//======== (C) Copyright 2002 Charles G. Cleveland All rights reserved. ========= // // The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Charles G. Cleveland. // The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of // Charles G. Cleveland, or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in // the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied. // // Purpose: // // $Workfile: AvHAmbientSound.cpp $ // $Date: 2002/07/10 14:38:50 $ // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // $Log: AvHAmbientSound.cpp,v $ // Revision 1.5 2002/07/10 14:38:50 Flayra // - Fixed bug where sound volume wasn't being set for omnipresent sounds, added document headers // //=============================================================================== #include "mod/AvHAmbientSound.h" #include "cl_dll/hud.h" #include "common/vec_op.h" #include <stdlib.h> #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable: 311) #include <fmoddyn.h> #pragma warning(pop) #include "cl_dll/cl_util.h" AvHAmbientSound::AvHAmbientSound(const string& inRelativeSoundName, int inVolume, int inFadeDistance, bool inLooping, const Vector& inPosition, int inEntIndex, float inTimeElapsed) { this->mInitialized = false; this->mStream = NULL; this->mChannel = 0; this->mVolume = inVolume; this->mLooping = inLooping; this->mFadeDistance = inFadeDistance; VectorCopy(inPosition, this->mPosition); this->mEntityIndex = inEntIndex; this->mTimeElapsed = inTimeElapsed; // Start playing the song string theSoundName = string(getModDirectory()) + "/" + string(inRelativeSoundName); this->mSoundName = theSoundName; } AvHAmbientSound::AvHAmbientSound(const AvHAmbientSound& inSource) { // Don't re-init, just copy values this->mInitialized = inSource.mInitialized; this->mStream = inSource.mStream; this->mChannel = inSource.mChannel; this->mVolume = inSource.mVolume; this->mLooping = inSource.mLooping; this->mSoundName = inSource.mSoundName; this->mFadeDistance = inSource.mFadeDistance; VectorCopy(inSource.mPosition, this->mPosition); this->mEntityIndex = inSource.mEntityIndex; } void AvHAmbientSound::ClearData() { if(this->mInitialized) { gHUD.ClearStream(this->mStream); } } int AvHAmbientSound::GetEntityIndex() const { return this->mEntityIndex; } void AvHAmbientSound::SetPosition(const Vector& inPosition) { VectorCopy(inPosition, this->mPosition); } void AvHAmbientSound::StartPlayingIfNot() { if(!this->mInitialized) { int theBytesInSong; this->mInitialized = gHUD.PlaySong(this->mSoundName, this->mVolume, this->mLooping, this->mStream, this->mChannel, theBytesInSong, this->mTimeElapsed); } } void AvHAmbientSound::UpdateVolume(const Vector& inListenerPosition) { if(this->mInitialized) { Vector theDistanceVector = inListenerPosition - this->mPosition; float theDistance = sqrt(theDistanceVector[0]*theDistanceVector[0] + theDistanceVector[1]*theDistanceVector[1] + theDistanceVector[2]*theDistanceVector[2]); //FSOUND_SetPan(this->mChannel, FSOUND_STEREOPAN); int theVolume = this->mVolume; if(this->mFadeDistance > 0) { theVolume = this->mVolume - this->mVolume*(theDistance/(float)this->mFadeDistance); } theVolume = min(max(0, theVolume), 255); FMOD_INSTANCE* theFMOD = gHUD.GetFMOD(); if (theFMOD) { theFMOD->FSOUND_SetVolume(this->mChannel, theVolume); } } }