//======== (C) Copyright 2002 Charles G. Cleveland All rights reserved. ========= // // The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Charles G. Cleveland. // The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of // Charles G. Cleveland, or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in // the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied. // // Purpose: // // $Workfile: AvHScriptClient.cpp $ // $Date: 2002/06/10 20:01:24 $ // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // $Log: AvHScriptClient.cpp,v $ // Revision 1.2 2002/06/10 20:01:24 Flayra // - Updated extern references to drawing code (ugh) // // Revision 1.1 2002/05/23 02:33:20 Flayra // - Post-crash checkin. Restored @Backup from around 4/16. Contains changes for last four weeks of development. // // Revision 1.1 2002/05/14 18:54:48 Charlie //=============================================================================== #include "mod/AvHHud.h" #include "cl_dll/hud.h" #include "cl_dll/cl_util.h" #include "mod/AvHConstants.h" #include "mod/AvHClientVariables.h" #include "mod/AvHSpecials.h" #include "common/cl_entity.h" #include "mod/AvHTitles.h" #include "pm_shared/pm_debug.h" #include "util/MathUtil.h" #include "common/r_efx.h" #include "cl_dll/eventscripts.h" #include "mod/AvHSprites.h" #include "ui/UIUtil.h" #include "types.h" #include <signal.h> #include "common/com_model.h" #include "cl_dll/studio_util.h" #include "cl_dll/r_studioint.h" #include "mod/AvHMiniMap.h" #include "mod/AvHActionButtons.h" #include "util/STLUtil.h" #include "mod/AvHSharedUtil.h" #include "common/event_api.h" #include "mod/AvHScriptManager.h" extern "C" { #include <lua.h> } extern void DrawScaledHUDSprite(int inSpriteHandle, int inMode, int inRowsInSprite = 1, int inX = 0, int inY = 0, int inWidth = ScreenWidth(), int inHeight = ScreenHeight(), int inForceSpriteFrame = -1, float inStartU = 0.0f, float inStartV = 0.0f, float inEndU = 1.0f, float inEndV = 1.0f, float inRotateUVRadians = 0.0f, bool inUVWrapsOverFrames = false); extern vec3_t v_origin; static int errormessage(lua_State* inState) { const char *s = lua_tostring(inState, 1); if (s == NULL) s = "(no message)"; char theErrorMessage[2048]; sprintf(theErrorMessage, "Script error: %s\n", s); // Print the message //gEngfuncs.Con_Printf("%s", theErrorMessage); return 0; } static int print(lua_State* inState) { int n = lua_gettop(inState); int i; string theString; for (i=1; i<=n; i++) { if (i>1) theString = "\t"; if (lua_isstring(inState, i)) theString += string(lua_tostring(inState, i)); else { char theBuffer[512]; sprintf(theBuffer, "%s:%p",lua_typename(inState, lua_type(inState, i)),lua_topointer(inState,i)); theString += string(theBuffer); } } //theString += string("\n"); // TODO: Print message //UTIL_ClientPrintAll(HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, theString.c_str()); gEngfuncs.Con_Printf("%s", theString.c_str()); return 0; } // Runs a client command, returns success static int clientCommand(lua_State* inState) { bool theSuccess = false; int theNumArgs = lua_gettop(inState); if(theNumArgs >= 1) { string theConsoleCommandString = lua_tostring(inState, 1); char theConsoleCommand[1024]; strcpy(theConsoleCommand, theConsoleCommandString.c_str()); ClientCmd(theConsoleCommand); theSuccess = true; } lua_pushnumber(inState, theSuccess); return 1; } // Returns xyz static int getViewOrigin(lua_State* inState) { lua_pushnumber(inState, v_origin.x); lua_pushnumber(inState, v_origin.y); lua_pushnumber(inState, v_origin.z); return 3; } static int getScreenWidth(lua_State* inState) { int theScreenWidth = ScreenWidth(); lua_pushnumber(inState, theScreenWidth); return 1; } static int getScreenHeight(lua_State* inState) { int theScreenHeight = ScreenHeight(); lua_pushnumber(inState, theScreenHeight); return 1; } // string spriteName, int inMode, int x0, int y0, int theWidth, int theHeight, optional frame static int drawScaledHUDSprite(lua_State* inState) { bool theSuccess = false; int theNumArgs = lua_gettop(inState); if(theNumArgs >= 6) { string theSpriteName = lua_tostring(inState, 1); int theRenderMode = lua_tonumber(inState, 2); int theStartX = lua_tonumber(inState, 3); int theStartY = lua_tonumber(inState, 4); int theWidth = lua_tonumber(inState, 5); int theHeight = lua_tonumber(inState, 6); int theFrame = 0; // Read optional frame if(theNumArgs >= 7) { theFrame = lua_tonumber(inState, 7); } int theSpriteHandle = Safe_SPR_Load(theSpriteName.c_str()); if(theSpriteHandle) { DrawScaledHUDSprite(theSpriteHandle, theRenderMode, 1, theStartX, theStartY, theWidth, theHeight, theFrame); theSuccess = true; } } lua_pushnumber(inState, theSuccess); return 1; } // Returns success if a valid mode is passed in static int triRenderMode(lua_State* inState) { bool theSuccess = false; int theNumArgs = lua_gettop(inState); if(theNumArgs >= 1) { int theRenderMode = lua_tonumber(inState, 1); if((theRenderMode >= kRenderNormal) && (theRenderMode <= kRenderTransAdd)) { gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->RenderMode(theRenderMode); theSuccess = true; } } lua_pushnumber(inState, theSuccess); return 1; } // Pass in primitive code, returns success static int triBegin(lua_State* inState) { bool theSuccess = false; int theNumArgs = lua_gettop(inState); if(theNumArgs >= 1) { int thePrimitiveCode = lua_tonumber(inState, 1); if((thePrimitiveCode >= TRI_TRIANGLES) && (thePrimitiveCode <= TRI_QUAD_STRIP)) { gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Begin(thePrimitiveCode); theSuccess = true; } } lua_pushnumber(inState, theSuccess); return 1; } // Takes and returns nothing static int triEnd(lua_State* inState) { gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->End(); return 0; } // Takes four floats (rgba), returns success static int triColor4f(lua_State* inState) { bool theSuccess = false; int theNumArgs = lua_gettop(inState); if(theNumArgs >= 4) { float theR = lua_tonumber(inState, 1); float theG = lua_tonumber(inState, 2); float theB = lua_tonumber(inState, 3); float theA = lua_tonumber(inState, 4); gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Color4f(theR, theG, theB, theA); theSuccess = true; } lua_pushnumber(inState, theSuccess); return 1; } // Takes four ints (rgba), returns success static int triColor4ub(lua_State* inState) { bool theSuccess = false; int theNumArgs = lua_gettop(inState); if(theNumArgs >= 4) { int theR = lua_tonumber(inState, 1); int theG = lua_tonumber(inState, 2); int theB = lua_tonumber(inState, 3); int theA = lua_tonumber(inState, 4); gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Color4ub(theR, theG, theB, theA); theSuccess = true; } lua_pushnumber(inState, theSuccess); return 1; } // Takes two floats (0 to 1), returns success static int triTexCoord2f(lua_State* inState) { bool theSuccess = false; int theNumArgs = lua_gettop(inState); if(theNumArgs >= 2) { float theU = lua_tonumber(inState, 1); float theV = lua_tonumber(inState, 2); gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->TexCoord2f(theU, theV); theSuccess = true; } lua_pushnumber(inState, theSuccess); return 1; } // Takes three floats, returns success static int triVertex3f(lua_State* inState) { bool theSuccess = false; int theNumArgs = lua_gettop(inState); if(theNumArgs >= 3) { float theX = lua_tonumber(inState, 1); float theY = lua_tonumber(inState, 2); float theZ = lua_tonumber(inState, 3); gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Vertex3f(theX, theY, theZ); theSuccess = true; } lua_pushnumber(inState, theSuccess); return 1; } // Takes float (0-1), returns success static int triBrightness(lua_State* inState) { bool theSuccess = false; int theNumArgs = lua_gettop(inState); if(theNumArgs >= 1) { float theBrightness = lua_tonumber(inState, 1); gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Brightness(theBrightness); theSuccess = true; } lua_pushnumber(inState, theSuccess); return 1; } // Takes cullstyle int (0 or 1), returns success static int triCullFace(lua_State* inState) { bool theSuccess = false; int theNumArgs = lua_gettop(inState); if(theNumArgs >= 1) { int theCullStyleInt = lua_tonumber(inState, 1); TRICULLSTYLE theCullStyle = TRICULLSTYLE(theCullStyleInt); if((theCullStyle == TRI_FRONT) || (theCullStyle == TRI_NONE)) { gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->CullFace(theCullStyle); theSuccess = true; } } lua_pushnumber(inState, theSuccess); return 1; } // Takes texture name, and optional frame, sets the current texture. Returns true or false. static int triSpriteTexture(lua_State* inState) { bool theSuccess = false; int theNumArgs = lua_gettop(inState); if(theNumArgs >= 1) { string theSpriteName = lua_tostring(inState, 1); int theSpriteHandle = Safe_SPR_Load(theSpriteName.c_str()); if(theSpriteHandle) { int theSpriteFrame = 0; if(theNumArgs >= 2) { theSpriteFrame = lua_tonumber(inState, 2); } if(gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->SpriteTexture((struct model_s *)gEngfuncs.GetSpritePointer(theSpriteHandle), theSpriteFrame)) { theSuccess = true; } } } lua_pushnumber(inState, theSuccess); return 1; } // Takes xyz, returns success, xy static int triWorldToScreen(lua_State* inState) { bool theSuccess = false; float theScreenPos[3]; memset(theScreenPos, 0, sizeof(float)*3); int theNumArgs = lua_gettop(inState); if(theNumArgs >= 3) { float theWorldPos[3]; theWorldPos[0] = lua_tonumber(inState, 1); theWorldPos[1] = lua_tonumber(inState, 2); theWorldPos[2] = lua_tonumber(inState, 3); gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->WorldToScreen(theWorldPos, theScreenPos); theSuccess = true; } lua_pushnumber(inState, theSuccess); lua_pushnumber(inState, theScreenPos[0]); lua_pushnumber(inState, theScreenPos[1]); return 3; } // 3 floats for fog color, float fogStart, float fogEnd, int 0/1 for fog on or off. Returns true if correct parameters were passed in static int triFog(lua_State* inState) { bool theSuccess = false; int theNumArgs = lua_gettop(inState); if(theNumArgs >= 6) { float theFogColor[3]; theFogColor[0] = lua_tonumber(inState, 1); theFogColor[1] = lua_tonumber(inState, 2); theFogColor[2] = lua_tonumber(inState, 3); float theFogStart = lua_tonumber(inState, 4); float theFogEnd = lua_tonumber(inState, 5); int theFogOn = lua_tonumber(inState, 6); gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Fog(theFogColor, theFogStart, theFogEnd, theFogOn); theSuccess = true; } lua_pushnumber(inState, theSuccess); return 1; } void AvHScriptInstance::InitClient() { //lua_register(this->mState, LUA_ERRORMESSAGE, errormessage); lua_register(this->mState, "print", print); lua_register(this->mState, "clientCommand", clientCommand); lua_register(this->mState, "getViewOrigin", getViewOrigin); // Drawing utility functions lua_register(this->mState, "getScreenWidth", getScreenWidth); lua_register(this->mState, "getScreenHeight", getScreenHeight); lua_register(this->mState, "drawScaledHUDSprite", drawScaledHUDSprite); // Tri API hooks lua_register(this->mState, "triRenderMode", triRenderMode); lua_register(this->mState, "triBegin", triBegin); lua_register(this->mState, "triEnd", triEnd); lua_register(this->mState, "triColor4f", triColor4f); lua_register(this->mState, "triColor4ub", triColor4ub); lua_register(this->mState, "triTexCoord2f", triTexCoord2f); lua_register(this->mState, "triVertex3f", triVertex3f); lua_register(this->mState, "triBrightness", triBrightness); lua_register(this->mState, "triCullFace", triCullFace); lua_register(this->mState, "triSpriteTexture", triSpriteTexture); lua_register(this->mState, "triWorldToScreen", triWorldToScreen); lua_register(this->mState, "triFog", triFog); // Input hooks //lua_register(this->mState, "drawScaledHUDSprite", drawScaledHUDSpriteUV); //lua_register(this->mState, "drawScaledTiledHUDSprite", drawScaledTiledHUDSprite); }