//======== (C) Copyright 2002 Charles G. Cleveland All rights reserved. =========
// The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Charles G. Cleveland.
// The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of
// Charles G. Cleveland, or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in
// the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied.
// Purpose: 
// $Workfile: UIPieMenu.cpp $
// $Date: 2002/08/16 02:29:20 $
// $Log: UIPieMenu.cpp,v $
// Revision 1.9  2002/08/16 02:29:20  Flayra
// - Added document headers
// - Started to add support for pie nodes with both images and text
#include "ui/UIPieMenu.h"
#include "ui/UIUtil.h"
#include "ui/UITags.h"
#include "ui/PieMenu.h"

const string kPieMenuNodeXDistance("nodexspacing");
const string kPieMenuNodeYDistance("nodeyspacing");
const string kNodeTarga("nodeimage");
const string kPieMenuNodePrefix("node");
const string kPieMenuDefaultImage("defaultimage");

    this->mType = "PieMenu";

// Destructor automatically removes component from the engine

void UIPieMenu::AllocateComponent(const TRDescription& inDesc)
    float theXPos, theYPos;
    int theWidth, theHeight;
    string theImageName("default");

    UIGetPosition(inDesc, theXPos, theYPos, theWidth, theHeight);

	string theRootName;
	inDesc.GetTagValue(UIRootName, theRootName);

    this->mPieMenu = new PieMenu(theRootName, theXPos*ScreenWidth(), theYPos*ScreenHeight(), theWidth*ScreenWidth(), theHeight*ScreenHeight());

vgui::Panel* UIPieMenu::GetComponentPointer(void)
    return this->mPieMenu;

const string& UIPieMenu::GetType(void) const
    return this->mType;

// Not virtual, this is meant to act only on the class specified.  Operate on panel because that is
// the lowest level of hierarchy (not that we're going to do anything with it anyways)
bool UIPieMenu::SetClassProperties(const TRDescription& inDesc, Panel* inComponent, CSchemeManager* inSchemeManager)
    bool theSuccess;
    // Let parent classes go first
    theSuccess = UIPanel::SetClassProperties(inDesc, inComponent, inSchemeManager);
        // Dynamic_cast inComponent to an PieMenu (will always succeed)
        PieMenu* thePieMenu = (PieMenu*)inComponent;
        // Read font if specified
        std::string theSchemeName;
        if(inDesc.GetTagValue(UITagScheme, theSchemeName))
                const char* theSchemeCString = theSchemeName.c_str();
                SchemeHandle_t theSchemeHandle = inSchemeManager->getSchemeHandle(theSchemeCString);
                Font* theFont = inSchemeManager->getFont(theSchemeHandle);
		// Set colors of root node to that of the pie menu
		Color theColor;
        // Read node distances
        float theNodeXDistance = 0.0f;
        inDesc.GetTagValue(kPieMenuNodeXDistance, theNodeXDistance);
        float theNodeYDistance = 0.0f;
        inDesc.GetTagValue(kPieMenuNodeYDistance, theNodeYDistance);
        thePieMenu->SetNodeDistance(theNodeXDistance, theNodeYDistance);

		// Set pop-up menu default image
		string theDefaultImage;
		if(inDesc.GetTagValue(kPieMenuDefaultImage, theDefaultImage))
        // Read specified image to use
        //string theNodeTargaName;
        //if(inDesc.GetTagValue(kNodeTarga, theNodeTargaName))
        //    thePieMenu->SetNodeTargaName(theNodeTargaName);
        // Now read in the nodes until there are no more.  Assumes first node is root.
		thePieMenu->GetRootNode()->SetSizeKeepCenter(theNodeXDistance*ScreenWidth(), theNodeYDistance*ScreenHeight());
        StringVector theNodeList;
        inDesc.GetTagStringList(kPieMenuNodePrefix, theNodeList);
        for(StringVector::iterator theIter = theNodeList.begin(); theIter != theNodeList.end(); theIter++)

		// Set the connector, if any
		string theConnectorName;
		if(inDesc.GetTagValue(UIConnectorName, theConnectorName))
			if(theConnectorName != "")

		// Now have the piemenu recompute visible size for all nodes

//        for(int i = 0; ; i++)
//        {
//            char theNum[4];
//            sprintf(theNum, "%d", i);
//            string theNodeName(kPieMenuNodePrefix + string(theNum));
//            string theNodeString;
//            if(inDesc.GetTagValue(theNodeName, theNodeString))
//            {
//                thePieMenu->AddNode(theNodeString);
//            }
//            else
//            {
//                break;
//            }
//        }

        // Tell it we're done
        // Make sure to propagate new position to all children.  Children may have been added
        // after the position was set so just make sure to re-set the position before we leave now
        // that all children have been added.

    return theSuccess;

void UIPieMenu::Update(float theCurrentTime)