Kharaa Data :: Species :: Fade: Inherent Abilities

Summary: These are the shock troops of the Kharaa: versatile, tough, and highly specialized to combat. Disturbingly humanoid, Fades mix excellent ranged attacks with powerful melee damage – which when combined with the seemingly supernatural blink ability, make them powerful all-around brutes, whose cunning cannot be underestimated.


Zero Hive (inherent) Abilities
Strong, Swipe

Strong: Though not an "ability" like wall crawling or flight, the Fade has more health and armor than any species short of the Onos. Its primary attacks are also more powerful than those of the Lerk, Gorge or Skulk. Heavy weaponry, or heavy backup, are recommended before engaging.

Swipe: a similar evolution to the Skulk's bladed feet, the Fade's arms end in long, deadly sharp blades. TSA scientists speculate that, left to their own devices, Fades might have eventually evolved some sort of opposable thumbs. Instead, the bacterium pushed them to develop these sword-like claws, that their ape-like arms swing in armor and metal shredding arcs.