//======== (C) Copyright 2002 Charles G. Cleveland All rights reserved. ========= // // The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Charles G. Cleveland. // The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of // Charles G. Cleveland, or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in // the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied. // // Purpose: // // $Workfile: AvHTechTree.cpp $ // $Date: 2002/09/23 22:36:08 $ // //=============================================================================== #include "mod/AvHTechTree.h" bool AvHSHUGetIsResearchTech(AvHMessageID inMessageID); AvHTechTree::AvHTechTree(void) { Init(); } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AvHTechTree::AvHTechTree(const AvHTechTree& other) { //because pointers in mNodesByMsg are deleted by //destruction, we need to make our own copy on //construction TechNodeMap::const_iterator current, end = other.mNodesByMsg.end(); for( current = other.mNodesByMsg.begin(); current != end; ++current ) { mNodesByMsg[current->first] = current->second->clone(); } Init(); } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AvHTechTree::~AvHTechTree(void) { Clear(); } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ void AvHTechTree::Init(void) { #ifdef SERVER BALANCE_LISTENER(this); compoundChangeInProgress = false; #endif } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ void AvHTechTree::swap(AvHTechTree& other) { TechNodeMap tempMap = mNodesByMsg; mNodesByMsg = other.mNodesByMsg; other.mNodesByMsg = tempMap; TechIDMap tempIDMap = mNodesByTech; mNodesByTech = other.mNodesByTech; other.mNodesByTech = tempIDMap; } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ void AvHTechTree::InsertNode(const AvHTechNode* inTechNode) { this->RemoveNode(inTechNode->getMessageID()); //remove old node to prevent memory leak this->mNodesByMsg[inTechNode->getMessageID()] = inTechNode->clone(); } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ void AvHTechTree::RemoveNode(const AvHMessageID inMessageID) { AvHTechNode* node = GetNode(inMessageID); if( node ) { mNodesByMsg.erase(node->getMessageID()); //remove from tech map if it's a match before we delete it! TechIDMap::iterator item = mNodesByTech.find(node->getTechID()); if( item != mNodesByTech.end() && item->second == node ) { mNodesByTech.erase(item); } delete node; } } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ void AvHTechTree::Clear(void) { TechNodeMap::iterator current, end = mNodesByMsg.end(); for( current = mNodesByMsg.begin(); current != end; ++current ) { delete current->second; } mNodesByMsg.clear(); mNodesByTech.clear(); } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AvHTechNode* AvHTechTree::GetNode(const AvHMessageID message) { AvHTechNode* returnVal = NULL; TechNodeMap::iterator item = mNodesByMsg.find(message); if( item != mNodesByMsg.end() ) { returnVal = item->second; } return returnVal; } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ const AvHTechNode* AvHTechTree::GetNode(const AvHMessageID message) const { const AvHTechNode* returnVal = NULL; TechNodeMap::const_iterator item = mNodesByMsg.find(message); if( item != mNodesByMsg.end() ) { returnVal = item->second; } return returnVal; } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AvHTechNode* AvHTechTree::GetNodeByTech(const AvHTechID inTech) { AvHTechNode* returnVal = NULL; TechIDMap::iterator item = mNodesByTech.find(inTech); if( item != mNodesByTech.end() ) { returnVal = item->second; } else { TechNodeMap::iterator current, end = mNodesByMsg.end(); for( current = mNodesByMsg.begin(); current != end; ++current ) { if( current->second->getTechID() == inTech ) { mNodesByTech[inTech] = current->second; returnVal = current->second; break; } } } return returnVal; } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ const AvHTechNode* AvHTechTree::GetNodeByTech(const AvHTechID inTech) const { const AvHTechNode* returnVal = NULL; TechIDMap::const_iterator item = mNodesByTech.find(inTech); if( item != mNodesByTech.end() ) { returnVal = item->second; } else { TechNodeMap::const_iterator current, end = mNodesByMsg.end(); for( current = mNodesByMsg.begin(); current != end; ++current ) { if( current->second->getTechID() == inTech ) { mNodesByTech[inTech] = current->second; returnVal = current->second; break; } } } return returnVal; } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ const int AvHTechTree::GetSize(void) const { return (int)mNodesByTech.size(); } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bool AvHTechTree::GetAllowMultiples(const AvHMessageID inMessageID) const { const AvHTechNode* Node = GetNode(inMessageID); return (Node != NULL) && Node->getAllowMultiples(); } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bool AvHTechTree::GetIsMessageInTechTree(const AvHMessageID inMessageID) const { const AvHTechNode* Node = GetNode(inMessageID); return (Node != NULL); } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bool AvHTechTree::GetIsMessageAvailable(const AvHMessageID inMessageID) const { bool returnVal = true; const AvHTechNode* Subnode; const AvHTechNode* Node = GetNode(inMessageID); if( Node == NULL ) //not found { returnVal = false; } else if( Node->getIsResearched() && !Node->getAllowMultiples() ) //can only research once? { returnVal = false; } else { AvHTechID prereq = Node->getPrereqTechID1(); if( prereq != TECH_NULL && ( (Subnode = GetNodeByTech(prereq)) == NULL || !Subnode->getIsResearched() ) ) { returnVal = false; } else { prereq = Node->getPrereqTechID2(); if( prereq != TECH_NULL && ( (Subnode = GetNodeByTech(prereq)) == NULL || !Subnode->getIsResearched() ) ) { returnVal = false; } } } return returnVal; } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bool AvHTechTree::GetIsMessageAvailableForSelection(const AvHMessageID inMessageID, const EntityListType& inSelection) const { return GetIsMessageAvailable(inMessageID); } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bool AvHTechTree::GetIsTechResearched(AvHTechID inTech) const { const AvHTechNode* Node = GetNodeByTech(inTech); return (Node != NULL) && Node->getIsResearched(); } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bool AvHTechTree::SetFirstNodeWithTechResearchState(const AvHTechID inTech, bool inState) { bool returnVal = false; AvHTechNode* Node = GetNodeByTech(inTech); if( Node != NULL ) { Node->setResearchState(inState); returnVal = true; } return returnVal; } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bool AvHTechTree::GetMessageForTech(const AvHTechID inTech, AvHMessageID& outMessageID) const { bool returnVal = false; const AvHTechNode* Node = GetNodeByTech(inTech); if( Node != NULL ) { outMessageID = Node->getMessageID(); returnVal = true; } return returnVal; } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AvHMessageID AvHTechTree::GetNextMessageNeededFor(const AvHMessageID inMessageID) const { //perform depth first search for item that hasn't been researched but can be; returns //original ID if no match is found... would be better to return boolean false with an //output AvHMessageID specified as a parameter. AvHMessageID returnVal = inMessageID; const AvHTechNode* Node = GetNode(inMessageID); bool prereq1_researched = false; if( Node != NULL && !Node->getIsResearched() ) { vector<const AvHTechNode*> ParentStack; ParentStack.push_back(Node); const AvHTechNode* Child; AvHTechID prereq; while(!ParentStack.empty()) { Node = ParentStack.back(); ParentStack.pop_back(); //First child prereq1_researched = false; prereq = Node->getPrereqTechID1(); if( prereq == TECH_NULL ) { prereq1_researched = true; } else { Child = GetNodeByTech(prereq); if( Child != NULL ) { if( Child->getIsResearched() ) { prereq1_researched = true; } else { ParentStack.push_back(Child); } } } //Second child prereq = Node->getPrereqTechID2(); if( prereq == TECH_NULL && prereq1_researched ) { returnVal = Node->getMessageID(); break; } else { Child = GetNodeByTech(prereq); if( Child != NULL ) { if( Child->getIsResearched() ) { if( prereq1_researched ) { returnVal = Node->getMessageID(); break; } } else { ParentStack.push_back(Child); } } } } } return returnVal; } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ void AvHTechTree::GetResearchNodesDependentOn(AvHTechID inTechID, TechNodeMap& outTechNodes) const { //move up tree from supplied base tech; this won't be a cheap operation - worst case is (tree size)^2 if(inTechID != TECH_NULL) { TechNodeMap::const_iterator current, end = mNodesByMsg.end(); for( current = mNodesByMsg.begin(); current != end; ++current ) { if( !AvHSHUGetIsResearchTech(current->first) || current->second->getTechID() == TECH_NULL ) { continue; } if( current->second->getPrereqTechID1() == inTechID || current->second->getPrereqTechID2() == inTechID ) { outTechNodes[current->first] = current->second; //don't clone here, caller not responsible for deletion GetResearchNodesDependentOn(current->second->getTechID(), outTechNodes); //recurse } } } } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bool AvHTechTree::GetTechForMessage(const AvHMessageID inMessageID, AvHTechID& outTechID) const { bool returnVal = false; const AvHTechNode* Node = GetNode(inMessageID); if( Node != NULL ) { outTechID = Node->getTechID(); returnVal = true; } return returnVal; } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bool AvHTechTree::GetPrequisitesForMessage(const AvHMessageID inMessageID, AvHTechID& outTech1, AvHTechID& outTech2) const { bool returnVal = false; const AvHTechNode* Node = GetNode(inMessageID); if( Node != NULL ) { outTech1 = Node->getPrereqTechID1(); outTech2 = Node->getPrereqTechID2(); returnVal = (outTech1 != TECH_NULL) || (outTech2 != TECH_NULL); } return returnVal; } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bool AvHTechTree::GetResearchInfo(AvHMessageID inMessageID, bool& outIsResearchable, int& outCost, float& outTime) const { bool returnVal = false; const AvHTechNode* Node = GetNode(inMessageID); if( Node != NULL ) { outIsResearchable = Node->getIsResearchable(); outCost = Node->getCost(); outTime = Node->getBuildTime(); returnVal = true; } else { outIsResearchable = false; outCost = -1; outTime = -1; } return returnVal; } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bool AvHTechTree::SetIsResearchable(AvHMessageID inMessageID, bool inState) { bool returnVal = false; AvHTechNode* Node = GetNode(inMessageID); if( Node != NULL ) { Node->setResearchable(inState); returnVal = true; } return returnVal; } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bool AvHTechTree::SetResearchDone(AvHMessageID inMessageID, bool inState) { bool returnVal = false; AvHTechNode* Node = GetNode(inMessageID); if( Node != NULL ) { Node->setResearchState(inState); returnVal = true; } return returnVal; } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ void AvHTechTree::TriggerAddTech(AvHTechID inTechID) { AvHTechNode* Node = GetNodeByTech(inTechID); if( Node != NULL ) { Node->setResearchState(true); } } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ void AvHTechTree::TriggerRemoveTech(AvHTechID inTechID) { AvHTechNode* Node = GetNodeByTech(inTechID); if( Node != NULL ) { Node->setResearchState(false); } } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ void AvHTechTree::GetDelta(const AvHTechTree& other, MessageIDListType& delta) const { delta.clear(); TechNodeMap::const_iterator current = mNodesByMsg.begin(); TechNodeMap::const_iterator end = mNodesByMsg.end(); TechNodeMap::const_iterator other_current = other.mNodesByMsg.begin(); TechNodeMap::const_iterator other_end = other.mNodesByMsg.end(); while( current != end && other_current != other_end ) { if( current->first < other_current->first ) { delta.push_back(current->first); ++current; continue; } if( current->first > other_current->first ) { delta.push_back(current->first); ++other_current; continue; } if( *current->second != *other_current->second ) { delta.push_back(current->first); } ++current; ++other_current; } while( current != end ) { delta.push_back(current->first); ++current; } while( other_current != other_end ) { delta.push_back(other_current->first); ++other_current; } } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bool AvHTechTree::operator!=(const AvHTechTree& inTree) const { return !this->operator==(inTree); } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bool AvHTechTree::operator==(const AvHTechTree& inTree) const { return mNodesByMsg == inTree.mNodesByMsg; } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AvHTechTree& AvHTechTree::operator=(const AvHTechTree& inTree) { AvHTechTree temp(inTree); swap(temp); return *this; } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #ifdef AVH_SERVER bool AvHTechTree::shouldNotify(const string& name, const BalanceValueType type) const { return true; } void AvHTechTree::balanceCleared(void) const {} void AvHTechTree::balanceValueInserted(const string& name, const float value) const { if( !compoundChangeInProgress ) { const_cast<AvHTechTree*>(this)->processBalanceChange(); } } void AvHTechTree::balanceValueInserted(const string& name, const int value) const { if( !compoundChangeInProgress ) { const_cast<AvHTechTree*>(this)->processBalanceChange(); } } void AvHTechTree::balanceValueInserted(const string& name, const string& value) const { if( !compoundChangeInProgress ) { const_cast<AvHTechTree*>(this)->processBalanceChange(); } } void AvHTechTree::balanceValueRemoved(const string& name, const float old_value) const { if( !compoundChangeInProgress ) { const_cast<AvHTechTree*>(this)->processBalanceChange(); } } void AvHTechTree::balanceValueRemoved(const string& name, const int old_value) const { if( !compoundChangeInProgress ) { const_cast<AvHTechTree*>(this)->processBalanceChange(); } } void AvHTechTree::balanceValueRemoved(const string& name, const string& old_value) const { if( !compoundChangeInProgress ) { const_cast<AvHTechTree*>(this)->processBalanceChange(); } } void AvHTechTree::balanceValueChanged(const string& name, const float old_value, const float new_value) const { if( !compoundChangeInProgress ) { const_cast<AvHTechTree*>(this)->processBalanceChange(); } } void AvHTechTree::balanceValueChanged(const string& name, const int old_value, const int new_value) const { if( !compoundChangeInProgress ) { const_cast<AvHTechTree*>(this)->processBalanceChange(); } } void AvHTechTree::balanceValueChanged(const string& name, const string& old_value, const string& default_value) const { if( !compoundChangeInProgress ) { const_cast<AvHTechTree*>(this)->processBalanceChange(); } } void AvHTechTree::balanceStartCompoundChange(void) const { compoundChangeInProgress = true; } void AvHTechTree::balanceEndCompoundChange(void) const { compoundChangeInProgress = false; } #include "dlls/extdll.h" #include "dlls/util.h" #include "mod/AvHGamerules.h" void AvHTechTree::processBalanceChange(void) { // Run through our tech nodes and update cost and build time TechNodeMap::iterator current, end = mNodesByMsg.end(); for( current = mNodesByMsg.begin(); current != end; ++current ) { current->second->setBuildTime(GetGameRules()->GetBuildTimeForMessageID(current->first)); current->second->setCost(GetGameRules()->GetCostForMessageID(current->first)); } } #endif