Frontiersmen Data :: Commander: Nano-Gridlock

Summary: The Kharaa's bacterial network attacks the marine nano-network – interfering with command functions.

As you will see in the Bacterium and Bacterial Gridlock sections, the Kharaa have a kind of network of their own – that is constantly struggling with ours on a microscopic level. Though they have no commander or leader, they can clearly receive and send information, coordinate their efforts to respond to threats, and organize assaults.

The nano-battle between the bacterium and our nanotech creates what has been termed "nano-gridlock". It greatly reduces the effectiveness of the commander, in the following ways:

The commander cannot see the Kharaa, or their hives or chambers, unless marines are nearby. Every Frontiersman has a defensive nano-grid, originally used to protect them against enemy biological and nanotech attacks. These screens clear away some of the gridlock from the local command network, allowing commanders to see enemy threats before troops on the ground can. Listen to your commander – it can save your life. See also motion tracking and sensor sweep for other methods of detecting the alien presence.

Build limits
The bacterium interferes with construction, making it difficult to create structures, or drop weapons. Bases provide "clean" zones, and some Frontiersmen towers – like the turret factory for instance, have boosted nano-signatures that resist meddling. Once built, many structures allow other structures and equipment to be created nearby. Ammo and medkits can be dropped anywhere – due to their simple design and some clever TSA hacking.