<TITLE>Natural Selection Manual</TITLE>
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          <td valign="top" background="images/design/red/surround_title_s.gif"><span class="sectiontext"><font color="#FF6600"><a href="alien.html" class="sectionlink">Kharaa 
            Data</a> :: <a href="alien_species.html" class="sectionlink">Species</a> 
            :: <a href="alien_fade.html" class="sectionlink">Fade</a>: Observation</font></span></td>
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                              <p><b>Summary</b>: These are the shock troops of 
                                the Kharaa: versatile, tough, and highly specialized 
                                to combat. Disturbingly humanoid, Fades mix excellent 
                                ranged attacks with powerful melee damage &#150; 
                                which when combined with the seemingly supernatural 
                                <a href="alien_fade_hive.html">blink</a> ability, 
                                make them powerful all-around brutes, whose cunning 
                                cannot be underestimated.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[<a href="alien_fade_name.html">Name</a>]</p>
                        <img src="images/titles/alien_observation.gif" width="628" height="25" hspace="25"> 
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                              <p class="sectiontext"><a href="alien_skulk.html"><img src="images/tech_10/alien_back.gif" width="15" height="15" border="0"></a> 
                                <a href="alien_fade.html">Fade</a></p>
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                                    <p><i>&quot;If you want to know what it's 
                                      like inside a bilebomb, here it is: the 
                                      thump of its decompression feels like a 
                                      kick to your guts, right to your bones and 
                                      innards, and the clumps of stuff that settle 
                                      over you just look evil, like they were 
                                      made to kill you &#133; which is pretty 
                                      much true. Other details would include the 
                                      warning whine of my heavy armor's gauge 
                                      as it dived from two hundred towards one, 
                                      and the leg of the forward turret crumpling 
                                      so it toppled onto its side, still twitching 
                                      as it pathetically tried to acquire a target. 
                                      The other turret whined uselessly on its 
                                      perch behind me, atop the turret factory.<br>
                                      I got my feet under me and stood up, pointing 
                                      my shotgun at the top of the ladder, inching 
                                      forward for a shot down into the vault. 
                                      The theory was that anything that wanted 
                                      me was going to have to get past the turrets 
                                      and come up the ladder, where my shotgun 
                                      would either end it fast, or knock them 
                                      back down. No one seemed to plan on the 
                                      Kharaa getting three hives up, and a brute 
                                      of a Fade deciding to lob its little death 
                                      cocktails up at me. The vault had only one 
                                      entrance, making it a good place to defend, 
                                      but a bad place to be trapped. My perch 
                                      was on a shelf along the back of the room 
                                      that had had some furniture and a couple 
                                      of terminals. We cleared them away and set 
                                      up a small base.<br>
                                      The Mercantile League took its valuables 
                                      seriously. The vault was filled with smooth 
                                      self-pressurized containers, each a safe 
                                      in its own right. The gridlock had scrambled 
                                      a few, popping them open, but most were 
                                      intact, looking like oversized coffins against 
                                      the cream-colored floor below. There was 
                                      no sign of the Fade. Then a whisper of light 
                                      and movement behind me, and the Fade was 
                                      right there. Even in my heavy armor it towered 
                                      over me. It slashed with one arm &#150; 
                                      a clang, and the last turret's feet tore 
                                      free. The second blade followed a split 
                                      second later, ripping it down and smashing 
                                      it into the wall. <br>
                                      I hit it from ten feet away with my shotgun 
                                      &#150; I know I hurt it, bits of its wiry 
                                      skin blew back away from it like dust. It 
                                      whipped around to face me and the organic 
                                      gun on its right shoulder unpuckered its 
                                      lips. I jumped. I could hear acid rockets 
                                      firing overhead. My armor took more damage 
                                      from the twenty foot drop, but I figured 
                                      it was the better alternative. I stayed 
                                      crouched, pointing my shotgun at the top 
                                      of the ladder.<br>
                                      I heard the base being destroyed. The dish 
                                      from our observatory rolled off the edge 
                                      and cracked on the ground like a dinner 
                                      plate, not ten feet from me. So much for 
                                      our second base. I got the hell out of there 
                                      while I could.&quot;</i></p>
                            <td><img src="images/images/fade.gif" width="200" height="200"></td>
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