Frontiersmen Data :: Marine :: Weaponry: Heavy Armor

Trip Mine
Jet Pack
Heavy Machine Gun
Heavy Armor
Light Machine Gun
Grenade Launcher
Siege Turret

Desc.: heavy armor absorbs 95% of damage, until it is destroyed.

Use: the trade-off for increased protection is much slower speed. Heavy armor wearers must work strategically with their more vulnerable (and more nimble) squadmates. Heavy armor can be repaired with a welder.

Data: the development of heavy armor has transformed 23rd century warfare, as militaries race to perfect and field test this new technology. A cutting edge, head-to-toe defensive system, this protective shell can absorb tremendous amounts of damage. Beneath the plasticene nano-armor shielding, thousands of independent layers of defensive nanos spread and share kinetic energy, using some of an impact's own force to repair damage. Corrosives don't have much effect either. Combining armor upgrades and heavy armor, a single skilled marine becomes a juggernaut (albeit, a very slow one). Jet packs cannot attach to this bulky, full body armor (and would find its weight difficult to lift if they could).

      Heavy Armor


Armor Points

% Damage absorbed

Heavy Armor (un-upgraded)

