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synced 2025-03-03 15:41:05 +00:00
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NS v1.1
O The resource model and balance has been fundamentally reworked to promote scouting, distinct tech levels, counters and generally more interaction with the enemy
O Big server performance optimizations. CPU usage is around 50% less for both win32 and linux.
O Added HLTV support and overviews for all maps.
O Added first-person spectating, including health, armor, deploy/fire/reload animations, hive sight, current orders, alerts, etc.
O Added new skulk rotation system, so wall-running skulks orient properly on sloped floors, walls and ceilings
O Updated existing maps for performance and balance and added four new maps: ns_fenris, ns_lost, ns_mineshaft and ns_origin
O New context-sensitive popup-menu cursors
O New weapon crosshairs
O Added building notifications so players can see what their gorges and commander are building, and where. This can be disabled in the options.
O Added Constellation authentication system
O Added heavy armor footsteps, new weapon sounds, new phase sounds
O Added new graphic effects for when alien structures are killed and when sentries fire
O Added team handicapping, so either team can slow their general resource intake.
O Removed alien "frags" in scoreboard (they show up for both teams in tournament mode)
O Preserved classes in ready room, so you can fly, wall-crawl or jetpack if you ended the game as such
O Much improved demo record/playback
O Addressed problem where more gorges means slower growth (non-intuitive): More gorges should increase alien growth speed (increases value of scouting and probing heavily, means less waiting and problems for newbie aliens, gives more interesting configurations and builds for aliens)
O Removed the 33/66/100 limit for each alien.
O Every alien starts with 25 resources.
O All aliens always split resources evenly. Gorges no longer get more resources then other alien lifeforms.
O Gorges can "suck" resources from unbuilt resource nozzles. Point at the nozzle and hold your "use" to slowly draw resources.
O Alien upgrade adjustments to make non-defense viable in early game
O Changed behavior of "Scent of Fear". Any enemy players within range of a player show up on hive sight (as if they were parasited). Each level increases range.
O Replaced "Enhanced Sight" with "Pheromones". This upgrade leaves a pheromone trail behind all enemies in range, which is visible for 10 seconds. Each level increases range.
O All alien structures now slowly regenerate so def chambers aren't used everywhere
O Silence upgrade quiets attacking and drop-to-ground sounds. So you can be totally quiet while attacking now, but your damage feedback sounds will still be played (necessary to avoid commander/marine confusion).
O Carapace now slows down players slightly with each level.
O Movement chambers now give nearby players an energy boost. They give up to three nearby friendly players +10% energy every 2 seconds.
O Sensory chamber reworked:
O Sensory chamber cloaks all structures and players nearby. Players can move, but as soon as they attack, they uncloak. Offensive chambers uncloak when they attack.
O Touching or scanning a cloaked structure will uncloak it.
O Removed "incoming enemies" warning
O New "stomp" ability: at two hives, the Onos can stomp on the ground, stunning all nearby players for a couple seconds.
O New "devour" ability: at three hives, the Onos can devour an enemy whole. The player is then slowly digested, giving health back to the Onos, and effectively removing the player from the game for a short time.
O Bile bomb moved to 2nd hive gorge ability and affects structures only
O Web is now a 3rd hive gorge ability (babblers removed)
O Gorge spit improved
O Pop-up menu reorganized to be more intuitive. Options are greyed out when not available. Alien "sayings" removed (all but chuckle).
O Bite removed from lerk, and spikes replace it
O Spores moved to 1 hive lerk ability, and damage reduced significantly. Spores no longer damage players through walls.
O Primal scream moved to 3rd hive lerk ability
O Lerk now shoots umbra like his spores, allowing him to defend at a distance
O Changed offensive chambers to shoot spikes instead of spit
O Tweaked alien field of view for immersion (skulk and gorge can see slightly more, onos can see slightly less). This was in the game for a long time, but was removed when attempting to support software.
O Updated the skulk view model so it doesn't obscure the screen as much when biting.
O Removed hive requirement for higher lifeforms. This should stop stalemates when aliens have resources but marines have camped hives. Note that aliens still need hives for lifeforms, upgrades and faster spawning.
O Reduced spike damage back to 16, reduced spores energy cost from .6 to .4
O Removed visible lerk projectiles (because the spikes hit instantly)
O Each level of carapace now slows aliens by slightly, because of the heavier shell
O Tightened HMG cone to make better vs. ranged fades/oni and harder to respond to skulk chomping on leg (changed from 10 degrees to 6 degrees)
O Added a "phase gate tech" upgrade on observatory that's required for phase gates.
O Changed scanner sweeps to use energy. They slowly gain energy, and so can be used for scanning only every so often. Scans cost no resources. Distress beacon also uses energy system. This should make multiple observatories viable.
O Improved scrolling for commander (no more hitching)
O Updated LMG model to obscure the screen less. It has been moved down and the muzzle flash has been shrunk.
O Added more "acknowledged" sounds for soldiers
O Lowered pistol rate of fire because of script abuse
O Tech tree reorganized (diagram to follow)
O New technology: Electrical upgrade. Turret factories and resource nodes can be upgraded to electrify nearby enemies.
O Scanning is now energy-based instead of resource-based. The observatory slowly accumulates energy, and 25 is needed to scan.
O Commander mode improvements
O Added hotgroups! Holding control and 1-5 will create a hotgroup of of the current selection. You can select the group by pressing the number key, or clicking the hotgroup icon. Selecting it again will jump to the group.
O When soldiers are added to a group, they become a squad, and they hear a "You're squad x". All players in the squad see an indicator telling them they are in that squad. This is just for organizational purposes, and has no other gameplay effect.
O When any member of a hotgroup is under attack, the icon will blink red.
O Added "select all" button
O All buttons highlight
O Added "idle soldier", "soldier needs ammo" and "soldier needs health" indicators. Clicking these will bring you to the soldier who made the request.
O Draw player names at all times
O Commander can use voice comm to talk to just the selected marines by holding his crouch button while talking
O Holding crouch while selecting units will add them to the current selection
O Commander can now see which marines are parasited
Bug fixes, exploit fixes, anti-cheat, misc
O Removed frame-rate dependence for building structures and jetpack usage
O Added icon for Cheating Death (it will display when authorized)
O Fixed leap/charge exploit
O Death notices getting logged twice when mp_logdetail > 0
O Structures play their animations without "hitching", and don't reset when coming onto the screen for the first time
O Added Cheating Death icon for validated players
O Lowered pistol rate of fire to prevent scripting abuses
O Fixed recycling observatory not removing scanning tech
O Menu doesn't update if recycling structure selected
O Allow recycling of unbuilt structures
O Fixed not playing proper player weapon animation after commanding
O HMG view model animations updated to be smoother
O Player muting now works (**and particle editing**)
O Moved NS to HLSDK 2.3 (includes support for sv_alltalk)
O Changed armory resupply code back the way it was
O Players can now "walk"
O Changed commander name so soldiers can read it
O Disabled +use for commander so he can't build structures when flying "low"
O Nearly all assets are checked for consistency when mp_consistency is 1, fixed problems with shell.mdl
O Put mp_drawdamage back in as server option
O Decreased time needed to start respawning after death (make sure it works with death anims)
O Added option to disable dynamic lights photosensitive players and for performance reasons
O Messages from server always show up, even if tooltips are off (voting messages, adminmod messages, etc.). Turning off tooltips no longer disables help icons.
O Primal scream now makes affected aliens scream back in defiance
O Removed mp_teamhandicap, and spawn invulnerable time from menu, removed other stuff and added new handicaps and stuff
O Make sure advanced turret factory can be recycled
O Relaxed gestation requirements to avoid annoying "you must be on ground to gestate" errors
O Offense chambers no longer hurt themselves in tournament mode
O Collision fixes (no longer "jitter" when crouching no nodes or structures)
O Lerks no longer take falling damage
O Minimap no longer "stretches"
Known issues
- Bile-bomb projectile isn't oriented properly
- Energy display for observatory is non-informative
- Armory and phase gate animations are still messed up
- VALVe Anti-Cheat support not in yet
- Armories and alien resource towers don't draw rings (collision sizes I think)
- Enforce entity limit of some kind to prevent/reduce overflows?
- Remove commander mouse-over for players (now that names always display)
- Alerts for commander aren't working
- Test demos, decide on backwards-compatibility
- Fade third-person anims are messed?
- Siege still can't hit targets in range of an observatory
- Timer on scoreboard is ugly
- Blink still needs to be fixed
- Fade is missing his 2nd hive ability (unannounced)
- Stomp sound is placeholder
- Minimap still needs fixes and improvements
- Placeholder HUD sprites for stomp, devour and death-by-electricity
- Walking speeds are messed up for some classes
- You may have to aim down or crouch to get devour to work
- RESEARCH_HEALTH is still available after researching it
- Lerk flight hasn't been updated yet
- "Hitboxes" haven't been fixed yet
- 1.1 rollout
- Initial playtesting with PTs
- Find obvious problems (missing files, stuff that isn't fun at all)
- Iterate until things are right conceptually and big-picture wise
- Rollout to vet players
- Start working on balance and exploits
- Once very big holes are patched
- Rollout to beta server ops
- Work out performance, compatibility and 3rd party issues
- Increase # of playtests through all these servers (open beta if people want it?). Use auth system to prevent people from joining a team if they aren't a PT/vet?
- Get PR movie completed, and hype to sites. Get PTs and clan people to write previews and spread the info?
- Lose upgrades when structure is lost (motion-tracking, upgrades)
- Add graphic effect for primal scream (or draw icon above their head like voice?)
- Show health for selected marines and structures (draw icons somewhere?)
- Reconcile umbra visuals and gameplay effect
- Move skulk view offset to be closer to actual (so your nose doesn't poke out when you don't realize)
- Draw number of nodes that team has (draw info for both teams when spectating). Draw shadows showing which nodes were last seen to be controlled by enemy. (or more simply, just draw +x which is how much was received last tick?)
- Change alien upgrades to draw icon and then number, instead of layers
- Ammo packs go to "best" weapon
- **Extra skulk death anims
- Don't draw crosshairs when pop-up menu is open
- Rework welding role (or show how much armor someone has when looking at them)
- Weapons dropped near armory don't expire
- Speed cap for flying players
- Keep old assets in game so old demos work?
- Auth icons
O Got all PTs and devs
- Just need new PTs
? Fix jump to go to alerts
? Change config from selectall to impulse
- Marine resource tower rings
? Show progress bar for devour
O Change view model for devour, don't allow it to fire again while digesting
- Make sure mp_uplink is getting set to 1 every tick
- Some tech node label is visible in ready room
- Make announcement when ready to start soliciting veterans (put up demo FTP also)
- My basic strategy will be to hang out in #nsscrim and watch games. Sometimes I'll watch demos also, but mostly I'm interested in seeing clans that do the following:
- Scrim multiple times per week
- Can get along well with the other clans, and can talk about balance, strategy, etc. while remaining pleasant and respectful
- Will continually try new strategies and try to "break" the balance
- Can compete with the other top clans that are selected
- Client downloads, 3/29/03
- Gamehelper: 4829
- Computergames.ro: 77806
- Fileplanet: 59,391
- Ozfiles.net: 29173
- Khabal.com: 10468
- Halflife.nu: 41878
- Gamershell: 37616
- Ausgamers.com: 32032 (telstra: 7435)
- extremeplayers.de: 27649
- Multiplayer.it: 2747
- Daddeln.de: 22980
- Fileshack: 14752
total: 368,756 (many missing mirrors though)
- Round reset problems
- Jobabob's analysis: http://www.natural-selection.org/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=4&t=24222
- Welding changes
? Make them reset properly every time
- Only take damage from the right things (healing spray)
- Really think about their role
O Alien turret changes
O They shoot spikes intead of spit
O Their idle animations play without hitching (3 different idles)
O They play take damage animations also
O Show spike sprite when projectile hits it
- Lerk physics changes
- Try flying in whatever direction you're looking
? Lerks no longer take falling damage
- Korean push
- Find someone to translate (asked Jason Robar)
- Anything other usability in SC/War III NS is missing?
Time line:
Game start -> Marine Tier 0, Alien Tier 1
~30 seconds -> Marine Tier 1
~1 minute -> Advanced Tier 1
4 minutes -> Tier 2
~5 minutes -> Advanced Tier 2
8 minutes -> Tier 3
~9 minutes -> Advanced Tier 3
- Marine Tier 0
- LMG, pistol, knife, without capability for more extra ammo
- Alien Tier 0
- Bite, spit
- Marine Tier 1
- Deployable ammo
Advanced -> mines, sentries, deployable health, distress beacon, resource towers, welder/welding, shotguns
- Alien Tier 1
- Parasite, healing spray
Advanced -> Offensive chambers, bite2, spores, sensory/movement/defensive upgrades, resource towers, blink, onos-1
mines > tier1 fades
tier 2 siege > sentries/OCs
If enough money is pumped in:
onos > sentries, deployable ammo/health > OCs
shotties > skulks/gorges
onos > LMGs
lerks competitive with shotties
mines competitive with fades, onos
alien upgrades allow aliens to become more powerful for cash, just like shotties/mines/welders
welder competitive with healing spray
Gorge have ability to remove welds (takes the same time as welding, allow it to be welded back and forth?)
Massed spores beat armory-teching marines
- Marine Tier 2
- Level 1 ammo/armor
Advanced -> Siege cannons, HMGs, GLs, motion-tracking, phase gates (with new prerequisite upgrade), scanning (if upgrade added), armor/ammo upgrades
- Alien Tier 2
- Leap, gorge bile bomb
Advanced -> Umbra, fade ability, second set of upgrades
Tier 3 GLs beat umbra
Marines get scanning to counter hive-1 sensory
Marines get siege to counter hive-1 defense
Motion-tracking or phase gates vs movement chambers (vs. silence and celerity)
Bilebomb beats sentries
HMGs counter tier 1 skulks/gorges, competitive with tier 2 lerks and fades (umbra, esp. with def chambers/regen)
Umbra/skulks beats LMGs, sentries
Scanning beats Alien Tier 1 (current sYn tactic)
Leap vs. ?
Tier 2 onos competitive with
- Marine Tier 3
- Level 2 ammo/armor
Advanced -> Heavy armor, jetpacks, level 3 ammo/armor
- Alien Tier 3
- Xenocide, web
Advanced -> primal scream, acid rocket, third set of upgrades
Webs strong vs. jetpacks (though hard to use in practice with vulnerable gorge on frontlines)
Jetpacks counter onos (make sure devour only works if player is on ground?)
Onos beat HA/HMG (with charge)
GL beats umbra
Acid rocket strong vs. jetpacks, and JP/HMG (though a little more expensive)
Acid rocket beats tier-2 HMG
Tier-3 HA/HMG should beat acid rocket (but not hard counter, implies reduction in acid damage and increase in splash radius)
Level 3 ammo/armor upgrades competitive with fades (esp. at marine spawn)
Primal scream helps beat tier 2 marines
Leap-Xenocide vs. HMG/GLs (esp. with cost)
* Make gorges slightly more costly or take longer to morph to, so losing gorges is still bad, and going all gorge is risky (in light of new resource model changes)
Problem: alien team will generally have all lifeforms, because it doesn't cost anything to explore a technology. This means fades/onos will always be present at tier 3. Fix this by making alien lifeforms initially more expensive and then cheaper as they continue to be evolved to? Or first cost and then cost after that? Say, 80 for first onos, then 50 after that? Or one cost if there exists none of that lifeform, and another if there are multiples? Cheaper and cheaper?
? Resource nodes now run out
? They give alerts when nearly empty
- They need to always show, even when visible and not within range?
? They stomp making sounds and pumping when they are empty
? Takes 10 minutes to run out, resources harvest evenly no matter the team size, they also show accurate non-float numbers when harvesting (unless handicap is activated)
O Added volunteer handicap for teams in tourny mode. Removed team size handicapping now (team limit enforcement is enough).
- Alien menu improvements
- Show cost for OC, Hive, resource tower, upgrade chambers
- Show disabled nodes (esp. upgrades) more clearly
- Make invalid nodes obvious without moving to them
- Move tooltip back near mouse?
O Make chooseable nodes clear (upgrade nodes aren't obvious)
O Rework nodes to do so
- Add changing cursor for all valid end nodes
O Added lifeforms change
O Added marine change (need new cursor though?)
- Change cursor for other alien options (get artwork from Relic)
- Remove or rework alien comms
- Draw chatting/status alien blips even if not pointing at them?
- Remove ready room off pop-up for both sides
- Allow cancelling of morphs?
- Unify marine and alien upgrades by drawing at the same place if possible
- Allow server to csay without autohelp enabled (http://www.natural-selection.org/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=5&t=23194)
- Force "hive construction complete" sound
- Low-resolution support (weapon sprites, theme.txt)?
- Make sure to show build rings for structures on mouseover
- Change leap to not hurt buildings?
- Move PT auth icon status "above" guide icon status
- Move auth system after mp_authicons is loaded from .cfg
- Fix or rework blink
- Go through NS Bugs mail folder and fix as many of those as possible
O Resource tower "targetOnBuild" only fires once now
- Remove info_location z-checking. Remove info_locations from map after loaded to reduce entity count (make sure map reset still works)
- Add client-side temp grenade for grenade launcher
- Display message when cheats are enabled
- Include cheating death icon from prodigy, add auth mask as well
- Leap exploit: when binding leap impulse with two hives (energy must be decremented in AvHPlayer::ExecuteMessage instead of weapon::DeductCostForShot
O Integrate new tech icons
O Use red frame for structure under attack
O Use red frame for not enough cash
- Armory exploit:
From Swirl, via forum PM: "When a marine stands next to an armoury and presses his use key to get ammo, its quite slow getting ammo, but when you press your use key + flashlight repetitively, the speed that you gain ammo at is incredibly fast. I dont know if you know about this, and I hope you will fix it for 1.1 . Ill send you a demo of this if my explanation is a bit vague"
- Easier learning curve
- Perfect world: there's a full single-player campaign that teaches all the basic mechanics...but this doesn't solve the strategy part
- Simple SP level that gets player to learn the very basics, then
- queries n-s.org for list of training servers, and asks the user if they would like to connect one of them (it would need a certain number of players with x status and have a ping of y or less)
- gets them to configure their mic first, if at all possible (Steam, or add voice control myself and set sv_loopback for a moment)
- get training servers by all servers running special training maps (nst_?) or get sponsored servers and allow player to choose one
- add GUI for trainers to let them easily run things
- Turn on/off damage for players, reset the game, enable alltalk, allow them to spectate first-person for a player, build a structure anywhere, mute players temporarily so they have the floor
- Allow players to report abuse
- Allow trainers to move players between teams (put all this on the scoreboard?)
- Only allow trainers that have been authenticated as such
- Add features that encourage players to add others as friends when playing on Steam
- Allow trainers to signal for more trainers
- Allow trainers to take control of other players (hard for commanding though)
- Remove/disable thirdperson commands (from Tau hang10)
cam_command 1
cam_idealyaw 0
then do a retry to the server
im pretty sure this is client side only
? Physics exploits
? Bunnyhopping (from iwa.plex)
- sv_airaccelerate 0
- sv_airmove 0
? ex_ exploits:
- ex_maxerrordistance 0
- ex_interp 0.01
- Address lerk and jetpack physics after disabling airmove
- Potential vets
Kenneth Lee (ksl4@georgetown.edu), STD-Ardesco
- Eve, eR,
- cornesm@bellsouth.net (RED-Tiki)
- sYn/HAM
- (Steve Meenehan <smeene@yahoo.com>)
- Ackz (AcKz666@hotmail.com)
- solarcurve@msn.com (SolarCurve)
- hang10@myway.com (hang10)
- XoverZero
- archhaven@sbcglobal.net <archhaven@sbcglobal.net>
- TE?
Seraphic8x (Mrfranz16@aol.com)
do0bie[TE] (Ben Wolf)
- Need a couple Euro clans?
- Misc. people
WeRRa|Torhu (on IRC, S. Korean guy, stuwon@Hotmail.com)
- CAL folks
- Othell <othell@caleague.com>
- boeckelmann@caleague.com
- eric@doticon.com
- bralph82@yahoo.com
- UGL folks?
- UGL|SeanA
- Please e-mail me your full name, handle, clan name, and WON id
- Changing clans won't affect your vet status, but you won't be able to bring all your new clan mates in as vets
- Confirmed vets
O Kanwei "#cri.ogenics" Li, 3598159 (New wonid, fix it for constallation too)
O *Nick "#cri.Nicuss" Chebeleu, 3237836
O Andrew "#cri.tical" Hammett, 3221707
- Gu<47>rin "#cri.Draco" Christophe, 1773753
- Tylor Yeung, "cx.cypher", 162108 (leader of cx, founder of NSA)
O Kenneth "cX.Screamer" Wunderlich handle, 203409
O Anthony "cX.Mr Radical Ed" Guevara, 37306
O Marvin "cX.Vinin", "something" 2065255
O *Jerry "cX.TheNaySayer", 331066 (NSA owner)
- Justin "er.IcE-" Goodman, 110613
O Lane "er.Lux" LaRue, 42770
O *Brett "eR [ Erilane ]" Erilane, 1160592
O *Ben "eve.doobie" Wolf, 7154
O Paul "eve.seraphicx" Franz, 829329
O Daniel "eve.hang10" Garza, 3196484
O John "eve.romano^_^" Romans, 80973
O Brad J Rosin "eR [ lagger ]", 155580
O *Stephen "HAMBONE" Meenehan, 2884666
- Michael Moorman "STEAMEDHAM" (WonID: 3508091)
- Christopher Meenehan "SMOKEDHAM" (WonID: 2244778)
- josh resendiz "SHAMPOO" (WonID: 978045) (or -> Tim Ang "GREENEGGSANDHAM" (WonID: 170749) )
O *Josh "STD-Goosey*" Szepietowski, 3243397
O Kenneth "STD-Ardesco*" Lee, 144891
O Josh "STD-Slash*" Keats, 59932
O Logan "STD-Kalmah*" Reeves, 3162858
O Tae "[ReD]TaE" Kim, 633578
O *D. "[ReD]boobs" Anderson, 2377185 (leader)
- Michael "[ReD]Knight" Choe, 124911
O Dean "[ReD]Dean" Kovacs, 39960
O *Joe Shanahan, [ReD]mogg, 2817243
X James "FatKao" Thomas Milko, 538967 (forum name: FatKao)
O Amit "Uubu" Shah, 690509
- Firewater?
O *Phillip "Borf" Whang, 1492447
O *Kyle "ue.akiro" Hallenbeck, 536458
O Josh "ue.theoryhat" Porte, 958962
O Jacob "ue.eisen" Smith, 589464
O Anthony "ue.jdub" Carpio, 741488
O John Strickler, ue.optikal, 992223 - Old head of nG, close to top members of NS community, got scrim channel for us (!)
O *Jonathan "UGL|Jon" Green, 1032836
O *Paul Fisch "Eats", 1271383
O Tim Manns "kenichi", 556510
O *Andreas Carlos Serna "pandas|churro", 81383
O Chris "pandas|3-toed_sloth" Mann, 2418057.
- Alex Kong "pandas|Tare", 303687
O Shozo "pandas | snakpak^p.rP" Hirano, 109722
O Hugh "[one]arch" McDonald, 395278
O *David "[one]Toasty!!" Rodriguez, 3048748
O Devan "[one]froggeh" Laska, 1074623
- Matt "[one]cinderous" Bloom, 148963
O *Othell, 83473
O Brad "CAL|Brad" Ralph, (pandas | mcclane), 518141 (forum: mcclane)
O *Paul "Solarcurve" Drew
O Benoit "Naxo" Richter, 379698 (NS Clanbase supervisor)
? full name: Michael E. Boeckelmann, handle: chem^ten, wonid: 115515, CAL|Boeckelmann on gamesnet
Potential new vets
- apex|lego - Brian1095@mailcity.com - From nG, "Beaten sg tied ue, beaten one, beaten x over zero, tied eve, and it will get better... were just not league atm =("
O Removed "if you're new to NS, play marines first" tooltip (to get balance numbers in line?)
O Fixed view "jog" when releasing pop-up menu key in windowed mode
O Fixed stretching problems for soldier minimap
- Remove "try morphing to gorge" tooltip"
- Change tooltips so server messages can still be sent
- Remove listening for hive bug, necessary for HMG rush to not be over-powered
- **Crash when joining marine team before particles come down on hera
- Same with delta?
- Logging stuff
- Commander-wins
- Time research finished ("time to arms lab", "time to HA")
- Directions to Mike:
Mike: ok . . . red line to broadway
Mike: then you have to go over the broadway bridge and onto albany
Mike: then albany onto harrison
Mike: and we're 580 harrison, fourth floor
Mike: we'll have to let you in
Mike: it's about a 10 minute walk
Mike: or so
- Install and configure ArticleManager
- Write honest review for Fraser: fraser@interactivetools.com
- CAL support
? Team score shows number of resources accumulated (show for both teams to start, remove if not cool)
? Show marine kills/deaths in tourny mode
? mp_timelimit in tournymode shows countdown for everyone and ends the game afterwards (looking at team resources when setting the victory condition)
- Add support for draw game
- Make timelimit blink red when almost done
- Don't display team resources for enemy team
- Log game end specially (score)
- Enhanced demo playback
- Particles
O Added support
- Figure out why they are only drawing sometimes
- Spawn particles aren't oriented towards viewer, probably because of vofs crap
- Building health circles
O Gamma
? Weapon info
- Minimap for marine
- Music (?)
- Pop-up menus
- Don't playback when HLTV menu is up
- Tech slots
O Teams
- Non zbuffered stuff
- Orders
- Hive sight
- Need VALVe help here
- Commander mode
- Reload map HLTV images for demo playback
- Job search
O Send e-mail to Josh Resnick
O Pinged Arena.net and S2games via gamejobs.com
O Talk to DAM and get things moving for Monolith
O Apply to Big Blue Box
O Apply to Intrepid
O Send followup e-mail to Arena.net
- Send e-mail to CCPGames.com
- Remedy -> Max Payne (www.remedy.fi)
O http://www.dperry.com/ -> Lots of UK listings
O Rework commander hotkeys so they're hardcoded but work well
- Menu is now 4x3 (new category for orders, 4 rows no longer needed with new armory/equipment model)
- Get artwork scaled (maybe I can do this) and tweak values so it looks right
O Add new category
O QWER, ASDF, ZXCV match up to menu intuitively
O Added customization support in advanced config
- Armory changes
- Put equipment into production
- Research shotty production, HMG production, GL production
- Each armory slowly creates a weapon of that type in range every 20-30 seconds (up to three weapons around each structure?)
- Same goes for the prototype lab (jetpacks and HA)
! Don't forget to always propagate entities to commander if they are selected
- Advantages
- Frees up room on the UI for new hotkey system
- Less commander frustration
- No more whining about "HMG/HA plz"
- Means multiple armories and prototype labs are useful (as well as specialized bases)
- Means heavy weapons are more viable without super high costs
- Means armories might be targetted
- Perhaps an appropriate advantage against new faster growing aliens
- Binds technology to an area ("shotties at sewer" or "grenades outside refinery")
- Consistent with high-level duties, scales well to games of all sizes
- Disadvantages
- Commander can't reward individual players easily
X Pain to implement
- Fundamental balance change
- If marines have no arms lab, they lose those upgrades as well (make arms lab a bit tougher probably)
O Adjusted voice comm icons to position above models properly. Updated HUD voice icons to use same as world voice icon.
? Fix problem where adv. armory factory doesn't show circle
m Slant Wall Hack from Hang10
m Hitbox issues
- Drowning bug/exploit (healthbug.dem, from Comprox)
- Commander building exploit (e-mail from Mike Hodgkinson)
- One of regulars found an exploit which could be used on NS as commander where he could build structures while in the commandchair.
- I saw hi doing this on ns_missilecommand_final3, it looked like the structure was being built by no one.
- He told me how to do it, you centre your view over the structure and hold "use", builds just as fast as if a marine was building it. This makes sense as I understand thier is a commghost entity. Im thinking of disabling comms from being able to press thier "use" while they are in the commchair with a metamod plugin, but I thought it may be important to advise you of.
? mp_logdetail 2/3 every kill message is reported twice
- Minimap fixes
? Max fixed stretching
- Status bar issues when using gorge
- PR
- Talk to SolarCurve
- Talk to iwa-dec for promotion (DOG, gotfrag people)
? Add alien building destruction effects
? Add turret smoke effects
? Renamed mp_authicons to mp_uplink
? mp_uplink now controls versioning too
? Put in basic throttling to prevent ridiculous abuse
? Updated default .cfgs
- What's bandwidth for this?
Assume 1000 servers, average game length is 20 minutes
3000 queries per hour, roughly one per second
Change this to only allow updates every hour, so one every three seconds
? Added "select all" command
- Add to config
? Fixed guide tooltip bug where it wouldn't work for any player but the first
? Made tweaks to fade view model (needed for HLTV, new animation for smoothly switching between cannon and swipes)
? Added idle animations to acid rocket and bilebomb
? Weapon reloading, deploying issues with new event model
? Add player reload animation support
- Frame-rate dependence
? Building (change to gpGlobals->frametime)
? Jetpacks (ask Quietmischief or Seraphic8x)
- HMG firing rate (looks like all weapons too?)
O Wrote Eric and VALVe
- Remove or revisit recycling
- Get particle editing working again
- Logging out of the command chair in HA repairs all armor damage.
- Increase initial alien points
- Increase late-game power of marines (defending nodes/structures)
- Add alert that marines can hear?
- Info_location optimization (delete itself on the server when loaded)
- Info_player_location optimziations (!)
- 160 entities removed
- Balance
? Tightened HMG cone from 10 degrees to 6 degrees (allows HMGs to battle fades)
? Aliens now start with 20 points instead of 10
? Marine resources now scale, with each player contributing 15 points to the pool
- Make it non-exploitable and really think through all the ramifications of this
- CC recycle bug (demo from Joev)
- Map reset doesn't work for welds
- Weldable damage by spit, parasite
? Fix generate on collision particle systems
- Experiment with resource model changes:
- More gorges mean more resources and faster growth (ie, not on a share system)
- Internationalization from Nem
- Spanish
- mouse3 for comm
- New site
- Credits on site (Josh, others)
- Shader lab textures credit (ydnar)
- Josh credits
- PR art pack
- Add map pics
- Add NS banner
- Release
O Show player score in tourny mode?
O Fixed problem where adv. turret factory doesn't show circle
- Fix weapon hud sprites for very small resolution (Merks)
- Cursor bug: If you are in the menu when the game ends you are brought back out to the waiting room, but you still have a selection cursor that you can't get rid of (and thus can't walk around or look if you have those keys bound to the mouse). If you join a game in this state, you are shown a blank menu that you can't get rid of. I tried escaping to the game main menu and going back in the game, but the menu was still there. I finally had the exit the game completely and go back in.
- Voogru: I dont know if you know about this or not but the advanced armory doesnt show the health becuase the fuser2 on the armory is reset to 0. I fixed this by simply doing this:pEntity->v.fuser2 = pEntity->v.health/2.4;I know it probally will be different with how you have it setup but i think its becuase of the fuser2 getting reset.Just trying to help out.-voogru(BTW, your PM box is full!)
- PAS stuff
- Team score = total resource gathered
- Speed up harvesting a little (scale resources for both sides)
- Fix resource max on client for evolving gorges (it will still count down to 33, but will immediately count back up to your resource count (this is just a visual problem on the client)
- Fade looking up/down bug (e-mail from Peterson Roald)
- Set r_drawviewmodel to 1 every frame, or don't send move when it's 0 (cvar_t* m_pCvarDrawEntities = IEngineStudio.GetCvar( "r_drawviewmodel" );)
X Allow bots to use command station (for Paul)
- Blast damage differences between game and manual
- Verify that tooltips and manual values are updated with v1.3 and beyond (change system to dynamically display values like costs?)
- Change webs to not be placed with same normals (ie, on floor)
- Change xenocide to charge up a progress indicator instead of triggering once?
O Change contact info on team page to filter mail
- Patch server performance
O Bills
O Forum work
O Burn CD and return CD for/to Adam
O ESR interview
O DOG interview
O HomeLAN interview
- Use shotgun animation when holding shotgun, instead of machine gun anims
- Add speech binds in config screen
- Allow pop-up menu to execute regular HL commands? Like maybe 'node4 = 4/2/2/#MenuCovering/$"impulse 8;say_team I'm covering you!"' instead of just "node4 = 4/2/2/#MenuCovering/8"?
- Add visible number of resource nodes (eg, 3/9 <node sym bol)
- Particle editing fixes
- VAC support
- Fix fonts for low-res
- Add hotgroups "You are squad 1"
- Show player names for commander
- Cycle to next player hotkey
- Select all button
- Voice squelching
- Spectator tweaks
- Draw death messages
- Marines getting RPs too fast?
- "Incoming enemies" fix
- Sensory chamber giving infinite cloaking
- Files
- Rules
- Opposing tier one higher needs to have hard counter (cheaper, as easy to execute or easier)
- Like tiers should be competitive (like skill, like points)
- Opposing higher tiers can also enhance lower tiers to make competitive units no longer competitive (primal scream could make HMGs/siege fall, or tier-2 spores could work against scaled groups of tier-1 marines)
- Assuming equal resources, skill and scouting, both sides should be able to get to the same tiers in the same amount of time
- Tech tree changes:
O Inf portal no longer required for anything (iron man!)
O Phase gates need research at observatory
O Scanning needs research at observatory (same as phase?)
- Prototype lab needs advanced armory
O Small upgrade for deployable health required at command center
- Each observatory capable of one scan every x seconds, once researched
- Siege tech researched, then siege can be built at any turret factory (?)
- Time/cost for jetpack/HA research increased to make it tier 3
- Only advanced armory and advanced proto lab can build advanced stuff (unlike siege). This way they can be destroyed to knock stuff out of production for awhile.
- Hives need to be cheaper to make it easier for aliens to get them earlier, and to allow aliens a choice of build order (though maybe extra resources at start compensate)
O Add electrical upgrade for TFs and nodes to prevent lone skulk from taking them out.
- Increase cost of advanced armory, decrease weapons cost?
- Healing spray should be able to corrode welds after a time
- Think about hotkeys to make sure they work with this new model (they do)
- Now that games are shorter, resource nodes may need to be more expensive (?)
- ** Alien lifeforms are unchained from hives, to compensate from location-dependence of alien tech tree. Notably, this means a tier-1 onos (though hard to get), could counter tier-2 marine tech (HMGs) and maybe be competitive with tier-3 marine tech
- Remove blast damage on xenocide, possibly change damage, possibly change energy requirement and countdown time to make it good vs. HMGs
- Maybe jetpacks need to slowly heal armor/health automatically to give them a chance vs. acid
O Movement chambers give energy instead of teleport
O Bile bomb doesn't damage players ("structural damage")...is this going to feel weird?
O Remove spike gun
O Change OCs to fire spikes
- New Onos movement physics?
- This should work for marine/marine and alien/alien too
- Bite, parasite, leap (?), xenocide (?) (currently, skulks just get better, they don't really counter anything, though late-game zerglings do the same)
- Spit (tweak to make more useful or interesting? Slow enemy?), healing spray, bile bomb substitute, web
- Bilebomb changed to be slower and non-parabolical
- Bite2, spores (weaker, as support role), umbra, primal scream (ROF slightly, damage upgrades, all affected immediately make squealing noises)
- Swipe, blink, hive-teleport (or teleport to blip under attack? Rejuvenate, to get health/energy back? Launch moth from cannon that flies attacks and distracts targets? Ability converts health to energy <"digest", "expend", "deplete", "amplify", "heighten", "guzzle">?), acid rocket
- Gore, Stomp, Devour, Charge
- Devour
O Knocks person out of combat for a bit while they're digested, though they appear again if Onos dies
O Show "Being digested..."
O Change sound effects while inside
O Make screen go black, change HUD
O Show "Devouring MonsieurEvil" with status bar
- Progress bar is 0
O Aiming issues
- View model issues (wait for new view model to fix)
- Stomp
- Enemies on ground within radius get view shaken hard, can't move or fire for short time
O New research tech/icons
? Deployable health tech (use medlab icon)
? Phase tech (needed for both phase and scanning)
? Electrical defense
? Don't show upgrades that can be researched multiple times when already researched (advanced armory, advanced turret factory)
? Don't show upgrades that can't be researched multiple times after started researching or researched
- Animation changes:
O Lerk: add primal scream
- Fade: add "guzzle"
- Onos: add devour, stomp
- Waiting for view model
- New sounds:
- Primal scream adapted for lerk?
- Bile bomb sounds changed to sound like it's dissolving structures?
- Guzzle sound (liquidy, metabolic)
- Devour sounds (one for attack, one for onos-killed and guy pops out, one for devour finished <burp?>)
- Ground stomp
- Electrical sound
Design problems
- At three hives, marines can't counter Onos because both Fades and Oni are always seen
- They need options to start, but can't grow too fast.
- Random resources (with 2 "chances" to grow <ie, two players that can build nodes>?) 40, 20, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10?
- Maybe spawn some players as gorges to start ?! 1/4 rounded up?
- Allow gorges to pull resources from nodes by holding their use key?
- Then teams could go multiple gorges if they wanted, but it would be risky!
- Could be just the mechanism to make expansion as difficult for the fast-moving and responsive Kharaa as it is for the marines. The gorges would need protection.
- Aliens can't pull resources from occupied nodes. Rewards taking nodes that are farther from spawn and harder to protect.
- Gorge cost would have to be higher to make sure aliens don't spend time sucking on nozzles and never building towers
- Beautiful part is that gorges can't share the same node, so it scales well for big teams (because effective growth limit is capped by nearby nodes)
- Makes silence much more useful for gorge too
X Tradeoff between long-term growth (by sucking on node a lot) and short-term (building node immediately?)
O Holding crouch while selecting units lets you add to the selection (still a bit wonky)
O Added missing welder icon to the armory
O Resources in each nozzle increased from 150 to 300
O "Scent of Fear" renamed to "Danger Sense" (you won't see this without client update, oh well)
O Added "sv_restart" ("sv_restartround" also works)
O Fixed changelevel/auth problem
O Fixed nodes not being buildable by aliens (also fixes the "dropping" effect when building towers for either race). Any nodes that can't be built now are actually too small and need to be enlarged (but I didn't find any).
O You now need 1/2 the team to be gorge to double your resource intake (instead of 1/3)
O Stomp no longer affects the commander, or jetpacking marines
O Spore damage increased from 3 to 4 (per .8 seconds)
O Increased Onos cost from 55 to 65 (they were way too prevalent)
O Put infinite resources back in
O Removed auto-healing for alien structures until fixed
O Hive 45->50, gorge 13->15, fade 45->55, onos 65->85
O Fixed stomp (doesn't affect flying jetpackers but does go through walls)
O Numbers no longer draw near select all button or hotgroups
O Added welder icon to advanced armory
O Structures and players now uncloak when they take damage
O Fixed auto-healing for structures
O Structures won't play their take damage animation unless they're built
O Structures that take damage while being built, retain that damage when finished
O Added armory equipment back onto equipment menu
O Switched position of distress beacon and motion-tracking for consistency
O Jetpack energy/force tweaked (it felt sluggish with new timing fixes)
O Lerks and jetpackers no longer take falling damage
O Onos claw damage reduced from 120 to 90
O New resource model tweaks! All aliens start with 20 resources. Gorges can "draw" resources out of unoccupied nozzles with their use key.
O Upgrade chamber costs increased, higher lifeform costs brought back to 1.04 levels, except gorge which now costs 20.
O Chambers and players become uncloaked when taking damage
O Danger Sense renamed back to Scent of Fear (it does sound too much like a super-hero ability)
O Acid rocket energy cost reduced from .26 to .2
O Don't allow players that are being digested to suicide
O Digesting players count as dead players for determining game victory
O Added gross digestion artwork
? Animated digestion and gestation overlays
O Welder deploy time reduced slightly because it felt sluggish
O Replaced lerk bite with spikes
O Spore damage increased from 4 to 5
O Spike energy cost reduced slightly
X Allow voice comm buttons for commander
O Fixed seeing incorrect motion-tracking or hive sight briefly when switching targets while observing
O Smooth interpolation of alien energy bar (finally!)
O Health research time reduced from 40 to 20 (cost is the important thing, not time)
O Phase tech time reduced from 100 to 60
O Phase gates reduced from 25 to 20 (now that phase tech is needed)
O Fixed round reset problems
O Heavies and jetpacks show up in ready room
O Always play proper lerk death animation
O Server ops and developers can end the game without cheats on
O sv_restart/sv_restartround preserves teams properly
O Stomp particle system tweaked so there are less rings
O Devouring gives Onos the health that he takes from his meal
O Fixed various height problems for voice icons
O Now draw names above players heads in ready room
O Increased bile bomb damage
O Completely reworked many costs on both sides. Alien upgrade chambers more costly but more health, resource towers more expensive on both sides (takes 3.3 minutes to recoup investment, so don't place them without careful consideration), electrification more expensive, much more.
O Reduced CC, TF, Armory ranges so they don't take up whole screen
O Creating a hotgroup now removes those entities from other hotgroups (more intuitive and easier to make squads using select-all)
O Changed numeric events to draw as floats (needed so handicapping displays proper resource amounts above nodes)
O Weapon help is now automatically updated from server when damage values change (also added help text for devour and stomp)
O Electrical upgrade reduced in damage (12 to 10) and electrical effect duration shortened (reduce time when electrical effect goes across the wall after redeeming)
O Fixed visual artifacts when being digested
O Allow spectators to see cloaked entities as if they are the player they are following, or as if they are on the same team as the alien otherwise
? Limit marine entities in radius to prevent server crashing with mines (like alien structures and webs)
O Fixed bug where sometimes a structure wasn't created but it took the points anyways
O Fixed bug where turrets would power down near advanced turret factories
O Fixed bug where structures didn't start with full health
O Fixed welding problems
O Welder damage reduced from 7 to 4 (to prevent abuse)
O New weapon and reload sounds (testing)
O Rewrote mines. They now function as proximity mines only, and never show trip lasers. They work against Oni, and also work properly when you place them, switch teams, then set them off.
O Fixed mine bugs where Oni didn't set them off (they have bigger proximity range so you don't have to actually touch them)
O Problems when placing them on moving entities still
O Mines need to damage the player that placed them after switching teams
O Mines don't blow each other up
O Mines can't currently be destroyed by spit, acid or anything else
O You can no longer go to the ready room while being digested
O Fixed bug where being healed by a DC/Hive/Gorge causes regeneration not to work
O If you die while evolving, screen still has gestation overlay in view mode
O Much better support for first-person spectating (digestion and gestation overlays, jetpack/upgrade indicators, resources, energy, more)
O Added new HLTV icons for various lifeforms (thanks Relic!)
O Added new sound for phase gates, to differentiate between infantry portals (testing)
O After joining a team but before the game starts, players can only hear others on their team, spectators or ready room players (only affects tourny mode, allows pre-game planning)
O When tournament mode is enabled, voice can no longer be heard by spectators (preserve their strats and privacy). When not tournament mode, observers can hear the whole team.
O When spectating first-person and it isn't tournament mode, observers can only hear players on that team
O Updated alien crosshair
O Experimenting with new hive sight icons
O Fixed bug where the wrong view model was sometimes displayed while spectating first-person
O Distress beacon cost points again (15)
O Fixed bug where observatory couldn't scan when it got to 100 energy
O Fixed bug where resources were adding with multiple resource towers (I think this just snuck in for 1.1b and could explain some things)
O New version of ns_atomicmass (ns_atomicmass25)
- New playtesting console means the game can be altered on the fly
? Add time/date to logged balance change
? Don't allow commands to work while editing (chat, kill, etc.)
? Stop capturing key input when playtest screen is gone
? Add floats to it
- Make screen look presentable
? Tweak server-side a bit to allow data to be propagated as soon as it's changed
? Pop-up menu costs
? Commander mode costs
? Even weapon costs
- Fix mystical floating zero above armor
- Last entry isn't in list
O Merge with Max's check-in
O New command to force uplink
O New model rotation for skulks
O Added building notifications so players can see what their gorges and commander are building, and where
? Skulk rotation freeze fix
- Linux testing
O Get assets updated
- Get it building again
O Decide on out of game menu
O Change playtesting menu to popup only if DEBUG or AVH_PLAYTEST_BUILD
O Fix server-op auth status
O Decide on electrified nodes and hive-requirements for gestation
O Moved 'game won't start until both teams type "ready"' into titles.txt
O "entityinfo" "endgame", "sv_restart", "sv_restartround", "numents", "addcat", "removecat", "nschangelevel", "switch", "spawnhive", "killhive", "giveupgrade" and "removeupgrade" all work for playtesters or developers on playtest builds
O Fixed getting stuck in own structures as gorge
O Fixed parasite drawing/propagation for players
O Fix bug where sv_restart messed up commander
? Existing tooltips and reticle help don't draw when cl_autohelp is 0
? Added AVH_LAN_PLAYTEST_BUILD build directive to allow PTing on a trusted LAN (Iron Lore)
? Don't play hints sounds unless the team has more then 1 player
O Fix commander scrolling
O Fixed phantom 0 above armor (introduced by playtest variable back-end)
O Lerk now shoots umbra like his spores, allowing him to defend at a distance
O Reduced spike damage back to 16, reduced spores energy cost from .6 to .4
? Removed visible lerk projectiles (make sure spike hit effect and ricochet plays)
- Spikes cause teammates to bleed even when they don't take damage (marines show sparks too)
? Spectators now become spectators again on game reset
? Increase marine buildable limit
? Added missing "selectall" sprite
? Removed floating player names in ready room
? Stunned players can no longer fire their weapons
? Healing spray now works under water
? Added beta server op status
? Fixed game reset problems (and sv_restart while commanding)
O Fixed mine view model animations, lowered volume of mine deployment
First vet beta
O Reworked resource nozzles, which should solve problems where sometimes gorges couldn't +use them and may have been slowing resources on both sides. Improved look of particles.
O Fixed "nschangelevel", "endgame", "tournymode" and "sv_restart" commands so everyone can execute them. Please, don't abuse them!
O Balance change: "kSporeDamage" increased from 6 to 9
O Balance change: "kFadeCost" lowered from 55 to 45
O Balance change: "kFadeBaseArmor" increased from 125 to 150
O Balance change: "kGorgeBaseArmor" increased from 50 to 75
O Balance change: "kInfantryPortalBuildTime" lowered from 20 to 15
Second vet beta (v1.1h)
O Stomp fixed so it doesn't affect flying jetpacks (also, can't use jetpack once you're stunned)
O Stomp range decreased from 350 to 250 (it didn't look right with sprite)
O Marine tech building build time reduced approximately 20-25%
O Changed weapon "weights" so mines and welders don't always become current when picked up
O Resource nodes that are upgrading electricity now give resources in the meantime
O Changes to reduce or fix "Can't allocate 128 hud sprites" error
O Added "HVY" scoreboard designation for heavy armor, plus HLTV icon
O Changed "GORG" to "GRGE" in scoreboard
O Decreased gorge draw amount from .5 to .4 resources per second
O Increased Xenocide damage from 200 to 240 (need to be able to kill stock marines at close range)
O Increased grenade launcher damage from 90 to 150 (does double damage to structures)
O Decreased armory build time from 20 to 15
O Decreased infantry portal build time from 15 to 12
O Increased gorge gestate time from 13 to 15
O Added new hive sight icon for gorges, so they can be easily located and protected (thanks Immacolata)
O Removed alien sayings from hive sight ("player is building here")
O Onos speed reduced slightly, so he can't outrun stock marines (standard marines and Oni both now run at 206)
O Turret factory build time reduced from 18 to 13
O Turret factory siege upgrade time reduced from 30 to 22
O Stomp energy cost increased from .25 to .3
O Phase gate cost lowered from 20 to 15
O Phase tech research time lowered from 60 to 45
O All turrets acquire targets faster (affects offensive chambers, sentries and siege cannons)
O Lowered death messages while spectating in map mode so they aren't obscured
O Fixed flashlight resupply exploit
O Added mp_limitteams server variable (works like CS)
O Mines no longer ever damage friendly teammates or structures
O Fixed bug where you can't fire weapons after commanding
O Fixed bug where killing turret factories didn't deactivate turrets
O Killing marine structures now removes their upgrades temporarily. They are regained when the structure is rebuilt. This works with all upgrades (notably motion tracking on the observatory, and armor/ammo upgrades on the arms lab)
O Lerk health increased from 60 to 75
O Gorge health increased from 100 to 125
O Movement chamber cost increased from 15 to 20
O Defense chamber health increased from 1000 to 1200
O Only draw "x health received" message when mp_drawdamage is 1
O Increased Onos gestation time from 30 to 38
O Fixed bug where hives weren't starting fully healed
O Increased hive hitpoints from 6000 to 7000 to make up for hard-coded armor value that was removed
O Gorges suck resources from nodes slower as they "fill up"
O Possible fix for first-person spectating crash
O (Fix bug where marines can attack their own RTs)
O Throttle sayings so players can't spam chuckle or other sayings
O New blink! Fades can now quickly maneuver in combat, moving quickly and becoming hidden as they blink. Hold your fire button to try it out. No more getting stuck.
O New Gorge jump and death animations
O New skulk model with a better run animation and a parasite animation (thanks Mojo!)
O Fixed bug where alien vision mode would glow entities in the ready room
O Fixed game time not showing properly on scoreboard
O Fixed "draw game" victory condition in tourny mode when time limit hit
O Fixed bug where text sometimes isn't visible in ready room
O New eclipse
O New lost
Third vet beta (1.1i)
O Improve balancing interface for Blizzard
O Added overmind logo, nice highlighting and moved buttons around
O Make sure keys don't enter into labels when screen is down
O Fixed server crash when joining/leaving teams after game ended properly (thanks Prodigy)
O New sprites from Relic (death by electricity sprites, new onos ability sprites, crosshair tweaks)
O Fix offensive chambers super-high health (changed from 4000 to 1200, not sure how this happened in the first place)
O Fixed heavy armor not working properly
O Lowered grenade damage from 150 to 140
O Apply less force to jetpacks according to weight. Means HMGers are less maneuverable then LMGers.
O Fixed various alien view model problems (onos paralysis view model showing up on spawn, gorge deploy not playing when he spawns)
O Fixed invisible view model when specing FPS in HLTV
O Fixed bug where typing spectate into console wasn't removing player from the team
O Fixed death messages overlapping hive info
O New stomp sound
O New HMG sound
O Sensory chamber cost lowered from 20 to 15
O Sensory chamber build time lowered from 18 to 14
O Alien resource health lowered from 4000 to 3200 (they took forever to kill)
O Spore damage increased from 9 to 10
O Marine bunny-hopping addressed: When marines land after a jump, they are slowed down a bit (like CS), so speed can't be increased by jumping repeatedly. You can still hop to your heart's content as alien.
O Capped air speeds, so lerk and jetpacks can't go infinitely fast (celerity for lerk is now meaningful). All player airspeeds are 2x that on the ground (leap, jetpack, flight).
O Reduced lerk wingflap energy cost from .06 to .04 to encourage shooting while flying.
O Phase gate and infantry portal play different sounds
O Phase gate emits sound at both ends
O Spectators now follow players through phase gates or movement chambers
O Spaced out ammo/health/order requests on commander HUD
O Shrunk the sentry, offense chamber, defense chamber, sensory chamber and movement chamber slightly, to allow players to jump past them yet not intersect them too much when standing on them
O Shrunk the Onos health ring (it was out of control before)
O Silence upgrade now affects building placement sounds also.
O Disabled wall-running on players (prevents weird visuals and skulks that can climb on each other)
O Don't draw tooltips when spectating
O Rewrote alert system. Jump will go to the last alert, no matter what it is. Alerts now time out after 20 seconds (including ammo, health, orders).
O Don't draw player name tooltip for commanders (names always draw so it's redundant)
O Fixed "we need builders" hint playing when team had gorges but they were evolving traits or were still evolving to gorges
O Fixed shotgun reloading bug
O Clear tooltips on role change (test by getting tooltips, spectating, then switching back to play mode quickly)
O New veil
- Rework info display for commander
? Don't show entity hint when mouse is over the UI
? Get rid of ugly center text and use tooltip
- Fix energy display
? Refactor to improve HLTV first-person spectating
? Get rid of roles entirely, and look at iuser3 instead
? Fix role sounds (PlayRandomRoleSound in AvHPlayer)
Fourth vet beta (1.1j)
O Yet More Resource model changes:
O Removed sucking (not sure it could work)
O Added variable point reward when aliens make a kill. The killing player gets 1-3 resources (randomly) for the kill.
O Encourage more group movements for marines, speedier end-games when aliens has decisive advantage, promote more conflict in general, and reward great alien players with higher lifeforms, allow aliens a way to grow without building RTs
O Addresses long end-game against stock marines at marine start
O Lowered offense chamber build time
O Lowered alien resource node cost and health (they only cost 10, but are roughly half their old health)
O Changed gorge, fade, upgrade chamber, OC and hive costs to reflect new model
O Marines no longer drop their weapons when they die. Lowered shotgun (15 -> 10), HMG (25 -> 20) and grenade launcher (30 -> 25) costs slightly to compensate
O Hive build time and armory upgrade time each reduced from 180 seconds to 120 seconds (encourage early upgrade option and tier 2 response)
O Added player's location to all chat messages
O Bile bomb damage increased from 180 to 250 (increase bile bomb damage even more (do War III catapult calculations) (allow it to do a little damage vs. players to make it intuitive?))
O Fixed heavy armor not starting with full armor
O Hive now emits umbra around spawning players, and also occassionally around itself when under attack (to lessen spawn camping and instant hive death). Hive health reduced from 7000 to 3500 to compensate.
O Umbra and spore particle systems lessened to decrease slowdowns.
O Alien regeneration lowered from 4% per second per level to 3% per second per level
O Changed organic structure regen to be a fixed amount, not a percentage (now it's 5 points per second)
O Cloaked players are no longer show up on motion-tracking
O Electrical damage increased from 10 to 12 (skulks should NOT be able to singly take out these, and electrified nodes are still falling all the time to 1-hive single aliens)
O Jetpack cost reduced from 20 to 15
O Fade blink energy cost increased as temporary holdover until fix
O New version of eclipse: little lighting tweaks and overall brightening. Known bug: locations are no longer user-friendly.
O Added sound that plays when players receive resources (from "givepoints" or from kill).
O Unchained marine armor and weapon upgrades from other structures (they are all available once an armory is available)
O Changed Onos abilities around: now it's claws, charge, stomp, then devour (reduces overall amount of devouring, and allows Onos to function as early base breaker, but not mass destroyer, also means he can be used early without movement upgrades). Also lowered rate of fire on charge to avoid useless spamming.
O Movement chambers now energize offense chambers and hives. OCs fire faster, hives spawn faster.
O Inactive hives no longer draw for marine players (allows sensory to be used to hide hives)
O Preserve current spectate mode so it always starts up in the last mode you were in
O Play role help text only once per game
O New Fade Hive #2 ability: Metabolize. Drains energy when used, but for the next second, converts incoming damage into energy. Depends player knowing when he's going to get hit, and using it to maximize his energy. (kinda like the Utwig from Star Control II). Sounds are placeholder.
O Backed out mine-can-be-killed change. There are engine problems with this, and will have to be addressed another way if it's still a problem.
O New siege sounds (now with more bass), new offense chamber sound to differentiate from spikes (thanks MadMaxx!)
O You now stop blinking when you're out of energy
1.1E Client Patch (108MB - 108950153 Bytes):
http://www.natural-selection.org/protectdl...atch042503B.exe (Install password: ch1b1z0r)
1.1h patch:
http://www.natural-selection.org/protectdl/ns-v11h.zip (5.5 megs, .zip password is "onos")
1.1i patch:
http://www.natural-selection.org/protectdl/ns-v11i.zip (5 megs, .zip password is "ch1b1z0r")
1.1j patch:
http://www.natural-selection.org/protectdl/ns-v11j.zip (3.7 megs, .zip password is "0nos")
Reminder: Any leak of these passwords, files or screenshots results in removal from NS PT status. Thanks!
The installation will prompt you if it detects you are running NS 1.0 and ask to back it up for you.
O Points only awarded to aliens, no marines (bug)
O Marine ammo and armor upgrades back to 1.04 values (20/40/60 instead of 20/30/40)
O Hive health increased from 3500 to 5500
O Increased alien resource tower health from 1500 to 2500
O Shotgun damage decreased from 16 to 15 (per pellet)
O Both teams get a minimum resource flow of 1 resource point at all times (to keep a team in the game if they lose all their RTs)
O Lowered bile bomb damage from 240 to 225
O Grenade launchers now require advanced armory and prototype lab instead of advanced armory and arms lab
O Increased gorge gestation time from 15 to 20
O Increased lerk gestation time from 18 to 21
O Lowered sentry build time from 13 to 10
O Temporary experiment: increased alien spawn time from 8 to 11, increased marine spawn time from 10 to 14
O Sentries no longer target cloaked structures
O Hive build time increased from 120 to 180
O Hive cost increased from 30 to 45
O It now takes 120 seconds before any resource tower starts giving resources for the team
X Lowered alien resource tower health from 2500 to 2000
? Lower bile bomb damage more, make it shootable?
O Removed health upgrade
O Heavy armor is now immune to spores (the model has a gas mask anyways)
O Offense chambers increased to 10 points (health is 1200)
O Electrified structures are _still_ being killed by groups of coordinated hive-1 alien. Increased damage to 30, and max targets to 3.
O Increased phase gate health from 2000 to 3000
O Changed onos ability ordering back to gore -> stomp -> devour -> charge
O Put marine resources for kills back in. The marine sound is placeholder. Play rising numeric effect at point kill was scored.
O Changed handicapping to reduce damage done instead of affecting resources (means build orders and tech are the same, but battles are harder for handicapped teams). Handicapping only takes effect in tournament mode.
O Marine resource tower cost lowered from 20 to 15
O Lowered bile bomb damage from 225 to 200
O Slowed resource gathering rate from 1 point every 4 seconds to every 5 seconds
O Sensory chamber range increased from 600 to 750
O PR document merging MonsE's ideas and mine, mail to Bailey and Ned for discussion
O FAX legal documents to Kevin
O Teams no longer get minimum 1 resource (now that resources for kills are on both sides, this should address problem where marines can tech too high without expanding)
O Widened HMG firing cone so MG is more accurate. Keeps it good against big targets. Increased from 6 degrees to 8 degrees (it was 10 in v1.0x)
O Increased turret factory radius from 300 to 450 to adequately defend areas
O Added new electrical sounds when getting zapped (thanks Dave)
O Starting res node gives resources immediately without having to "activate"
O Lowered grenade clip size from 6 back down to 4 (for upcoming new artwork and to reduce spammage)
O Change lifeforms back to 2 and 3 hive model. Reduced Fade cost from 75 to 50. See if lockdowns can still happen. I cannot make up my mind on this, but want to try it the "old" way one more time.
O Increased jetpack thrust from 1100 to 1250
O Hive cost decreased from 45 to 30
O Removed carapace slow factor
O Handicapping can be set during the match
O Your team's handicap is now drawn on the HUD (please test this!)
O Default late-join time increased from 60 to 90 seconds
O Gorge armor reduced from 75 to 50 (gorge rushing is great, but not every game)
O Gorge gestate time reduced from 20 to 17 (previously increased because of alien res problems because of sucking)
O Respawn time for aliens lowered from 11 to 10
O Respawn time for marines lowered from 14 to 10
O Sentry health increased from 1200 to 1400
O Armory cost reduced from 25 to 20
O Lowered marine structure build times
O Prototype lab build time reduced from 35 to 25
O Sentry build time reduced from 10 to 7
O IP build time reduced from 12 to 10
O Observatory build time reduced from 20 to 15
O Resource tower build time reduced from 18 to 15
O Arms lab build time reduced from 30 to 23
O CC build time reduced from 25 to 20
O Armory resupply time sped up a bit
O Changed xenocide damage type from "blast" to "normal" (no longer does double damage vs. structures, use against HA, use bile against structures)
O Umbra duration lowered from 10 to 6 (to try to allow marines a chance to rush early and to workaround problem where particles disappeared before umbra effect)
O Phase tech cost reduced from 25 to 15
O Fixed HA starting armor points
O nschangelevel, sv_restartround, spawnhive, killhive, etc. now all tell everyone on the server who executed the command
O Fixed rounding problems with carapace and weapon upgrades
- Before:
- MG l0: vs skulk: 11/13/18/21
- MG l1: vs skulk: 10/12/16/19
- MG l2: vs skulk: 9/11/15/18
- MG l3: vs skulk: 8/10/14/17
- After removing damage off the top:
- MG l0: vs skulk: 11/12/14/15
- MG l1: vs skulk: 9/11/13/14
- MG l2: vs skulk: 9/10/12/13
- MG l3: vs skulk: 8/9/11/12
O Changed stomp from radius to shockwave (increases skill, gives enemies a chance, means onos can kill groups of heavies with help, not by himself). Still needs new visual effect. Enemies show stomp rings when they are hit.
O Fade changes
O Acid rocket is now hive 2, metabolize is hive 3
O Acid rocket damage decreased from 60 from 50
O Fixed acid rocket idle
O Added metabolize view model animations (thanks Def One!)
O Metabolize now functions only when you're holding down the attack button
O Change metabolize so fade can't move while using it?
O Added force where rocket hits (only affects enemy players...rocket jumping!)
O Acid rockets now affect the firer again
O Fixed bug where spit could hurt things it didn't look like it was hitting
O Fixed bug where spit, bile bomb, and web projectiles sometimes hit the player shooting it (esp. with celerity)
O Fixed bug where killing alien upgrade structures weren't removing upgrades
O Fixed game reset problems (sv_restart, sv_restartround, regular game end)
O Added default HLTV setup (.cfg, .bat)
O New HMG sound and sentry deploy sound (thanks Dave)
O Removed hive restrictions again because of stalemates. I'm glad we tried it this way one last time, and I'm finally convinced that this new approach can work.
O Encourage and allow both sides to convert resources into immediate, limited, offense
O Decrease OCs to 5
O Increase shotty damage from 15 to 17
O Don't allow onos to stomp with 1 hive. This means an Onos won't wipe out marine base easily (and he can't flee so easily). Charge at last hive facilitates game-end (as he can get nodes, and attack and respond quickly)
O Gore, Devour, Stomp, Charge (swapped Stomp and Devour)
O Reduced base Onos armor from 200 to 150
O Increased blink cost from .03 to .05
O Fixed stomp going through walls (though you may still see visual effect go through). Structures or players won't block stomp, only world geometry.
O Fixed spit hurting friendly players/structures
O Need marine counter vs. stomp (one that works everywhere, not only where you can jetpack effectively) (now it's flanking and/or surrounding him!)
O Grenades don't shoot with as much force now to prevent easy base spamming
O Added mp_killdelay (seconds before suicide happens)
O Work to help fix 128 sprites crash again (removed 10 extra unused minimap sprites, let me know if anyone sees this error again, it could come back)
O Fixed gametime not showing when server name was empty
O Fixed game reporting when a draw occurs (esp. in tourny mode). Now reports victory_team and losing_team as "draw".
O Game reporting indicates minutes and seconds of victory, instead of seconds (eg, game_time "13:29")
O Resources earned for kills now added to score in tourny mode
O Game reports score for team in log (always resources gathered)
O New version of ns_lost (all new marine start, lots of other changes)
O Temporarily increased skulk bite damage by 1 point as a holdover to fix new 3 bite marine kill caused by previous rounding fix
O New HMG sound, new sound for when marines get points from a kill (flush of nanites)
O Ubisoft schedule
- 3 or 4 steps
- Pre-pro/negotiation then milestones
- 1 page
- Small test, big test
- How much time
- Ubisoft, but CC Jason -> carlod@ubisoft.com
- Needs full home/business address
O Cloaking upgrade sound volume halved
O Electrical research time increased from 30 to 60
O Fixed sprite bug that showed random crap on your screen when you took damage (instead of red HL arrows)
O Fixed server crash caused when building an OC then switching teams, then being hurt by that OC
O Fixed ALL melee problems where skulks can't hit marines in corners, where they can bite through floors, etc. (!!)
O Security fixes
O Changed default network settings to fix choke issues
O +resource messages should clip to commander UI
O Fixed "TooManyStructuresOfThisTypeNearby" not being translated
O Rewrite HL turrets to fix accuracy problems. They are nasty now, watch out. They may still need more tweaking.
O Death from OCs now report damage from OC instead of spike
O Damage and health changed for sentries and OCs (they now do small damage evenly instead of randomly hitting you for more)
O Lowered resource activation time from 120 seconds to 90 seconds for both sides to speed up alien game
O Lowered electrical damage from 30 to 25
O Removed remaining resource sucking code that sometimes made it tricky to build a res node
O Lowered turret factory radius from 450 to 400 (takes up too much of screen)
O Footstep changes
O New HA sounds (thanks Dave, just what I've always wanted!)
O Tried to synch up footsteps a bit better
O Gorge has pitter-patter now
O Walking now moves you roughly half-speed, and plays no footstep sounds. Not working perfectly all the time, but it's better.
O Added treadwater animations
O Lots of alien health and armor tweaking (lots of values changed in small amounts to preserve following relationships)
- Kept number rounded to 25's or 5's whenever possible
- Most damage upgrades change the number of bullets to kill vs. every lifeform and carapace level (ie, they are almost all effective)
- Level III carapace generally adds 50% damage capability to all aliens
- Level III carapace generally takes more shots vs. level 3 weapons then no carapace can take against level O weapons (carapace shouldn't be mandator, but should remain useful throughout)
- Fixed three bite problem (reverted armor back to pre 1.1r levels, affects marines and aliens)
O Knife and bite range decreased (they were both unrealistically long)
O Fixed problems when aiming devour (no longer need to crouch)
O Infantry portals and phase gates now check to be sure there is room for spawning-players when placing them
O Aliens can no longer use phase gates (fixes Onos stuck problems and hopefully will encourage their use again)
O Electricity is now blocked by walls
O Onos gore attack now throws players around when he hits
O Nate this weekend
O Buy fax machine and printer cable
O Sweep, organize 2nd table, set up office
O Groceries
O Call Ned 2nd shift tonight about server stuff and PR stuff (Constellation members playing)
O Jeff tonight
O New version of eclipse
O Revisit upgrades and alien health to make sure the scale is right
O Reduced infantry portal health from 3000 to 2500 (attempt to reduced long alien win endgames)
O Lowered electricity range so it's only used to protect target structure and for perceived fairness
O Fixed bite/hull problem for good (I think)
O Fixed OCs so sensory chambers cloak them again
O Changed damage type on OCs so you don't see blinking O2 symbol
X Increased probability and frequency of hive umbra (to make HMGs not able to take it down instantly and siege more useful)
O Increased gore range to make it easier for onos to attack low targets
O Increased volume on marine-kill sound
O Fixed spectating problems when moving betweens spectator and play modes
O Fixed game reset weirdness and teleporting around ready room (players that are dead stay dead, spectators aren't handled properly). The only game reset problems I still know about involve welds.
O Marines now get res for turret and siege kills. The death message is credited to the commander.
O Fixed possible server crash involving siege turrets.
O Final versions of all new 1.1 sounds (thanks Dave!)
O New version of ns_origin
- Fixed alien spawning/movement chamber problem in Ventilation and Biodome
- New sky
- Added ladder up to Biodome Observation window from within the Biodome
- Changed Ventilation hive vent so that it drops down into the room, so marines can't sit in the vent and fire at the hive
- Replaced Magma Pump room with Ore Scanner room. Mainly because I felt the Magma Pump was rather crappy, but also to make that area more skulk friendly
- HLTV overview files
Commander mode fixes and improvements:
O Added fourth "equipment" menu to commander interface (means JPs and HA are accessible there instead of proto lab)
O Reset commander UI when not commanding (fixes numerous little things that were weird when taking the chair after someone else or after logging out)
O Reworked hotgroups/squads so they persist between commanders (so if you take over for another commander, you'll see the existing squads, not what you last had)
O Draw tech requirements nicely
O Draw "Required: whatever" in yellow when tech needed
O Draw keyboard accelerator in parens
O Don't draw mouse cursor when you have a ghost building unless we're over the UI
O When choosing something to build, blank out all buttons but "cancel"
O Make sure canceling of regular research still works
O Going to hotgroup twice goes back to where you were (include goto request)
O Draw no buttons or radii for building that's recycling.
O Draw progress bar for recycling, and draw text saying as much
O When drawing waypoint text, make sure it's not obscured by topdown UI
O Fixed bug where extra structure tooltips would sometimes draw and never go away
O Fix energy display (compute help even when energy entity selected)
O Fixed problem where UI gets in weird mode and menus don't open
O Holding crouch while selecting will toggle that unit's selection (useful for adding or removing players from group)
O Removed umbra that the hive emits to protect itself (this may or may not be temporary, but seems necessary given marines inability to kill undefended hive with LMGs)
O New grenade launcher artwork! Thanks BathroomMonkey, Mojo, and Def one!
O New Fade view model with metabolize support (thanks Def one!).
O Metabolize no longer forces you to be still (not totally happy with this yet, but it will be revisited at some point)
O Change electricity damage type
O Electrify gives res for kill too
O CC health increased from 8000 to 10000
O Fixed bug where you could electrify or reycle the comm chair bug
O Fixed bug where getting heavy armor didn't update the scoreboard status instantly
O Reworked descriptions to be more then four characters (SKLK -> Skulk, etc.) (thanks Pyrul!)
O Added blood feedback when marines are hurt, and when alien structures are hurt. Alien structures no longer spark for any reason. I made this change happily, and I don't feel like it compromises the vision of NS in any way.
O Fixed location names on ns_caged
O Reduced sentry cost from 10 to 5
O Reduced xenocide damage from 240 to 200
O Rework spores to be able to hold off groups of T1 marines, but fall to HMGs even while defending a hive (currently they can hold off tier 2 marines with enough lerks)
O Increased area of particle effect, to more accurately represent their area of effect.
O Spores do the same damage, but they do it more often, and they don't stack.
O Hoping to see more HMGs without HA
- Test this
O Map gamma now gets set properly for HLTV spectators
O Removed last momentum given to players with hit with various attacks (notably, skulks don't ever knock marines back any more, die bug die)
O Can no longer create a hive if one is currently building
O Never add parasite or Scent of Fear blips for Commander
O Redemption no longer redeems dead players. Redeem now will pull you back to a hive, even if you're close to it (better then dying).
O Play redeem sound on both ends so attackers know what happened.
O Slow down Onos a bit when digesting a player (to allow rescues)
O Increased gorge armor from 50 to 75
O Increased lerk gestate time to 28
O Increased sentry damage from 10 to 12
O Increased sentry health from 1000 to 1300
O Skulk health is now 85
O Turret factory cost reduced from 15 to 10
O Armory upgrade cost redued from 50 to 30
O Armory upgrade time increased from 120 to 180
O Added new sprite for hives in hive sight and removed extra hive text (thanks Frogg2!)
O Fixed up tooltips so regular HL messages can be displayed, and error messages still display when cl_autohelp is 0, also added server MOTD (you're welcome, Voogru!)
O Reticle help and player names show instantly instead of fading in
O Orient bile bomb properly
O Spectators can only hear players talk in-game when it's not tournament mode, and when they are spectating first-person.
O Entity info command works only for developers now
O Now you can see your teammates' health and ammo percentage by looking at them. Enemy player names are drawn without this info and in red.
O New veil
O Put in network debugging code to figure out what's going wrong when pings escalate. This may have temporary overflow or HUD lag side effects.
O Fixed when dropping meds quickly, cursor changes from med to IP (good one Mcclane). Also means that your current menu panel doesn't change when selection changes if possible.
O Commander mouse cursor draws when ghost structure selected (fixes disorienting problem when placing structures over the "void")
O Fixed bug where selecting advanced build menu with menus didn't work right
O Fixed bug where selecting a structure that was researching wouldn't let you out of it
O Major server performance improvement (should be really noticeable, but need to test)
O Don't show health/armor for players in RR
O Reduced arms lab and prototype lab build times to 19 and 20 respectively (from 25)
O Fixed eclipse HLTV overview (thanks Cadaver and KFS!)
O Fixed nancy mother hive title
O New 2.0u version of linux!
O Incorporate linux changes to P4
O entityinfo only works for devs now, and is more useful for them
O Added fix for r_drawviewmodel exploit, to make sure it can never be reset (Thanks Voogru! Everyone, try everything you can to make your view model disappear.)
- (r_drawviewmodel 1;alias r_drawviewmodel "")
O Initialize scoreboard map name to zeros before setting (drawing some garbage after it)
O Fixed problem where mines were rotated incorrectly from commander view when dropping them
O New marine blood sprites (only seen when red blood hits wall, ie, tourny mode). Thanks Merks!
O Added better animation debugging code for Def One
O Marines play their run animation properly in the ready room (thanks Def!)
O Removed legacy overwatch stuff causing error (missing bitmap font: gfx\vgui\fonts\640_OverwatchScheme.tga)
O Removed view shaking from Onos and Fade melee attacks, and knife attack
O Fixed Onos-stuck problem (thanks Max!!)
O Crouching is now smooth as a Gorge's bottom (it only took a year, BathroomMonkey...)
O Giving orders and dropping health/ammo/weapons works in almost all places (any areas where it doesn't work should be fixed by the mapper)
O Sped up commander scrolling and removed acceleration for usability
O Revise metamod entity list and send to Will Day and crew
O New vet icon, PT and Constellation icons (thanks Squeal!)
O Vet icons are now yellow, guide icons are magenta
O Updated readme for 2.0
- Performance tests
- It's somewhere in AvHGamerules::Think but it's not:
// this->UpdateWorldEntities();
// this->UpdateEntityHierarchy();
// this->UpdateBlips();
// g_VoiceGameMgr.Update(gpGlobals->frametime);
// this->UpdateServerCommands();
// this->UpdateGameTime();
// PROFILE_START(kUpdateReinforcementsProfile);
// // Try to join any players that are waiting for a spot (bypass cost of reinforcements before game starts)
// // Players are put into reinforcement mode if there are no available spawns
// FOR_ALL_ENTITIES(kAvHPlayerClassName, AvHPlayer*)
// {
// AvHTeamNumber theTeamNumber = theEntity->GetTeam();
// if(theTeamNumber != TEAM_IND)
// {
// this->AttemptToJoinTeam(theEntity, theTeamNumber, false);
// }
// }
// END_FOR_ALL_ENTITIES(kAvHPlayerClassName);
// PROFILE_END(kUpdateReinforcementsProfile);
// this->UpdateEntitiesUnderAttack();
// this->UpdateVictoryStatus();
// this->mTeamOne.Update();
// this->mTeamTwo.Update();
// #ifdef USE_NETWORK_METERING stuff
// this->UpdateVictoryStatus();
// this->RecalculateHandicap();
// this->UpdateCheats();
// this->UpdateUplink();
// this->UpdatePlaytesting();
// Still at 40% usage on bast, 24 bots with all this commented out
// It's one of the following: (29 bots on bast, 1% with everything included but the following!)
// AvHScriptManager::Instance()->Reset();
// this->InitializeTechNodes();
// this->PostWorldPrecacheInitParticles();
// if(inNewMap || (this->mSpawnList.size() == 0))
// {
// Looks like one of:
// this->PostWorldPrecacheInitParticles();
// if(inNewMap || (this->mSpawnList.size() == 0))
// {
// OK, it's the spawn thing. Is this only because bots aren't able to spawn?
// Commenting out all of AvHPlayer::Prethink except CPlayer::Think didn't have any effect
// Seeing problem with almost no gamerules::Think
// Problem isn't entityhierarchy::SetBaseLineSet
// Problem likely:
// this->InitializeTechNodes();
// this->PostWorldPrecacheInitParticles();
// Summary:
// It's not in AvHGameRules::Think.
// It doesn't appear to be in AvHPlayer::Think() anywhere
// Overall CPU usage doesn't change when significantly when enabling/disabling entity caching. I'm reducing AddToFullPack cost to essentially nothing.
// CPU stays near zero until player count gets up to around 20-22 then it spikes
// There is still excess CPU usage with bots
// Made aliens spawn as gorge, to check model-orientation performance
// Disabled all of AvHGamerules::Think except code inside first update
// Disabled all of AvHPlayer::PreThink() except CBasePlayer::PreThink() and RecalculateSpeed
// Build settings are without profiling, network buffering, nor balancing constants
// Next stop: AvHPlayer::UpdateClientData?
// Under this config it's botThink. Remove that and try some other stuff.
// All of gamerules::Think is back in, and it affects the performance, but not by more then 7-10%
// Put
O Fixed "too many upgrades for alien player" crash
O Fixed 'give weapon_bite2' crash
O Another new version of nothing (better lighting, vent addition, thanks for PTing it on FoR on Thursday!)
O Removed debugging messages for MonsE
O OC damage reduced from 25 to 20
O Stomp wave artwork (still needs reorientation and shouldn't draw as black)
O Electrical upgrade cost reduced from 20 to 15
O Bilebomb changed back to arc instead of straight line
O Bilebomb radius reduced from 500 to 400
O Removed view shake on bile bomb
O Bilebomb hit sound and particles plays more accurately (weren't being predicted properly)
O Removed misc. movement abilities. Now movement chambers give energy to nearby players, and allow them to teleport to hives, that's it.
O Hive health increased from 5500 to 6000 (1.04 level)
O Active resource node message is back in (removed by mistake, though it will be removed permanently soon, once balance is better)
O Marines drop their weapons when they die again
O Reduced jetpack cost from 15 to 10
O Added explosive force to xenocide for aesthetic effect (thanks Nemesis Zero!)
O Don't give energy back when evolving
O Fixed sensories so they only start cloaking after they are built (broken with other recent changes)
O Renamed "Mother" hive to "Noname" hive
O Added in missing hive name to veil (veil_south)
O Weld icons always draw, even without auto help enabled
O Fixed bug where player would sometimes be spammed with help
O Reduced phase gate build time from 15 to 12
O Scan duration increased from 7 to 10
O Fixes for not killing players at 0 health and also displaying 0% health/armor when looking at other players
O Improved sentry/OC/siege turret tracking (still needs work but it's better)
O New origin:
- Made all important vents gorge-friendly, most notably the Ventilation->Ore Extraction and Ventilation->Biodome vent routes.
- Ventilation Hive: added extra cover and ambush points. Removed weld point. Made part of the walkway broken off to let skulks get up there quicker.
- Made ladder chamber up into the double node more skulk-friendly, in terms of wall-climbing.
- Moved hanging crate in double node room nearer to the control deck window, to allow marines to jump on there and clear out camping aliens more easily.
- Made Ore Scanner->Ore Extraction corridor a vent instead, to make marines more vulnerable when moving through there.
- Brightened up a few areas a tad.
- Made it so that vent grates cannot be shot through.
- Revamped Biodome - lower roof and struts should make it a bit less jetpack friendly. However, r_speeds are higher, so let me know if the resultant frame-rate drop is unacceptable. Also, nicer in terms of aesthetics now, IMO. Bit more cover too.
- Raised all alien spawns up off the ground by a fair bit, in order to combat the Onos-movement chamber-sticking problem. If this problem is still occurring, someone let me know ASAP.
O New eclipse
O New nothing
O New veil
O New mineshaft
? New hera (new marine start, you can go back out on landing pad, added ambience)
O New caged
- tweaked lighting a little (brighter in several places)
- altered the vent between the MS and the sewer area
- split the vent between shipping tunnel, generator and area02 into two separate vents
- added a few extra brushes to fix the 'leaking wall'
- turned the platform the node rests on in shipping tunnel to a world brush
O Reduced spore cloud time from 8 seconds to 6 seconds
O Reduced arms lab cost from 25 to 20
O Reduced arms lab upgrade costs from 20/40/60 back to 20/30/40
O Grenade explosion radius reduced from 350 to 275
O Included world model of new grenade launcher
O Fixed two linux bugs (code was confusing gcc optimizer and causing alien res towers to not be able to be built, also fixed blink and metabolize not showing up). Thanks Joev!
O Digestion fixes (turrets no longer fire at players being digested, available upgrades no longer blink when being digested)
O Fixed marine and alien upgrades so they take full effect immediately but they preserve current percentages
? Write up tech tree icons task for Cory
? Write up HLTV task for Cory
? Write Merks for hera update and new stomp
O Heavy armor sparks instead of bleeds
O Attacks that cause 0 damage no longer cause players to bleed (bilebomb)
O News update to announce party at Adrenaline Zone and other news
O Removed deathmessage and setskin developer commands (prevents deathmessage spamming with cheats on)
O 'gtt' command renamed to 'tt'. Playtesters and guides can use this command to give help to players. "tt playername message text" sends tooltip to that player with your name attached.
O Fixed invisible CC bug (http://www.natural-selection.org/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=29&t=37943&s=2cfbfe64ca76f37a8775b14fb742f07a)
O Added support for external music directory (cl_musicdirectory), music delay (cl_musicdelay) and skipping tracks ("nexttrack")
O Fixed sentry, OC and siege targetting
O Removed ns_nancy because of Onos stuck issues that can't be fixed without the map source. :( Sad to see you go, it was great.
O Added fenris ambience .mp3s to general ambience folder for mappers (thanks HyperGrip!)
O Parasite only does damage to players to prevent "under attack" message when marking structures
O Elec TF that is upgraded to siege does not elec any aliens till upgraded to elec again
O Sentry health reduced from 1300 to 1200
O Shrunk build/health ring around observatory
O Fixed bug where comm chair restored players health and armor
O Fixed bug where mines didn't take marine upgrades into account properly (rounding error)
O Increased mine damage from 100 to 125
O The Onos gore now does blast damage (double damage vs. structures), to help with lock downs and differentiate his melee from the other aliens
O Fixed bug where you couldn't scan if you didn't have enough resources (even though scanning costs only energy). Scanning no longer plays "phase in" effect.
O Stomp model is now translucent (though may not be oriented properly still)(thanks Merkaba!)
O Leaping, JPing and flying is now less restrictive on max air speed, so leap is back to nearly 1.04 level
O Reduced hive healing of players from 30/second to 20/second
O Hives no longer show up on motion-tracking
O Reduced skulk health from 85 to 75
O Sentry and OC rate of fire decreased slightly
O Chat location shows your location, not location of person typing (untested)
O Reduced stomp range slightly
O New blink (it works essentially the same way, but without ridiculous speeds and it works smoothly with latency and won't let you blink forever)
O Fixed animation problem when crouching while holding the shotgun (thanks Def!)
O Four new ambient music tracks from Hypergrip (the sound guy on ns_fenris)!
O Fixed crash bug when devouring a player and going back to ready room (thanks Grepdashv!)
O Fixed bug where MCs and DCs weren't auto-healing (thanks Grepdashv!)
O Added heavy view model artwork (thanks Def!)
O Fixed bug where digesting Onos that quits the server messes up player he was eating (please test...thanks Grepdashv!)
O Tweaked reload speed of GL so it matches up with artwork
O Added wound and death sounds for marines (thanks Dave!). What do you think of these, cheesy, too gory or just plain good feedback?
O Fixed problem where disconnecting from server without hitting F4 caused major crashing, ghost players, maps not to reset or change and more. Thanks Grepdashv!
O Updated origin
- Fixed marine spawn (weldables reset properly, more spawn at marine start to allow marines to build and aliens to attack)
- Reduced commander r_speeds by lowering commander height
- Updated holo fade model
O Increased hive cost from 30 to 40
O Lowered sentry damage from 12 to 10, and lowered tracking speed
O Lowered offense chamber damage from 20 to 16, and lowered tracking speed
O Bile bomb radius reduced from 400 to 200
O Increased prototype lab health from 2000 to 4000
O Increased siege rate of fire from 1/5s to 1/4.5s (to increase the likelihood of two salvos per scan)
O Fixed authentication check so it doesn't ping n-s.org more then once every 2 hours
O Fixed bug where picking up a health pack didn't give you fractional health back (resulting in being permanently at 99 health). Thanks Grep!
O Particle system fixes. Spit hit effect and acid rocket effect play properly now (thanks Max!).
O Removed 'Can't send message "" of length 0' logging
O Fixes for ALL cases of Onos getting stuck. Also, structures should not be able to be built on players, ever. This was quite a bit of work, and thanks to Max for working on this with me. Please test this and e-mail me if you find a way to get someone stuck.
O Fixed problem where sometimes death animations wouldn't play for skulks
O Fixed Onos floating off the ground while standing, but hovers while crouching (thanks DrHugo!)
O Added handicap message (like active resource nodes) that displays when handicapping is active for either team
O Moved fade acid rocket back to hive 3 and reduced it's force push
O HMG damage type changed to piercing (half damage vs. structures). Damage increased back to 20 so it doesn't do less then LMGs vs. structures.
O Protolab requirement removed for grenade launchers
O Going to ready room while digesting doesn't stop digestion still (update digestion kills player, then ASSERT)
Updated y (Wed. night or earlier, speed is of the essence)
O Fixed spawning issues and loose weapon weirdness. Note that due to these fixes, ns_veil, ns_eclipse and ns_mineshaft are temporarily unplayable. They will be fixed ASAP.
O Fixed recent bug where you could build resource towers multiple times
O Fixed bug where observatory showed nearby alien structures and uncloaked players as blue circles on commander view, before it was built (thanks Grep!)
O Halved umbra cloud duration (and energy cost, when shot by lerk), to lessen spawn umbra power
O Tooltips now draw while dead (so you can see your respawning message)
O Turned on ASSERT messages, so all players will see a message when the server normally would crash. Please use these errors to find the frequent server crash where a player is no longer on a team when he should be (sound see something like "ASSERT FAILED: theTeam != NULL (AvHPlayer.cpp@6980)"). It would do me a great service to have all ASSERT messages reported, especially with instructions on how to get them to happen (post on PT or Vet forum). This will help a huge amount!
O Lowered grenade launcher reload time (thanks Def!)
O New icons for commander UI (for assist and equip menus). Thanks Squeal!
2.0z (final release candidate for crash bugs and balance!)
O Reduced heavy slowdown factor from .88 to .95
O Reduced hive healing radius from 500 to 350
O Changed node activation time for both sides from 90 to 60
O Grenade launcher cost decreased from 25 to 20
O Fixed bug which caused marine weapons not to drop
O Removed debug code that created a movement chamber when you redeemed
O Fixed stomp projectile orientation and drawing (oriented incorrectly, and would disappear too early sometimes)
O Fade out stomp projectile, create shockwave at Onos and added rising smoke effect to stomp
O Reduced welder deploy time (thanks Def One!)
O Remove redeem/debug movement chamber
O Increased lerk spore damage from 12 per second to 14 per second
O Increased grenade force from 550 to 600
O Decide on HMG damage
- Pros: great hive battles and feels right with GL
- Cons: too extreme vs. players at 20
- 18 piercing damage means 9 damage vs. structures, less then an MG, but barely (and bigger clip). Can I be satisfied with it doing less then MGs vs. structures?
- Including ROF, HMG does 94.5 damage vs. structures, MG does 100
- Change from (1/.095)*18 -> (1/.105)*20 -> damage vs. players would change from 189/s to 190/s
- Slightly slower ROF implies use at medium range, and encourages use of shotties for close high damage. 14 seconds before reload -> 15.75
O Fixed changelevel security problem
O If you know of any crash bugs that you can still repro, PLEASE e-mail steps to repro to me ASAP at flayra@overmind.org
O Fixed digestion problems (continuing to play sound at end of game, and "ghost" player problems)
Hambone's change list
O kElectricalUpgradeResearchCost 15 -> 30
O kElectricalDamage 25 -> 15
O Removed spawn umbra
O Removed activation time
O OCs and sentries increased from 5 to 10
O Turret factory increased from 10 to 15
O Spit damage lowered from 30 to 25
O Alien resource nozzle cost increased from 10 to 15
O Marine resource node cost increased from 15 to 20
O Welder reduced from 10 to 5
O Decrease skulk armor from 20 to 15
- or 15 and less damage
- 3 skulks should take it down
- 1 target, still did 25 damage
Welder -> 5
Welder damage
Knives do explosive damage
Hive stay at 40
(301) 251-8987 - HAMBONE (Steve)
sensory 1st commits to 3 hives because fades can't down base
O Check in updates
O Add Six Days in Sanjii part #2 (wait for notice from Ned)
O Updated/fixed eclipse and veil overviews (not sure what happened here before, thanks Cadaver!)
O Move car
O Fix new crash caused by not setting pmove to NULL on changelevel (in world.cpp?)
O 9pm shows
O increased hive healing radius to 500 again
O increased OC health from 900 to 1000
O changed HMG damage back to 18, and non-piercing damage
O increased grenade force (600 to 800), lowered grenade damage (140 to 110, still doubled vs. structures) and increased blast radius (275 to (to prevent stalemates and increase use as area-clearing)
O increased lerk health from 100 to 125
O electrical upgrade does 25 damage again, still 1 target though (allows groups to take it down)
O hive cost reduced from 40 to 35
? New player and world models of the GL, with the green added to the front section and slight changes to other areas (thanks Mojo)
? New brighter ns_nothing (thanks KFS!)
? Updated ns_nothing overview
? Killing comm chair means it doesn't reset (test hive too)
? After recycling a structure, automatically cause deselection of the recycled structure and bring back the usual QWER root menu.
? Fixed skulk bite issues (please test knives, and all melee attacks, and make sure this works in vents)
? Onos stomp event plays too low for other players (fixed for playing while crouching too)
? "charge" ability stays active and continues to constantly drain energy after use, even if you gestate to get an upgrade or change forms.
- make sure this works on evolve too
? Added game time and time limit to scoreboard (should work for HLTV, spectating, and late-joining too)
? Added game time to upper right of spectating view
? Show voice icon on HUD when talking (thanks Max!)
? Fixed missing music on late-join
? Fixed Vet icon
? When you build 2 of any structure (armory or armslab im sure about) and the 2nd copy of the structure is destroyed you no longer have access to any tech that has one of those structures as a pre-requisite. If you want to recreate this, build 2 armslabs then recycle the 2nd one. You will find that you cannot build a prototype lab until you rebuild the 2nd armslab. Another way you can recreate this is if you build an armory, upgrade it, then build another armory. If you recycle the 2nd armory, you will lose the ability to drop welders, shotguns, and mines until you rebuild a 2nd armory
O Fix for drawing particle systems oriented incorrectly while spectating
? New minimap! This is the first pass, and there will be more stuff added to it very soon. PLEASE keep this feature quiet right now, and keep it out of screenshots, as we want it to be a surprise (unless MonsE says otherwise). (thanks Max!!)
? Talk to Darren about Gamespy integration or pawn off on Ned
? Reduced "under attack" time from 10 seconds to 5 seconds (affects hive display, blinking hotgroups, etc.)
? Updated marine model with anims to support the new gg style. also, is a re-oriented p_gg model
? Fixed RR spawning in ns_veil, ns_eclipse and ns_mineshaft (note that these three maps are temporarily unplayable)
Final build
O Increased OC health from 1000 to 1150
O Increase jetpack cost and research cost from 10/25 to 15/35
O Increase marine armor and weapon upgrade costs from 20/30/40 to 30/40/50
O Changed HMG from 18 damage, ROF 9.5 to 20 piercing damage, ROF 8.5 (should do damage at the same speed to players, but means bullet for bullet it's comparable to the light machine gun)
O Re-changed hive healing radius back to 500 (this may or may not have been the case on various servers).
O Fades no longer take falling damage
O Updated ns_mineshaft (easier to build at marine spawn, removed ready room from the overview map)
O Onos crouch still a bit high (wrote DrHugo, maybe get an update)
O Fixed ghost player bug (thanks Hypergrip, rain and others!)
O Cleared tooltips when your playmode changes (reduces build-up when moving between RR and observer)
O Compensated for gamma on scoreboard, so team colors always look right
O Fixed bug where sometimes players would be left in the ready room when they tried to spectate
- repro: start caged, join marines, spectate (sets m_DefaultSpectatingMode to OBS_ROAMING), add a few bots, ready room, spectate
O Updated gorge and fade crosshairs and weapon selection sprites (thanks Merkaba!)
O Updated gore and metabolize sprite (thanks Merkaba!)
O Final pass on titles.txt
O New grenade launcher with sounds (thanks Def!)
O New tech tree menu icons for assist and equip (thanks Squeal!)
O All new selection marquee for commander (does lag, looks much better)
O Commander sees nice animated visual alert on minimap (thanks Max!)
O All new MINIMAP! (OMG thanks Max and Cory!)
O Commander blips are much clearer...and are always right, even on map reset!
O Soldiers can see all their team's structures and their teammates! They can also see them off-screen, and can see their waypoint as well!
O Try "bind m +minimap" for a treat (not sure if this will go in yet)
O Doesn't work right for aliens yet, but will
O Infinite loop on EntityHierachy::SendToNetwork stream
- It was adding an entity, which incremented server iter, but kept going until serveriter was garbage (developed game on eclipse)
O Linux build and updated win32 build from last night
? Map extents on eclipse need greater y (wrote KFS)
O Looked into skulk bite range (decided it's not an important issue right now)
O Fixed Constellation and PT icons
O Devour kill is using babblers (wrote Merks)
? Integrate +showmap
X Don't allow movement while it's open
? Add to options
O Crash on some maps when quick joining (only when voice comm? Shampoo)
- Couldn't repro local on tanith in release
- Couldn't repro on FoR with full server on hera
- Seems to be marine only
O Fix missing footsteps under linux (thanks Joev!)
O New sounds for grenade launcher (thanks MadMaxx!)
O Increased heavy footstep volume
O When spectating a player that dies, your view now stays where it was (instead of seeing objects disappear)
O When spectating players that start commanding, go back to the ready room, or leave the server, go to the next target
O Move soldier voice icon over so it doesn't collide with upgrades
O Reduced HMG max ammo from 500 to 250 and clip from 150 to 125 for consistency (ammo over this amount wasn't displayed anyways)
O Do pass on key bindings and defaults
O Tweaked alerts so they expire faster
O Remove letterbox while spectating (talked to Max, he's doing it)
O Removed drawcones by default when spectating
O Get updated tanith without problematic spawn (fixes stuck Onos at fusion hive)
X VAC (start testing Friday or Saturday)
O Client crash:
- UpdateEntityHierarchy
- AvHEntityHierarchy: line 514 (Assert("entityIter != mEntityList.end()"))
O Fix round reset problem due to resetting entities without teams
O Active resource node messages now only display in casual mode
? Put up poll
? Narrow down ghost player (?)
? Tried to fix server name garbage
? Fixed bug where crouching doesn't work right in ready room
? Remove bottom letter box bit so it's not redundant with "viewing through eyes of" text
? Get new veil overview from Cadaver
O Get new hera from Merks
O Send party invitation
O Skulk health decreased from 75 to 70
O Skulk armor decreased from 20 to 10
O Electricity cost reduced from 30 to 20
O Electricity research time reduced from 60 to 30
O Electricity range increased from 90 to 110 (to prevent exploiting)
O Offense chamber health reduced from 1150 to 1000
O Onos can no longer redeem while digesting a player
O Added "parasite switch fun" back
O Unless otherwise specified, includes all changes from 2.01a
O Reverted skulk health changes back to 2.0 levels
O Lowered marine upgrade costs from 30/40/50 to 20/30/40
O Umbra now blocks 2 out of 3 bullets (down from 3 out of 4)
O Reduce healing spray from 16 to 13
O Increase grenade damage from 110 to 125
O Fixed problem where specs can be heard talking before game start in tourny mode (untested)
O Fixed problem where dead players can sometimes be heard (untested)
O Fixed CURL timeout problems (untested)
O Hide opposing team score in tournament mode so you can't see how many resources towers they have (untested)
2.01c (for CAL pre-season)
O New collision code to prevent players from getting stuck in structures (thanks Max!)
O Fixed problem where hera holoroom double node didn't build properly
O Fixed bug where being webbed and then devoured pulls out your weapon while inside the Onos
O Umbra now blocks 1 out of 2 bullets (down from 2 out of 3)
O Movement chambers can no longer be +used to teleport to hive
O Increased hive cost from 35 to 50
O Removed HMG piercing damage (now does full damage vs. structures)
O Each level of celerity now increases speed by 25, down from 35 (it's now back to the 1.04 level)
O Aliens can only change lifeforms when within healing range of an active hive
- TODO: Change popup menu to grey out when not close enough
- TODO: Add error message
O Balance.txt
O AvHPlayer.*
O AvHGamerules.cpp (edit to remove scoring and revert to old MOTD)
O AvHBaseBuildable.*
O AvHConstants.h
O AvHDramaticPriority.h
O AvHHive.*
O Turret files (but remove 3rd person reloading)
O AvHServerPlayerData.*
O AvHSpecials.h
O AvHTeam.* (but undo commander score update)
O AvHWorldUpdate.cpp
O AvHCurl.cpp
O AvHParasiteGun.cpp, AvHSpitGun.cpp
O AvHServerUtil.cpp
O AvHVoiceHelper.cpp
O AvHMarineWeaponConstants.h
O AvHSharedUtil.cpp
O AvHBasePlayerWeapon.*
O AvHAlienEquipment.cpp
O AvHAlienWeaponConstants.h
O AvHConsoleCommands.cpp
O Electricity research time reduced from 60 to 30
O Electricity range increased from 90 to 120 (to prevent exploiting)
O Offense chamber health reduced from 1150 to 1000
O If an Onos redeems while digesting a player, the player is left behind
O Added "parasite switch fun" back
O Marine resource tower cost lowered from 20 to 15
O Lowered marine upgrade costs from 30/40/50 to 20/30/40
O Healing spray is 16 (same as 2.0)
O Increase grenade damage from 110 to 125
O Fixed problem where specs can be heard talking before game start in tourny mode
O Fixed problem where dead players can sometimes be heard
O Voice comm can no longer be heard for anyone during countdown (to allow safe demo recording)
O Fixed CURL timeout problems (untested)
O Hide opposing team score in tournament mode so you can't see how many resources towers they have (untested)
O Fixed problem where hera holoroom double node didn't build properly
O Fixed bug where being webbed and then devoured pulls out your weapon while inside the Onos
O Removed frame-rate dependence from leap and charge damage
O Increased hive cost from 35 to 40
O Reduced command station cost from 25 to 20
O Reduced command station build time from 20 to 15
O Each level of celerity now increases speed by 25, down from 35 (it's now back to the 1.04 level)
O Umbra blocks 2 out of 3 bullets (down from 3 out of 4 in 2.0)
O Changed lastinv so that it's preserved between upgrade gestations
O Shotgun clip and reserve reduced from 10/50 to 8/40
O Removed cloaking and uncloaking sounds via cloaking upgrade (they are only a third as loud as they used to be).
O The cloaking upgrade now fades smoothly instead of becoming instantly invisible. The higher level of your cloaking upgrade, the faster you'll cloak.
O Aliens should be able to walk very slowly cloaked via the cloaking upgrade.
O Each level of cloaking decreases time needed to cloak more.
O Sentries and offense chambers now do "light" damage. Light damage does half damage to heavy armor and Oni.
X Movement chambers won't teleport aliens to a building hive any more
O Only allow resource towers and turret factories to be electrified (fix for exploit timing/selection exploit)
O Resupplying at armory can only go into reserve (addresses end-game grenade spam at marine start). It also now rounds up (so odd-sized clips like the HMG load intuitively)
O Gorge spit can operate switches again as well
O Made offense chambers less accurate against fast-moving targets (jetpackers)
O Fixed "super-hive" bug (from Uranium on the forums): Maintenance hive: if you as gorge stay there a build hive, from up there, as long as you DO NOT MOVE, the hive cannot die. I did it in 1.0 and its still there in 2.0 despite my efforts to get it fixed. It can easily be replicated. I have even died and as long as i do not move when i spawn the hive itself can never die. If you want me to show you ingame, just get a time/server and ill try to be there.
O Fixed alien resource exploit involving late-joining
O Fixed spawning exploit involving late-joining
O If you get disconnected while playing aliens, and you rejoin, your resources will be preserved
O Players can only become spectators from the ready room (fixes devour exploit)
O Building hives can now be healed
O Unbuilt structures can now be repaired with the welder
O Increase charge and leap effectiveness. Leap is still 40 damage per second, Charge was increased from 100 damage per second to 160 damage per second.
O Lowered armory cost from 20 to 15
O Electricity can now attack two targets at a time instead of one
O Lowered gorge armor from 75 to 50 (shouldn't affect gorge lifespan, as they usually have extra armor when they die)
O HMG cost reduced from 20 to 15 (marines should be able to attack at tier 2 without it being a make-or-break effort)
O Increased cloaking speed threshold so skulks don't wink in and out when using stairs
O Increased cloaking time a bit (one second divided by your current level of cloaking, ie 1 second, 1/2 second, 1/3 second)
O Fixed bug where weapon doesn't deploy after being rescued from a devouring Onos
O Fixed bug where turrets could be fire before they were built by recycling and building turret factories
O When you use a phase gate, it checks to see if there are any structures blocking the phase gate. If there are, it blocks the phase. It then checks to see if there are any players blocking the phase gate. If there are teammates that have phased within the last 2 seconds, it blocks the phase. If the phase succeeds, it kills any players that are on the phase gate. So teammates have a 2 second window to get off the phase gate; enemies are telefragged instantly. Structures however can still block a phase gate, though this will likely change in a future version.
O Removed frame-rate dependence when building structures
O Fixed bilebomb exploit that could sometimes allow it to damage through walls
O Handicap can now be set in non-tourny mode. Message displays like active resource nodes message, every 20 seconds.
2.01 final
O 2.01e as base
O Version number and build settings
O Fixed problem where bile bomb wasn't always doing damage to resource towers
(Note: Many of these changes are to reduce the "do or die" effect for the marines (ie, when they launch an attack and if they fail, their victory chances are much reduced))
O Reduced siege cannon build time from 15 to 10
O Reduced siege upgrade time from 22 to 15
O Reduced heavy armor cost from 20 to 15
Armor and health changes to address the following issues:
- Hive-1 Fade/Onos too powerful
- Hive-2 Fades too powerful
- Carapace is a bit dominant
- Swifter game resolution on both sides when significant advantage
NOTE: Don't freak out, most of these changes don't actually affect anything, as many aliens died with excess armor, and there were other changes made to the armor system.
NOTE: There may be some problems with individual alien/carapace/hive combinations where an alien has too much or too little health/armor, but it's now easy to remedy
NOTE: Overall, this is not a nerf to the aliens. It takes the edge off fades/oni and carapace early, and gives them some late-game strength. The vast majority of the time, the amount of damage an alien can take hasn't changed from 2.0x.
O Changed armor so it generally absorbs more damage (so players on both teams generally don't die with excess armor)
O Fade base armor reduced from 100 to 50, and carapace upgrade armor increased from 50 to 100
O Gorge base armor reduced from 75 to 40 (doesn't affect his lifetime, as he died with excess armor)
O Lerk base armor increased from 25 to 30, and his armor upgrade increased from 25 to 30
O Onos base armor reduced from 150 to 100, and armor upgrade increased from 100 to 150
O Reduced skulk health from 75 to 70
O Alien armor value increases with each level of hive. This means a 2-hive alien without any upgrades can take more damage then a 1-hive alien. The chart is as follows:
- # of hives: 0/1/2/3 -> each point of (alien) armor counts as 1.2/1.6/2/2.4/ points of health
- Result is lifeforms with lots of armor (Fades, Oni, players with carapace) are more fragile then v2.01e at hive 1, the same at hive 2, and more sturdy at hive 3
Note: in NS v2.01e and before, armor counts as 2 points of health
Note: the number of bullets to kill non-carapaced hive-1 aliens is the same as in 2.01e, so this isn't as huge a change as it sounds
- Knockback
O HLTV syn/ham match Saturday: (HLTV will be sponsored by nucleargamer.com)
- credit for mine kills
- Don't auto-reload when 0 ammo and resupplying at armory
- While charging, sometimes you don't speed up. So you're charging and at normal walk speed?
- Also as charging, after devouring charge refuses to work, even with full adrenaline, and takes up to 40 seconds before working again?
- Siege and OC fire sounds don't play?
- Test welding
jointeam(localPlayer, 1)
move player
giveNamedWeapon(localPlayer, "item_welder")
switchWeapon(localPlayer, "item_welder")
return getIsChecksumEqualTo("1209i120398123oiuo28308")
- Test damage types
jointeam(localPlayer, 1)
move player(double node)
buildMarineResourceTower(x, y, z)
setVariable("mp_tournamentmode 1")
giveNamedWeapon(localPlayer, "weapon_grenadelauncher")
switchWeapon(localPlayer, "switchWeapon(localPlayer, "")
giveNamedItem(localPlayer, "item_genericammo")
giveNamedItem(localPlayer, "item_genericammo")
giveNamedItem(localPlayer, "item_genericammo")
setAngles(x, y, z)
sleep(5000) // wait for grenades to go off
return getIsChecksumEqualTo("1209i120398123oiuo28308")
- Custom gamerules
global variable team1won = false
global variable team2won = false
- if(!theteam1won)
- return false
- add tech node
- add starting resource tower
- spawn every player at info_player_start
- give team 100 resources
- On win32 siege wont fire without scan (within range of obs). spotting doesnt work. havent tested on linux.
- On linux server (don't know about win,) being rescued from the innards of a digesting onos leaves you in a weird "weaponless" state where you can't change or fire your weapons. the fast cure is to hit your "drop weapon" button and then pick it back up again, and everything returns to normal...
- They seem very simple to fix by just locking cl_pitchup 89 and cl_pitchdown 89 (89 is the default for both of these and there is no conceivable reason for them to be lower. Higher values can be used to do some nasty things and are just annoying to play legitimately with anyway so please, please lock these.)
- Redeeming to Ventiliation 3-C hive on Hera gets you stuck in the hive frequently (not sure if it's a 2.0 or 2.01d issue, I don't get redemption much).
- Suiciding while commanding (http://www.teamkindred.com/cgi-bin/ubbcgi/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=4;t=000412)
- Look into a turret limit
O E-mail
O Process Constellation junk
O Work on 2.01
- Update FAQ with HL2 info
O News post
O Talk to Joev about stats
- Post SGI on E-bay (get pictures from Elliott first)
- Blackwall exploit
This exploit still remains, by abusive the console command 'Lightgamma' you can turn walls black to make it incredibly easy to spot aliens.
Set lightgamma to 100.
Turn on the flashlight.
Any wall you touch with the flashlight turns black.
Turn off the flashlight.
Set lightgamma to 0.
All structures and players are fully bright against the black walls.
After setting lightgamma to 0 you can remove the black by using the flashlight on the affected areas.
- Draw handicap on client, and allow in non-tourny mode (for voodooc -> http://ns.warmfuzzyland.com/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&p=5570#5570)
O New collision code to prevent players from getting stuck in structures (thanks Max!)
? Increased bilebomb force from 600 to 750
O Fixed blinking marine HUD artifact when switching weapons with lag
? Added VALVe Anti-Cheat support
O Leap reduced in speed slightly (think about removing/reducing leap damage and adding kick-back, so skulks could scatter marines with it)
? Skulks don't flip around as much in the air
O Fixed grenade launcher artwork on tech tree and build notification sprite
O Fixed hud_draw exploit
? Extensive stuck issues fixed, along with sinking buildings (thanks Max!)
? Digestion and gestation overlays now animate smoothly
? Resource and energy indicators now animate smoothly
? Updated Eclipse overview from Cadaver
O HMG does piercing damage. Rate of fire increased slightly (170.9 damage per second to 180.1 damage per second). (We all felt 190 was too much, when clip was 150 at least)
? Fixed small skulks view model animation hitches
? Updated Quark support (thanks Wolv!)
? Scores are now always drawn on the scoreboard (too many people are confused by not seeing them, and paradoxically, this may increase teamplay)
X The commander now has the same score as the best player on his team.
? Points are given for building and destroying structures and players.
1 point - Skulks and most marines
2 points - Gorges, sentries, OCs, upgrade chambers, marine structures, marine upgrades
3 points - Lerks, resource nodes, jetpacking marine, siege turrets, phase gates, observatories
4 points - Fades, HA marines, turret factories, infantry portals
5 points - Oni, hives, command consoles, advanced armory, prototype lab
O Fixed problem where ns-hltv.bat wasn't authenticating with WON (thanks Guspaz and UGL-ns|Larry!)
O Made changes to HLTV default settings
O Added translations for German, Spanish and Turkish (thanks Nemesis Zero and others!
? Third-person spectator letterbox fix (Max)
? Fixed small glitch where shooting a parasite made the view model hitch slightly
- Model consistency on dedicated server (agibs.mdl)
? Meet with Jeff to get manual organized and moving again
O Constellation payments
? Collision problems
- Occassional crashing around 10-15 mins (onos?)
- Debug crash on FoR
? Spectator UI for Max
? Renamed occurrence of "grenade gun" to "grenade launcher"
? Squads are no longer persistent through team change
? Updated FMOD sound library to 3.63 in attempt to fix crashing and hanging on Audigy cards
? Removed "HelpTextAlienCommunication" help message
? Updated "HelpTextAlienHiveSight" message
- Sidespeed change? (from Zek): By the way, I should add that the problem with decloaking when walking is partly caused by setting cl_sidespeed to 1000, which I(as well as many others) have done because Flayra has yet to address it. We still need to hear whether or not defaulting it to 400(and thereby "nerfing" diagonal movement) was an intended change, and either way it should be changed in 2.01 to be locked onto whatever the intended value is...
- Moved grenades client-side, added spinning animation
- Still needs work
- Structure notification broken (Max)
- Couldn't evolve to gorge near airlock on bast
- Fix server-crash/exploit where joining marine and readyroom quickly overflows
- Upgrading a TF (or armory?) restores it's health instead of preserving it
- Added 3rd-person reload animations for marines and heavy marines (thanks Def One!)
- Doesn't work while crouching
- Need heavy armor animations still
- Fix MOTD to use HL way, but disable team selection on client
- Show global chat in spectator mode
- Allow chatting while dead (and seeing chat)
- Force consistency on full-screen HUD sprites (gestating, digestion)
- Telefrag people blocking phase gates (if the same person blocks a gate more then a couple times, telefrag him)
- **Update titles.txt and AvHItemInfo.cpp to show leap and charge damage per second
- Bug where a : in your name causes chat messages to appear wrong (Dave/MadMaxx)
- Valve.rc fix (http://www.natural-selection.org/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=18&t=41688&st=0&)
- Exploits from Dave: http://www.natural-selection.org/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=15&t=41460&s=344d4f346f70db5411ee41d5b9e06b84
- Acid rocket bug (demo)
x Replacement for ric1.wav (http://www.natural-selection.org/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=18&t=40115&st=30&), more info in PM ()
- Address kill delay issues (remove it)
- Phase gates not rotating properly (use entindex())
- Phase tech not going away
- New command stations start with too much health (put breakpoint in Materialize)
- Update with latest titles.txt from Nemesis Zero (e-mail dated 8/27/03)
- Grenade reload aesthetic bug: If you reload it and you have, for example, 1 grenade in the launcher and 1 grenade with you in the ammo box, the reload animation is played as often as the difference between 4 and the grenades in the launcher, although you have only 1 grenade with you (in this case 3 times, but it should be played 1 time).
- You are an observer and you press the duck-key to get into the spectator menu. You click on "Options" and then on "Help". The cursor suddenly disappears and if you manage it to click on the "OK" button, the old TeamFortress team menu opens on screen. All replacements like those #Spectator_Menu_Help etc. aren't replaced, so I think you forgot this menu in the hurry to get out the new spectator mode. (Max)
- Bug where resource towers don't show until they are visible first (Max)
- Pretty up HLTV icons (Max)
- Particle system editing (Max)
- Stuck issue: going back to the ready room when you're an Onos (hera) (Max)
- <voogru> Something I noticed in the server dll, not sure if this is meant to be this way. But it seems that the "Health" message is spammed like crazy to the client when they die until they respawn (Max)
- Don't ever show progress bar when spectating (Max)
- Building alien structures on marine IP gets them stuck (Max)
- if u +duck, and +use, u cant +moveleft.... but u can move any other way (cx.rain) (Max)
- Green text on some machines?
- Make sure disabling dynamic lights affects phase gates as well (cl_dynamic lights, must be disabled on the client-side, so do it by removing the flag in AvHHud::ClientProcessEntity). Any others? (Max)
- Improve quality of HLTV icons (Max)
- Remove a couple more sprites, or figure out a way to unload them (some people still get the 128 HUD sprites crash) (Max)
- Fix bug where sometimes some pop-up menu nodes don't go away (I've seen it with lag, not sure how to repro, but maybe some #nsers or PTs would know?) (Max)
- Primal scream icon
- Parasited text blocks FPS spec view text
- Fade deploy animations after morphing into him (also, blink to claws switch)
- Option to research phase tech is still there after researching it. (thanks Grep!)
- Music not playing after a round restart?
- Remove config.cfg and other files automatically from dedicated server install
<sYn|Terminotaur> alias specialhop "-attack2; wait; +jump; wait; -jump; +attack2;"
<sYn|Terminotaur> alias "+hop" "alias _special specialhop; +attack2;"
<sYn|Terminotaur> alias "-hop" "alias _special; -moveup; -attack2;"
<sYn|Terminotaur> bind whatever +hop
<sYn|Terminotaur> that loops jumping so you can bhop pretty well ^^
<sYn|Terminotaur> it's pretty well accepted in the tfc community though
<Flayra|201d> wtf does the _special do?
<sYn|Terminotaur> loops commands
Other tasks
- News update
- T-shirts
- Announce 2.1
? Update Constellation page with non-US payment info
O Get new password/access for site
- New contact pop-up for web site
O Post to everyone for backups
- Write a 'getting into the industry' page for overmind.org
- Formal team and community re-org
- Write up requirements for Joe
- Global statistics
- Official servers
- Community calendar, where anyone can submit events, and they are approved and posted on n-s.org
- NS insider (mailing list)
- Keep track of player statistics, and use to show level and preferred class on forums and in-game
- Live event system, for broadcasting events to all servers (tell players to go to ready room, and use terminal there, which execs a special client command)
- This would be great with VGUI2, so it could flash and alert you when there's a new version or special event
- Hub servers, which people join automatically (executes special query to put them on a hub server, or a game in progress that's uniquely suited for them)
O Write Peter Molyneaux
O Remove Lou "Z3r0" Trujillo FORUM NAME: Z3r0 EMAIL: Z3r0@chem-x.net WONID: 1212637 from forums (removed auth already)
Official n-s.org server
HLTV password: hltvonarack
A new balance methodology
- Inefficient, slow and stressful to talk to individuals
- Stats are needed, but not just wins and losses, but as much info about the win as possible
- Need to see full game history, and snapshot of how the game was ultimately won
- Include when and where structures were built and destroyed (though this implies a game by game analysis, which isn't efficient)
- Maybe some kind of asserts, where you're asserting that the counter is actually working? Ie:
- assert that grenades are killing players in umbra, or that aliens with OCs at hive aren't losing to tier 1 marines
- assert that the total res income on both sides is generally the same (graph it)
O Update team page with contributing mappers
X Limit teams bug? http://www.natural-selection.org/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=8&t=40941&s=773009872303c6181f887b0edc332c5e
- HLTV pass
? remove old dramatic triggers
- add a few good dramatic triggers
- add HLTV icons for health and ammo (shows marine hand right now)
- snap all particle system heights to map height if time
? Remove drawing of view cones
X Remove "viewing through the eyes" message
- Improve quality of icons
- Record/playback pass
- Siege/obs bug (seems to work when you scan though?)
- <Sirus^> If you have 2 obs, and if one is researching, and the other is destroyed, then when the other one finishes researching or if the research if finished, then the building that's still left doesnt count towards anything in the techtree, IE. Phasegates, even with the technology already (or if the research is cancelled)
- Typing kill right before being devoured (you die inside Onos and sound is messed up)
- Metabolize not showing up on some flavors of linux (Gentoo and Slackware) (Prodigy)
- Most people have voicecomm bound to the "V" key. Guess what button is used for commandermode to recycle buildings?
- Devour is a bit picky
- Add help tips to tell marines to ask for orders, health and ammo
- Round up when getting ammo from the armory to fix rounding problems for odd clip sizes
- Possibly speed up devour?
- cl_sidespeed default is 400, setting to 1000 lets you strafe properly (axe)
- keep scoreboard populated after end of round (needed for CAL/tournies)
X Remove TF requirement on electricity?
- Jumping to alerts doesn't always work (HAMBOWN)
- Fastswitch exploit for GL
* infinite blink still possible using adrenaline.
- Give snark crash? Fam?
X Fix versioning (wait for feedback from Joe)
- From Bacon Bits: obscure bug I dunno if you know about. If you hold forward while you evolve once you do that progress bar stays and shows your adrenaline rather than going away
- ns_nothing crash bug: if you build a OC between the two doors near power silo it crashs alot of servers or laggs the server to near death , if you close the door and build a OC at the right time it gets cought in the door and wont move at all , easily done too :/ , anyway if its been said before thanx for reading if not there is a demo attacked showing what i mean. (ns_nothing-crash.zip)
* JP energy gets set to zero when you exit the command console.
* cloaked structures other than sensory chamber do not become uncloaked when touched.
- Performance work
O Major server optimizations (CS entity caching)
O Move animation debug data into variable
O Use more caching when doing world update
? Smarter about querying world entities in AvHTeam
? Inlined determine vis and others
- Added mp_performance when PROFILE_BUILD #defined
7 Game rules think
1 update world
2 particles
4 everything after particles
120 Player think (120 for just player think)
8 ready roomers think
16 spectators think
32 aliens think
64 marines think
896 AddToFullPack
128 use caching or not
256 process NS visibility or not
512 propagate non-self entities
1023 for everything
- 9 players playing on bast (with cheats, hosted on cable)
- 1023 -> 30-50%
- 7 -> 4-5%
- 127 -> 5.5% (fluctuates as per 'normal' NS)
- 895 (all but caching) -> 40-60
- 767 (all but NS vis) -> 40-50%
- 1016 -> Not a big difference
- 511 (everything but don't propagate non-self ents) -> Average of 6%! It really is AddToFullPack
- 896 -> essentially the same as 1023
- 384 -> plummetted
- 0 (with 10 players on bast with lots of ents) -> 28% (where is this going?)
- Conclusions:
- nothing but # of entities matters, and it matters only because of AddToFullPack.
- the implementation of AddToFullPack is very important
- There is something else that's taking 20-30% of CPU that's not covered by GET_RUN_CODE
- Rolled back to CS AddToFullPack and performance wasn't significantly different then NS' cached and lengthier version
- Main conclusion: performance is largely taken up by AddToFullPack and some other (probably NS) code.
- This other section is now affecting bots as well, where previously it didn't seem to. Rebuilding in release and without profiling to see if that's it.
- Release/without profile and without bot thinking is around 1% per player still
- TriggerRemoveTech gets called over and over sometimes, expensive and wrong (change to kind of reference count?)
- Performance is still very much tied to # of entities...put back in other AddToFullPack optimizations?
O Ask KFS for South hive translation
? e-mailed
- HLTV triggers
- Fixed crash bugs:
- endgame crash
- after big game, players go back to ready room. A couple people join teams, the game resets and gets ready to start
- during the reset (PostWorldPrecacheReset), players that had already joined team one, rejoin the team (AvHGameRules, 2056, AttemptToJoinTeam(...TEAM_ONE)), their playmode is set to playing (AvHGamerules.cpp, 410), all times are destroyed, m_pActiveItem isn't null but is invalid and Holster() fails
- turn on cheats, bind "give item_health" to a key, then spam it 200 times
- Invincible hive: shooting eclipse hive while it's building?
- Onos stuck: only when using MC
- gestating to Onos on top of rail outside of tanith start gets you stuck (HAMBONE)
Next vet beta
O Linux build
? Get CURL building
? Get NS building
? Build new asset files for server-only release
? Resolve linker errors (Joev is on this)
? Get new CURL into source control
? Entering testing!
? Compatibility issues
? Missing fade abilities
? Unable to build alien res towers
? Performance
- oprofile (source forge)
- stlport
- Record/playback
- Disable pop-up menu
- Spectator windows don't show up right
- CC improvements and fixes
- Fix CC bug where nothing can be selected (only after a couple games?)
- Jumping to alerts doesn't always work (HAMBOWN)
- Holding duck while selecting will select all of that type (jetpacks, heavies, vanilla)
- Holding run will add to selection
- Allow clicking on voice indicator to select and jump to player
- Move commander tooltips to the left, next to requests (they are overlapping with action button help)
- Make commander text white, with yellow border
- Make commander action button tooltip fade out after some inactivity
O PR stuff with MonsE
? Write up press release tonight
? Work with him to deploy it at 7pm
- Team chat tweaks
- Team chat (messagemode2) should be visible to all teammates, regardless of who's dead or alive.
- HL comm should be audible by all teamates (dead or alive), and only teammates (not specs or HLTV viewers).
- All chat (messagemode) should be visible by everyone in the server at all times, including spectators or those in the ready room; text sent by those in the readyroom or spectating should be visible to players also. (people can join the game, say "scrim?" or something like that, and get a response this way)
HLTV issues
- General networking issues
- Death messages work, but why don't particle systems get propagated?
- Any state that is to be displayed per player, needs to be stored in the player entity (NS client and server doesn't think player is spectating, it just sends all data to HLTV proxy)
- Team HUD
- Current/team resources
- Current hive situation
- Structure health (client drawing)
- Player health, armor (why isn't this propagated or used?)
- Weapon deploy anims
- Ammo
? gmsgSetResources (stored per player)
- Remove gmsgPlayerAction (not used)
- Remove gmsgSetFOV
? Remove gmsgSetSoundNames, put sound name into netname
- Particles
- Location names (store in unused string in player?
vuser4[0][0-1]: clip ammo (reduce HMG max to fit into one byte?)
vuser4[0][2-3]: reserve ammo
vuser4[1][0]: fov
vuser4[1][1]: gamma
vuser4[1][2-3]: team/player resources
vuser4[2][0-1]: current health
vuser4[2][2-3]: current armor (max can be computed using iuser3 and iuser4)
- Add two special entities for more global settings? This would be propagated to players on the team, and always to HLTV proxies.
- Global info
- gamma, remove gmsgSetGammaRamp
- Particle templates?
- Team info
- hive info, gmsgAlienInfo
- Hive sight and motion-tracking via network messages?
X Minimap fix/update/rework for marines (use HLTV like DOD 1.0)
? Got basic system almost working, clearly the way to go
- Works when spectating, but icons don't draw properly when playing. They are being added, but when they are drawn they are culled, because world -> screen says they are behind the player
- V_CalSpecRefDef 1, V_CalSpecRefDef 2 works but V_CalcRefDef 1, V_CalSpecRefDef 2 doesn't.
- Appears not to be spectator related, as it works fine when specing aliens, but not when specing marines. Seems to be GetIsDrawingMarineView() related.
- Doesn't matter it's position, still doesn't work when minimap is at same size/position as spec map
X Mines now take damage normally and have 150 hit points. They detonate when they are killed. This allows gorges to bile bomb them and to a limited extent, lerks to spike them. Skulks can try bite them if they want...
X Mines now show up on your reticle help if you look at them
X Mines spark when they take damage
X Mine shakiness
- Enhance balancing interface with basic analysis
- Use kBalanceTeamSize, kBalanceNumGorges, kBalanceHiveDistance, kBalanceNodeDistance for calculations
- Time to second hive
- Time to third hive
- Time to first Onos
- Time to first HMG
- Time to jetpacks
- All gorge strategy
- MG shots vs. skulk (for each damage upgrade and for each carapace level too)
- "MG vs. uncarapaced Skulk -> 1/2/3/4"
- "MG vs. level 1 carapace Skulk -> 2/3/4/5"
- "MG vs. level 2 carapace Skulk -> 2/3/4/5"
- "MG vs. level 3 carapace Skulk -> 2/3/4/5"
- # bile bombs against resource tower
- # of shotgun blasts to kill a hive
- Automate updating of manual
O Designed system and did initial work
O Wrote Jeff to create small manual
- Integrate with Perforce, get fully functional
- Need way to visualize games
- Emitting # of nodes is a great start, but need more
- Aliens
- Need to know # and type of aliens, # of building/active hives, % of player time for each alien, alien upgrade chambers built and upgrades used
- Marines
- What tech tree looks like
- Both
- Average # of res towers, player deaths (and distance from spawn?), structures killed, resources harvested, resources spent, % of tech researched, game length, % time alive
First 1.1 feedback from vets
O Marine buildings take too long (IP especially)
X Jetpacks are wimpy
O Spores too weak
? Aliens generally die too quickly
Sucks not getting acid until 3rd hive
Protolab interface is weird and non-intuitive
Spectator crash
Love the new hive sight sprites
Love sensory, silence
MG feels faster, more powerful
Can be fixed during vet playtesting
- Ready room spawning as Onos
- Come up with a solution for spawn-camping
- Fix bug where person being digested can still spot for sieges
- Fix bug where digestion sound tweaks were still playing on end game
- Fix voice icon when speaking
- Demo record testing, improving, tweaking
- HLTV dramatic hooks
- Clean up scoreboard timer
- VAC testing
- Minimap fixes
- Bind exploits
(from CheesyPeteza)
You probably already figured out how this was done. But just incase I thought I better let you know:
impulse 119 leap
impulse 120 blink
impulse 122 charge
impulse 122 works slightly as a marine. :o It makes you go forward a bit and does about as much damage as a knife. There is no limit to the rate of fire though. So by binding it to mwheeldown, 3 flicks of the wheel can kill an onos and skulks are toast. You have to be right next to the enemy.
I also noticed you can do blink without losing energy and without sound using impulse 120. Also as an onos charge does charge without the sound, but you still lose energy. And I assume you already know about the leap problems.
- Last Fade ability
- Metabolize: which drains energy when used, but for the next second, converts incoming damage into energy. Depends player knowing when he's going to get hit, and using it to maximize his energy. (kinda like Melnorme)
- Makes sound when used, creates particle effect when damage is converted. Is active for 1 second after used. Shows "metabolizing damage to energy" on HUD when under effect. Adds "gamble" effect that I've always wanted, and is easy to do. Scales well with damage too! Infinite turrets, HMGs, mines, he can handle take them, though he can't do anything else. Something on the order of 10 damage points per .1 energy. Swap with acid rocket because it's so powerful and to allow more range earlier?
- Presence: draws nearby (airborne?) players (or player under reticle) towards him. Could be used to draw players into traps and would be easy to implement.
- Frenzy: like claws, but each successful attack on a player increases you max speed and damage (takes double energy to use)
- Lerk spike vs. bite
- Spike:
- Good: fits support role best, only alien hitscan attack
- Bad: players will use it against structures, even if it takes minutes, it's a little redundant with spores
- Bite:
- Good: vets/clan players love it, dog-fighting vs. JPs, cool effect where lerk flies in and person dies instantly, more visceral then spikes
- Bad: spikes show on model but are never used, means lerk could be a great fighting class in talented hands
Adding marine skill
- Locational damage
- JP subtleties
- Recoil
- Decide on role of armor