//======== (C) Copyright 2002 Charles G. Cleveland All rights reserved. ========= // // The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Charles G. Cleveland. // The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of // Charles G. Cleveland, or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in // the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied. // // Purpose: // // $Workfile: AvHBalanceAnalysis.cpp $ // $Date: $ // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // $Log: $ //=============================================================================== #include "util/nowarnings.h" #include "mod/AvHBalanceAnalysis.h" #include "mod/AvHBalance.h" #include "mod/AvHAlienWeaponConstants.h" #include "mod/AvHMarineWeaponConstants.h" #include "mod/AvHPlayerUpgrade.h" #include "math.h" #ifdef AVH_CLIENT #include "mod/AvHHud.h" //extern AvHHud gHUD; #endif AvHEconomy::AvHEconomy(const AvHTechNodes& inTechNodes, int inInitialResources, int inInitialTowers, bool inMarine, MessageIDListType inTargetTechList) { mTechNodes = inTechNodes; mInitialResources = inInitialResources; mInitialTowers = inInitialTowers; mMarine = inMarine; mTargetTech = inTargetTechList; mResultTime = mResultTowers = mResultResources = 0; } void AvHEconomy::CalculateFastestTime() { int theMinNodeAmount = 0; float theMinTime = 10000; // 7 nodes is realistic map maximum for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { this->Simulate(i); float theResultTime = (float)this->GetResultTime(); if(theResultTime < theMinTime) { theMinTime = theResultTime; theMinNodeAmount = i; } } // Use the minimum results this->Simulate(theMinNodeAmount); } int AvHEconomy::GetBuildNodeCost() const { int theCost = 0; if(this->mMarine) { theCost = BALANCE_IVAR(kResourceTowerCost); } else { theCost = BALANCE_IVAR(kAlienResourceTowerCost); } return theCost; } int AvHEconomy::GetResultTime() const { return this->mResultTime; } int AvHEconomy::GetResultTowers() const { return this->mResultTowers; } int AvHEconomy::GetResultResources() const { return this->mResultResources; } // Assumes nodes build instantly, doesn't account for travel time, assumes there is always an available node to be built void AvHEconomy::Simulate(int inBuildXNodes) { int theResourceInjectionInterval = BALANCE_IVAR(kFuncResourceInjectionTime); int theBuildNodeInterval = BALANCE_IVAR(kBalanceFuncResourceTime); // Start simulating int theTimeOfLastNode = 0; bool theIsDone = false; int theNumNodes = this->mInitialTowers; float theTimeOfNextResearchComplete = 0; // Initialize results this->mResultTowers = this->mInitialTowers; this->mResultResources = this->mInitialResources; this->mResultTime = 0; // Use copy of tech nodes AvHTechNodes theTechNodes = this->mTechNodes; MessageIDListType theTargetTech = this->mTargetTech; if(theResourceInjectionInterval > 0) { // While not done while(!theIsDone) { AvHMessageID theTargetTechID = (*theTargetTech.begin()); // If we have more nodes to build and we have enough resources if(inBuildXNodes > 0) { // Build the node (increment num nodes, decrement resources) int theNodeCost = this->GetBuildNodeCost(); if(this->mResultResources >= theNodeCost) { if(this->mResultTime > (theTimeOfLastNode + theBuildNodeInterval)) { theTimeOfLastNode = this->mResultTime; this->mResultResources -= theNodeCost; this->mResultTowers++; inBuildXNodes--; } } } // Find bottleneck technology AvHMessageID theBottleNeck = theTechNodes.GetNextMessageNeededFor(theTargetTechID); if(theTimeOfNextResearchComplete == 0) { // If we have enough resources to research/buy it int theCost = 0; float theTime = 0.0f; bool theIsResearchable = false; if(theTechNodes.GetResearchInfo(theBottleNeck, theIsResearchable, theCost, theTime)) { // Pay for it if(this->mResultResources >= theCost) { // Remember when we'll be done with it this->mResultResources -= theCost; theTimeOfNextResearchComplete = this->mResultTime + theTime; } } else { this->mResultResources = -1; theIsDone = true; } } // Is our bottleneck technology done? else if(this->mResultTime >= theTimeOfNextResearchComplete) { // Set it researched theTechNodes.SetResearchDone(theBottleNeck, true); // Is this technology our final tech? if(theBottleNeck == theTargetTechID) { MessageIDListType::iterator theFindIter = std::find(theTargetTech.begin(), theTargetTech.end(), theTargetTechID); if(theFindIter != theTargetTech.end()) { theTargetTech.erase(theFindIter); } } if(theTargetTech.size() == 0) { // We're done theIsDone = true; } else { theTimeOfNextResearchComplete = 0; } } // Add resources from current towers to our resources this->mResultResources += this->mResultTowers*BALANCE_IVAR(kFuncResourceInjectionAmount); // Increment current time by interval this->mResultTime += theResourceInjectionInterval; } } } void GetSimulatedAnalysisFor(MessageIDListType inMessageIDList, bool inMarine, StringList& outList, string inNote) { outList.push_back(inNote); int theStartingResources = inMarine ? BALANCE_IVAR(kNumInitialMarinePoints) : BALANCE_IVAR(kNumInitialAlienPoints); // Get tech nodes const AvHTechNodes& theTechNodes = gHUD.GetTechNodes(); AvHEconomy theEconomy(theTechNodes, theStartingResources, 1, inMarine, inMessageIDList); theEconomy.CalculateFastestTime(); // Add message to log int theResultTime = theEconomy.GetResultTime(); char theTimeString[128]; sprintf(theTimeString, "%d:%.2d", theResultTime/60, theResultTime%60); int theNodesBuilt = theEconomy.GetResultTowers() - 1; int theResultResources = theEconomy.GetResultResources(); string theLogMessage = " " + MakeStringFromInt(theNodesBuilt) + " nodes built -> Time: " + string(theTimeString) + " Resources: " + MakeStringFromInt(theResultResources); outList.push_back(theLogMessage); } void GetSimulatedAnalysisFor(AvHMessageID inMessageID, bool inMarine, StringList& outList, string inNote) { MessageIDListType theMessageIDList; theMessageIDList.push_back(inMessageID); GetSimulatedAnalysisFor(theMessageIDList, inMarine, outList, inNote); } //void GetHiveAnalysis(StringList& outList) //{ // // Assume gorges are all building res towers // // // Find time that one gorge has enough to build hive // // // Add hive build time //} int SimulateDamage(AvHUser3 inUser3, int inUser4, float inDamage, int inNumHives) { int theNumBullets = 0; // Initialize health and armor float theArmorLevel = (float)(AvHPlayerUpgrade::GetMaxArmorLevel(inUser4, inUser3)); float theHealth = (float)(AvHPlayerUpgrade::GetMaxHealth(inUser4, inUser3)); bool theDone = false; // While lifeform is still alive if(inDamage > 0) { while(!theDone) { // Simulate bullet hit float theHealthToRemove = AvHPlayerUpgrade::CalculateDamageLessArmor(inUser3, inUser4, inDamage, theArmorLevel, NS_DMG_NORMAL, inNumHives); theHealth -= theHealthToRemove; // Increment number bullets theNumBullets++; // We're dead when our health cast to an int is 0 (for HL reasons, see CBaseEntity::TakeDamage for more info) if(((int)theHealth) <= 0) { theDone = true; } } } else { theNumBullets = -1; } return theNumBullets; } void SimulateWeaponVsLifeform(float inDamage, string& inPrependString, string& inLifeformName, AvHUser3 inLifeform, StringList& outList) { for(int theNumHives = 1; theNumHives <= 3; theNumHives++) //int theNumHives = 1; { for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { float theDamage = inDamage; switch(i) { case 1: theDamage *= (1.0f + (float)BALANCE_FVAR(kWeaponDamageLevelOne)); break; case 2: theDamage *= (1.0f + (float)BALANCE_FVAR(kWeaponDamageLevelTwo)); break; case 3: theDamage *= (1.0f + (float)BALANCE_FVAR(kWeaponDamageLevelThree)); break; } string theResult = string(inPrependString + " L" + MakeStringFromInt(i) + " (" + MakeStringFromFloat(theDamage) + ") vs. " + MakeStringFromInt(theNumHives) + "-hive " + inLifeformName + ": "); theResult += MakeStringFromInt(SimulateDamage(inLifeform, MASK_NONE, theDamage, theNumHives)); theResult += "/" + MakeStringFromInt(SimulateDamage(inLifeform, MASK_UPGRADE_1, theDamage, theNumHives)); theResult += "/" + MakeStringFromInt(SimulateDamage(inLifeform, MASK_UPGRADE_1 | MASK_UPGRADE_10, theDamage, theNumHives)); theResult += "/" + MakeStringFromInt(SimulateDamage(inLifeform, MASK_UPGRADE_1 | MASK_UPGRADE_11, theDamage, theNumHives)); outList.push_back(theResult); } } } void SimulateWeaponVsLifeforms(float inDamage, string& inPrependString, StringList& outList) { SimulateWeaponVsLifeform(inDamage, inPrependString, string("Skulk"), AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER1, outList); SimulateWeaponVsLifeform(inDamage, inPrependString, string("Gorge"), AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER2, outList); SimulateWeaponVsLifeform(inDamage, inPrependString, string("Lerk"), AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER3, outList); SimulateWeaponVsLifeform(inDamage, inPrependString, string("Fade"), AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER4, outList); SimulateWeaponVsLifeform(inDamage, inPrependString, string("Onos"), AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER5, outList); SimulateWeaponVsLifeform(inDamage, inPrependString, string("Marine"), AVH_USER3_MARINE_PLAYER, outList); } void AvHBAComputeAnalysis(StringList& outList) { // Num bile bombs to kill a resource tower int theBileBombDamage = BALANCE_IVAR(kBileBombDamage); int theResourceTowerHealth = BALANCE_IVAR(kResourceTowerHealth); int theNumShots = (int)(ceil((float)theResourceTowerHealth/theBileBombDamage)); outList.push_back("# bile bombs to kill resource tower: " + MakeStringFromInt(theNumShots)); // Bite vs. resource tower int theBiteDamage = BALANCE_IVAR(kBiteDamage); theNumShots = (int)(ceil((float)theResourceTowerHealth/theBiteDamage)); float theTime = theNumShots*BALANCE_FVAR(kBiteROF); outList.push_back("# bites to kill resource tower: " + MakeStringFromInt(theNumShots) + " (time: " + MakeStringFromFloat(theTime) + ")"); // Shotgun vs. hive int theSGDamage = BALANCE_IVAR(kSGDamage); int theNumSGPellets = BALANCE_IVAR(kSGBulletsPerShot); int theHiveHealth = BALANCE_IVAR(kHiveHealth); theNumShots = (int)(ceil((float)theHiveHealth/((float)theSGDamage*theNumSGPellets))); outList.push_back("# shotgun blasts to kill hive: " + MakeStringFromInt(theNumShots)); // Grenades vs. alien resource tower (blast damage) int theGGDamage = 2*BALANCE_IVAR(kGrenadeDamage); int theAlienTowerHealth = BALANCE_IVAR(kAlienResourceTowerHealth); theNumShots = (int)(ceil((float)theAlienTowerHealth/theGGDamage)); outList.push_back("# grenades to kill alien resource tower: " + MakeStringFromInt(theNumShots)); // Machine gun vs. alien res tower int theMGDamage = BALANCE_IVAR(kMGDamage); theNumShots = (int)(ceil((float)theAlienTowerHealth/theMGDamage)); outList.push_back("# mg bullets to kill alien resource tower: " + MakeStringFromInt(theNumShots)); GetSimulatedAnalysisFor(BUILD_HMG, true, outList, "First HMG:"); GetSimulatedAnalysisFor(BUILD_GRENADE_GUN, true, outList, "First GL:"); GetSimulatedAnalysisFor(BUILD_JETPACK, true, outList, "First jetpack:"); GetSimulatedAnalysisFor(BUILD_HEAVY, true, outList, "First heavy armor:"); GetSimulatedAnalysisFor(BUILD_SIEGE, true, outList, "First ASC:"); GetSimulatedAnalysisFor(RESEARCH_MOTIONTRACK, true, outList, "Motion-tracking:"); MessageIDListType theTech; theTech.push_back(BUILD_PHASEGATE); theTech.push_back(BUILD_PHASEGATE); GetSimulatedAnalysisFor(theTech, true, outList, "Two phase gates:"); theTech.clear(); theTech.push_back(RESEARCH_ARMOR_THREE); theTech.push_back(RESEARCH_WEAPONS_THREE); GetSimulatedAnalysisFor(theTech, true, outList, "Level 3 armor + weapons:"); theTech.clear(); for(int i = 0; i < BALANCE_IVAR(kBalanceAverageTeamSize); i++) { theTech.push_back(BUILD_SHOTGUN); } GetSimulatedAnalysisFor(theTech, true, outList, "Full squad of shotguns:"); theTech.clear(); for(i = 0; i < BALANCE_IVAR(kBalanceAverageTeamSize); i++) { theTech.push_back(BUILD_HMG); } GetSimulatedAnalysisFor(theTech, true, outList, "Full squad of HMGs:"); theTech.clear(); //GetSimulatedAnalysisFor(ALIEN_BUILD_HIVE, false, outList, "Second hive:"); //GetSimulatedAnalysisFor(ALIEN_LIFEFORM_FIVE, false, outList, "First Onos:"); // GetHiveAnalysis(outList); // // GetMGSkulkAnalysis(outList); // HMG vs. hive SimulateWeaponVsLifeforms((float)BALANCE_IVAR(kMGDamage), string("mg"), outList); SimulateWeaponVsLifeforms((float)BALANCE_IVAR(kHGDamage), string("pistol"), outList); SimulateWeaponVsLifeforms((float)BALANCE_IVAR(kSGDamage), string("shotty"), outList); SimulateWeaponVsLifeforms((float)BALANCE_IVAR(kHMGDamage), string("hmg"), outList); SimulateWeaponVsLifeforms((float)BALANCE_IVAR(kMineDamage), string("mine"), outList); SimulateWeaponVsLifeforms((float)BALANCE_IVAR(kGrenadeDamage), string("gl"), outList); SimulateWeaponVsLifeforms((float)BALANCE_IVAR(kBiteDamage), string("bite"), outList); // outList.push_back("MG vs. Skulk: 1/2/3/4"); // outList.push_back("MG vs. Skulk (cara 1): 2/3/4/5"); // outList.push_back("MG vs. Skulk (cara 2): 3/4/5/6"); outList.push_back(""); }