Frontiersmen Data :: Marine :: Weaponry: Siege Turrets

Trip Mine
Jet Pack
Heavy Machine Gun
Heavy Armor
Light Machine Gun
Grenade Launcher
Siege Turret

Desc.: heavy artillery, that ignores walls and barriers, doing massive damage to any alien growth (hives or chambers) in range. Does splash damage to any alien or chamber next to the blast.

Use: most commonly used to destroy hives from a safe location. Once it starts firing, be prepared for an extreme alien response.

Data: developed for use against enemy defensive emplacements, and made to operate independent from a nano-network or even human control, one siege turret can completely halt alien development (if placed strategically, and defended). Siege turrets generate their own gravitational field effect, which can register all objects with more than a few pounds of mass within its radius. The shape-signatures of the objects are matched against its database, and any hostile patterns are eliminated. Alien structures have been successfully added to this database. The turret manipulates its gravitational field to induce a catastrophic effect – much like a sonic boom – that ignores intervening barriers and walls. The splash damage from this effect makes the siege especially effective against clusters of alien chambers. Since aliens themselves don't hold the same shape very long (i.e. they tend to move … a lot) they, and other mobile targets, don't register. But if an alien is standing next to a chamber or hive when a siege turret starts its bombardment, the incidental damage alone is often enough to kill them.

      Siege Turret


700, 350 incidental damage.



Rate of Fire

once every 5 seconds

Armor Pts.



special attack (see description)