Frontiersmen Data :: Marine :: Weaponry: Trip Mine

Trip Mine
Jet Pack
Heavy Machine Gun
Heavy Armor
Light Machine Gun
Grenade Launcher
Siege Turret

Desc.: multi-purpose mines, can be placed on vertical surfaces (laser-tripped) or on the ground (contact-tripped)

Use: defensive and rear-guard uses, plus booby-traps in high-use areas. Effective mine placement can seal off a corridor against all but the strongest Kharaa. Smaller aliens have a way of slipping past these, squeezing along the ceiling or walls – so place them strategically. Explosions can injure marines, so standing next to an alien who trips a mine is dangerous.

Data: usually just called "trips", mines are used to supplement defenses, or deter alien prowlers. If placed on a vertical surface, the mine attaches with its magnetic gripping legs, and shoots a laser beam directly from its center. When this laser is tripped, the mine explodes. Aliens seem to quickly learn the purpose of these lasers, and will attempt to avoid them. More stealthy, but less of a deterrent, trips can also be placed on the ground, where they will affix and arm themselves. This landmine variant will beep when touched by a friendly marine. An improperly placed mine (only half gripping a surface, no room for laser to deploy, etc.) may explode moments after release, injuring nearby marines. A mine tripped by a hostile can also injure nearby marines with its blast.

      Trip Mines


100 at epicenter, reduces outwards


dropped in packs of 5


also damages friendlies