o Toned down the sound from walljumps a bit

o Ensured that a skulk looking at a wall will never initiate a walljump

git-svn-id: https://unknownworlds.svn.cloudforge.com/ns1@301 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1
This commit is contained in:
tankefugl 2005-07-26 00:51:43 +00:00
parent 6d9fb9e233
commit e620cd1c32
1 changed files with 12 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -1468,7 +1468,6 @@ void NS_UpdateWallsticking()
wallsticking |= NS_CheckOffsetFromOrigin(theMaxPoint[0], theMaxPoint[1], theMaxPoint[2], theSurfaceNormal);
if (wallsticking)
// tankefugl: 0000972
@ -2918,7 +2917,7 @@ int PM_FlyMove (void)
for ( i = 0; i < numplanes; i++ )
if ( planes[i][2] > 0.7 )
if ( planes[i][2] > 0.0 )
{// floor or slope
PM_ClipVelocity( original_velocity, planes[i], new_velocity, 1 );
VectorCopy( new_velocity, original_velocity );
@ -5220,16 +5219,20 @@ void PM_Jump (void)
VectorScale(theDirectionVec, pmove->maxspeed + 50, pmove->velocity);
pmove->velocity[2] += 100;
vec3_t novar;
if (!NS_CheckOffsetFromOrigin(theDirectionVec[0] * 5, theDirectionVec[1] * 5, theDirectionVec[2] * 5, novar))
VectorScale(theDirectionVec, pmove->maxspeed + 50, pmove->velocity);
pmove->velocity[2] += 100;
//vec3_t theJumpVect;
//VectorScale(gSurfaceNormal, 50, theJumpVect);
//VectorAdd(theJumpVect, pmove->velocity, pmove->velocity);
//vec3_t theJumpVect;
//VectorScale(gSurfaceNormal, 50, theJumpVect);
//VectorAdd(theJumpVect, pmove->velocity, pmove->velocity);
PM_PlayStepSound( PM_MapTextureTypeStepType( pmove->chtexturetype ), 1.0 );
PM_PlayStepSound( PM_MapTextureTypeStepType( pmove->chtexturetype ), 0.4 );
pmove->waterjumptime = 100;
pmove->waterjumptime = 100;
// :tankefugl