Kharaa Data :: Species :: Lerk: Inherent Abilities

Summary: Wiry fast and fierce, Lerks excel at attacking from a distance, but also have a vicious bite. They are small and light - making them difficult targets, but less resistant to damage. If Skulks are hit and run artists, then Lerks are guerrilla fighters without peer, using their speed, mobility, and range to harass marine squads with impunity.        [Name]


Zero Hive (inherent) Abilities
Flight, Bite

Flight: Wings have evolved around forty different times on Earth, so it would be surprising if the Kharaa had not evolved them as well. The Lerk can lift and propel itself suddenly and rapidly, but seems to tire quickly so often glides instead, or saves flight for combat situations.

Bite: Where Skulks uses their jaw muscles, the Lerk relies on its powerful neck to thrust its razor teeth into its target. This was probably evolved to consume food in a vulture-like fashion, and to deliver death blows when falling on prey from above. It punctures TSA nano-plate with disturbing ease.