TITLE           : Daimos
LEVEL FILENAME  : co_daimos.bsp
AUTHOR          : Oliver "Hypergrip" Richter
DATE            : 22.02.2005
CONTACT EMAIL   : hypergrip@gmx.de
HOMEPAGE URL    : www.hypergrip.de
REQUIRED FILES  : /maps/co_daimos.bsp
		  /maps/co_daimos.txt (The thing you're reading now)

		  Textures were compiled into the map, so you do not 
		  need any .WAD files besides those that come with NS

BACKSTORY       : Daimos is an abandoned outpost that has been bought
		  by the TSA and slightly modified for use as
		  training ground.
		  Small groups of Marines are phased in and fight
		  Aliens (only god and myself know, where the TSA
		  gets the Aliens for this training) in a life-like 
		  The average rate of survivors is at 26,53%.
EDITOR(S) USED  : Mjoellnir

COMPILER(S) USED: ZHLT (XP-Cageys build p15)


COMPILE TIME    : too long... need better hardware
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Missy for providing this nice vocal.
		  Thanks to PS_Mouse for creating the infested versions
		  of some textures for me.
		  The creator of v_wad and the environment map
		  daimos uses.
		  Greetings go out to Xeno Kamikaze Corps (www.x-k-c.de)
		  and Vis Maior (Stonehenge / Albion) as well as


== co_daimos (NS 3.0 final)

o Recreated the whole damn thing from scratch


Q: What does "Daimos" mean?
A: Daimos is a character from the greek mythology. Son of Ares, the god of war, and brother to Phobos (phobos = "fear"). the meaning of Daimos is "panic". 

Q: What is the optimal player count for co_daimos?
A: The map has been scaled down a bit because it was oversized, anyway I recommend at least 4vs4.

Q: Are there any secrets or eastereggs in co_daimos?
A: There was a secret room on the "old" Daimos, that has not made it's way into the new version. But maybe there is something new somewhere... 

Q: How long do you work on this map?
A: I don't count hours.. but it's been quite a lot.

Q: Hyper, you suck!
A: That is not a question.