AvHUser3 theUser3 = AVH_USER3_NONE; // AvHOrderType theOrderType = AvHGetDefaultOrderType(this->GetHUDTeam(), this->GetVisualOrigin(), theCurrentMouseRay, theTargetIndex, theTargetLocation, theUser3, theTargetType); // Test UI blocking // theOrderType = ORDERTYPEL_DEFAULT; // if(!AvHSHUGetIsRegionBlockedByUI((float)theCurrentX/ScreenWidth, (float)theCurrentY/ScreenHeight)) // { // theOrderType = ORDERTYPET_GUARD; // } // this->SetCursor(theOrderType); // Change cursor depending on order type //if(theOrderType != ORDERTYPEL_MOVE && this->mSelected.size() > 0 ) //{ // if(!this->GetIsRegionBlockedByUI(theCurrentX/ScreenWidth(), theCurrentY/ScreenHeight())) // { //this->SetCursor(theOrderType); // } //} // } //} if(this->mLeftMouseEnded) { // Select all units at this click or in this area (but don't select when clicking a building down) if(!this->mPlacingBuilding) { gSelectionHelper.QueueSelection(this->GetVisualOrigin(), this->mLeftMouseWorldStart, this->mLeftMouseWorldEnd, this->GetHUDTeam()); gSelectionHelper.ProcessPendingSelections(); } } if(gSelectionHelper.SelectionResultsWaiting()) { EntityListType theNewSelection; gSelectionHelper.GetAndClearSelection(theNewSelection); // this->mNumLocalSelectEvents++; if(theNewSelection != this->mSelected) { this->mSelected = theNewSelection; this->mSelectionJustChanged = true; } this->ClearTrackingEntity(); } // If selection just changed, make sure we have selection effects for everyone if(this->mSelectionJustChanged) { // Create effects this->SetSelectionEffects(this->mSelected); this->PlayHUDSound(HUD_SOUND_SELECT); gCommanderHandler.SetSelectedUnits(this->mSelected); // Clear flag this->mSelectionJustChanged = false; // // Set default order mode // if(this->mSelected.size() > 0) // { // this->mOrderMode = ORDERTYPEL_DEFAULT; // } // else // { // this->mOrderMode = ORDERTYPE_UNDEFINED; // } } this->UpdateBuildingPlacement(); // Store current mouse state this->mMouseOneDown = theMouseOneDown; this->mMouseTwoDown = theMouseTwoDown; } void AvHHud::UpdateBuildResearchText() { // Hide unchanging ("unhelpful"?) help text after this amount of time const float kHelpTextInterval = 2.5f; if(this->GetHUDUser3() == AVH_USER3_COMMANDER_PLAYER) { Label* theHelpTextLabel = NULL; if(this->GetManager().GetVGUIComponentNamed(kTechHelpText, theHelpTextLabel)) { gCommanderHandler.RecalculateBuildResearchText(); // Display build/research text string theBuildResearchText = gCommanderHandler.GetBuildResearchText(); theHelpTextLabel->setText(theBuildResearchText.c_str()); // Center it int theWidth, theHeight; theHelpTextLabel->getTextSize(theWidth, theHeight); int theX, theY; theHelpTextLabel->getPos(theX, theY); int theScreenWidth = ScreenWidth(); theHelpTextLabel->setPos(theScreenWidth/2 - theWidth/2, theY); // Vanish if no text (but keep build/research text visible) theHelpTextLabel->setVisible(true); if(theBuildResearchText.length() == 0)// || ((this->mTimeLastHelpTextChanged != -1) && (this->mTimeLastHelpTextChanged + kHelpTextInterval < this->mTimeOfLastUpdate))) { theHelpTextLabel->setVisible(false); } // Display action button tool tip string theTechHelpText = gCommanderHandler.GetTechHelpText(); if(theTechHelpText != "") { this->SetActionButtonHelpMessage(theTechHelpText); } if(theTechHelpText != this->mPreviousHelpText) { this->mTimeLastHelpTextChanged = this->mTimeOfLastUpdate; } this->mPreviousHelpText = theTechHelpText; } } } void AvHHud::UpdateTechNodes() { this->UpdateBuildResearchText(); // Don't get new node until existing one has been processed if(this->mTechEvent == MESSAGE_NULL) { //if(this->mGameStarted) //{ //AvHTechNode theTechNode; //if(gCommanderHandler.GetAndClearTechNodePressed(theTechNode)) AvHMessageID theMessageID; if(gCommanderHandler.GetAndClearTechNodePressed(theMessageID)) { // Check for grouping and request events and handle separately if(this->mTechNodes.GetIsMessageAvailable(theMessageID)) { bool theIsResearchable; int theCost; float theTime; if(this->mTechNodes.GetResearchInfo(theMessageID, theIsResearchable, theCost, theTime)) { if(AvHSHUGetIsBuildTech(theMessageID)) { // Don't check for enough points yet, they might get enough points before they put it down // Get ready to build it, don't send a research message this->SetGhostBuildingMode(theMessageID); } else if(AvHSHUGetIsResearchTech(theMessageID) && theIsResearchable) { // If we hit cancel, and we're in building mode, get out of build mode and throw event away if((theMessageID == MESSAGE_CANCEL) && (this->GetGhostBuilding() != MESSAGE_NULL)) { CancelBuilding(); } else if(theCost <= this->mResources) { this->mTechEvent = theMessageID; } else { // Emit error message that you don't have the resources this->PlayHUDSound(HUD_SOUND_MARINE_MORE); } } else if(theMessageID == BUILD_RECYCLE) { this->mTechEvent = theMessageID; } } else { this->mTechEvent = theMessageID; } } else if((theMessageID >= SAYING_1) && (theMessageID <= SAYING_9)) { this->mTechEvent = theMessageID; } } //} } } void AvHHud::UpdateAmbientSounds() { Vector theListenerPosition; VectorCopy(gPredictedPlayerOrigin, theListenerPosition); // Commanders have a different PAS then themselves if(this->mInTopDownMode) { VectorCopy(this->mCommanderPAS, theListenerPosition); } for(AmbientSoundListType::iterator theIter = this->mAmbientSounds.begin(); theIter != this->mAmbientSounds.end(); theIter++) { theIter->StartPlayingIfNot(); theIter->UpdateVolume(theListenerPosition); } } void AvHHud::UpdateFromEntities(float inCurrentTime) { // Only update every so often for performance reasons const float kEntityUpdateInterval = .4f; if(inCurrentTime > (this->mTimeOfLastEntityUpdate + kEntityUpdateInterval)) { this->mHelpIcons.clear(); this->mHelpEnts.clear(); bool theAutoHelpEnabled = gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarFloat(kvAutoHelp); // Clear help icons this->mHelpEnts.clear(); // Clear building effects //this->mBuildingEffectsEntityList.clear(); this->mTimeOfLastEntityUpdate = inCurrentTime; // Scan for entities, adding help icons // Only draw if enabled const int kHelpDistance = 350; const int kBuildDistance = 500; const int kHealthDistance = 125; // Look for entities that have help icons in front of us. Don't search to far away, it could give players away. EntityListType theHelpEntities; AvHSHUGetEntities(-1, theHelpEntities); cl_entity_t* theLocalPlayer = gEngfuncs.GetLocalPlayer(); for(EntityListType::iterator theIter = theHelpEntities.begin(); theIter != theHelpEntities.end(); theIter++) { vec3_t theLocation; if(AvHSHUGetEntityLocation(*theIter, theLocation)) { float theDistance = VectorDistance((float*)&theLocation, theLocalPlayer->origin); if(theDistance < kHelpDistance) { // If iuser3 isn't 0, try looking up an icon for it physent_t* theEntity = gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_GetPhysent(*theIter); if(theEntity) { // Don't add cloaked entities (I wish this could be more general purpose) if((theEntity->team == this->GetHUDTeam()) || (theEntity->rendermode == kRenderNormal)) { int theUser3 = theEntity->iuser3; vec3_t theEntityOrigin = AvHSHUGetRealLocation(theEntity->origin, theEntity->mins, theEntity->maxs); // Some entities always draw bool theAlwaysDraw = false; switch(theUser3) { case AVH_USER3_WELD: //case AVH_USER3_COMMANDER_STATION: //case AVH_USER3_HIVE: theAlwaysDraw = true; break; } if(theAutoHelpEnabled || theAlwaysDraw) { this->mHelpIcons.push_back( make_pair(theEntityOrigin, theUser3) ); // Push back entity for displaying helpful tooltips this->mHelpEnts.push_back(*theIter); } } } } } } } } void AvHHud::UpdateViewModelEffects() { cl_entity_t* theViewModel = GetViewEntity(); if(theViewModel) { int theRenderMode = kRenderNormal; int theRenderAmount = 0; int theRenderFx = theViewModel->curstate.renderfx; color24 theRenderColor = theViewModel->curstate.rendercolor; short theSkin = 0; // Set the skin, stored in playerclass //cl_entity_s* theLocalPlayer = gEngfuncs.GetLocalPlayer(); // Use the visible player so that when we are spectating we can tell // when the player is cloaked. cl_entity_s* theLocalPlayer = GetVisiblePlayer(); if(theLocalPlayer) { //theViewModel->curstate.skin = theLocalPlayer->curstate.skin; theRenderMode = theLocalPlayer->curstate.rendermode; theRenderAmount = theLocalPlayer->curstate.renderamt; theRenderFx = theLocalPlayer->curstate.renderfx; theRenderColor = theLocalPlayer->curstate.rendercolor; theSkin = theLocalPlayer->curstate.skin; // Hack to make cloaking work for viewmodels (if only view models rendered in additive properly). // Draw view model normally unless fully cloaked. //bool theIsCloakedViaUpgrade = GetHasUpgrade(theLocalPlayer->curstate.iuser4, MASK_ALIEN_CLOAKED); int old=theRenderAmount; if((theRenderMode == kRenderTransTexture) /*|| theIsCloakedViaUpgrade*/) { theRenderFx = kRenderFxNone; theRenderColor.r = theRenderColor.g = theRenderColor.b = 0; if ( theRenderAmount == kAlienSelfCloakingBaseOpacity ) { theRenderMode = kAlienCloakViewModelRenderMode; theRenderAmount = 10; } else if( theRenderAmount > kAlienSelfCloakingBaseOpacity && theRenderAmount < kAlienSelfCloakingMinOpacity) { theRenderMode = kAlienCloakViewModelRenderMode; theRenderAmount = 40; } else if ( theRenderAmount == kAlienSelfCloakingMinOpacity ) { theRenderMode = kAlienCloakViewModelRenderMode; theRenderAmount = 50; } else { theRenderMode = kRenderNormal; theRenderAmount = 255; } } //char theMessage[128]; //sprintf(theMessage, "Setting view model mode: %d amount: %d\n", theRenderMode, theRenderAmount); //CenterPrint(theMessage); } // if(GetHasUpgrade(this->GetLocalUpgrades(), MASK_ALIEN_CLOAKED)) // { // theRenderMode = kAlienCloakViewModelRenderMode; // int theCloakingLevel = AvHGetAlienUpgradeLevel(this->GetLocalUpgrades(), MASK_UPGRADE_7); // theRenderAmount = kAlienCloakViewModelAmount - theCloakingLevel*kAlienCloakViewModelLevelAmount; // // // Put in color, because texture rendering needs it // theRenderFx = kRenderFxNone; // theRenderColor.r = theRenderColor.g = theRenderColor.b = 0; // } if(this->mInTopDownMode) { theRenderMode = kRenderTransAdd; theRenderAmount = 1; } theViewModel->curstate.skin = theSkin; theViewModel->curstate.rendermode = theRenderMode; theViewModel->curstate.renderamt = theRenderAmount; theViewModel->curstate.renderfx = theRenderFx; theViewModel->curstate.rendercolor = theRenderColor; } } void AvHHud::UpdateResources(float inTimePassed) { const float kResourceRate = this->GetMaxAlienResources()/50.0f; int thePointsToMove = max(inTimePassed*kResourceRate, 1); // Update visual resources if different this resources if(this->mVisualResources != this->mResources) { if(abs(this->mVisualResources - this->mResources) <= thePointsToMove) { this->mVisualResources = this->mResources; } else { if(this->mVisualResources < this->mResources) { this->mVisualResources += thePointsToMove; } else { this->mVisualResources -= thePointsToMove; } } } // Smoothly adjust energy level float theCurrentEnergyLevel = pmove->fuser3/kNormalizationNetworkFactor; if((g_iUser1 == OBS_IN_EYE) && (g_iUser2 != this->mUser2OfLastEnergyLevel)) { // This isn't working yet this->mVisualEnergyLevel = theCurrentEnergyLevel; this->mUser2OfLastEnergyLevel = g_iUser2; } else { float kEnergyRate = 1.0f; float theEnergyToMove = inTimePassed*kEnergyRate; if(this->mVisualEnergyLevel != theCurrentEnergyLevel) { float theDiff = fabs(this->mVisualEnergyLevel - theCurrentEnergyLevel); if(theDiff <= theEnergyToMove) { this->mVisualEnergyLevel = theCurrentEnergyLevel; } else { if(this->mVisualEnergyLevel < theCurrentEnergyLevel) { this->mVisualEnergyLevel += theEnergyToMove; } else { this->mVisualEnergyLevel -= theEnergyToMove; } } } } string theResourceText; char theResourceBuffer[64]; if(this->GetInTopDownMode() && this->mCommanderResourceLabel) { LocalizeString(kMarineResourcePrefix, theResourceText); sprintf(theResourceBuffer, "%s %d", theResourceText.c_str(), this->mVisualResources); this->mCommanderResourceLabel->setText(64, theResourceBuffer); } // Update visual resource indicators, expiring old ones const float kNumericalInfoEffectLifetime = 1.1f; const float kNumericalInfoScrollSpeed = 24; for(NumericalInfoEffectListType::iterator theIter = this->mNumericalInfoEffects.begin(); theIter != this->mNumericalInfoEffects.end(); /* no inc */) { if((theIter->GetTimeCreated() + kNumericalInfoEffectLifetime) < this->mTimeOfLastUpdate) { theIter = this->mNumericalInfoEffects.erase(theIter); } else { // Update position float thePosition[3]; theIter->GetPosition(thePosition); thePosition[2] += inTimePassed*kNumericalInfoScrollSpeed; theIter->SetPosition(thePosition); // Next theIter++; } } } //void AvHHud::ChangeUpgradeCosts(int inOldMessageID, int inNewMessageID, const char* inText) //{ // this->ChangeUpgradeCostsForMenu(this->mSoldierMenu, inOldMessageID, inNewMessageID, inText); // this->ChangeUpgradeCostsForMenu(this->mLeaderMenu, inOldMessageID, inNewMessageID, inText); // this->ChangeUpgradeCostsForMenu(this->mCommanderMenu, inOldMessageID, inNewMessageID, inText); // // this->UpdateUpgradeCosts(); //} // //void AvHHud::ChangeUpgradeCostsForMenu(PieMenu* inMenu, int inOldMessageID, int inNewMessageID, const char* inText) //{ // if(inMenu) // { // inMenu->ChangeNode(inOldMessageID, inNewMessageID, string(inText)); // } //} // //void AvHHud::ResetUpgradeCosts() //{ // this->ResetUpgradeCostsForMenu(this->mSoldierMenu); // this->ResetUpgradeCostsForMenu(this->mLeaderMenu); // this->ResetUpgradeCostsForMenu(this->mCommanderMenu); // // this->UpdateUpgradeCosts(); //} //void AvHHud::ResetUpgradeCostsForMenu(PieMenu* inMenu) //{ // if(inMenu) // { // inMenu->ResetToDefaults(); // } //} bool AvHHud::GetParticlesVisible() const { if (g_iUser1 == OBS_NONE) { return true; } if (m_Spectator.IsInOverviewMode()) { return m_Spectator.m_iDrawCycle == 1; } else { return true; } } // Sprite drawing on a level change is problematic and can cause crashing or disconcerting "no such sprite" error messages bool AvHHud::GetSafeForSpriteDrawing() const { bool theSafeForDrawing = false; const char* theLevelName = gEngfuncs.pfnGetLevelName(); string theCurrentMapName = this->GetMapName(true); if(theLevelName && (theCurrentMapName != "")) { string theLevelNameString(theLevelName); int thePos = (int)theLevelNameString.find(theCurrentMapName); if(thePos != string::npos) { theSafeForDrawing = true; } } return theSafeForDrawing; } bool AvHHud::GetShouldDisplayUser3(AvHUser3 inUser3) const { bool theShouldDisplay = false; if((inUser3 > AVH_USER3_NONE) && (inUser3 < AVH_USER3_MAX)) { theShouldDisplay = true; switch(inUser3) { case AVH_USER3_BREAKABLE: case AVH_USER3_USEABLE: case AVH_USER3_PARTICLE_ON: case AVH_USER3_PARTICLE_OFF: case AVH_USER3_ALPHA: case AVH_USER3_WAYPOINT: case AVH_USER3_NOBUILD: case AVH_USER3_SPAWN_TEAMA: case AVH_USER3_SPAWN_TEAMB: theShouldDisplay = false; break; } } return theShouldDisplay; } bool AvHHud::GetTranslatedUser3Name(AvHUser3 inUser3, string& outString) const { bool theSuccess = false; if(this->GetShouldDisplayUser3(inUser3)) { char theUser3String[512]; sprintf(theUser3String, "#%s%d", kUser3Name, inUser3); theSuccess = LocalizeString(theUser3String, outString); } return theSuccess; } bool AvHHud::GetTranslatedUser3Description(AvHUser3 inUser3, bool inFriendly, string& outString) const { bool theSuccess = false; if(this->GetShouldDisplayUser3(inUser3)) { char theUser3String[512]; sprintf(theUser3String, "#%s%d", kUser3Description, inUser3); theSuccess = LocalizeString(theUser3String, outString); // If we're commanding, look for that description if it exists if(this->GetInTopDownMode()) { string theCommanderDescription; sprintf(theUser3String, "#%s%d", kUser3CommanderDescription, inUser3); if(LocalizeString(theUser3String, theCommanderDescription)) { outString = theCommanderDescription; theSuccess = true; } } // Else look for a message that tell us what to do with this thing (assumes we're not commanding though) else if(inFriendly) { string theFriendlyDescription; sprintf(theUser3String, "#%s%d", kUser3FriendlyDescription, inUser3); if(LocalizeString(theUser3String, theFriendlyDescription)) { outString = theFriendlyDescription; theSuccess = true; } } } return theSuccess; } void AvHHud::UpdateUpgradeCosts() { PieMenu* theCurrentMenu = NULL; if(this->GetManager().GetVGUIComponentNamed(this->mPieMenuControl, theCurrentMenu)) { this->UpdateEnableState(theCurrentMenu); } } void AvHHud::AddMiniMapAlert(float x, float y) { mOverviewMap.AddAlert(x, y); } void AvHHud::UpdateEnableState(PieMenu* inMenu) { if(inMenu) { int thePurchaseLevel = this->GetIsCombatMode() ? max(0, this->mExperienceLevel - this->mExperienceLevelSpent - 1) : this->mResources; inMenu->UpdateMenuFromTech(this->mTechNodes, thePurchaseLevel); // if(this->GetIsNSMode()) //{ // Now disable any nodes whose children are all disabled (in NS, only end nodes can be chosen) //inMenu->DisableNodesWhoseChildrenAreDisabled(); //} inMenu->RecomputeVisibleSize(); } } void AvHHud::ShowMap() { bool isNsMode=false; if ( strnicmp(gHUD.GetMapName().c_str(), "ns_", 3) == 0 ) isNsMode=true; if (!sShowMap && isNsMode ) { sShowMap = true; gHUD.HideCrosshair(); gHUD.GetManager().UnhideComponent(kShowMapHierarchy); } } void AvHHud::HideMap() { if (sShowMap) { sShowMap = false; gHUD.GetManager().HideComponent(kShowMapHierarchy); gHUD.ShowCrosshair(); } } void AvHHud::GetSpriteForUser3(AvHUser3 inUser3, int& outSprite, int& outFrame, int& outRenderMode) { switch (inUser3) { // Marines case AVH_USER3_WAYPOINT: outSprite = Safe_SPR_Load(kSmallOrderSprite); outFrame = 2; outRenderMode = kRenderTransAdd; break; case AVH_USER3_MARINE_PLAYER: outSprite = Safe_SPR_Load(kMarinePlayersSprite); outFrame = 0; break; case AVH_USER3_HEAVY: // This really means a marine with heavy armor, not a heavy armor object. outSprite = Safe_SPR_Load(kMarinePlayersSprite); outFrame = 1; break; case AVH_USER3_COMMANDER_STATION: outSprite = Safe_SPR_Load(kStructuresSprite); outFrame = 5; break; case AVH_USER3_TURRET_FACTORY: case AVH_USER3_ADVANCED_TURRET_FACTORY: outSprite = Safe_SPR_Load(kStructuresSprite); outFrame = 6; break; case AVH_USER3_ARMORY: outSprite = Safe_SPR_Load(kStructuresSprite); outFrame = 7; break; case AVH_USER3_ADVANCED_ARMORY: outSprite = Safe_SPR_Load(kStructuresSprite); outFrame = 8; break; case AVH_USER3_ARMSLAB: outSprite = Safe_SPR_Load(kStructuresSprite); outFrame = 9; break; case AVH_USER3_PROTOTYPE_LAB: outSprite = Safe_SPR_Load(kStructuresSprite); outFrame = 10; break; case AVH_USER3_OBSERVATORY: outSprite = Safe_SPR_Load(kStructuresSprite); outFrame = 11; break; case AVH_USER3_TURRET: outSprite = Safe_SPR_Load(kStructuresSprite); outFrame = 12; break; case AVH_USER3_SIEGETURRET: outSprite = Safe_SPR_Load(kStructuresSprite); outFrame = 13; break; case AVH_USER3_RESTOWER: outSprite = Safe_SPR_Load(kStructuresSprite); outFrame = 14; break; case AVH_USER3_INFANTRYPORTAL: outSprite = Safe_SPR_Load(kStructuresSprite); outFrame = 15; break; case AVH_USER3_PHASEGATE: outSprite = Safe_SPR_Load(kStructuresSprite); outFrame = 16; break; // Aliens case AVH_USER3_DEFENSE_CHAMBER: outSprite = Safe_SPR_Load(kStructuresSprite); outFrame = 17; break; case AVH_USER3_MOVEMENT_CHAMBER: outSprite = Safe_SPR_Load(kStructuresSprite); outFrame = 18; break; case AVH_USER3_OFFENSE_CHAMBER: outSprite = Safe_SPR_Load(kStructuresSprite); outFrame = 19; break; case AVH_USER3_SENSORY_CHAMBER: outSprite = Safe_SPR_Load(kStructuresSprite); outFrame = 20; break; case AVH_USER3_ALIENRESTOWER: outSprite = Safe_SPR_Load(kStructuresSprite); outFrame = 21; break; case AVH_USER3_HIVE: outSprite = Safe_SPR_Load(kStructuresSprite); outFrame = 3; break; case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER1: outSprite = Safe_SPR_Load(kAlienPlayersSprite); outFrame = 0; break; case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER2: outSprite = Safe_SPR_Load(kAlienPlayersSprite); outFrame = 1; break; case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER3: outSprite = Safe_SPR_Load(kAlienPlayersSprite); outFrame = 2; break; case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER4: outSprite = Safe_SPR_Load(kAlienPlayersSprite); outFrame = 3; break; case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER5: outSprite = Safe_SPR_Load(kAlienPlayersSprite); outFrame = 4; break; case AVH_USER3_ALIEN_EMBRYO : outSprite = Safe_SPR_Load(kAlienPlayersSprite); outFrame = 5; break; case AVH_USER3_FUNC_RESOURCE: outSprite = Safe_SPR_Load(kStructuresSprite); outFrame = 4; break; case AVH_USER3_WELD: outSprite = Safe_SPR_Load(kStructuresSprite); outFrame = 0; break; default: outSprite = 0; outFrame = 0; } } int AvHHud::GetCurrentSquad() const { return mCurrentSquad; } AvHOverviewMap& AvHHud::GetOverviewMap() { return mOverviewMap; } void AvHHud::ShowCrosshair() { ++mCrosshairShowCount; if (mCrosshairShowCount > 0) { SetCrosshair(mCrosshairSprite, mCrosshairRect, mCrosshairR, mCrosshairG, mCrosshairB); } } void AvHHud::HideCrosshair() { --mCrosshairShowCount; if (mCrosshairShowCount <= 0) { wrect_t nullrect = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; SetCrosshair(0, nullrect, 0, 0, 0); } } void AvHHud::SetCurrentCrosshair(HSPRITE hspr, wrect_t rc, int r, int g, int b) { mCrosshairSprite = hspr; mCrosshairRect = rc; mCrosshairR = r; mCrosshairG = g; mCrosshairB = b; if (mCrosshairShowCount > 0) { SetCrosshair(mCrosshairSprite, mCrosshairRect, mCrosshairR, mCrosshairG, mCrosshairB); } } void AvHHud::SetViewport(const int inViewport[4]) { if (!m_Spectator.IsInOverviewMode()) { mViewport[0] = inViewport[0]; mViewport[1] = inViewport[1]; mViewport[2] = inViewport[2]; mViewport[3] = inViewport[3]; } else { mSpecialViewport[0] = inViewport[0]; mSpecialViewport[1] = inViewport[1]; mSpecialViewport[2] = inViewport[2]; mSpecialViewport[3] = inViewport[3]; mViewport[0] = 0; mViewport[1] = 0; mViewport[2] = ScreenWidth(); mViewport[3] = ScreenHeight(); } } void AvHHud::GetViewport(int outViewport[4]) const { outViewport[0] = mViewport[0]; outViewport[1] = mViewport[1]; outViewport[2] = mViewport[2]; outViewport[3] = mViewport[3]; } const AvHFont& AvHHud::GetSmallFont() const { return mSmallFont; } void AvHHud::PlayStream() { if(gEngfuncs.Cmd_Argc() <= 1) { gEngfuncs.Con_Printf( "usage: playstream \n" ); } else { if ( gEngfuncs.Cmd_Argc() >= 2 ) { // Read URL string theURL; theURL = string("http://") + string(gEngfuncs.Cmd_Argv(1)); string theError; if(!gHUD.PlayInternetStream(theURL, theError)) { gHUD.AddTooltip(theError.c_str()); } } } } void AvHHud::StopStream() { gHUD.StopInternetStream(); } float AvHHud::GetServerVariableFloat(const char* inName) const { ServerVariableMapType::const_iterator iterator; iterator = mServerVariableMap.find(inName); if ( iterator == mServerVariableMap.end() ) { return 0; } else { return atof( iterator->second.c_str() ); } } /** * Prints the call stack when an unhandled exception occurs. */ LONG WINAPI ExceptionFilter(EXCEPTION_POINTERS* pExp) { /* // E-mail the exception log to the programmers. std::stringstream buffer; LogException(buffer, pExp); const char* serverName = ""; const char* fromAddress = "noreply@overmind.com"; const char* programmerAddress[] = { "max_mcguire@yahoo.com", }; for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(programmerAddress) / sizeof(char*); ++i) { SendMail(serverName, fromAddress, fromAddress, programmerAddress[i], "Exception Log", buffer.str().c_str()); } */ AvHHud::ResetGammaAtExit(); return EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER; } // Added DLL entry point to try to reset gamma properly under VAC BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved) { if (fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) { // Install a crash handler. //SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(ExceptionFilter); } else if (fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH) { AvHHud::ResetGammaAtExit(); } return TRUE; }