Frontiersmen Data :: Marine :: Weaponry: HMG

Trip Mine
Jet Pack
Heavy Machine Gun
Heavy Armor
Light Machine Gun
Grenade Launcher
Siege Turret

Desc.: double barrels, double rate of fire with less recoil. Heavy. Loud. Large clip.

Use: The best choice when going toe-to-toe with the larger aliens – and it shreds smaller aliens quite nicely too. It's heavy though, and difficult to move with (marines carrying one move much slower). It also has a complicated reload procedure – the ammo cartridge is too large to be discarded and replaced quickly. Reload strategically.

Data: reminiscent of Eastern European late 21st century designs, this gun is usually just called "Heavy," as in: "He aint heavy, he's my HMG." Also referred to as "pom-poms," after the opposing recoil action of its double barrels. The Heavy was originally designed in TSA labs for field use against heavy armor, or robotic opponents. This is the most powerful one-man weapon fielded by the TSA, and possibly by any existing military. It has proven the only reliable response to larger alien species like the Fade or Onos.

     Heavy (HMG)


