//======== (C) Copyright 2002 Charles G. Cleveland All rights reserved. ========= // // The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Charles G. Cleveland. // The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of // Charles G. Cleveland, or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in // the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied. // // Purpose: // // $Workfile: Checksum.cpp $ // $Date: 2002/05/23 04:03:11 $ // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // $Log: Checksum.cpp,v $ // Revision 1.1 2002/05/23 04:03:11 Flayra // - Post-crash checkin. Restored @Backup from around 4/16. Contains changes for last four weeks of development. // //=============================================================================== #include "util/Checksum.h" #include "util/STLUtil.h" const string kFormattedStringDelimiter = " -> "; const string kFormattedStringEOL = "\n"; ChecksumEntry::ChecksumEntry(void) { this->mChecksum = 0; } uint32 ChecksumEntry::GetChecksum() const { return this->mChecksum; } const string& ChecksumEntry::GetDescription() const { return this->mChecksumDescription; } string ChecksumEntry::GetFormattedString() const { string theFormattedString = this->mChecksumDescription; theFormattedString += kFormattedStringDelimiter; theFormattedString += MakeStringFromInt(this->mChecksum); theFormattedString += kFormattedStringEOL; return theFormattedString; } void ChecksumEntry::SetChecksum(uint32 inChecksum) { this->mChecksum = inChecksum; } void ChecksumEntry::SetDescription(const string& inDescription) { this->mChecksumDescription = inDescription; } bool ChecksumEntry::SetFromFormattedString(const string& inFormattedString) { bool theSuccess = false; size_t theEOL = inFormattedString.find(kFormattedStringEOL); if(theEOL != std::string::npos) { string theNonDelimitedString = inFormattedString.substr(0, theEOL); // Parse out delimiter size_t theSplit = theNonDelimitedString.find(kFormattedStringDelimiter); if(theSplit != std::string::npos) { // Everything before it is description string theDescription = theNonDelimitedString.substr(0, theSplit-1); // Everything after is checksum string theChecksumString = theNonDelimitedString.substr(theSplit + kFormattedStringDelimiter.size()); this->mChecksumDescription = theDescription; this->mChecksum = MakeIntFromString(theChecksumString); theSuccess = true; } } return theSuccess; } bool ChecksumEntry::Compare(const ChecksumEntry& inChecksumEntry, string& theErrorString) const { bool theReturnCode = false; if(inChecksumEntry.mChecksumDescription != this->mChecksumDescription) { sprintf(theErrorString, "ChecksumEntry::Compare failed, the tags don't match: %s != %s\n", inChecksumEntry.mChecksumDescription.c_str(), this->mChecksumDescription.c_str()); } else if(inChecksumEntry.mChecksum != this->mChecksum) { sprintf(theErrorString, "ChecksumEntry::Compare failed, checksums don't match: %u != %u (%s)\n", inChecksumEntry.mChecksum, this->mChecksum, inChecksumEntry.mChecksumDescription.c_str()); } else { theReturnCode = true; } return theReturnCode; } Checksum::Checksum(bool inVerboseMode) { this->mIsVerboseMode = inVerboseMode; } void Checksum::AddChecksum(const string& inInfoString, uint32 inChecksum) { ChecksumEntry theChecksumEntry; // Add a new tagged checksum or just add the new checksum number to our total depending on verbose mode if(this->mIsVerboseMode) { // Initialize new checksum entry theChecksumEntry.SetDescription(inInfoString); theChecksumEntry.SetChecksum(inChecksum); // Add our new entry this->mChecksumList.push_back(theChecksumEntry); } else { this->AddChecksum(inChecksum); } } void Checksum::AddFloatChecksum(const string& inInfoString, float inChecksum) { // Convert float to uint32 uint32 theUint32Checksum = (uint32)(inChecksum*1000.0f); this->AddChecksum(inInfoString, theUint32Checksum); } void Checksum::AddChecksum(uint32 inChecksum) { ChecksumList::iterator theIterator; ChecksumEntry theNewEntry; // Make sure there is at least one checksum already, add one otherwise if(this->mChecksumList.size() == 0) { // Add new checksum with no description this->mChecksumList.push_back(theNewEntry); } // Get iterator to last checksum theIterator = this->mChecksumList.end() - 1; // Add inChecksum to the existing value theIterator->SetChecksum(theIterator->GetChecksum() + inChecksum); } bool Checksum::Compare(const Checksum& inChecksum, StringList& outErrors) const { ChecksumList::const_iterator theIncomingIter = inChecksum.mChecksumList.begin(); ChecksumList::const_iterator theSourceIter = this->mChecksumList.begin(); string theErrorString; int32 theChecksumCount = 0; bool theReturnCode = true; // Only try compare if both checksums are in the same mode if(this->GetIsVerboseMode() == inChecksum.GetIsVerboseMode()) { if(this->mChecksumList.size() == inChecksum.mChecksumList.size()) { for( ; theSourceIter != this->mChecksumList.end(); theSourceIter++, theIncomingIter++) { if(!(theSourceIter->Compare(*theIncomingIter, theErrorString))) { outErrors.push_back(theErrorString); theReturnCode = false; } theChecksumCount++; } } else { sprintf(theErrorString, "Checksum::Compare(): Checksum sizes don't match. Source size is %d and other size is %d.\n", this->mChecksumList.size(), inChecksum.mChecksumList.size()); outErrors.push_back(theErrorString); theReturnCode = false; } } else { sprintf(theErrorString, "Checksum::Compare(): One checksum is in verbose mode, the other isn't.\n"); outErrors.push_back(theErrorString); theReturnCode = false; } return theReturnCode; } bool Checksum::GetIsVerboseMode(void) const { return this->mIsVerboseMode; } uint32 Checksum::GetTotalChecksum(void) const { ChecksumList::const_iterator theSourceIter = this->mChecksumList.begin(); uint32 theTotalChecksum = 0; for( ; theSourceIter != this->mChecksumList.end(); theSourceIter++) { theTotalChecksum += theSourceIter->mChecksum; } return theTotalChecksum; } void Checksum::PrintReport(void) const { // ChecksumList::const_iterator theSourceIter = this->mChecksumList.begin(); // // ::ESReport("Checksum::PrintReport(): begin.\n"); // for( ; theSourceIter != this->mChecksumList.end(); theSourceIter++) // { // ::ESReport(" %s, %u\r\n", (const char*)(theSourceIter->mChecksumDescription), theSourceIter->mChecksum); // } // ::ESReport("Checksum::PrintReport(): complete.\n"); } bool Checksum::ReadFromFile(const char* inFilename) { bool theSuccess = false; this->mChecksumList.clear(); ifstream theStream(inFilename); if(theStream.is_open()) { string theStartString; theStream >> theStartString; // Read in num checksums int theNumChecksums = 0; theStream >> theNumChecksums; // Read in pairs of checksums for(int i = 0; i < theNumChecksums; i++) { string theFormattedString; theStream >> theFormattedString; ChecksumEntry theNewEntry; theNewEntry.SetFromFormattedString(theFormattedString); this->mChecksumList.push_back(theNewEntry); } string theEndString; theStream >> theEndString; theStream.close(); } return theSuccess; } bool Checksum::SaveToFile(const char* inFilename) const { bool theSuccess = false; // open file for writing ofstream theStream(inFilename); if(theStream.is_open()) { string theStartString("CHECKSUM-REPORT:\r\n"); theStream << theStartString; int theNumChecksums = (int)this->mChecksumList.size(); theStream << theNumChecksums; // dump everything to it for(ChecksumList::const_iterator theIter = this->mChecksumList.begin(); theIter != this->mChecksumList.end(); theIter++) { string theFormattedDescription = theIter->GetFormattedString(); theStream << theFormattedDescription; } string theEndString("END.\r\n"); theStream << theEndString; theStream.close(); theSuccess = true; } // FILE* theFile = fopen(inFilename, "wt"); // if(theFile) // { // string theStartString("Checksum report:\r\n"); // fwrite(theStartString.c_str(), theStartString.length(), 1, theFile); // // // dump everything to it // for(ChecksumList::const_iterator theIter = this->mChecksumList.begin(); theIter != this->mChecksumList.end(); theIter++) // { // const string& theFormattedString = theIter->GetFormattedString(); // fwrite(theFormattedString.c_str(), theFormattedString.length(), 1, theFile); // fwrite("\r\n", 2, 1, theFile); // } // // string theEndString("Checksum report complete.\r\n"); // fwrite(theEndString.c_str(), theEndString.length(), 1, theFile); // // // close it // int theCloseRC = fclose(theFile); // if(theCloseRC == 0) // { // theSuccess = true; // } // } // ChecksumList::const_iterator theSourceIter = this->mChecksumList.begin(); // // ::ESReport("Checksum::PrintReport(): begin.\n"); // for( ; theSourceIter != this->mChecksumList.end(); theSourceIter++) // { // ::ESReport(" %s, %u\r\n", (const char*)(theSourceIter->mChecksumDescription), theSourceIter->mChecksum); // } // ::ESReport("Checksum::PrintReport(): complete.\n"); return theSuccess; }