map: ns_mineshaft Author: Ekaj Contact: PM me on the forums Thanks to, in no particular order... Flayra SquealLikeAPig FilthyPanda (he made the custom rock textures) Ken20Banks Yamazaki Mazy Chalupamonk Monsieur Evil Grendel DOOManiac Tommyd KungFuSquirrel Relic25 Merkaba Coil SpaceApe Ferret Professional Victim Badmofo Fam Nemisis Zero Plaguebearer Silver Fox BoZmAn20 Comprox Blueman Manah Khaim Internecine BitchSLAP Cyanide Storm Greedo Who? Me? Ion Storm (Deus Ex=best game ever) Valve Software Craig Mullins (a very good artist, Feng Zhu (more great art, The NS play testers/vets and dev team members -chart: Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness ------------ --------------- --------------- -------- models 163/400 10432/25600 (40.8%) planes 30394/32767 607880/655340 (92.8%) vertexes 23512/65535 282144/786420 (35.9%) nodes 11285/32767 270840/786408 (34.4%) texinfos 11698/32767 467920/1310680 (35.7%) faces 17615/65535 352300/1310700 (26.9%) clipnodes 31921/32767 255368/262136 (97.4%) leaves 5939/8192 166292/229376 (72.5%) marksurfaces 23212/65535 46424/131070 (35.4%) surfedges 79207/512000 316828/2048000 (15.5%) edges 41687/256000 166748/1024000 (16.3%) texdata [variable] 1468396/4194304 (35.0%) lightdata [variable] 1659465/4194304 (39.6%) visdata [variable] 187400/2097152 ( 8.9%) entdata [variable] 28442/524288 ( 5.4%) 52 textures referenced === Total BSP file data space used: 6286879 bytes === Map Information: Solids: 5031 Faces: 30828 PointEntities: 115 SolidEntities: 162 Unique Textures: 52 .rmf size: 12,469 kb Textures: === Texture usage is at 1.40 mb (of 4.00 mb MAX) === Compile times and command lines: CSG: -chart -hullfile C:\games\hl\ns\nshulls.txt === 123.64 seconds elapsed [2m 3s] === BSP: === 93.48 seconds elapsed [1m 33s] === VIS: -full === 746.98 seconds elapsed [12m 26s] === RAD: -chart -bounce 1 -extra -gamma 0.9 -smooth 80 -sparse === 3431.46 seconds elapsed [57m 11s] === My computer is a P4 2.4 with a 512 stick of DDR RAM.